CATEGORY: Business & Finances
The Loan Modififcation Team
The company and Randy is a rip off. They take people money and harrassed them for a payment and they still don't get a modification. They have let people go on 8-10-2009 and kept some under the new name. It is a shame that they let people loose there houses and take their money... read full review »
collins contracting
After applying to a job post for this company, I recieved this email:
Thanks for your interest in our office position. Just to restate the job duties for clarity, you will be answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and running company errands in a company car. When running errands you will be provided with a company credit card to make supply purchases, etc.
We have had some bad experiences in the past, so before we can schedule an interview, we need you to get a credit check. We prefer you use... read full review »
NCO Financials
This company refuses to stop calling my work/home number. They are looking for an individual who doesn't live/work at that number and no matter how many rep's I've spoken to and letters I've written they won't stop calling. Is there a lawyer I can call about this? read full review »
grant refund
put my money back not interested read full review »
Weights Secret
Weight Secrets made an unauthorized charge to my credit card
Have tried to contact them by telephone and email---to no avail! read full review »
viv3 labs/acai berry detox diet
i ordered the "30 day free trial" of the acai berry from the viv3 labs website. the cost was £2.95 for shipping. within days they took a payment of £76.38. i did not authorise this, i called the company and was told that in order to cancel and get a refund i am to wait for an email so i can submit my details. i am still waiting. i have called again and was told that they do not have anybody to speak to and that "it doesnt work like that" i have to wait for that email. you can not cancel your agreement via email you... read full review »
Extra Storage Space - Plymouth Meeting PA
I would highly recommend staying away from this company. I had a disturbing experience with their Plymouth Meeting Location. They are an inflexible and insensitive company with little regard for their customers. The only think they seem to care about is collecting money. There are better storage facilities out there that will offer you much better customer service. read full review »
Gerhard Krieg,Plahuta Ayman al Haddad
hallo herr Gerhard Krieg hallo herr Ayman al Haddad, hallo her Plahuta, Herr Schmitt,
ich würde mich mal zusammen nehmen und mir genau überlegen was sie im Intternet alles so behaupten. Es kann auch Mobbing eine Straftatt sein und es bwird auch in D genau hingeschaut wer was schreibt!!! Achtung, Achtung Verleundung ist hier auch eine Straftat, Das Geschäft muss ja richtig schlecht laufen wenn Sie so viel Zeit haben um solche bericht zuschreiben.Froud Achtung vor solchen pERSONEN: read full review »
VIV3 Labs - Acai Berry & Life Cleanse
Like many others I have recently fallen victim to the VIV3 Labs scam, whereby following the order of "free" trial of Acai Berry & Life Cleanse, subsequent charges were made to my account totalling £148.34 GBP. After calling the primary Toll Free number (08082389891), I was met with a faulty line message! I eventually managed to get through on the Intl number (02031399027) and spoke with a customer rep.
I explained having cancelled both accounts via email on 4 separate occasions per account, the charges had subsequently... read full review »
I have had two amounts taken from my account $2.45 and $58.72 and I have no idea what for as I have not purchased anything and have recieved no goods I want my money back so now have to approach my bank for assistance and will now have to cancel my card and get a new one I will never put my account details or purchase anything over the internet ever again read full review »
i found £6.24 being took out my bank by your company i want it to stop immediately. read full review »
Buckeye check cashing of California to location in Sacramento
On August 04'2009 I was notified by my personal bank that a check in the amount of $300.00 was cashed at Buckeye check cashing of California on 7/02/2009, in Sacramento California at one of it's
2 locations. I have never been in Sacramento for which I am a 83 year
old senior citizen that have been victimized by check and identity fraud, I have request a copy of the check and will submit it to you upon request. looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest
Thank You!
Elease Stevens read full review »
Donido Ltd/Megaflixpass
The site offered some software that is no longer available from the manufacturer, so I thought I would take a 3 day membership, and could afford to lose $4.87, if it did not meet my expectations.
However I became suspicious when I tried to download the software, after giving my credit card details, it took me to an invalid website, then to other sites such as MySpace etc.
