CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Infiniti West
CarK84 September 27, 2009
An ugly dealership that should be closed down. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
LC Financials
Burto September 27, 2009
I am a senior citizen with disabilities approved for a grant was to receive grant August 2007. This now September 2008. I paid $479.00 for this grant. Now I know I have been taken. Tracked receipt they cashed my money order June 3, 2007. It was signed by a P. Depot. It also cost me 16.25 to mail my money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Castle Resorts International
Kimmb September 27, 2009
Two amounts of $1285. were withdrawn from my banking accounts, 1 from Checking and 1 from Savings, totaling $2570. After rejecting my contract to sell my timeshares, I received back $1285...the Company claims they only received one amount of $1285 due to a shortage in my checking account...The bank shows 2 different withdrawals on two different days, with two different Phone numbers from Castle Resorts...After all the hastle, now the Company says they are closing and there is no money to be returned...This is after they told the Better Business Bureau they paid in full...I am a Senior, and believe I am being taken in! It sounds like Fraud to me. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Capital Funding Alliance
jenamama September 27, 2009
I cant believe it happened to me. I was in need of a loan to consolidate debt. I ran across a Company called Capital Funding Alliance. I filled out an application and was e-mail about my loan being approved. In order to get the loan I either had to come up with collateral a co signer or the first 4 payments of the loan, of course I picked the last one. I was to send money Western Union for the first four installments and I did. I was feeling leery after I it was sent so I checked web sites about Fraud in Canada and of course this turned out to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Mortgage Expo
Lester2 September 27, 2009
I received a call after applying for a loan to receive the sum I asked for. The lady gave me her phone no company name and said I was approved for a loan through a private lender with a 9% finance and 120.00 A month payments she gave me precise info even the lenders name if only I could give a security deposits of 550.00 Which would be used if I missed a payment and would get back end of term. So my brother and I scrapped up every cent (x-mas $, bill$)to pay this deposit. She said western union $ to the lender once received she would contact... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Galaxy Funding
Lorrd September 27, 2009
The company Galaxy Funding Called me one day and said I had been approved for a 250, 000 loan. I had filled out an application online and they called me a couple of months later. He faxed me information about them and said that all there customers have to pay 10 percent on the loan before they could receive it. I was so happy I sent 2500 dollars to them through western union and I faxed my drivers licensed to them. He told me because of my credit that I would have to send 2500 more and that would be final. I sent my last dollar and even lost... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Locke Star Builders - Robert Locke - Con Man-Thief - Patricia Geister Port Aransas
fred simptson September 27, 2009
If you Live in Port Aransas or Know someone there Please Print this and send this email along for the good of the Community. This Creep is trying to buy the lumber co in port aransas with the money of Patricia Geister Locke Star Builders : Robert Locke : Con Man-Thief : Patricia Geister Port Aransas Robert Locke is a thief, pathological liar and a sexual predator. I was remodeling and I was looking for a builder to take over the project and pay me the money I had already put in... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sentry Credit of Washington State
E Hogan September 27, 2009
We are getting constant calls from a Sentry Credit. The person living in the home has care givers so we are not sure if the call is for me or for the caregivers. (maybe they gave out my number There was a problem this year and the only one that would concern a credit bureau, although we have not gotten any help on what this is about. We were charged a $25 fee for ISF from Comcast of Florida. We paid our bill completely but not a $25 fee ISF fee. Instead we sent a letter from the bank and the bank also called Comcast, left their number to let... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dazzle Smile USA (aka ULTIFRESHWEL / Dazzle White)
jostandingbear September 27, 2009
After receiving the sample I realized I couldnt use it and also found out I needed to opt out of some kind of membership so I called and told them I would not authorize any further payments or enrollment, yet I was double billed this month (September 2009) for $79 each. I tried to call and cancel again but the number the payments are going to is disconnected. I never received anything for that $160 either! How can I make them give the money back? How do I get a hold of them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IPA (Independent Producers of America)
Trig September 27, 2009
DAN CONRADO is still active in the Michigan Area, namely Southfield. I received the following email just this morn: "I.P.A. and Independence Holding Group are expanding in Michigan, and we are seeking local candidates to fill the position of Professional Sales Representative/Sales Leader. After reviewing your resume online, I feel that you have the necessary qualifications to be a candidate for a position with our company. We are conducting interviews in our Michigan Regional Office this week and would like to schedule an... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Banks&Finance Institutions
Ronald Truck September 27, 2009
Would not finance, turned down 23 times in two weeks all for the same so called reason of debt to income ratio. Well I investigated how they were coming up with so much debt when I know for a fact that all I have is a mortgage payment. It turned out to be the three credit bureaus were reporting false and inaccurate information and even after being disputed they still did not remove it. They verified information on one account from a company that has been out of buisness for years. I had called and told them what the mistake was and they needed... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ezykit and elitepack
Jules September 27, 2009
