LOCATION: United States
C and A Auto
I took my car to them to be fixed and they totaled my engine. I took them to court and the judge was senile and only awared me 75 Dollars. I am in the process of doing an appeal right now. I am letting anyone who lives in the area and needs work done on there car please do not take it there. They will mess your car up and refuse to pay. read full review »
Consumer Advocacy Group
This company claims to give you $1, 000 in free grocery offers! I actually think they use two names which is weird..My mom actually heard the ad on the radio and I was calling to see if it was legit...First he asked for me to take a survey and then he said you qualify & just need to pay the one time fee of $4 and some change for the shipping...Thats actually not bad, but i felt a little skepticle and I said i will call back later. So i looked online and saw other people complaining that they will take your credit card information &... read full review »
MVQ shopessplus
I've tried over and over to stop this monthly charge of $14.95 but got no where. My solution: have the bank send you a new debit/visa card (as if it were lost) but make sure you inform other auto-debit companies (ie. EZPass, gym membership) of your account no. change. read full review »
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map] Complaints - Pour use of time on the job
Review all Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map] complaints
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map]
Posted: 2009-12-28 by taf
Pour use of time on the job
Complaint Rating:
Company information:
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn
Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map], Minnesota
United States
http://www.healthlink-mn.com employee... read full review »
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map] Complaints - Pour use of time on the job
Review all Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map] complaints
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map]
Posted: 2009-12-28 by taf
Pour use of time on the job
Complaint Rating:
Company information:
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn
Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map], Minnesota
United States
http://www.healthlink-mn.com employee... read full review »
Healthlink Addresses: 7261 Ohms Ln Minneapolis, Mn 57587 [map]
http://www.healthlink-mn.com employee LynnKneeland-Adams likes to waist her time at Healthlink MN for her own personal family issues. read full review »
waltman weinberg reis
calls elderly disabled hearing impaired parents constantly.. the calls begin as 830am when answered a recording is all that is heard to call 1 800476 7315 no written correspondence - no details whom they are trying to reach or anything just constant calling its harrassment to my parents He said once he did try talking to them he could not get them to understand he could not understand and they needed to stop calling they just kept getting irritated and loud that made it worse since he still dont know what they wanted. read full review »
I have been trying to work with HFC concerning a side loan that they made to me when I refinanced my mortgage. For several years all was well until my mother fell ill with cancer which unfortunately was not one that responded to traditional chemotherapy. Instead she needed a special type of therapy that carried a co-pay of 1400 dollars per dose. My mother lived with me on social security so what could I do but pay the money. Eventually we ran out of savings and it came down to what do we pay...so the side loan fell behind...I had to keep the... read full review »
I ordered and received trial weight loss capsules at a cost of £3.49, for postage. My credit card company now says that I have been charged an additional £76 by Super Cleanse, which I did not authorise. I need to have this charge rescinded. [email protected] . read full review »
Garden City Group, Inc
How did I get this. Living on a very low income and can't afford this. All I want to do is cancel this. read full review »
I predict this company must do something right now to improve its customer service or it will be gone by June 2010. I ordered the printing of 1, 000 tri-fold brochures from the company earlier this month. In the past, I've ordered business cards and post cards from them, but never had a complaint. I'm someone who generally doesn't write complaints like this, except when I feel I'm being abused or severely neglected.
I paid via my PayPal account and confirmed the payment in the PayPal account section and with my bank... read full review »
Biotab Neutroceuticals, Inc.
