CATEGORY: Business & Finances

natinal magazine exchange
sherry bouffard May 2, 2009
i was called a year ago about this special on magazines. I told the guy my credit card was maxed and did not want the magazines. he some how convinced me to order. I gave my credit card which did not go thru because it was maxed out. i never received any magazines and then a year later I get a call from a collection agency named tate stating I owe 278.00 dollars for magazines I never received and I am not going to pay for these since It's been a year and I never received anything. I think this is ridiculous and such a scam. Something... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
VirginMobile USA
america May 2, 2009
My daughter had her services terminated even though we were not due to top up on our accounts until 5/01/2009. After calling the company's "expert advisors", they can't seem to agree on our previous top up dates. I Purchased VirginMobile 400 minute pack for $30 and a $20. unlimited "text Messaging" and activated it on 3/31/09. This gives you $0.07/minute. It is good for 30 days and Virgin says you have to buy more minutes pre-expiration in order to Rollover minutes left at 30 days, if any. I did as they said, however... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DRI Symantec MN
anne mitchell May 2, 2009
My Visa card has been charged for a product I did not authorize...the charge is to: DRI*Symantec This charge needs to be removed from my credit card. Anne Mitchell read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bernice May 2, 2009
When I checked into the free grants they stated that it would only cost $1.95 plus tax to download. I have been charged twice. Once in March 07, 2009 and then again in April 6, 2009 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
ozzyboy May 2, 2009
Just got my latest credit card statement and saw a charge for 79.96!! My teenage daughter signed up for this and we never received any product. We have been so lucky when dealing with online charges but this is a total SCAM. Tried to call the 877 number and shock of all shocks, it is disconnected. What a bunch of ass@@les!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Cigarest Free Trial
BJ May 2, 2009
I ordered 2 30 day free trials of cigarest paying only shipping charges of $6.00 ($3.00 each) in april. I received the items and in May they charged my credit card an additional $97.85. I did not authorize this payment, and this payment caused my account to overdraft. My bank charges $35.00 per day, a charge that you created and should be liable for. I need someone to call me as soon as possible to discuss this matter. I have notified my bank and they too are investigating this matter. Also I am very unhappy with this product IT DOESN'T WORK. I can be reached at 517-323-6992, my name Barbara Oliver. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Laura Powell May 2, 2009 is taking money from my bank account without my autherazition. I called and cancelled my membership with grantnow like I was suposed to do, but they are still taking money out of my account. That is THEFT. That is a FELONY. I will prosacute onyone and everynoe involved.I demand my money back or prosacution will begin. I will tell everyone to watch out for your company. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
RSS Grants #1 Grant Search Software
Nancy Stewart May 2, 2009
Free products offered s/a Grant Search Center to recieve information are advertized as FREE and by no means free and the companies takie out large sums of money from our bank accounts from the information we gave them for the shipping and handling of the FREE product (s) are misleading and for the most part totally false. Companies use the Government; this election year; the President, and other people or companies to lure you in. The companies make it impossible for you to contact them on purpose to be able to charge the customer for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jam May 2, 2009
Company called TLG Loans who pretend that they are lenders but infact they are just a broker and they called me and i have been told that your loan has been approved so please pay £ 199.99 as an administartion fee. After that there is no documents and any correspondence.I tried to speak to them but every time they kept me on hold for 2 hrs and after they just hanged up. Don't know what to do.Please suggest read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
The Movie Download Program
Richard Ladouceur May 2, 2009
I have been charged $ 29.88 without my authorisation and my secured security code has by bypassed and i have not even go for the final checkout and secondly a popup showed that my trasaction was rejected and the next day i was surprised to see on my account that i have been charged. I have been mailed an i have been given a user name and a password to download free peer to peer programs to download video for free and i am not satisfied with the service which is totally free like imesh, Vuze, Frostfire, etc. I have mailed them to kindly refund me and i hope they will accept. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Natural Source Stores
Dot Milam May 2, 2009
