LOCATION: United States

acheive card
jaja85 November 23, 2009
i didn't know why my hotel stay wasn't going to be paid for until the front desk mngr told me funds were unavailble on my acheive credit card. it was the weekend and the entire company was closed including the lost or stollen card area. i made 2 pay at the pump tranactions 15.00 and 45.00 they held 150.00 on my card that was (2) 75.00 payments, and i didn't that until i was able to view the terms on line. That was after if obatin the green dot card there was no way to even know this, just like the surprise of the 9.95 load fee. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
C & R Loan Modifications
bsemerson November 23, 2009
I sent them $952.98 and got no help. Now the phone is no longer working and I am still behind on my house payments. I lost my job in August and am is unemployed. Robert Alexander was very insistence about getting my money but completely stopped calling when I told him I lost my job. Stay away from this SCAM. Barbara Emerson [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chadwick University
TimK81 November 23, 2009
I spent $4000.00 for a bachelor degree at Chadwick University, my degree is useless. They advertised accredidation. I was layed off because of this schools fraudulant practices, I don't understand why they are allowed to remain in business, and if so why are they not cleaning up thier act. No employer will except this degree and no school will except the credits stay away from online schools Chadwick's owners should be put in prison for fraud. I will have to invest another $4000.00 plus to attend a traditional school. If anyone knows what kind of action I can take against this school feel free to leave a post. read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Solar Equipment Technology
SmitH59 November 23, 2009
Solar Equiptment Technology a Telemarketing company located at 151 Wymore Rd Altamonte Springs Florida misrepresented itself as being One Stop Solar to it's employees and consumers. As of 11-19-2009 at 3:45 PM I had a long converstaion with the owner of One Stop Solar Mr.Mark Borbeau. He is a honest individual and we had a lenghtly conversation about the stated Marketing Company and how they misused and misrepresented his companies Name. Please refer to the One Stop Solar Altamonte Springs Florida Blogg for a complete review of... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
TD Bank NJ
AngryJay November 23, 2009
Here's another pile of crap they are serving, my wife goes in there with a letter from an online payment service, stating that they made a draw on the account in error, instead of useing the funds from the online service, they took the payment from the TD bank account. She goes to the branch with the paper, and they tell her that the payment was already made, so they cannot reverse it. Since then, over $600 has been sacked from the account, however usually when I call the 800 number, they refund it, and here is the best... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Search Tix
RimA43 November 23, 2009
Search Tix.com charged me Twice the amount of face value for my WWE tickets. They will tell you in the fine print that there will be a service charge, but not how much, until it is too late. I wound up paying $635.00 for tickets worth only $300.00. When I found out how much more I was paying, and called for a refund, "they said they could not not help me even though the tickets hadn't even shipped yet. Beware of this company, I actually thought I was dealing with Ticket Master and somehow got to their website by accident. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
GeorA44 November 23, 2009
You need to know that if you are searching for jobs as a merchandiser or mystery shopper that there are other legitimate sites. Shadow Shopper will give you a 'trial membership' at a very low price and then take $60 out of your credit card account for the full membership - and you will likely never get a steady job out of them either. I was not notified until I saw this on my credit statement. They have over 700 complaints with Better Business Bureau so this is a red flag on their conduct with customers. The legitimate sites do not ask for a membership fee. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
dan campbell custom home painting
deangary727 November 23, 2009
there four of us painters rip off by a paint company. soleil builders part of it also they were general contractor of job site a historical home at 715 n.newprt ave. hyde park tampa florida. he had us paint house with wrong paints water down never cleaned it we painted mildew dirt very bad for home owners.i showed general contractor and they act like dont care, a our wages etc. they act like dont care. so we put a claim of lien on home and soleil builders he had us tear labels off paint cans and they were around job site showed gc this and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sharon Valencia November 23, 2009
I am very upset that I paid for a service that was promised and I have tried time and time again but yet have been able to recieve information that was promised I would like to recieve information on why I have not heard from anyone when I sent an e-mail before i was told that i would hear somerthing in 48 hours but nothing read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Viola Valley Dogs
