LOCATION: United States

Chickamauga Kennels
vonwals September 9, 2009
Puppy mill at its finest... About a year or two ago, a friend of mine that lives four hours from me asked me if I could check into a "kennel" for her in Chickamauga, Georgia. I immediately went to the website that has red flags of "puppy mill" all over it: multiple breeds for sale, almost all are CKC (Continental Kennel Club) registered, vague information, normally high-dollar dogs for LOW prices, etc. I spoke briefly with the owners, and I headed up there. Before I even got out of my car, I could hear hundreds of... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
wellbhealth 8667967336
Jacqueline Jennings September 9, 2009
I filled in a health questionnaire online which took me approximately 90 minutes to complete only to get to the end and realise I had to pay for the answers I was going to receive. When I realised this I sent an e-mail to the company kindly asking them to delete any data I had given them from their files and explaining to them this error I had made as I was in no way going to pay for this service, later on that day I received an e-mail back saying they were sorry I felt this way and they strongly reccommend that people viewing their website... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
UDR Fraud September 9, 2009
NYSE:UDR BREAKING NEWS: Cramer at “The Street” Says Riptide Will Drown UDR Along with Avalon Bay and Equity Residential September 9, 2009 Cramer: The State of the Market, Part II This is the second of a four-part series on the market we find ourselves in as we wind down 2009. Group 2: Commercial real estate plays. If there were one particular Achilles' heel of the bulls (amid a centipede-like group of Achilles' heels), it's commercial real estate. This issue is the stuff of endless articles and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Merelle Worldwide
NicholeK September 9, 2009
I was told that I would be sent a dvd to watch to explore a homebased business opportunity associated with Herbal Life. They has the BBB logo attached to their website. The cost was postage at 9.95. After I told them I was not interested they told me I would be charge 39.95 id I didn't return the CD. The orginal website also stated that they would refund the 9.95 if I wasn't interested. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
brooke sullivan September 9, 2009
a phone call said I would get a $100.00 gift card from walmart if I paid 4.95 for something...I don't remember but in the meantime, I've received nothing even after a letter to them which my credit card gave me address. Also I've had a freud purchase on my credit card which "they " are checking into...haven't heaerd a word about that although they did take off amount of freud. HELP!!! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Kaye H. Evans September 9, 2009
My attorney informs me that pmi.identity.com has been making fraudulent charges against my checking account for quite some time. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
antiques34 September 9, 2009
Stay away from www.sphenix.com and Ankush Shah. He and his company were hired by me to design an Iphone app for my website. We agreed on a price and time frame. He also required half down which I thought was fair. I did some research to make sure they were a reputable company and they seemed legit. Well - after many months of stalling and nothing but excuses they still have not given me ANYTHING to look at or use. Their latest excuse that thet Ankush Shah was in a car accident. That was the last of many. So - if you dont want to get ripped off stay away from www.sphenix.xom and Ankush Shah read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Earn Profit Pro
Terry59 September 9, 2009
I had canceled the Earn Fortune Pro, and they are still taking money from my bank account. I will stop it at the bank also. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Global Direct/ Seattle Coffee Direct
loishemm September 9, 2009
I had two transactions taken from my account. My credit card was rejected TWICE and then the transactions came out of my account. THEN the coffee was received AND RETURNED. I have been trying to get a refund since JUNE 4, 2009. I have heard that it will take 5 business days, 7-14 days (TWICE), automatic payment failed and it will be entered manually (TWICE), and then the same standard line it will take 7-14 days business days an TWO ADDITIONAL TIMES. It is beyond the 60 days of appealing the withdrawal from my bank (how... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
7399 Grant Resource network
dahereth September 9, 2009
They billed my a/c for 1.87, and then they went into a agreement policy for 97.00 per month, so I called the bank and had my a/c cancelled. I tried the #'s they gave me, 18669315695 or 8005580064, they are under easyhealthcenter.com, not government grants like they advertise.dah read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Maak for Pets
Phoedra September 9, 2009