03-23-2009 - ordered "free trial" South Beach Smile 03-24-2009 - account charged $6.95 S&H 04-05-2009 - called to report no trial received 04-09-2009 - account charged $79.99 for product 04-10-2009 - called again to request cancellation and refund; spoke with Jodi; was assured cancellation would be processed and account credited. 05-02-2009 - no "free trial" received; no product received; no refund or credit received. Requesting again that steps be taken to refund both $6.95 S&H and $79.99 for product. Further communication will be with Consumer Protection and my attorney. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Z Kennedy-de-Kumba May 2, 2009
I was trying to get Portuguese music online when the afore-mentioned organisation through a £0.99 monthly charge agreed to sell me Felipe Goncalves' s songs but instead of music, to add insult to injury, they uploaded pornographic material under the form of music folders( Four times) and sent me a series of virus all over my system(more than 300 trojans and malwares). I tried to cancel everything with no success so I consulted my bank to stop this company taking my money but my branch manager told me that they have been using a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Club des Multimillionnaires
Carolyn Jane May 2, 2009
Dear Sirs I too like Patrick was led to believe I had won money for a lottery I had never entered saying I had won 35, 000€. I was suspicious and checked the web which confirmed those suspicions. I am an OAP and for me and many other in my position it is a disgrace that these scammers are allowed to continue. Not all paople, particularly elderly OAP have access to computers and the web. My advice is BIN any Such unsollicited mail. It is foolish not to do so. Carolyn read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Belgium
David K White May 2, 2009
RJM ACQ LLC has posted an unknown and unwarranted charge repeatidly for several months to my personal credit report. I have advised them in writing to provide evidence of the debt over 60 days ago and they have yet to comply. I do not know what catagory these charges fall into nor do I have any record of this debt. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
American Express (Costco Card)
donwest May 2, 2009
1. American Express reduced my line of credit some months ago, rendering the card virtually worthless for travel, even when making payments "as I went"! 2. Yesterday--May 1, 2009--I received written notice of cancellation. In the approximately 2 years I have had this card I have paid by electronic transfer from my checking account as charges were posted. I was not late one time. If anything, I was consistently too early in paying my bills, usually making up to 8 payments a month by the electronic payment feature. Do you think... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
PGYC Patriot Energy
PGYC May 2, 2009
fradulent information for investors, pump and dumpo scheme with stock price manipulation. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
GE Money/Thomasville
Jeff May 2, 2009
Hi, folks, if you decide to buy furniture from Thomasville, most likely you will end in the hand of GE money credit card. Be very careful about GE money, it's a scam. they will hide your due date of interest deferred purchase between two billing cycles, you will have >98% chance to miss that date and will pay the accumulated interest which is the highest on this planet. GE money bank=scam! scam!, avoid GE money/Thomasville advised from a victim of GE Money scams read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ge money bank/walmart pre-paid cards
kamica james May 1, 2009
As i was watching an advertisement on the local television channel, I thought it would be a good idea to purchase a GE money bank card. No overdraft fees, what could be better?Please friends, let me explain to you the havoc that I have had with Ge bank. When I first purchased the card I made a 15.00 gas purchase. When I checked my balance a few days later, I was informed that the retailer automatically charges 15.00 for any debit tranaction and it would be refunded within 4 days. This was not a problem, however I would have had liked thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
shannon May 1, 2009
i had the same thing happen to me i went in to check my account and i seen a nsf fee there for 35.00 for the same amount of 17.95 i have been trying to call the no but it just has a recording on it..this is crap.. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
BLACKBERRY May 1, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Maria Maldonado May 1, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
American Express Delta Skymiles
boplock May 1, 2009
I was solicited to switch to the Delta Skymiles card from American Express online while visiting the Northwest Airlines site. I signed up for a deal which stated that I would be given 25000 bonus miles after using the card for the first time and 25000 miles would be replenished when used for "pay with miles" program. A free companion airline voucher was also included. When the card arrived I found nothing confirming the above-mentioned terms. I called Amex and asked them to state the terms in their records. The customer service rep wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