I have no idea who these companys are but they keep taking money from my account and I wish to stop them, but cant as I have no idea who they are or how to contact them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Rajmohanbabu September 27, 2009
ICICI Bank NRI Service is a BIG Cheating, I have NRI account with ICICI Bank, Usually my salary deposited as INR, but I am getting US $ salary. When my employer put US $ salary, ICICI bank get convert into Indian Rupees. Here is the cheating starting. This month I get US $ 47.34 on 25th Sep 2009. Same date My friend who is holding SBI NRi account get US $ 47.74 on same date. Here My loss is INR 1200. So think about anyone who is getting more dollars losses are very high. So Now I am thinking to transfer my account to SBI or any other... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
James F. Johnston
Medic1 September 27, 2009
Landlords beware of James F. Johnston. 6' tall, brown curly hair & mustache. He will be searching for a property management, maintenance position. He has stolen and embezzled thousands of dollars from us to support drug and alcohol addictions. He has also harassed our tenants and us and stole all of our furniture from a furnished apartment. It took 12 months and alot of time and money to evict this derelict individual. He is now serving a 1-3 year sentence at the Buffulo Correctional Facility, NY for attacking my wife & I with a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
MVQ Homesavings Mall
billcody September 27, 2009
Never bought anything from them and for the last 6 months they have charged $14.95 to my credit card. I don't know how they got it . They said I inquired on the internet about a $25.00 Wal-Mart gift card on 4/19/09 I was driving back from Florida all day and night on 4/19/09 and could not have been on the internet. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Unity Packages
Datsyme September 27, 2009
i recieved a message on my phone saying that i won, 300000 pounds.i was told to submit my email email address is, [email protected] name is esther Phiri. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Zambia
Midfirst Bank
passitalong September 27, 2009
Watch out for this bank and the fact they seem to make up their own rules. They run promotions to open accounts and change the terms after the fact to avoid giving out the premiums. They add stipulations that are not disclosed in the initial offer or even in any of their fine print. Deceptive in their advertising and their disclosures to consumers. Watch out! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
euro million international mobile draw
sudheer reddy September 27, 2009
hello i recieve these fraud email i.e " CONGRATULATION!!! The online world mobile phone numbers draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 7, 000.000 Mobile Numbers of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer selection from the web. No tickets were sold. After this automated computer ballot, your mobile number emerged as one of the five winners in category "B" with the followings: Ref Number: MMPL03022009 Batch Number: B17 Serial Number: MMPL02 EUROMILLION MOBILE PHONE... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
clipperhealth 567 201 4475
josie chawner September 27, 2009
i ordered pills costing 7 99pounds plus post 62 19 pounds took fromacount read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
online loatary
BHASKAR SONAVALE September 27, 2009
HOME OFFICE: 28 TANFIELD ROAD, CROYDON.LONDON Customer Service REFERENCE NUMBER:BTL/491OXI/04 BATCH NUMBER:12/25/0304 TICKET NUMBER: 564 75600545-188 CONGRATULATIONS!!! Dear Benefactor, We are delighted to inform you of the result of the E-mail address ballot lottery draws of the British online new year lottery programme, which took place Recently. This is a computer generated lottery of Internet users, using e-mail addresses for draws. This lotto draw is fully based on an electronic selection of winners using... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
yoville on
gracie59765 September 27, 2009
i got on my yoville and someone had used up 9, 000 coins and they wrote on the whiteboard "i'm in the bedroom". read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dahoyboy September 27, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
So disgusted September 27, 2009
Salute, Tribute and Aspen has closed all these accounts and yet you still have to pay for the high interest and maintenence fees. I believe it is very unfair for consumers who was paying their bill on time and trying to rebuild their credit! Does anyone know if someone is starting a lawsuit against them? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fia Card Servicesan ,MannBracken LLP
lifes2good September 27, 2009
There has been numerous daily phone calls on a 9 year old debt the statute of limitations is 4 years and I have been harassed by the attorney Man Bracken, LLP attorney for (Fia card Services) for much more than 5 years after the statute of limitations My original debt was $800 and now is over $5, 000 Mann bracken, LLp and Fia Card Services are unwilling to settle! PS I am on social security disability and almost homeless yet they do not care Especially about the statue laws are! You look them up on under credit Debt management/California statute of limitations on Debt read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Reinat00 September 26, 2009
I too am having a problem with PDL. I took out a 300.00 loan from the company on July 6, 2009. They documented my pay dates on the application and on the application it stated that they were going to withdraw one payment of $390.00 on 7/31/2009. To my understanding that told me they would take that amount our in one lump sum and then the loan will be paid in full. Ever since I have had the loan they were taking $90 out of my checking account every pay day (I get paid bi-weekly). I looked at my bank statement online and noticed that this pay... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
vaa September 26, 2009
I just noticed in my bank statement that 76.98 was charged number by it was 499659 926900531 4.63 492130 926900534 and 4.29 495689 926900370. I have not ordered any product, this is the third charge I have had to deal with, I contacted the other companies and everything has been cancelled and 1 I was refunded the other I just cancelled and I should be getting my money refunded. What is this for? I have not authorized nor order anything. I don't understand how companies can go in and help themselves to taking money. I want this stopped!@ read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Karen Rudolph September 26, 2009
