CATEGORY: Business & Finances
lend americal
My original request via, which referred me to Lend America, leave my payments near second week of month. I cannot make payments 1st of each month. I spoke with Rainy Day representative requesting help with changing my payment date. No avail. I have called on Lend America representatives on numerous occasions. Each time the rep stated I could do a refinance contract. My response is "Why sould I? I just refianced thru Lend America." Today 11/13/2009 Mr. Laele provide the statement a "Loan Modification."
I... read full review »
Elite Writing Services, Inc. Nevada
Absolutely agree. ELite Writing Services was set up by Corporate Capital Team, and everyone knows Corporate Capital Team was scamming people. These CCT guys preplanned shutting down CCT, they set up Elite on Oct. 9, 2009, closed down CCT on Nov 3, 2009. I did my checking too. They got their buddy B. Lambert, who is the president of Cortwell Capital to put his name on the Elite papers as president... These guys all run a circle of "grant wiritng and business financing services" that make all kinds of good sounding promises and lure... read full review »
Loan Modifications
Retained loan modification services from Parsa Law with a payment of $3645.00 on 9-9-09. Was in contact with Scott Gronsky who assured me that our case was being processed until his e-mail was canceled on or about 10-14-09. Tried to phone the Parsa office and e-mailed with no response. To the best of my knowledge, nothing was done by Parsa Law for our case.
As far as I'm concerned, James Parsa is a total crook and should go join Madoff in jail after he pays us back. What I want to know is what the governmental agencies are doing. How did this guy pull this off. Parsa ran ads all day on TV and Radio so he should have been scrutinized more. read full review »
mrs llc
Card was mistakenly put under my social and reported to police and all that red tape nov 2008, yet the number has changed and the collection agencies M R S LLC has been calling me and my son trying to get payment saying it is on my credit etc. They have checked my credit, but how can they report to my credit? and why even check? read full review »
FBI:working for winners international
This is a running scam I can't get rid of short of changing all my numbers. IN Jamaca WI there is an Angela Chambers supposed FBI agent who can't seem to e-mail or fax even a business card her work is so secert her bosses are Mr. spencer and James Adams but no-one can send any proof I've won 11.5 million they want thier $525 first then Jerome taylor calls from the FBI to say I have a summons for not paying 2, 500 taxes to Theresa and Jerome and he would be here in 5 min. I'm still waiting the FBI office is in town but they... read full review »
New York Financial Group, LLC
I began the modification process with them last June. In June I paid them what I was told was the total fee $1299.00 the contract makes no mention of any other fees besides what I had already paid.
Last Friday they tapped my account for an additional $1, 000.00 because they had kept my payment information on file. Even though, the only signed authorization they had from me was for the $1299.00
The bank is refusing to back me on this because they said services were rendered - I got my modification. Even though nothing in the contract... read full review »
prosper A Egbowe
Please i received a text this morning saying that i have just won l'ooo'ooo in the NovDec mtn xtracool draw please i want to know detail.this is my phone number 08037981861. thanks read full review »
I had Alltel wireless for 6 years. Everytime I went to their stores I was asking about my bill which was usually $250.00 up to $500.00 per month. I always paid on time. My last months bill was $260.00. When I approached a Verizon associate about it here in San Antonio he began to inform me of all the added things like "game stop, international calling, wizard and other things all which cost $9.95 per month and was added to my account. I informed him I never ordered those items (my base plan with text, internet ect was $139.00) we began to... read full review »
a&w mama burger
found hair on my mama burger EMMMMMMMMMMMM read full review »
Christopher Knowlton
I was asked to pay an insurance payment for a guarenteed loan of $5000.00 i paid $1400.00 to Scott richard at america online approvals and then never recieved a check or direct deposite into my account read full review »
Mtn customer care
My name is Ezekwe Martin, i got a text this mornig from mtn careline that i am awarded 1000, 000 on the xtracool offers with number as a reference code.
Pls i demand to claim my price with maximum cooperation.thankks read full review »
vp id prtect
Cancel, you have STOLE enough money, no wonder you don't publish you address or phone, you are dishonest read full review »
microsoft security tool
security intsalled itself on my laptop and i can not remove it, after trying to navigate through your far to complicated website i am at a loose end. The programme has wiped my desk top and is stopping me accessing my files. please contact me asap with how to get it off my laptop. read full review »
litton loan texas
mortage was transfered to litton loan, herniated two discs, husband in construction has not worked in two yrs, i need back surgery ending my 26 yrs as a bedside nurse, i currently work seven days a week in ICU and ED to make two car payments, house payment and pay sons college tuition. Litton loan does not find this to be hardship, i mailed all the papers, ct scan reports note from neuro spine surgeon, my paystubs and explained every thing in detail, i was turned down. i have worked like this for the last 1.5 yrs, <br />
My mortgage... read full review »
Collex Uk Ltd.