KORI MOSER May 1, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ann Allred May 1, 2009
i bought a walmart prepaid visa on may 1, 2009 put 75.00 on it and i have ran into the same problems that everyone here has so to everyone that sees this post please contact me my name is Theresa Ann Allred at 678-685-4518 so the we may setup things to start a class action lawsuit againest wal-mart and visa and put a stop to this .dont let them do this to anyone elsa please!! did you all also know that wal-mart its self had a lawsuit against visa too for boogest charges and they won the suit but yet they are still selling theses cards . huh read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Caralumma Extreme
It took some digging, but the $34.84 charge on our credit card bill from "Carallumma Extreme" was neither authorized nor originated from us in any way. The company is apparently a notorious criminal activity charging people an innocuous amount (it seems always $34.84) and hoping people just pay it. The credit card company refunded our money, but, judging from complaints from others on the Internet, I fully expect to continue to get charged by them every month until they go to jail. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
First Universal Lending, LLC
Lee May 1, 2009
This company mislead and misrepresented themselves to me. I was up to date on my mortgage looking for a modification, when I was contacted by Donnie Crecellous, who during our conversation told us to hold off on paying the mortgage since we were up to date, (while they were handling our case) and put that money on paying down our credit cards, so we did. and now we are in worse shape, They have done nothing they promised, a bunch of phone calls that i could have made. then they never called us to keep us up to date, they never returned... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fraud Alert Protection
Mary Ellen Capper May 1, 2009
Norton Fraud Alert appeared on my computer screen informing me I needed to renew my Fraud Protection Service. It was presented in such a way I thought it was rather urgent. I pressed the select prompt for $49.99 a year. However, there was no info regarding how to contact Norton. Within a few days I needed to contact my service provider's tech support unit. I inquired about the Norton Fraud Alert service, since I could not recall having to sign up for fraud alert protection. I was informed that the service is included with our monthly... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chevron& Texaco Business Card Services
Paragon Electric May 1, 2009
Chevron statements are dated the 1st of every month (even if it is a Saturday or a Sunday)and are due the 15th. We are in California and by the time the statements are received from North Carolina, they are already late. You will be charged a fee if you mail them a check. Our Company will stop using Chevron as one of our fuel suppliers...we urge everyone to do the same. We have ALWAYS been a good customer in good standing so we don't understand why they are treating good customers this way... I will also stop using Chevron gas personally and have urged many of our employees to do the same. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Saxon Mortage
karen May 1, 2009
I am trying to buy a house listed with a local real estate company, it was not listed as a short sale, however guess it actually is. Made orginial offer Jan 9, 2009, offered full asking price, offered to pay all closing cost, contingent on a home inspection. I received word from my realtor that the owner accepted, however we needed bank approval. Received verbal acceptance from the bank several days later, I did the home inspection at this time, and accepted condition as is and removed the contingency. Closing date was set for Feb 18, 2009, no... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
EZ Saver Rewards/PRO Flowers
Phil Lang May 1, 2009
I have been duped by EZ Saver Rewards with monthly charges of $14.95 for several months dating back to August 2008. We have a "busy" charge card with two of us using it and that one charge along with so many others just got lost. We have not used this card for a couple months and now this charge sticks out like a sore thumb. Like another complaint on this site, the 800-line does not allow you to get to a person. They want a credit card that you used with a PRO Flowers order or a code from an email. I don't have a code and I sure... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sleep once again
Tina Walker May 1, 2009
I was told that I could recieve a 30 day trial period for free and could cancel at anytime within 14 days without charges or obligation. I got the product on Feb the 20th and called on March the 5th to cancel this was the 14th day and I was charged on my credit card for 64.90 and they say I had to call within 14 days of ordering. Now tell me how can a person try a product for days before they even recieve the product?!?!?!? I used it for almost 2 weeks and called on the 14th day but that is not all on the add it said 30 free trial whcih... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
K. bacik May 1, 2009