ZacI56 November 23, 2009
I lost my beloved yorkie in an accident, and looking for another one found what was listed as a yorkie at VIOLA VALLEY DOGS of warren co. tennessee. being part of pet finders I trusted them, I did not get a yorkie, I got a mutt for $300.00. I should have known it was a dirty deal when she wanted to meet in lowes parking lot in McMinvill, but dumb me trusted her and took the dog and paid her. Got home and clipped part of his baby cot off and found I had a half starved mutt, with no people skills, starving and covered in fleas. Avoid them like the plague, unless you get recommendations and Call the recommendation. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Graybar Electric
EwaD21 November 23, 2009
Graybar is an employee owned company which has been around a long time, was incorporated in 1925. Some branches of this company seem to think it's still 1925. The branch in Canton, Ohio is more backwards than The Beverly Hillbillies. They seem to think that the way to manage the branch is to remove or demote employees who are hard working and whose values and ideas don't serve the best interest of the person in charge there. This manager's title is "Sales Manager" yet he is in charge of every aspect of the entire branch... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Miracle Windows
EdwF87 November 23, 2009
We just had a quote on our windows. Our choices were for almost the same windows from Miracle Windows for 10 windows installed including tax and installation 18, 000.00 or from Window World for the same thing all 10 windows installed including tax and installation 2330.00 both lifetime unlimited transferable warranty. I feel bad that some people do not shop around but i am not an idiot why pay more for the same thing. Anyone can bring 2 windows into your home and make the one they have look better. Spider-man does not live near me no one will... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
EverPet Basics with Tuna CAT FOOD
ForPathology November 23, 2009
This cat food made all 5 of my cats extremely sick. The dog even got into one of their bowls and it made her just as sick. All six animals have extreme diahrrea. So much to the fact, that even after a check with the vet and daily doses of medicine to stop the diahrrea, the cats and the dog STILL have it after 2 weeks. It's unbelievable. We won't ever buy this product again. This is terrible. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
JadO95 November 23, 2009
On Feb. 11, 2009 I signed a contract with LOA for 36 months. I had read on the internet of an LOA gym not too far from the area closing its doors just a year before and even questioned the sales associate about stability and was told they were doing well with membership and not to worry. On Oct. 14, 2009 (just 8 MONTHS) the doors were locked without notice. When I phoned National Fitness who does the billings/collections for LOA - they said our accounts would be froze until January, 2010 and there would be more information to come. I proceeded... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Safe HHO
RicO45 November 23, 2009
I purchased 3 complete units, received only 1 partial units. With what I have received, I can't even use the 1 unit I did receive. Sean Drazin, the owner, will no longer return calls, emails and will not issue a refund as requested several times. Also, his warranty and guarantee are a complete lie. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
US Equity Advantage
KloK58 November 23, 2009
I canceled my contract on November 4, 2009 after contacting my auto finance company and finding out that my November car payment hadn't been made even though the money had been taken from my account. I was told by Brenda that I would receive my money by November 18, 2009. On November 19, 2009 I called back to inquire to where my money was since my car payment was due on November 21, 2009. I was told by Brenda that she would try to have the money expedited. When she called me back she said it was being sent out that day by US mail. They... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lakeside Mall
IngaJ87 November 23, 2009
Customer Service staff at the Lakeside Mall in Sterling Heights (Macomb County), Michigan are rude and unfriendly. They give you hard time and mean looks if you are just a few minutes late in returning the scoters. Their manager there even yelled at me and falsely accused me of swearing at her staff. I never swore at her staff. Mall's manager was not easily accessible to hear my complaint, and would not return my calls or messages. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Robert A Locke
VanT41 November 23, 2009
This con man uses many names in his scams. Locke Star, Star Locke, Bobby Star, Locke Star Builders. His real name is Robert Arnold Locke. He has a lengthy criminal history of violence, public Drunkeness and theft. He is a pathological liar and a sexual preditor. Robert Locke should be treated with caution and skepticism, He changes addresses and names often. Among some of the lies he tells are that he was a General. He was Blamed for the bay of pigs, he was an embassador to Isreal. He gave up a contract with the yankess, He fought in bar... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
E.A.T. Sales
mary m mccready November 23, 2009
