Brenda Malka, D.C.
juliej June 29, 2011
...our only complaint is that she can't finish her acupuncture education fast enough! Also, all her good reviews filtered and only the bad one's are shown on yelp because yelp extorts money from business owners like Dr. Malka. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Hire employees and terminate them after projects without giving complete salary
CSingh June 29, 2011
They hired me to build a complex facebook application which one of their big client was seeking. I has good experience in building complex and custom FB apps and they selected me on a good salary. They were offering me really high amount so I skipped rest of the offers I had in my hand. I also signed a bond of 2 years with them as I had all intention to work with the company for a considerable time. Everything went smooth for a couple of months when the app was being built. I had to meet deadlines and in order to prove myself I worked... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Dr. Brenda Malka
juliej June 29, 2011
...our only complaint is that she is taking her sweet time finishing her acupuncture education! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
leena patil June 29, 2011
I have withdrawn amount of 15000 twice from ATM at Accenture Vikhroli Office The Notes were in denomination of 500 and 100.One of the note of 500 is torn.number of the note is JFA 831765. Kindly suggest how di i get it replaced. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Reliable Gas
Avtar Singh Lakhman June 29, 2011
SIR a consumer of Reliable Gas jalandhar, Punjab .My consumer number is RG 13586. As I have shifted from jalandhar to Ludhiana. I have requested the gas company to provide me the transfer certificate for the same but the agency people are delaying it by saying that they do not have the stationery or the Transfer Certificates and to inquire after a week .This is going on for more than one n a half month. Tody I happen to spoke to the Owner cum manager of the Agency but the guy is too rude n unfreindly to talk.On top he says that first... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
abdul latef al onaize company
reyaz086 June 29, 2011
Hi, This is Engr Reyazul Haque from India.I have got the job offer letter from ALOCC OMAN last month.The mail id is [email protected] & mobile number +96896632455.I have done my medical at GAMCA as per ALOCC instruction.They asked me OMR 250 as service charge but i didnt got the VISA.His mobile is OFF.I think its 100% fake Company.If you found any information regarding ALOCC Please mail me at [email protected] you! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Oman
sergeants gold squeeze for cats &kittens over 5 lbs.
kim norzagaray June 28, 2011
I bought sergeants gold squeeze for cats and kittens over 5 lbs. I used it properly and within minutes my cats reacted in a way that scared me so much that I stayed up with them practically all night. They had what seemed like nerve damage to their rear quarters. They began to breath very heavily and just act strange in general. Example, laying lethargically in places they never go to and seemed to be very sickly. I cannot believe that Sergeants can continue to sell this dangerous product. Please contact the stores you purchase this product from and warn them as to what this can do to your animal. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
AT&T Samsung Infuse
naturalavenue June 28, 2011
As an arachnophobic, I cannot stand the AT&T commercial with the spider. Unlike a program where I can choose not to watch the show, I am continuously caught unaware by the spider on commercial television. It is offensive, and someone with a worse phobia than mine would be traumatized. I feel that the subject matter was handled insensitively. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
VitoSlim June 28, 2011
I am a vitoslim user and vitoslim is safe and effective. Just visit this site read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Bidrack / Penny Auction
Rachael Rocamora June 28, 2011
There was this ‘hot’ article about a new site that was compared to Ebay, on the bidrack website. On Ebay, as on you can search and browse without spending a cent. So I was totally unprepared for their just ripping $59 off my card as a result of my merely signing on. They DO say that’s what they’re doing on that first page where you sign up, but I didn’t read it carefully the first time to see that. I thought I was signing up to be a member or get a ‘my bidrack’ ident or something like that... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
RONNIE WHEAT June 28, 2011
already contacted ruud, reference to a 10 year warrantc written by jame ford. ruud is telling me that they refuse to do anything. my lawyer is asking ruud to send certified letter to me, stating you will not back up this warranty, and there was no permotinal credits being offered at the time the unit was installed. he also wants to know why reem who owns ruud, the same unit. has two different warranties. until we get this letter. the lawyer suggest that ruud should be handling all warranty scam with the installer mr. james ford. because how was i to know the warranty wasn't legid. thanks RONNIE WHEAT read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