Hello... I am upset that STARBUCKS... is closing .. at the entrance of our building... It really made a difference in the area.. people would cross the street for STARBUCKS Location 3391 Bloor st west Toronto Canada Can you tell me why the location is closing...not enough sold... The only thing that can be said was that there was a large turnover of staff... which was a shame as it was a neighbourhood place and a congregation place...I never understood why the staff kept changing... can you tell me why... KikiBacik read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Tim Cook May 1, 2009
Signed up for a credit card that was not a credit card at all. Now I am getting all kinds of charges to my debit card for nothing. I want to cancel this but they never answer the phone. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
WWfnnb/Viictoria secret
elza conceicao May 1, 2009
I am a person that some one in 2004, 05, 06 opened 12 credit cards on my name and only in December 2006, I found out about the matter. The debit was $37, 000.00 and one of the credit card is Victoria Secret with the balance of #$446.00 dollars. During this time I wore to every one telling them, this person is not me. I am so glad that all of them delete my name except VITORIA SECRET, the Bank which is responsable for the credit cards. I can not pay this bill. First because was not me and secand I don't have all this money to clean... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
loan modification group
carla May 1, 2009
please everyone that has been ripped off by this pitiful clown that has the nerve to steal our hard earned money, contact the atty general. This man is a crook, he does not return calls and he never will, ALL of then EVEN the fools who work with him, for him or wahtever you want to call it are a bucnh of sceamers and cheaters... Go to your bank yourself... they will help you, these fools will not they will steal your money and do NOTHING for you ecxept aggrivate you, and lie to you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Homeq Servicing Corp
Deborahc May 1, 2009
My mortgage was sold to HomEQ in 1999 since that time i have been in foreclouser 3 times been chargeg 10, 000.00 in corp advance fees... harrassed...denied a loan mod because the system says no...gotton in verbal fights with the pions who call...THIS COMPANY MUST BE STOPPED...AND I AM ON A MISSION...IF YOU HAVE BEEN WRONGED BY HOMEQ PLEASE SEND ME YR STORY, , , , , , [email protected] contact anyone you know that has had a problem... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Creative Marketing Solutions, Universal Marketing Solutions, Executive Timeshare Marketing
Jeff May 1, 2009
These are Timeshare Resale Outfits. They claim to have a buyer interested in your timeshare. Some have actually gone as far to tell me, "I already have a downpayment from an approved buyer" These Shysters want you to pay up frount to clear & transfer title. The problem is they claim it takes 2-3 weeks to do title work, they then claim to give the supposed buyer 30 days to accept offer. By now 6-7 weeks have passed, they have your money, you have nothing, and because of the length of time from Credit Card transaction and you realizing you have been a victim, it makes it more difficult to recover your money. DO NOY PAY ANY $ UP FROUNT read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Easy Saver Rewards/Proflowers
Jkatone May 1, 2009
WOW! Talk about deceitful business practices. Pro Flowers should be ashamed for associating with Easy Saver. It was TOTALLY unclear that by taking advantage of the $15 off of my next order that I was "signing up" for a membership to this club. They took money out of my account and yet I never gave Easy Saver my Credit Card number. I did give it to Pro Flowers to make my purchase so that means that THEY gave it to Easy Saver. Let's just say that when you google a company and hundreds and hundreds of complaints come up before your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Landmark Clearing / Scuta Network
Gregor May 1, 2009
Landmark Clearing / Scuta Network submitted a scam check to my dead mothers checking account, stating that they a signature on file. I contacted Landmark Clearing two times and was given two different company names that are DBA, doing business as. The first company stated that they do not know of Scuta Networks. The second company name I was given, First Digital Media, in Dudedin Florida, does not exist. I contacted the Chamber of Commerece in Dudedin and Tampa and they were not able to find the company in either city. The telephone number I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
The Village Vets
Harley May 1, 2009
This vet place is horrible. I took my cat there for annual check up and vaccine. Guess how much I was charged after a physical exam and 3 regular shots. $280! The charge three times other vets would charge. The worst thing is when I complained at the big number at check out, the receptionist just told me it is my fault not to ask for an estimation of cost before the service. I have had the cat for 8 years and I took him to vets at different locations each year. I've never need to ask for estimation of cost ahead of time. Ye... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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