CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Consa Congo investments
Promep November 20, 2010
We were approached by mr James smith to go mine copper in the Congo. Contract were signed and all was well until we got there. We could not start mining as two did not bring the washing plant well at least this is what James said to us. Everything started going bad for James two months ago as all investors pulled back this is also what he told us. For eight months we received no payment always being promised next week next week. .James has now stolen all our equipment including tlb x2, one 20ton Volvo excavator, one D16shantui dozer three... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
masti123 November 20, 2010
I am fed up with this i don't know what they want from me? They sent me daily emails with no updates. CANCEL MY MEMBERSHIP read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Pakistan
phyllis woods
phyllis woods November 20, 2010
I canceled this subscription online. Please returned my money to my account. I don't want this card. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Imint Card Points
Tipur Madan November 20, 2010
For getting higher amount spent by credit cards, Imint with ICICI is faking its customer. They had a offer of getting 5000 bonus i mint points when anybody will spent more than 55000 rs in a period of 3 months. But after spending more than 70000rs also, they have not credited any bonus points. Its being 1.5 months more after the period is over but still no points is credited, they were saying previously that points will be credited after 1 month will over. but it is about to be 2 months and nothing is credited. It happened with some of my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
bright white 80086 te cal pa
James Dunne November 20, 2010
Purchased a trial offer for product that cleans your teeth. Waited for about 13 days before offer arrived, then discovered 87.13 $ had been withrawn without my permission from my account read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
US cash Advanced
Nancy Montgomery November 20, 2010
I have asked Us Cash to cancel the loan payment before it even gotten started, they refused my request, so we have closed our bank account a long time ago what I did not know the payment was placed in the bank account after I have asked them to cancel it. in the first place do they listen no they don't. I thought that a loan company was to respect a customer's wishes I have no idea how much the loan advance was. I told Us Cash I was closing the account and that I did not need the loan advancement after all. this company has caused... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Career Vision
Dinu P.Jose November 20, 2010
Myself, Dinu and my friend Mr.Dileeep lost 6000INR each and reg fees of 400 each in Career Vision.They gave us fake offer letters saying that Geogit is their client.In the meantime I got another job.Dileep went to Geojit and he realised the truth.We went back.He gave us cheques as refund which bounced.When we went their again the office was closed.We dont know where to complain. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
PMC Property group
aprilfisher07 November 20, 2010
My apartment located at 2031 south st, philadelphia, pa, became infested with mold last summer. I informed management by calling them constantly, I also e-mailed them and still have the e-mails about my problem in the apartment. The issue was not dealt with, the problem became worse, mushrooms started growing out of the wall, black toxic mold started covering the walls, and I was coughing for unknown reasons and always had a runny nose. I became so fed up with their lack of concern, that I told them either they let me out of the lease and give... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
suntrust modification
attorney generals help with foreclosure November 20, 2010
Suntrust unethical modification practices. We had a 1st and 2nd mortgage. Suntrust said they could not touch the 2nd mortgage until they modified the 1st. We have tried for a year to get both modified. We attempted to send double payments of which they sent back. They dragged us through the lies of lost paperwork, until our property became behind. Additionally, it started off that they were checking on the paper work and then just like many others they nailed us. I appreciate the attorney generals, lawyers, congressman/women and investigator... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
missionforex November 20, 2010
Hello Friends, is TOTALLY FRAUD COMPANY. They never want to give you a single rupee from your earning. If you believe in, just try it. AFTER SOME TIME YOU'LL BE POSTING AGAINST THEM IN THIS FORUM. JUST GIVE A TRY AND WELCOME IN THIS COMPLAINT FORUM. MY personal suggestion is NEVER JOIN FOREXNCASH, AND BEWARE EVERYONE ABOUT THIS FRAUD COMPANY. Regards read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
United Legal Allience
Mandy M. November 20, 2010
I received a phone call at my sister in laws home and not my own. I was informed to call 210-280-8071 with a lwyer about a debt collection in which I never had for money. Upon calling the number back I went through the prompts and finally got some one and they said I had a restraining order and that I would be sopenned to court and that they would find me. In the background you can hear children screaming and playing. This is definately a scam If you get this cal you need to call the local police or sherriff dept and file a complaint!!! Do not sent them any money or give your info to them!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PATR JONES November 20, 2010
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
stee November 19, 2010
If anybody knows how i can stop them please email me . This has been going on for 3 years...!!! Please no B.S. Thanks ... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Scientific Search
10forme November 19, 2010
Applied to a job through a recruiter, Scientific Search. The next day I received a call. We spoke and she said it looked good but she wanted to show her manager. A short time thereafter another call gave me a green light. She was going to submit me the next morning. At 8:00 am the next morning I received an e-mail saying the job had just been filled, but at 8:15 the job was re-posted on her social networking page!! All she had to do was say I wasn't a good fit, or not really qualified. She never responded to my subsequent e-mail. It just seemed so dishonest and unethical and undoubtedly I'm now blacklisted with that search firm! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DREW BLOOD November 19, 2010