This is nothing but a company of crooks looking to take your money and give you no product. As you can see I ordered on June 15, 2009 and still have not recieved any product. I had the credit card reverse the charges and then Maak sent me a certified letter with an invoice in it. When I signed for the letter they used that signature to try to say that I had recieved the products I ordered. Believe me this will be a fight to the death for that lousy $55.00 but they will get thousands of free REALLY BAD advertising. THIS COMPANY IS NOTHING BUT A... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
DAV, NSO, Representative
Hispanic Disabled Vet September 9, 2009
Attn: ALL VETERANS AND HISPANIC VETERANS DAV, NSO, Supervisor Andy Marshall of the DAV Regional Office in St. Petersburg, Fl. allowed a Hispanic Veteran to be coerced, threatened and forced to withdraw the claim for retroactive benefits. Proof with a letter from a US Senator's Assistant who was witness when this was said and done. In the 2009 May issue of the DAV magazine Mr. Marshall gets credit for getting another veteran 62 years of retroactive benefits. DISCRIMINATION AND DISPARATE TREATMENT, VIOLATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS ACT... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
BHUVANESH N September 9, 2009
I have recieved this mailfrom fake company and they got my ID. I am giving this complaint because as it is fake so that in future they should not use my id for any kind of purpose . The following are the details i have got... fromWEBLOTTO WEBLOTTO <ukweb0147@live.com> tobhuvanesh.n@gmail.com dateWed, Sep 9, 2009 at 12:57 PM subjectVERIFIED:CHOOSE OPTION OF DISPATCH mailed-bylive.com You are welcome to ScarLet Courier Service Ltd (Dispatch UNIT); an affiliate of the WEBLOTTO INTERNATIONAL. We are pleased to be at... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
asiapharma.com aka eurohormones.com
pat9 September 9, 2009
Eurohormones.com aka asiapharma.com is associated with William Llewellyn who is being paid to help sell asia pharma homebrewed anabolics as human grade and at the same time say that all other underground labs have high bacteria count and underdosed steroids. Mihael Karnner who owns eurohormones and asiapharma brands has been known to scam many. Karnner, Mihael info@pharmaeurope.com PO BOX 983 Klagenfurt, 9010 AT 44 716 18789 Technical Contact: Karnner, Mihael info@pharmaeurope.com PO BOX 983 Klagenfurt, 9010 AT 44 716 18789 Registration... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
AcaiBurn Secret of the Amazon
Vivienne Shearer September 9, 2009
I ordered what was supposed to be free sample of the above product but was then charged for those items and another 3 boxes that arrived. I have also had to pay shipping charges and bank charges for oversea payments! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Lucas Car Care
amber4842 September 9, 2009
I just wanted to share with others about the fabulous service I receive at Lucas Car Care every time I visit. The thing that stands out the most to me is regardless if it is your first visit or your twentieth, the owners and the staff of Lucas Car Care make sure I feel like the most important person there. I know that I can go to Lucas Car Care for a routine oil change or a complex engine issue and know that there are going to give me all the options available and are going to do whatever it takes to get it done for me. Thanks for being there... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Ainee September 9, 2009
i am writing is regards to the above company JAuctions as i have been trying calling them and email but to no avail, the only time they reply to me is when payment is not made but when they have received the payment not even 1 email that i receive from them as i have already made the payment for the online purchase and yet i have not receive any of the items paid, btw here their website : www.jauctions.com please help. Thank you. Ainee +65 82882617 Singapore read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Lottery winner
Reading star Nongbri September 9, 2009
sir, Ihave the honour to inform you that i received a message in my mobile which reads as 'your mobile won (one million pounds) yahoo/msn lotteryheld in London. To claim your prize contact Dr MarkJude via email (claimdept8900@live.com) .Now i am ambitious to get it but is it a truth or fraud? read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
hot wings
KrystalJ September 9, 2009
found a live roach in my hot wings. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Tony, clementon September 9, 2009
SearchHelp (SHLP) - EchoMetrix (EHMI) - Business (not likely) or Fraud? Hidden behind the seedy past of this company is a cadre of characters. Founded by Bill Bozsnyak in 2003 characters like Jeffrey Supinsky (banned NASDAQ trader – see below) are quietly pulling the strings. Supinsky, the owner of two million shares (3.5% of the company- only recently reported in the company’s S1/A – see below) is not so quietly jacking the stock. Shares of EchoMetrix (EHMI) recently shot up from very little trading to typically over 500... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
GEON, Inc Global Eudcation Opportunity Network
Anony192009 September 9, 2009