$3700.00 was taken from me with the terms that my timeshare was being bought by this company. no one else was involved. this company told me that this money was needed to search the deed, back taxes, maintenance fees and any money owed against the time share. I was called and told that everything was fine and in 15 to 20 days I would have my money. I have never been able to get in touch with anyone since. I have called repeatedly and no answer. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Nill November 23, 2009
From: YAHOO/MSN/LOTTERY PROMO<[email protected]> To: Date: Subject: YOUR WINNING CERTIFICATE NUMBER IS(YM/09788/60) GOOD DAY THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOU HAVE WON THE SUM OF £500, 000.00.00 POUND FROM THE YAHOO/MSN/LOTTERY PROMO.HELD ANNUAL 2009.PLEASE FILL THE INFORMATION BELOW AND SEND TO ([email protected]) Name: DR:FRANK WILLSON Email : [email protected] 1.Full Name: 2.Full Address: 3.State: 4.Occupation: 5.Age: 6.Sex: 7.Country: 8.Tel.Number: CONGRATULATION LUCKY WINNER YOU HAVE WON 500, 000.00.pounds read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Sam D. November 23, 2009
From: "BMW AUTOMOBILE GROUP PROMOTIONS" <[email protected]> To: undisclosed-recipients:; Date: Subject: Congratulations! Dear Email-User, Congratulations! Your email address attached to Raffle Draw Number:(BMW2752246897) emerged a lump sum payout of 500, 000.00 Pounds in the just concluded BMW Automobile On-line Promotion.For claims, You are advise to contact (Barrister Moore Smith Esq {UK}, Mobile:+4470-240-32553, Email: ([email protected]) with your secrete pin code/Batch... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
vukile November 23, 2009
i grt sms that i win millions read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
davewilby November 23, 2009
Yepbill.com are taking a regular debit of $39.98us and it is not authorised and i have tried to stop this through the bank and they say i have to contact the demander which do not respond to my mail is there any way i can speed a cancellation and get a refund read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Robert Locke Con Man DECEPTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES, port aransas
danielsim November 23, 2009
Robert A Locke, Animal Cruelty and Deceptive Business Practices, port aransas Locke Star Name: Robert A Locke Date Of Birth: 01/08/1940 IDENTIFICATION Robert A Locke 611 EAST RIVERSIDE AUSTIN, TX CAUCASIAN M DOB: 01/08/1940 OFFENSE DETAILS CASE NUMBER: 0299438 - Confirm Case at the Courthouse DISPOSITION DATE: 12/28/1989 STATE CODE: TX OFFENSE ID: TX_TRAVIS137852_1 OFFENSE CLASS: CLASS A OFFENSE TYPE: MISDEMEANO OFFENSE: DECEPTIVE BUSINESS PRACTICE This con man uses many names in his scam... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Laura Niklas of Certified love specialist.com
nikky07 November 23, 2009
I run into this woman website when i was searching for online psychic, i wrote her email regarding my situation and asked me to call, when i called her she told me that i have a negativity from my family & someone in my family doesnt want to see me happy in love thats why i have been going through different break ups, i just broke up from my ex then. SO she said i need to do a cleasing to remove the spell.. she asked for 2, 100 usd but i told her i dont have that kind of money this was because i never met her in person and if she turns out... read full review »
Filled under: Society & Culture Location: United States
Wrongful Charges November 23, 2009
will pay $1.95 for trial offer want Aug 25, & Sept 25th $59.80 refunded I'm not using this website & don't recall ever subscribing to it If I could afford $60.00 I'd have dental insurance which I desperately need check activity from my email address you'll see I don't use this website I will not be submitting payment for Dec billing cycle thru Target National Bank read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Unhappypetowner November 23, 2009
I would like to complain about the so called "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals". My cat got UTI I called my local vet to ask if they can pick him up they gave me the number for the spca and said that they can pick him up but they will charge me for it. I said that’s fine I will pay for it I called the spca, only to have them laugh at me and ask what are they suppose to do with the cat all they do is up them down and unless I want to put my cat down they will not help me, I explained to the lady what was going on... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Wilhelmina of PA
Stfin November 23, 2009
WILHELMINA OF PA IS A SCAM!!! Wilhelmina of P.A. is a supposed modeling/talent agency but they charge people $2400 for all kinds of fees, such as: forcing you to use their own photographer, their own modeling/acting classes, website, fedex, and many many more. First they bait you by not telling you these fees when they advertise on Craigslist and then when you attend their open call you find out what they're really after--the talent's money. You're not even allowed to use your own photographer, it has to be theirs and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Aetna and Bank of America
h8breedgirl November 22, 2009