I'm pretty sure this is FRAUD at it's finest (or worst if you asked me) Funny how this RN*GAMEHOUSE, MNI CREDITREPORT.COM and EMUSIC.COM came up in my statement one right after the other. All of these are SCAMS! I didn't order any of these. EASY SAVER - $14.95, MVQ CREDITDIAGNOSIS - $29.95, DERMITAGE - $89.95 (Didn't order trial, didn't get anything). These too have shown up on my statement this month!! I have a feeling all of these companies are in the SCAM BUSINESS together. They've got the money, it will be a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
kat.butler November 19, 2010
Never heard of these people before in my life... Its on my statement as "autovtg" which is what? A auto place? Well I don't even own a car. I just filed a fraud case against them through my bank and hopefully I will get reimbursed my $15.99 and the over draft fees that applied. Watch your statements people! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dlec50 November 19, 2010
I had this guy do tree work for me this spring/summer. Brought his crew out took down all the trees that were to be taken down. In the contract is stated wood and brush would be removed. Wood and brush were never removed. Each time I would call I would get some other excuse and he would be out tomorrow to finish up. Shame on me for paying him in full the day he said he would be done. This guy also goes around giving estimates and collecting half up front from unsuspecting people and you never see him again. He has been doing this for a few... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Compass Bank BBVA
drumawhomakesmoney November 19, 2010
I would never suggest anyone do business with Compass. The managers are trained to avoid you. The Branch Manager in Jacksonville had to ask his boss permission to put me through to his voice mail. If you do not believe me, call your Compass Branch location and ask to speak with the Branch Manager...Good Luck ! They are under investigation for violating federal anti-trust laws because they tried to force customers to use Rapport Software. Anyone see that ad when you tried to log on the web site?? If you did, you should moniter this because... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ben Levine Certified Mortgage Audit
Theobromine November 19, 2010
We chose this guy to do a mortgage audit over a pricey loan modification. He answers his emails and phone until he gets a big fat check. Then nothing.(It's been two months.) He promises to audit your mortgage for mistakes or predatory practices and get a refund from the bank if he finds one - and usually does get alot back - especially on those 2006 mortgages. BEN LEVINE comes up clean on the internet and has a long upstanding reputation in the mortgage business. So the same THIEVES that dreamed up and sold these mortgages are now... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MVQ Home Savings Mall
vbonet November 19, 2010
I just discovered that MVQ has been "double dipping" and taking funds from my account although I never opened an account with them or even knew who they until now. When I called about getting a refund I was given the run around and was told that I can only get 3 months of refunds. I am in the process of reporting this company to the Attorney General's Office for fraud, double dipping and unauthorized usuage of a person's funds. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
willie pitts November 19, 2010
my bank, us bank told me that the name was discount web, phone #1888-349-6822 in case i did not get the web site right that why i gave the phone number but they taking 49.99 out of my account with out my premission . my name is willie pitts my number is 414-375-6690, they say the 49.99 was for a payday loan application but i already have my bank do payday advance and i go through my cash now to get a payday loan for free, i will not pay for a loan read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Spitfire888 November 19, 2010
After signing up for what I thought was a newsletter, I was then charged $2.97. No problem. But, I replied to an email that I wanted to cancel and a refund. No reply. Next day I was charged $68.71. I then called their number 888-495-7634. I asked to speak to a supervisor. She hung up on me. I explained I am on SSDI and have limited income and did not expect this charge and now cannot pay my rent. I have a rare spinal disease am on narcotics. They told me that is not their problem that I didn't read the terms and conditions. I asked to speak to a manager - they are all in meetings. No refund. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Pillage November 19, 2010
These guys email you about making money and then let you try the site for 1.95... I thought I was buying the right to purchase pet products. Instead I found out they started charging me 39.95 a month to own a store and sell their stuff. I tried to get them to reverse the charge when I discovered what it really was and they refused. ... for a lousy 40 bucks they created mucho bad will. I never heard from them again after my initial look and didn't remember who they were until they showed up on my creditcard... no mail.. no subsequent... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Snookerville November 19, 2010
This website is a scam and they have taken money from me and will not answer my emails and things concerning a refund... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Nestare November 19, 2010
This company is very dodgy, do not dare to enter your card details as they will take money from your account not provide you with any service. do not fall for it... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
All mortgage servicers
Don S. - Pennsylvania November 19, 2010
A Getting Started Defending Your Home List - 18 items that may help -- The list below was accumulated from the experiences of a variety of people going through the same pain and similar circumstances as the stories being told here including myself. Unfortunately, these stories are emerging in the hundreds, perhaps thousands, coast-to-coast. We all have to learn what’s happening and how to deal with it, a sometimes painful, but revealing process. You DO have rights. For the most part, this is NOT your fault. Hopefully... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Svetlana Gavrilov November 19, 2010
unauthorized charge by Credscorecomp for what was advertised as free credit score report that was demanded through craigslist as part of apartment search read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
maxforexonline investment plan