GEON, Inc AKA Global Education Opportunity Network, this company is been run by Steven Owlett and old greedy, dishonest scam artist. He approaches schools. universities and colleges claiming to get international students for a fee he bills colleges for application forms he delivers but these forms are fake incomplete and these students are non existent, non - qualifying student, basically oh are dead applicants all he wants is for colleges to pay him for applications, he is selling applications. This company does not even have a good... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
American Home Solutions Group/Dante Marquez
narcisab September 9, 2009
I have paid up front a $2000 e in exchange of getting a loan modification. Dante Marquez-president of company lied to me all this time he was supposedly taking care of my case . I got my property filed for foreclosure and when I contacted him he tried to convince me it is how the process takes place before getting the loan modification. I was fortunate or smart enough to contact an attorney and found out nothing has been done to my case since April 22nd therefore my lender, America Servicing Company canceled my application. I requested money... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
thinkpad x301
steven morth September 9, 2009
my notebook was shipped without an optical drive perhaps due to a mistaken order. I ordered the burner that was supposed to fit in the bay and was shipped the wrong drive. Thiswas unevitable due to Lenovo outsourcing the parts depatment and the part was not a web catalog item. I have been given the runaround and even open hostility from 2 of their warranty service providers Micros Northeast and TerminalsExchange with the so called Lenovo prohibition of parts sales I finally got an RMA but they have the gall to charge mr return... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Smartstyle # 4911
304girl September 9, 2009
I took my 13 year old daughter to get a haircut here, I asked the "STYLIST" if she knew how to stack and just trim up the same cut/ style. (her hair is trimmed every 6 wks.) She stated she could and also wax her eyebrows. We waited about 20min. She mutilated my daughters hair!Her eyebrows were crooked! and she charged me 42.98 The sign stated Adult shampoo and cut 14.95. She never shampooed her all she did was butcher her hair. When I asked her why it was so much, she said she styled it...NO WAY, NOT THIS CUT.SHE HAD CHARGED ME... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dri Kapersky Lab Orderfind.com
Robbsf September 9, 2009
My VISA credit card was charged twice on the same day for $59.95 + $9.95 by Dri Kapersky Lab. They sell antivirus software and I did not order any or authorize the purchase. I have found similar complaints online about their processor orderfind.com. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
N. Hansen September 9, 2009
I hired them to build a simple website for my company and it seemed like it was fine until their owner got involved. This guy Eric Olsen has no idea what he is doing. He sold us on some search engine optimization, and couldn't even get us ranked for some simple keywords. Now, I know it takes time to get ranked in search engines, but it has been almost a year and we don't even come up in Yahoo, Bing or Google. Overall, their designer are good, but just want to warn anyone looking for design services to stay away from Fasturte Interactive, they will rip you off. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
terry cowan
TERRY COWAN September 8, 2009
my dental bill was 2000 dollar now it over 3000 dollar Ifeel that I should pay for only the work they did on me read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
w41046 September 8, 2009
I paid for a service and it dosent work. email comes back in error read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
House Beautiful/Good Houskeeping
audely66 September 8, 2009
I am a single of mother of 4 and my salary is not enough for all my bills and food. Sometimes I don't have enough to buy all the food we need. It is not fair that House Beautiful and Good Housekeeping Magazines be stealing directly from my bank account. I deposit what I need for bills and because of them I know have a lot of overdraft fees. I did not subscribe for these companies, I don't even recieve the magazines but they are still stealing money. About a year ago they started doing that so I cancelled my bank account and created a... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Fieldstone Family Homes
MWJ BASHER September 8, 2009
MW Johnson is fieldstone family homes... beware these are the same people that have devestated many families out there... Troy Johnson, Trent Johnson and Bryan Wolfe are related and family with Bill and Maureen Johnson the legal owners of MW Johnson... please do your research and trust others and build with any other builder. Your house will not be quality and you will be supporting dishonest and criminal people... MW JOHNSON IS FIELDSTONE FAMILY HOMES!!! BE AWARE OF THESE PEOPLE>>>>>>>> read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Air Soft Atlanta / Echo One
Casey Jackson September 8, 2009