Within an hour I checked with my bank, and my Mastercard had been debited $115 Australian, which would have been the $4.87 + the $89 monthly fee - so much for the 3 day... read full review »
uco bank
i opened my account on 16th july till now i didnt get my visa card they are tellling me to come next week again and again. please help me out read full review »
L.G-23 GrillMW 6347B
resp sir, <br />
<br />
let you know that i am purchasing product in Metro (Bhandup) dated 11th july2009. product code is L.G-23L GrillMW6347B but the product should not working .Your demo engeneer Suresh Pal said product fails it not working & mr.Tejas shoudl repalce it but mr.tejas not attending phone.<br />
<br />
We are request you to please follow the complaint<br />
other wise we should take strick action .<br />
<br />
Plese do needfully & give replay as early as possible<br />
<br />
Thanking you read full review »
A charge of $14.95 has been added on my Discover Card. I did not order a report from this company, so have I ever seen a report from this company. Please refund the $14.95. Beth G. read full review »
Dear sir,
I have applied for personal loan in your call center thru your executive mr. vikas whose phone no. is 9971729199. I am your existing customer of citi financial having loan account no. 15067537. I have paid 15th EMI. But when I have applied for top up then your bank send the statement of civil checking that there is no loan existing in my name at your bank . will you please confirm me that if there is no loan is showing in your civil checking report then why you are taking any EMI from me why you are dragging money of every... read full review »
Universal Marketing Solutions,Delray Beach , FL
I signed two contracts with Universal Marketing Solutions for sale and rental of my timeshare. First contract was in Sept 08. Was told time share would be sould within 60 to 90 days. After signing contract never heard form them again. Each time I called I got the run around. Finally was told the person I originally signed with has left the company. New person was sorry and promised to get timeshare sold and rented. Never happened.
After a little digging, I found out that Jennifer Kirk and Matthew Hicks were running the timeshare sale... read full review »
I want to lodge complaint against Unicon - Delhi office. 1 month before Ms Varsha of Unicon telecon me (several times) regarding Reliance smart invest assure plan and given the information regarding the product. Upon my enquiry related to Premium allocation charges and all other charges, she told me (assured me) that only 1000 Rupees will be deducted and rest will be invested in purchasing of units from my first premium and 500 rupees will be deducted from 2nd years onwards. Also she told me that I will be getting 3000 Rupees from Reliance... read full review »
This company has been charging $19.95 to my American Express card for some kind of membership without my authorization and without my knowledge of how they received my credit information.
Please remove my name and information from that company's records immediately. read full review »
OrchardBank Credit Cards
I had a balance of $10.09 on my Orchard Bank credit Card. When I went online I was shocked to see the I had benn charged a $30.00 late fee. i immediately got on the phone and called the customer service department and talk to someone who only gave her name as "Lisa". I asked her, "What kind of criminal organization aare you working for?". I proceeded to explain how I was charged $30.00 in late fees on a balance of $10.09. She said that even if the balance was one dollar ($1.00) that $30.00 was what they charged in late fees. So... read full review »
viv3lab Itd
applied for a 14 day free trial at the cost of $7.95 for each product, which was two products only.have been charged $156.16 plus shiping and handling costs of $7.95 to my account which I did not agree to and did not agree to getting anymore of the product but have been sent more and have already have been charged for it without concent from me.I will be sending back both lots to the company and I would like NO I WANT MY MONEY REFUNDED BACK INTO MY ACCOUNTOR A MONEY ORDER SENT BACK TO ME FOR BOTH AMOUNTS TOTALING $312.32 . THANK YOU Colleen Prior read full review »
I ordrered the Acai Ultra from this company for $14.95 s/h on July 23, 2009 it never arrived. However, on at least 3 other occassions I was called to cnfirm the order and asked if I wanted to add another product for only s/h, I said no because I had not received my first order. The call taker said he would call shipping and expidite my order and I thanked him, within days I received other calls regarding the same offer. At this point I told them that I wanted a refund of all money paid to them, now this is after waiting for a live agent online... read full review »
Fran Russ
I have been charged text messaging by three different companies. these charges are not authorized and I want them removed.Please advise how i go about having that happen
Fran Russ read full review »
Fun Web Profits
I really should have known better. I saw an ad on Facebook about a fellow who made money from home by working for Google and his interview was on ABC News. I filled out the form and paid the $1.97 (I thought, oh, it's just a small amount, it's okay). I got an email from "Alternative Funding" who said that after 14 trial days I would be charged 29.95 a month to continue membership. I could deal with that to access the site to work from home. No big deal. But then I checked my bank account and saw 69.95 taken out from a company... read full review »
American Leisure/Easy Saver
My 20 year old daughter noticed on her Visa Statment in June 2009, that charges were being taken of $16.95 each for American Leisure/Easy Saver. She called both numbers on the statement. She advised them she did not authorize these charges and to cancel the membership and return her money. They said they would and it would be a couple of weeks. Then in July 2009 they charged her account again. She called again and was told that a John Smith was a member and he would have to call. She stated to them that she did not know a John Smith and these... read full review »
Google Fortune/Fun Web Profits
This company took my money on 8-10-09 without my knowledge. I got a charge of $70 on a product that I have never seen. There was only suppsosed to be a charge for $1.97 in order to recieve this information in the mail. I contacted the company who told me that the $1.97 charge was just the initiation fee and the $70 charge was the membership fee. But they didn't say that on thier advertisement. Don't be foooled. read full review »
I ordered a free trail bottle Advanced ACAI and I paid for shipping.