I made phone calls every week to Collex following a phone call when i was told they had recoevered the debt in December 2008. i was given many excuses such as "that the accountant is not in or on holiday so payment cant be processed." later they even said that a cheque had been posted to me.
I Tried to email and speak with Gemma Drummond, all attempts failed. Collex have now disconected their phone lines and email. They have £500 of my money! read full review »
VP id protect
This company has withdrawn hundreds of dollors out of my checking account threw my debit card. This UNAUTHORIZED withdrawel constitutes THEFT by this company.I want to be reinburst for all of the money that has been stolen from me by unauthorized withdrawels. read full review »
Redford Financial
I too was a victim, even with all the smarts and education, I still sent almost 1500 dollars to this so called Redford Finanacial Group.I was also told that I would get a refund in 30 days.Whoever these people may be, they need to be stopped today. I have children of my own that I have to support and with this scam going on I have now been put into a financial hole. What do I do now? Where do I turn now? I wish I had look more into it before sending my money off.Now all I can do is pray this cycle ends. read full review » kit
l was charged £49.5 with out my notice, it all started when l told that they would get me go back to work, with a small fee 0f $1.98 which l paid over the internet, but since then, more money has been going out of my account with out my authorisation.l dont know what l can do.
3 read full review »
This is what they sent me after I waited for two weeks and never heard from them.
<br />
Please be advised that we have checked in our system, and we received a CAUTION message from World Pay. Recently we met some fraud cases, so we are investigating all the CAUTION cases in the World Pay system. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we still need to see some proof of the cardholder’s identity and the reality of the billing address. You could show us your identification, driver’s license or passport by scanning or... read full review »
federal min of agric
i was given a code number that i won one million xtracconect offer, how do i obtain it. MTN i hold you on a high exteem, you can mail me now.
Thanks very much read full review »
Maytag/quiet series 300
I also bought a Maytag quiet series legacy 300. It was part of a 3 appliance package. It did not last more than 1.5 years. It is now a dish rack in my newly purchased home. What a shame. I wish I knew then, what I know now. Maytag is also a cheese manufacturer. Mostly Blue Cheese. Hope no one gets sick on that crap like the bad performance I have received from this washer. I will never and hope none of you ever, purchase this product. BTW. The replacement parts are no longer manufactured. So sucks to be us. No repair! if you find the part. It... read full review »
Our mortgage was sold to Nationstar by GMAC mortgage and that is the worst thing that ever happened. Times are hard for everyone right now and those idiots make it worse. I paid our mortgage payment online or over the phone evr since they got our loan. They charge so much to do that and now since they don't credit it when they automatically take it out of our account, they are slapping $50 late charges on us. They are doing the same thing to my mom and dad that got stuck with them too after GMAC sold out. They say the "grace... read full review »
I was charge more than $57.00 for a $1.95 kit. What the heck is going on here? read full review »
acia fat loss
i bought trail product. then i didn't order anything but the still taking money. already they took more then $160. i want back my money read full review »
I placed an order with 2 weeks ago and never got a conformation email from them. I recieved a conformation from alertpay but I cannot get a response from I have sent them several emails but still no response. read full review »
Microsoft Office
I have purchased on line Microsoft Office and Student 2007 for which your Company went through my VISA on 05/06 August 2009 and took the amounts of $99.00 and respectevely 11.81 without sending me the instalation CD and the key number in order to have install my product I paid for.
Please, search in your papers all of these above and send me your microsoft office and Student 2007 in order to work with.
IT read full review »
L. V. W
On 11/11/09, my garage door did not open, I called Choice Home Warranty (CHW) to dispatch a tech and the tech diagnosed the problem as a short. I told him it worked fine but two weeks prior on about two occasions I had to push it twice but it would open. The tech told the CHW rep this and the CHW rep twisted the information and said that this was a preexisting problem and the claim was denied. The tech said that is not what I told him. The tech also said it was obvious that CHW did not want to pay the claim because CHW put him through the 3rd... read full review »
this site charge my acct with out my permission, I never aasked for anything from here or gave my permission. I want my money reveresed as well as the over draft fee that it cost me. I am looking into filing a legal lawsuite.