The above company continues to charge my credit card monthly and send product that I have requested to be stopped! read full review »
Safe Report
Website said I could get a free report. I e-mailed them 3 mo. ago to tell them I didn't want their services and noticed they are still charging!!! Also have no way to contact them read full review »
M And T Bank
ok i have been a customer of this bank for a year and 2 months and when my account is negative the manager of the only branch in town decides to not just freeze my atm card but to put a stop on it all together so i cant use it i am a disabled veteran who is on a very fixed income so i had money deposited in my account on 12/24/09 so i give it 2 days cause when ur account negative and ur card freezes after your account has been positive for 24 hours the card unfreezes and u can use it...well i come home from christmas and find my cable had been... read full review »
Jolena Schadel
I can't believe what goes on in this neighborhood. The people a few houses down, Jo and Brent, fight continually. It usually starts with Brent and Jo's daughter, Katie. Katie talks back to Brent and treats him like crap. She acts like a spoiled little brat. When Brent finally reaches the point of no return, he fights back by saying that Katie is a "whore". This causes a backlash by Jo, who goes after Brent with a vengeance, yelling and screaming, and hitting and kicking him. She even locks him outside. One time he had to... read full review »
Global Green Holdings, LLC
Anyone who has been damaged by this company please contact [email protected] Immediatly we want to hear your story! read full review »
Melissa Wilkerson
Melissa Wilkerson is the nosiest neighbor I have ever met. We just moved in and she is already watching our every move. She claims to be our friend, but she tries to butt in all the time. Whenever my husband is outside working in the yard, she is peeking out the basement window checking him out. I am getting sick of her constant interference in our lives. She claims to be a "devout Christian" but I wouldn't put it past her to steal money out of the collection plate every Sunday. At first I thought her and her husband, Craig... read full review »
K-Mart - Boone NC
The manager of the K-Mart in Boone seems like a nice guy but I noticed that an associate called him several times when they needed help and he never came and once he did he would not help out he just called more people. He stood on the side asking ppl how they were... they were tired of standing in line with only one cash register open. The guy talks nice but he seems to leave his employees out to dry on there on. I heard the customer service girl complaining that all he does is sit in his office and someone said you work for "one of... read full review »
Plastic Surgery Institute of Washington
Buyer's remorse.
Want to get stuck with over inflated balloons? I wanted smallish natural looking breasts (NOT big) to restore my pre-childbirth size which wasn't big at all. Dr. Douglas L. Forman assured me the size would be right, but the result is a tight, high-and-round totally fake look that is completely unnatural. I did not want to look like I had a boob job. Now, it's obvious and embarrassing. And just before the surgery he talked me into another 10% more cc's.
This guy talks smooth. He says, "most... read full review »
gamesaver internet
these people are going in my bank account and withdrawing money out of my account and i dont have any idea what it is. please make them stop doing this.i did not give them permission to do this. read full review »
Denny Wiggers Garden Center
I have been ripped off. Do not recommend Denny Wiggers. Hidden service change, less than a cord, ridiculously odd sized mismatched wood and it was so green it felt like iron. The stuff would hardly burn it was so wet. I called and complained and Denny or whoever said he would remedy the situation in a few days, but it never happened. read full review »
I recently moved and needed to get my real estate license in my new state. I signed up with this program and was immediately disappointed. It was HORRIBLE.
The content was often inaccurate and incomplete, and did not at all prepare me for the test. When I contacted the company, I received some of the worst customer service in my life. The people that work here are rude and do not care about their "students." All they care about is collecting money.
DO NOT sign up for any course they offer on their site... read full review »
Great Expectations Dating
Great Expectations Dating promises activities that can be attended. Their idea of a "dating activity" seems to be going to a restaurant to eat. They say to look at the site halfway through the month to see activities for the next month. There is never anything new until the end of the month. This is 12/27 and nothing is listed for January. The few things I did sign up for were cancelled because not enough people signed up. Of course, not many people signed up; they probably needed more than a few days notice to make their plans. In the... read full review »
Jerry Malone
i have this charge on my home phone bill.
called weeks ago and had it cancelled becuz i didnt ask for or need this service
have an answering machine.
have conf# TA121592013
have this charge taken off or you will hear from my attorney. read full review »
Manmeet Singh Kakar
I opened 2 accounts at main branch in patiala and deposited 500 U.S dollars in my NRE account # 016201009244 and 5000 INR in my NRO account # 016201075800 on 02-09-09 on one deposite receipt. Today i just logged in my account online and when i checked my account it only shows 5000 inr and the other account shows balance of 0.00 so kindly inquiring into the matter on priority bases and let me know on my e-mail address as well as my home address on your records.<br />
<br />
Hoping for an early and favorable respond. read full review »
iRobot Scooba 5800
I bought the Scooba from iRobot only to be disappointed like most people. These machines break and no one at iRobot wants to fix the product. They simply tell you to buy a new one (and they will keep the old one for parts). Very Very Very Dirty Business Mr. iRobot!! I have read so many horrible complaints. People are scanning the internet for answers, and finding little to no professional help. Repair companies offer to fix the problem, but you have no way of knowing if even they are telling you the truth when you are told again... read full review »
American Alarm
not delivering on sales promised by company rep. Support personnel never call you back and every time I call it is a fresh call, no one seems to keep records of the calls and so the support rep is aware of the previous issues. A doing business void at all costs. I wish i googled this site before signing the contract. read full review »
store front riches
Just like the others on here they applied billing to my phone bill without my permission. I will be contacting the phone company and THEY will take of the them or I will change phone companies. So, far as i can tell eveyone who has this same complaint all belong to AT&T. read full review »
Sprint Mobile and Cell Flirt
I think there are plenty of us who have been scamed by Cell Flirt with the coperation of the cell phone companies. Are any of you out there getting tired of being continually taken advantage of and having your hard earned money stolen by "trash" companies like Cell Flirt. How about we get together and file a class action lawsuit against primarily these predatory mobile phone companies? read full review »
Sham frickin doesn't work wow
I ordered a sample trial for $4.95 and my credit card has been charged $64.90 twirce. I am returning your two unopened bottles and expect my card to be credited immediately. I am sending this to the state representative and the better business bureau along with the attorney general's office. You have ripped off the wrong person this time. read full review »
Granby Medical Clinic
I would advise anybody to avoid the Granby Medical Center as a patient whenever possible. 7-mile clinic and the medical center in Kremmling are other options.