The merchant has charged my credit card twice since then. One charge was for $64.95 and another for $24.95. The charges were made one day after another and I never authorized them to charge it. Not only that, but they have charged me and have not sent anything out to me. read full review »
Shoppers Sweepstakes Lottery
I received my letter today dated July 28th, and a very convincing check for $4875.00. I plan to put this into my shredder ASAP!! This is a SCAM! Just check out all of the other complaints. read full review »
straiex stretch mark cream
ok so i ordered this stretch mark cream last year like in july it said no risk no obligation just pay 2.95 s&h so of course i tried it...which im so disappointed i did i wish i would of researched it more before but anyways then i got a thing in the mail from transworld trying to collect from me when i never even got anything from this company sayin that i had to pay anything so i emailed the customer service for striaex because that is the only way you can get ahold of them cuz the number on there website just tells you to email them well... read full review »
I never authorized this company to charge 19.95 and then a subsequent company to charge 24.95 related to this bogus ass company. I am contacting the Better Business bureau. I don't know how they got my American Express card. read full review »
Empire Model Management
my daughter did a photo shoot with justin perry for $500.00 and after the shoot i never heard from him again. read full review »
Creative Vacation Solution
I received a phone call from Byron Bergeron stating he could rent and sell my timeshare. I gave him $1889.00 to sell it. The end of May 2009, I call him and ask him for a copy of the contract as I didn't remember signing anything. He returned my call and told my husband that I had signed the contract, but never sent me a copy of the contract - which I had requested. He indicated that he would have it sold and we should get our money by the end of week. This was on July 6, 2009, we never received anything in the mail or heard from Byron... read full review »
john comutta
they have taken money out of my debit account without asking or even telling me when it will occur.and since they didnt fill me in on when they were taking it out automatically it caused me to bounce over 1600 hundred dollars in debits and checks. not to mention the bank fees. to make a long story short they sent me a letter saying i need to make one more payment of 79.99 and i would be free from there grip. so i payed it ...three months later i get a call from northshore collection agency saying i had to pay 79.99 . what? i have bank... read full review »
Shoe Under As Seen on TV
I was quoted $10 per shoe under and when the order was processed I was charged $14.99 per item. Then I was offered an upgrade to the product for $5.99 each of which I was then charged $15 for each additional product. This is not right and there is no customer service number to call. I will report this company to the BBB. read full review »
Google Complaint Dep.
The Phone number for XMLABS is not the right number the number for them is 1(800)440-4397 my number is 1(800)440-4399 I it needs to be changed or someone needs to pay me back for all the long distance phone calls I'm getting and we need to resolve this issue ASAP.
David McMurtrey read full review »
Corporate COompliance Center
Last year I was scammed out of apprx. $420 for some Corporate Compliance Center. I wrote them two checks after receiving two letters from Sacramento. I called some Government agency and the man pretty much said I'm out of luck. Is there nothing I can do? read full review »
DRI Symayec
My bank statement says I have paied for a renewel for anti spy wear with DRI
Symatec. I keep getting a pop up box's telling me that my spy wear as run out and I need get renewed.
I renewed my subscripion in June 09. You can check with your records, and you will see I'm right
[email protected] read full review »
Blue Mountain
Blue mountain have taken a out of my account a years membership. This is an unauthorized charge.
Bank says I need to close my account to stop this happening. What else can I do ? read full review »
Intuit / TurboTax
Has anyone else out there been a victim of Intuit TurboTax's "Accuracy Guarantee" and "Audit Support" vaporware?
I was audited by the IRS for my TurboTax 2007 return. The result was approximately $3300 in penalties and interest. The specific problem was that the TurboTax product asked for and accepted 1098 mortgage interest twice in its program, doubling the mortgage interest that was reported on my taxes. I have screen shots of the software to show how this happened, and the VP of TurboTax has stated that the program... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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