10/28/09 PURCHASE 90631025024114744262401 ON 10/25 AT WEBINACCESS.COM 8882756 HERTFORDSHIRE -$35.08 read full review »
Do not do business with this company. When i ordered the product i was told it would be 4.95 for my free sample of the product. i received the product does not work. I received a call from a sales rep telling me for 44.00 i will receive some sort of tray which would enhance the product, i refused. 2 weeks later i noticed a charge on my account. the following week i noticed another charge of 87.62 again. totaling 165.24 for something that was a free trial offer and nothing else. when i called the company at 18669892686 i spoke with Nicholas who... read full review »
Clack, good afternoon:I come to you, I Know you can help me.this above lender, I have a mortgage with them, last year my wife did an operation, and things become hard for me, I have an adjustable loan, I request a modification loan, they refused to modify my loan, because of my language, my accent, and my race: I used several legal groups, like IMPACT, NACA, HOPE, they refused my demanded.DEC 5, 2009, MY HOME will go to foreclosure.please Clark help me.I have two kids, and one wife, if I lost the home I'm finish.I don't speak English... read full review »
I have also sent a complaint to refer to the information comtained in it...the amounts involved were (1) 49.95 ; (2) 49.95 ; (3) 49.99 ; and (4) 79.95...This, plus overdraft fees, added up to a substanstial amount...I wonder what the BBB would have to say about these sites???...I DO have bank statements to prove that I did not purchase, nor do I use this site in the matter that this site is set up for...or any other of the other sites, for that matter... read full review »
FutureQuest Marketing
I looking for to do business online, when I talked to Adult profit, his name is michael, he promised me alot of thing to do online, when I signed up and paid him with my credit card, he did not do what he promised, he also lie too much about the business. I lost my money with the total of 1248.00
I did not make 1 penny back . I m asian, I could not said anything about it .
I would like to request this complain for anyone to know about this company is Adult profit( FutureQuest) is scam.
I hope someone could help me to solve this problem. read full review »
My bank in Union City, Michigan ( Monarch Community Bank, 365 N. Broadway St. Union City, MI 49094), telephone # (517) 278-4567, ext. 3400), ask for Jenelle, informed me that a charge of $79.95 had been placed by either my card or my husband...I explained to her that neither of us had...I am getting in contact with the proper authorities if this issue is not resolved quickly...and since that amount had already been removed from our account, I will expect a check for the full amount returned to me ASAP...I don't know how this happened, but... read full review »
Making Homes Affordable Modification
dunkin donuts krispy kreme
I'm complaining because my manager Maria decided to withheld my check. I believe it is illegal and against the law for a manager to commit this act. Instead of her discussing why she wants to hold my check, she dismissed me early this morning when i came to work and gave me no information about being written up or anything. She has done this to many ex-employees before they quit the job. I dont want to quit or get fire because i think is unfair that she treats people like that so they can quit on their own. I heard from my... read full review »
money 4 gold
money 4 gold are scammers
they have had my gold for 7 weeks and on numerous phone call they are always saying my gold is on its way back they have had my gold since 23rd september also they have got back the cheque of £30.00 they sent me wich was received on the 1st october i sent it back on the 2nd october and it is now November 14th i am so annoyed some days the phone just rings and no one answers
so I want to report them because i haven't got my gold or the cheque read full review »
us bank omaha nebraska
i worked in omaha in 2006 opened a checking and savings with us bank when i left nebraska i had very low balances that somehow went into the red. A short time later i have a negetive 1, 100 dollar balance on one account and a negetive 600 dollar balance on the other account. Now im in check systems, i have been out of work for awhile i have had a few collection companies contact me and they want to tack on hundreds of more dollars in interest charges it has to be around two grand they want and i actually started in the black. i dont feel they are accurate and i think they are just trying to rip me off, please help. read full review »
Douglas Carney
I found hidden cameras and radios in the home I was renting at this address. Carney had the nerve to tell me he'd had a sex-bet about me with one of the neighbors. The county dug up a 10-line phone cable that didn't belong to any phone company and also had house paint on it that matched the paint of the house next door owned by a Deputy at the Sheriff Department. Because of their friendship and his rank of uniform, I was only able to move out of state, where I'm STILL being electronically stalked and harrassed. I have been unable to get any help from ANY law enforcement agency on any level. read full review »
Your Savins Club
Bank manager hasn't even been able to stop these people. In over 2 years, they've taken without our authorization hundreds of dollars. WHO CAN STOP THESE THEIVES? I don't want to unknowingly be financially supportive of a group of terrorists or something read full review »
Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
I, Benny L. Mingus, made all full payments directly to Capital One Bank. I owe nothing anymore. Portfolio Recovery Associates has been harassment for years now. I told Portfolio Recovery Associates to contact Capital One Bank to confirm that I owe nothing on the accounts they are trying to collect for. The account/reference number is 5178052681645905 for the account they are trying to collect for. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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