ankit1 November 19, 2010 website is not open why? pls tell me read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Mauritius
creditscore complete
Jorge Redondo November 19, 2010
This company is a scam and dont deliver what they promise. The site wont even work. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jackie Huff
JACKIE HUFF November 19, 2010
Dear Price Shuffle, I would like a refund of $149.75. I didn't realized I purchased a bid package. I only thought I was getting the free bids that was posted on your website. I haven't been back on to bid since the first time I got on to place the free bids. I didn't realized what happen until I got my bank statement. I'm a single mom . Please refund $149.75 to me. I would really appreciate very much. Next time I will be more carefully. Thank you Jackie Huff read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IRS site
Iman November 19, 2010
Within the last three weeks, I received an e-mail stating I had an IRS refund that had three cents in change. The e-mail directed me to click on a link whereby I should complete the form sending them my Social Security number, debit card number and the security code on the back of the debit card. I knew immediately it was a scam. First, if the IRS owed me money, they would mail me a check. But most of all, we do not deal in change on our tax returns. After reading the e-mail, you were directed to click and go to the form. That next... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
My Quick Cash Payday Loans
Velshelda Harris November 19, 2010
I am now negative $26.31 in my checking account due to a charge from this company. I need this reversed ASAP!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
J.A.B November 19, 2010
REGENTMARKETS / APEXINVESTMENTSERVICES/ARITONGROUP/WALKERROBERTSON AND ASSOCIATES WHY DOES A COMPANY CHANGE ITS NAME 4 TIMES IN 1 YEAR AND MOVE ADDRESSES 5 TIMES IN A YEAR? SCAM, SCAM, SCAM. Mr Sasanow has made threats to many people if material is not removed. The following is a reply to Mr Sasonow: Ben Sasonow, Regent Markets, Apex Investment Services, Ariton Group, Scammer. Gold Coast, Gold Coast, QLD Reported By: QLDCategory: Bookmakers: Channel 9: ABC:ACA. Dear Sir, This is a direct quote from your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Volt Marketing
Jesse November 19, 2010
My mother-in-law received the following letter from Volt Marketing Inc. with a check for $3988.76. It is almost word for word the same as one reported by someone else on this sight. The company name is different, and where this letter gives "Claims Agent Grace Wright" the other letter gave a different name. However, the phone number is the same, the "lucky winning number" is the same, and the claim number is the same first 5 characters with a different set of numbers for the second 5 characters. Volt Marketing Inc 598... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Citibank Deleware
Fent November 19, 2010
My husband received a letter from Advance Financial Services Inc. it included a check for $4, 960. It said to call 778/223-8012 and ask for Emmanuel Chung and give him my claim # to activate the check. Then send $3, 698.00 to cover the taxes for my winnings and send them to the tax agents named Jones Stewart and Patrick Sean. I checked the check for the watermark and it had it. It seemed legit so I went to my bank and deposited the check. I knew the bank would have put a hold on it and they would tell me if there was anything wrong with the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Liberty Reserve SA
Abacus November 19, 2010
on March 23/2010 I believed to be on the authentic LibertyReserve account as my personal phrase was there. After entering my password a sliding up screen appeared requesting my master key for a security check. Unfortunately I entered it and immediately my site disapppeared and my funds stolen by U7248737, batch 33511827, (William, merchant PanaMoney. I informed LR right away, however received no help, the first chat room told me to check the history, where I found the account my funds had been illegally transferred to. When I got back to the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Johan van As properties
david francis November 19, 2010
I moved from Gauteng to the Eastern Cape, Port Elizabeth. I did not have the opportunity to view a premises for rent, I did ask an in-law to view the premises. She did and to her it seemed in order. On my arrival from Gaunteng to take possession of the the premises, I met with the rental agent van As, I pointed out the faults I had observed in the first 10-15 minutes of my arrival. He stated I should draw up a list of the faults, to which I did, and as the rental agent van As read the list and signed it acknowledging the faults. Further... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
task47a November 19, 2010
Auf die Nachfrage, ob ich mit Paypal bezahlen kann, wurde dies mit der Behauptung abgelehnt, das führe zu starken zeitlichen VErzögerungen und zu finanziellen Verlusten für die Firma. Es würde ausschließlich Vorauskasse akzeptiert. Da alle anderen chinesischen Partner( etwa bei Ebay) auf PayPal drängen, ist das ein echter Hinweis, dass dieser Shop nicht seriös ist. Daher Vorsicht bei Käufen! On the inquiry whether I can pay with Paypal this was rejected with the assertion, this leads to strong... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Germany
Ocean Media UK - google adwords campaign
someoneangry November 19, 2010
After making me a cheap offer for a Google Adwords campaign, when we had to make the deal, surprisingly the price was bigger with some childish explanations. Well, we made the deal for one month, no more obligations after. And i told them to write down my request of cancelation of any future services and charges. Also wrote them twice and finaly i received their confirmation for cancelation. And guess what? After more than one month I see money disapearing from my account, without any notice, of course. (how could i expect a thief to warn me... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
RVIL November 19, 2010
Dear Sir, I Mr Laxmidhar Sahoo would like to inform you that my land line no is 0674-2558485, I have complained from monday for my broadband service, my complain no -1515280707, I have also called many times regarding this but still i am not getting service yet, Please provide me the service as soon as possible neither i ll surrender the connection.My no is-0674-2558484 regards-: Laxmidhar sahoo read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India


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