kmarimuthucivil June 28, 2011
i purchased coral player for 3 days trial. now i received a mail { Dear customer, This is a receipt of your recurring payment from WakeNet AB. Product: CoralPlayer Price: $ 19.95 Sincerely, Sales WakeNet AB } I dont want to extent my validity.. i want to unscribe my account for coralplayer in wakenet ab. Please help me my access number on purchase is p4vk2 read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
SANJAY Limbasiya June 28, 2011
Dear Sir, we booked one international cargo for pick up service. Cargo was for new zealand. We book in consingee account. Blue Dart company provide us booking number 85379. We contact local Blue Dart agent for cargo pick up. I personally contact them 2-3 times for pick up. They assure that they will pick up cargo. I contact them to pick up earlier because my factory will remain closed after 6:30 pm but they assure they pick up and they also ask me to keep goods and docs with security. When i came next morning, i found that blue dart company not pick up my cargo. I also same experience in past for same complaint for same customer. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
DRI* Software AP Sydney Aus
Denise64 June 28, 2011
29th June 2011 checked my bank details and found this transaction where money has been taken out of my account. Tried to find contact detail of the buisness with no success of finding any contact details. Reference number on bank detail: 2606 AUD000000004995 Retail Purchase DRI*CA.comSoftware AP Sydney Aus -$49.95 I also have not received any information about this billing. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Australia
vvgopal June 28, 2011
We had Verizon install FIOS yesterday. I have a Samsung LCD TV and it often it goes black saying "Searching for Signal". It took 40 minutes of hold time before someone could be reached, this happened twice and itself a painful waste of time. Then the guy says the firmware of the TV is the issue, so I upgraded the firmware and still no success. If Verizon is selling FIOS and then saying they wont support certain manufacturers or the versions of software, they need to be upfront. Now I am going ditch these bastards who wasted my entire... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Economy Paint and Body
J.D.... June 28, 2011
Overcharge. Lied about price. Poor job on work. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
hardees low carb burger
Thomas Sibly June 28, 2011
after waiting 20 minutes for one low carb burger asked for payment return I can sit in a resteraunt and waite less time for a full meal read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
JCP Taxes
Company is completely unprofessional and cannot file even the most basic forms. Please do not trust these people with your money as they will tel you one thing whie doing another. I lost thousands of dollars because of their ineptitude and I will post on as many websites as possible until everyone in the area knows not to use them. You WILL lose money, you will NOT get the return you are promised and they will be impossible to contact. BEWARE!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
equity builders
robert 2 June 28, 2011
Do not do business with this company. After they got my money, they won't return my calls. My rep. was Oliver Reid. I thought I checked them out enough by looking them up on the better biz bureau and driving to their office to meet them in peron. They seemed very legit. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sears National Bank
jlbradley June 28, 2011
Recieved a phone call around 6pm tues june 29. I was told I have an out standing dept from 1996 but mickey was not able to tell me if it was a credit card or a purchase. The dept is 1272.35 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
bsnl t prepaid
rajat adaulia June 28, 2011
it was yesterday 28 jun in d night i got d msg thnks 4 chosing bsnl music station a bal. of rs.30 deduct 4m my a/c.but none of us apply 4 dis wat shld i do to credit dose 30rs. to my a/c which was errorly deducted. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Built to last
KWE June 28, 2011
Ordered one item to try as a gift for bachelor party. For one year now they keep sending me product emery 90 days. I don't want it read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Blue Bunny/ All Natural Frozen Yogurt Strawberry Banana
Sujan man June 28, 2011
I bought this frozen yogurt (straberry and banana flavor) at walmart. I almost ate half the of the yogurt out of that container before I saw this piece of unidentified object (looks like a sharp plastic piece) in my cone few days ago. The object looks sharp and broken piece of something. It was my luck that I was eating out of the cone. Everyone, please be very careful while eating blue bunny products. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Shine / Diamond Port Jewelry