AETNA has the worst disability claims analysts i've ever seen and dealt with... they are rude, liers, and just deny claims so they don't have to pay out, and side w/ whoever the company you work for... they take their time and extend the appeals because they are too lazy to get it done right away.. I don't think the disability analyts there are qualified at all... they also seem to take alot of days off, switch from one analyst to another...to another... why? because one can't handle the claim so they need to pass it... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
shell food mart road ranger
krissysmama November 22, 2009
My name is Dawn Middleton I am 18 years old.About a week ago I was in the shell gas station allso known as road ranger.And their was an emplyee named Bill in there working when I first got there I was going to the restroom and diagnol from the restroom is that room for employees only and I smelt weed comeing from that room.Then as I was coming out of the bathroom I heard him yelling at someone on his cell phone.I assume it was another employee and because he said you need to hurry up and get here i have to go pick up my son.Then I heard him... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
kmart on international drive
goheyah November 22, 2009
I went to Kmart to buy smokeless lamp oil i could not find any one to help me, finally i talked to a sales lady and she gave me the wrong directions to go get it . Is every sales person who workes at kmart on break all the time. I walked around kmart looking for this lamp oil over an hour. my receipt # is 0441511210901078819 read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
GERI B November 22, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Electrogear llc
Palmowski November 22, 2009
I filled out a application to get a computer they was supposed to get back with me never heard from none but they took out out money out of checking account without my knowledged . They steal from poor people to get rick is this right it should be agaisnt the law read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
RrokyGu November 22, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Pychic Investigator November 22, 2009
Was told 12 days results guaranteed, never saw any. Paid over $1200, got nothing and when I call her, always told not to call or she isn't there. You can't get a hold of this person at all. She is a liar and crook. Been over 2 months still can't get a hold of her. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Clarks clogs
SunnyD November 22, 2009
I purchased one pair of Clark's clogs last fall and wore them for about 2 months before putting them away during the winter. I took them out of storage this fall and was very discouraged that the rubber soles separated from the leather uppers the first time I wore them! I loved the comfort of those shoes so much that I just had to purchase a similar pair. However, after wearing them for only ONE day, the same thing happened to the second pair! I am very upset! I paid way too much money for these shoes to have this happen twice. I really... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
besttime November 22, 2009
With Interview Angel, you will:<br /> Be better prepared than you have ever been for a job interview. <br /> Execute the job interview in a confident and organized manner. <br /> Be hired sooner than others competing for the same type of jobs. Interview Angel includes:<br /> Five Ways to Inspire the Hiring Manager to Offer You the Job<br /> Critical Preparation Worksheets<br /> Essential Checklists for Phone and In-Person Interviews<br /> Key Interview Templates to Use During the Interview <br /> See the website: www.interviewangel.com for more information. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
nike max air
georgep November 22, 2009
$80.00 pair of shoes fell apart in less than a week the seller of the nike shoes who is rack room shoes would not take them back because they had been worn . duh these shoes are no better than any other 10 dollar a pair wall mart, made in china by some 8 year old who makes 4 cents a day, shoes if i cant get my money back i at least want about 10 new pairs so they can be thrown away when they break and i will have shoes for a year read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Washington Energy Services
schofield November 22, 2009
Sent a tech to my home first week in November 2009 to repair gas fireplace insert (which was originally purchased from W. Energy 11 yrs ago) Tech went in an removed a lot of the inside parts, said gas valve 'bad' and needed replacing. But didn't know if they had one to fit. Later on phoned to see if I could see the name on the existing valve. I could not (and thought this is what we're paying $250 for?) Being fed up, I called a local place whose tech came out, saw the big mess that was left (and took phtoos btw) went... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
5 star resort marketing
cruzean1 November 22, 2009
This a complaint about both Escape to Paradise in California and Platinum Property Exchange in Las Vegas (both the same company) and are now 5 Star Resort Marketing in California. A year ago I was contacted by Melinda Hofferbert from Escape to Paradise in Newport Beach, CA and was told how much better they are at renting and selling because they are in California where my timeshare is located (Tahoe). She said “I would not have a job if I could not sell it in 6 months”. About 3 months later my week was coming up for use and I made... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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