As someone who used to work at Granby Medical Center I know the following things occurred on a regular basis:
1. The cat-scan room was often not disinfected due to a technician who locked herself in there, which Robin Trainor (not Dr. Bohlender), director of the medical clinic, allowed.
2. The management refused to address at least one case where medical records were lost... read full review »
Brookview financial
I was took for $3490.00 by them my rep was named David Parker. I know they read these complaints so David i will be seeing you in person in the next few days. You will not like what i will do. read full review »
fannie mae loan/Bank of America
I have been in a loan modification trial for seven months through Bank of America which is now under the umbrella of BAC LP. My trial period of lower monthly payments including Taxes, mortgage payments and( supposedly homeowners insurance ) is in its (7th) month. No finall paperwork and documentation...
I have never missed a payment under the new rules. I have called Fannie Mae to complain. They said they would call back, which I beleive they will do.
However Bank of America will not return my calls and now they say my analyst i... read full review »
Equifax Credit Agency
I signed up for the annual subscription to Equifax's Gold Credit Reporting Monitoring Program for about $130 (annually). They sent lots of emails and it was nice to have, but after a year, I decided it was not something I was interested in renewing.
When the emails reminding me to renew came flooding my in-box, I ignored them. They were asking me to renew, so I thought, don't respond and it won't renew. WRONG. They automatically renewed me based on the card I used to subscribe.
When I called about thi... read full review »
car audio 101 stereo instellations
i a few monthes ago bought a new car and wanted my stereo system fm my old car installed properly in my new car, so i contacted car audio 101 in lincoln city oregon i was told on the phone worst case senerio it would cost 115.00.so i traveled the 28 miles 1 way to have them do it so long story short before i left i pay'd 135.oo and when i got hm that night relized my neon lights that were installd under my dashboard were gone so next day drove bk up to car audio and confronted the guy who put my stereo in and he stated "he had removed... read full review »
Harry Keane / Becky Purcell / NuVista Studios / Perission Studios
I am yet another person that Harry Keane Jr. and Becky Purcell have ripped off.
Harry Keane Jr.'s and Becky Purcell's view points are not relivant on any matter regarding any ripoff complaint/report.
Look at the wake of destruction that follows these people!
This wake is clearly documented for you as a warning/alert. I strongly suggest that you avoid these people and anyone associated with them. Just skip Harry Keane Jr and/or Becky Purcell. Go and gain other allies. Surround yourself with people you trust.
If... read full review »
Paragon Properties of Costa Rica / Bill Gale
I was sold undeveloped land in Costa Rica with the promise that the infrastructure would be completed within 18-24 months so that I could begin building on the lot I put 35K down on, however as of today which is approximately 44 months after the purchase of my property there is still no infrastructure in place and nothing has been done in my development where I purchased my property. It is a direct breach of the Real Estate Agreement that I signed and at this point I would like to get a complete refund of my money.
I purchased what was stated as being One Hectar ( lot 20 ) in the Mirimar area in the palnned community of Playa del Sol. read full review »
Provisional Patent Application
I filed a Provisional Patent Application with LegalZoom.com and was sent the draft application for order # 5499994 instead of my order # 25014185. I am concerned that the draft of my patent application was sent to someone else. read full review »
Seattle Coffee Direct Coffee
I ordered a sample early in 2009. I was very dissatisfied and I called and I canceled this company 6 months ago. They recently sent me two bags of coffee I did not order. They charged my debit account $79.00! How and why does this keep happening and what can we consumers do about it? This is outrageous. To whom can I complain? The attorney general of Illinois?
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4004
Evanston, IL 60204 read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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