noodle1 June 28, 2011
I purchased jewelry from 2 different jewelry stores in Cozumel Mexico. When we left port and on the ship I had the gemologist look at the jewelry and she confirmed it was fake. We reported this via phone to our bank to hold payment and they did not. I was able to return the one purchase to the one store but the other more expensive sent the item back. The stores deal with false store names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers. When we got home we reported to all concerned. This was March 2009. I am still working with the Mexican authoritie... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Mexico
Soak City in San Diego
Vanessa Belfiore June 28, 2011
(Before you read this official complaint, keep in mind that the complainer has a background up to 10 years in cutomer service specializing in entertainment and retail) We are a family of 6: four children with my husband and I. We decided to spend some family time together and attend the Knotts Berry Farm's Soak City in San Diego. Although we could also attend the beach for free, we wanted to share the water slides with our small children that were finally tall enough to ride water slides and it would be their first time at a water... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Westinghouse LCD TV (SK-32H240S
ewill1967 June 28, 2011
Purcahse 3 of these Wesinghouse Digital TV's (SK-32H240S) and after only 13 months it's now stopped working. Came home turn on the tv and smelled something burning and the next day NO PICTURE, ONLY SOUND . So I googled this TV and found out that this is a regular problem with this TV. Call Westinghouse and talk to someone name" Craig" and he was like o well your on your on, never tried to help me and any way, What ever happen to customer service ! But I'm going to keep calling them until some one get's me soom good... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
M &A
KeShar June 28, 2011
Mr. Ahern: I decided to write these few lines, because I think it’s time that you had a little “come to Jesus” meeting about the level of service your Senior Analyst, Keith, provided to our company. I assume that your Lord and Master of your office! Yes, you read that right: You are their King. In case Keith has forgotten the arrangement, let me remind him: I’m the customer, which makes me the Boss. As such, I expect the following from him and Ahern, the company he is representing for all future interactions with... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Pima Medical Institute Dobson Rd. Mesa
AnonymousPpl June 28, 2011
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Retail Equation
thebigbadwolf June 28, 2011
I recently went to exchange an item I bought two days ago with cash at the children place. I had my original receipts. The cashier asked me for my Driver License. I asked the cashier why does she need my driver license for since I'm only exchanging one item for another at a higher price. First she asked me for my phone number. I dont' know why they need my phone number for either. I made up a number. If they don't want me to shop at their store it's fine with me. Why do you need my phone number for. Then she continued to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Office Team
Humor June 28, 2011
I had a temp position at First Data in North Highlands. I had all my stuff in a locker including fruit and 25 lb weights. I was told not to come in. So I couldn't get my stuff in the locker. Then a month later the people at First Data put my stuff in a box including rotting fruit and gave it to Accountemps. Ryan of Accountemps demands that I come and get it rotting fruit and all. Under duress, I go there and I have to lug a box with rotting fruit and heavy weights down the 2nd floor. Ryan nor anyone at Accountemp... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
gtf reality
Chris Dube June 28, 2011
Failure to return full security deposit. They are claiming that the house was dirty . We are ex military and know how to clean a house. The house was spotless. They claim the carpet needed cleaning. We had it done by Dalworth cleaning and they did an excellent job. 300.00, They claimed the yard needed done, but we had it professionaly done three days earler.They claimed we had a missing screw in the brand new mailbox we installed. There was a missing screw, however they charged us 20.00. The whole last month of our rental we had people walking... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Company information: 707 long lane Upper Darby, Pennsylvania United States Phone: 2674147848
Lashonda Springer June 28, 2011
this company keeps charging my account i do not know how they received my information but it is very frustrating to find keep trying to prove this to my bank read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Advantage Travel