I checked on the internet about the product, and within a week 4 separate charges have been made towards my credit card for $79.95. I never authorized them to take out any more than the $1.99 for the shipping and handling for the free trail, which I never received. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Top Gun
shoulda September 26, 2009
All that needs to be asked of anyone promoting Durante Parks' Commercial Financing Course is... How many deals have your students done? Ask for proof. Ask Durante where his current properties are located. Look...DO NOT let Durante bamboozle you with a lot of BS. If he and his current students cannot show you absolute proof of CURRENT commercial real eastate deals that have been completed, you'll know that he's full of crap (which he is) Do not fall for the excuse that he/they cannot show proof... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
carmensanchez123 September 26, 2009
who the hell are you that toked $88.77 from my personal bank account send me a proof of any purchase ASAP read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Snappy music/My music support
wandering September 26, 2009
When I went to this site (yes I should have checked it out first) it sounded just like what I might be looking for. They clearly stated 2 years for $2.99. Ok this did not sound too bad. I was not going to use it that much so I signed up for 2 years and let them know to charge my card for $2.99 for a 2 year subscription. What a shock when I got my bank statement and they had charged me $71.76. What tha...How can they continuously get away with this from what I am reading. I have tried everything to get in touch and they will only go through... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Daffy32 September 26, 2009
I have had an amount of $97.54 taken out of my credit card on the 20/08/2009 for no known reason. I have never herd of or visited any sight concerning this company and do not know why they even took the money or how they got my details. I've been riped off. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Australia
Adil Naseer September 26, 2009
after purchasing their trial 7 day package.. the support link is broken or empty, there is no way to cancel the subscription.. what shud i do?? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Pakistan
Elctronics Exporter
zeestar September 26, 2009
Josh Aase (Mr.) Branch Manager Tel: (+44) 702 401 7917 Mail: [email protected] MSN: [email protected] Web-site: SKY ELECTRONIC SUPPLIES LIMITED Registered No.02233525 3 HARDWICK CLOSE, SHEFFORD, BEDFORDSHIRE, SG1 5DYUNITED KINGDOM. Please stay away from above con artists. They'll be all nice and say God bless you and lure you into ordering merchandise, you pay them, they send you fake email from phony shipping company, fake Ems website, fake tracking no. and then you never hear from them again. Keep your money with you, where it's safe. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Jaime Vargas
Jaime G. Vargas September 26, 2009
Platinum charges withdrew from my personal account $99.95 TWICE the same day WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. I believe this to be 'plain theft', since I didn't autorize such withdrawal. I don't know how they got my account router and number. I asked for loans through the internet this past week, but I don't believe any of them would risk their position by doing this.Is there an agency to complain to, that really fights for the rights of consumers on the web? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Value Max/Intelius
duped in tx September 26, 2009
I recently visited the website Intelius to find a phone number on my cell phone. I got the information I requested from Intelius without any problems. That is until I had an unauthorized charge for $24.95 taken from my checking account by Value Max. After doing a search on the internet I found this website and realized that other people had the same thing happen to them after also visiting and using the Intelius website. This is obviously a joint scam. I've had to close my debit/credit card and now have to file a claim of fraud with my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Wellness Education Foundation Inc.
cbashley September 26, 2009
I was charged for $59.00 following a supposed free trial, that I never authorized. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ezykit 17
Jennie B September 26, 2009
ezykit 17 is part of a company that give 14 trials free of acaiberry to whom I gave my number for a 14 trial of there product at the cost of $4.98 p and h. Since then they have taken 3 large payments of $87, $124 and $119 plus the $9 from ezykit 17 in the last 6 weeks. these are all unauthorized payments. I now have the bank fraud department investigating. The company refuses to acknowledge emails or phone calls. Please beware of these scammers everyone. I have had no food money for 4 weeks from them taking money from my account, lucky I have great friends who have been there to help read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: New Zealand
Proplayer Timeshares
nails September 26, 2009
One never hears enough negative about unethical, harassing personal insults, abrasive practices and nasty communications in the time share industry. I have had several of these experiences including false, misleading sales practices such as the ol' "money up front" scam to search for and hold a prospective buyer for one's timeshare. The "Director of Sales" of Proplayer Timeshares is probably no worse than most of them but he motivated me to drop a note . At approximately 4:50 EST, September 26 he called to offer... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dukie September 26, 2009
With the many complaints that I have read about TLG I found interesting that HSBC is mentioned in many of them. I have the same issue of unauthorized charges on my HSBC credit card. Since it is Saturday and I REALLY don't want to listen to recordings I have to start this mission Monday. well I will be trying to recoup the money involved and believe you me this will hit any news organization that will take it on also. If you are in New York in any borough and have similar problems with TLG AND HSBC please please e-mail me with the info. Thanks and good luck to us! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
city wide finanical group
i can September 26, 2009
sold home under falas pretenses load was a predatory loan could not product the note uses fradulent practices read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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