I purchased an Air Soft gun from Airsoft Atlanta in May, 2009. It was new in its original box. When I gave it to my son 10 days later, he opened it up and immediately noticed that the "Site" was crooked so you couldn't use it to aim. I attempted to bring it back to Airsoft Atlanta but they said their return policy is only 5 days. So I tried to get in touch with the manufacturer which had a 30 day warranty and at that time, it was still under the 30 days from purchase date. The Manufacturer was Echo One. After shipping the unit... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Hamilton Southwest Security
Ex_Employee September 8, 2009
( This company used to go by Freds Erectors ) Fred Aguilar(President) Alfred Aguilar (Office mange) Monica Aguilar ( HR) BEWARE anyone who is seeking a job with this company or wanting to hire them. These people treat their employees unfairly. This is a family based company and anyone who is not family will be called stupid and have papers thrown at then and demanded to do other peoples work or be fired. The exspect the woman to do "woman duties" make coffee on demand, clean the office, change paper. This company does NOT care about... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
divadominicana September 8, 2009
That company its been charging my crdit card without my authorization, we have a mastercard from chase bank and i dont know how can they do that or what can i do to get my money back, somebody has to do something.please help read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
te tai whenua
gabigabi September 8, 2009
i live in New Zealand, Hastings and i got sent a text all the way from the UK saying "CONGRATULATIONS YOUR MOBILE NUMBER HAS WON THE SUM OF $250, 000 IN THE NOKIA MONILE PROMOTION 09. FOR INFORMATION TO CLAIM. PLEASE EMAIL YOUR WINNING MOBILE NUMBER AND FULL NAME AND A SCANNED PASSPORT SIZED PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR SELF NOW TO nokiawin09@live.com OR nokiawin09@mail2uk.com OR CALL +447011172650 CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN" This i shame full that i belived it and told all my whole family and friends now i know its a scam and im not... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Braxoyd September 8, 2009
Their interest is so HIGH you can never pay off the principal(30% compounded Daily), so you end up losing your vehicle.There is no cut-off on the balance, it will build up over the value of the car . read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Deer Valley Garden Sr Apartments
disgusted too much September 8, 2009
This property has had so many problems and the management is the absolute worst. The manager has major issues and the Assist manager is two faced plus. The manager yells at tenants and there are tenants who are very mentally unbalanced. These few tenants use threatening type tactics and profanity worse that a sailor. Some of the old people need assistant living and there are many biases and prejudices and not just and only racial. It reminds one of nasty "crackers" in the south! (nasty old white people) (A few) The manager will... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
grant profit geek
RITA FRANCY September 8, 2009
i was told it was going to be $1.95, for the goverment grant kit, when i got my bill for this scam, it turns out they are charging me $57.61, i called these people at9.30pm tonight, an spoke to a mrs.lux(1-866-360-7227)this is her phone number, i also have a conformation#3410556, then she told me to send an email to refund@grants360.com.they spoke to my husband who has alzheimers, i did not authorize this transaction, he isnt of sound mind!THANK YOU, MRS.FRANCY I HOPE THIS WILL BE RESOLVED AN TAKEN OFF OF MY CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT.IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS YOU CAN REACH ME ON MY CELL#(352-442-3983) read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Oaks apartmetns
apasya September 8, 2009
No water from 3.pm to nextday morning 10 a.m because pipe line broken in front of apts no maintenance staff manager tried to fix the problem he was unable to fix it and he did not call any plumber because he scared to spend money still he trying with unskilled workers for cheap labour to fix it. I don't know to whom I hve to complaint about this problem like govt agency so please let me know and also manager is behaves like rude and street gang man. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
No Company Name Given
Nattalie September 8, 2009
Job seekers beware...heads up, there are people trying to steel from unemploied americans who are already in too deep and need work. I have been actively searching for a job after getting laid off in February. I received this (supposed reply to my email) email today. From this email address: christel arnone christelarnone4yp@gmail.com "Thanks for your interest. Just to restate the job duties, you will be answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and running company errands in a company car. When running errands you will... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
extreme motors
great salesman 77 September 8, 2009
they fired me for no reason after i had just made them 10 000 in 4 days and told me that my check might be right but not to call if it wasnt ...need to know how i can get my money anybody have any idea read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States


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