Karen Neveling June 28, 2011
Originally bought a vacation club package from TCI for $5000.00. Received phone calls and an affidavit notice from Advantage travel giving me 3 options either to forfeit all my monies paid in, Pay the member dues and reinstate TCI, or pay around $2000.00 more to join their club. I spent 3 hours listening to a sales pitch, but I followed up with the BBB and found they had an injuction from the state of Texas where I boutht my membership that they could not make me pay the dues. I have paid dues once which was the only time I used the cluib and... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Electralux Microwave Oven Combination
MSLWCLA June 28, 2011
I purchased $16, 000 worth of Electralux appliances when I did my kitchen renovation in 1/11. One of the appliances is defective in design. I want everyone to be aware of this before they consider buying it. Electralux Wall Microwave Oven Combination Model EW30MC65JS. The main bottom oven collects the smoke during the cooking process and does not filter it out. When I go to open the oven (whether broiling or baking), the smoke comes out into my face and the smoke alarms go off in my house. I have been trying to get this matter resolved since... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
DTDC AND Infibeam
Imtiyaz38 June 28, 2011
Never order any thing from Infibeam since they use DTDC courier service and you will never get your goods delivered, at the end you will waste your money as well as time., I ordered an item from Infibeam and never received it, I mailed my complain to DTDC Senior Manager Ms. Radhika. P {[email protected]} after few mails she stoped replying to my mails, then i wasted 50rs+precious time speaking 2 thier coustomer care they just keep saying "I will call you back I promise.", even i went to DTDC office & spoke to Incharge {Asif } over der he keep saying me come tommorow come tommorow i have been doing this since last 2 months. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
bztel June 28, 2011
I purchased four Bridgestone tire from 9 North Tire, Inc for my 2007 Honda Odyssey. I have paper work on tire rotation and balancing and wheel alignment (from both Honda dealer and 9 North Tire). It has a 65K tire warranty. I am at 24.5K and the tire is out of thread and Honda says i need new tire. I went to 9 North Tires to inform them for a pro-rate refund and supply with new tires. They say, i need to purchase new tires, they will send the old tires to Birdgestone for refund with my maintenance record for Honda Carland and 9 North Tires. If... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
dstv multichoice kyknet
Eileen Du Preez June 28, 2011
I get interferance on kyknet channel every time the islam live channel appear on kyknet and interupt the programs and it is not once but continue you can not watch any thing on kyknet channel 111 this happend a few days ago never had such problem before there is also no sound when the islam channel appear, i love to watch villa rose but like tonight i could not even follow with the interupptions of the islam live channel i dont know if any body else have the same problem but is no use watching kyknet and that is my channel i watched the most. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: South Africa
magazine service center inc
C Burton June 28, 2011
I ordered some magazines for $11.76 (aprox) in April, a charge was put on my account for $59.80. I called the bank and told them about the charge and the phone listed on my charge was disconnected (the number was incorrect on the bill) so the bank rescearched it and put the charge back on my credit card with the correct phone number this time. I called the company and talked to a manager saying I never ordered magazines for &59.80, he called me back with the recording saying I ordered magazines for $$11.76 (aprox), I said that is not near... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Carol WEE June 28, 2011
I purchased a refurbished instrument and received not only an instrument not refurbished but not even working. They did nothing to resolve the issue. Legal action is pending. They do not care about the customer. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
A WALDECK June 28, 2011
An independant distributor of the above company came to my mothers house and explained that they were in the area to investigate the situation around incorrect electricity bills. I then invited him in the house but explained that I had an appointment in half an hour to go to but he said it would only take a few minutes. After a very long explanation (which I did not understand half of), he made me believe that he had the answer to our high electricity bills. He wanted me to sign a contract so they can install this "super" gadget that... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: South Africa


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