CATEGORY: Family & Pets
All brides beware! Wedding dresses100 is a scam. They advertise designer dresses and say that you will be getting this dress while, in fact, they outsource these "designs" to China where they are poorly made with horrible fabric and cheap material to send you a horrible knock off of the dress that you ordered. They make you think you can get refunds; you cannot. This is a scam and your dress will NOT look anything like what is online. Do Not Use this Company!!! I made this mistake and hope to keep anyone else from doing the same. read full review »
withdrew money from account and I had only used this one time, this is bad business for the comsumer, they need to stand behind their word. read full review »
[email protected]
Emails are being sent from "[email protected]" that are malicious, lies and accusational. We do not know the sender as I am sure he is using a fake yahoo ID account.
You will have to find out who this is, and take the necessay legal action. Here is are sample sof some of the things said in one of the emails.
So sorry darling kids, i think it better if i send together to all of you this DEEP DARK FAMILY SECRET!
Thought u should know something about yr family dear children. U know the best kept... read full review »
[email protected]
Dear YAHOO: (Sorry, I made this ealier complaint but it had errors. This is the corrected version)
Emails are being sent from "[email protected]" that are malicious, lies and accusational. We do not know the sender as I am sure he is using a fake yahoo ID account.
You will have to find out who this is, and take the necessay legal action. Here is are examples of some of the things said the emails.
So sorry darling kids, i think it better if i send together to all of you this DEEP DARK FAMILY SECRET!
Thought... read full review »
PetsMart - Authority Dog Food
I bought a food at PetsMart in Orland Hills 3 weeks ago that had expired 5 month prior (Didnt think I had to check the expiration date) and fed it to my dog for 2 weeks before I realized it was infested with bugs that were burrowing in the food pellets! I called the store who told me to load the 34pd bag of bugs into my car and bring it back so they can swap it out for another bag then called the corporate office and never recieved a call back in the 3-5 business days as explained was protocol. No one ever asked how the dog was. . . .one woman... read full review »
Tecspot Bengals / Teresa Caudell
This is a compliment, not a complaint. I know how difficult it can be to find a reputable breeder of Bengal kittens/cats. I am a small breeder and have purchased 5 Bengals from Tecspot over the past 4 years and have had not issues with either the cats or Teresa. She is a very easy and fair person to work with. I have visited her home/cattery many times and have seen first-hand the beautiful setup she has for her Bengal cats. Huge kennels for her studs with outdoor runs so they can play in the sunshine. The expecting queens have a huge room... read full review »
O" Relly's Auto Parts
The District Manager hired a Manager (Phillip Yanez's ) daughter (Sarah Yanez) and she goes around telling other employees that she makes more money than they do. Also referring that they should buy her her lunch and drinks. Does this on a daily basis. Is in the cell phone constantly and walks through the warehouse doing this and not doing her job. And is always texting and she also states that she knows that she can get away with this because her daddy is the boss. read full review »
Con artists!! no shoes, dont answer the phone, dont reply to fax, dont reply to e/mails.Worst of all no refunds. How are they still allowed to trade, this site should be closed down before more people loose their money. read full review »
Permanent resolution of Tantra Mantra and Voodoo Tantra, Mantra and
Yantras are the extremely ancient discoveries of great Indian sages,
who searched these Super-Natural Powers after hundreds years of their
researches. And they found many ways to get rid of the
problems/obstacles, that affects one's life physically or
metaphysically i.e. beyond this seen world. If these Yantras including
powers of Tantra with the help of Mantras are used properly and
accordingly then the life of a human victim can definitely be... read full review »
I talked to this women about buying a parti poodle, the decision was made and final and I was waiting for her to take her to the vet. The women calls me and tells me the sister in law sold the poodle while she was away. Fishy HUH.. Well she apologizes and tells me she has white females so I decide to buy one. I send her the money and wait two weeks for her to ship her to me. It was excuse after excuse. Finally I receive my poodle, and she is cream not white surprised yet, I sure was. Throughout this whole process I was suppose to receive a... read full review »
What in the heck is going on? I received a phone call, and was told my phone number appeared on a web site called Filtydatze. Where did you get my phone number, and why are you giving it out, when I don't belong to this web site, not have I ever belonged to this web site. And to be posting my personal phone number on this site is a down right since. Take it of, remove anything you have about me, or the next e-mail will be to the Attorney General's Office. Get the point? read full review »
Nuvet plus did absolutely nothing for my dogs, the fatty tumors kept growing until one needed surgery. They second one had to be euthanized for a cancerous tumor. When I requested my money back they refused. The guarantee means NOTHING! read full review »
I was a member of this site and sent a lot of emails to female members. 99% of the replies I received and 100% of the first-time contact emails I received were from fictitious profiles that are administered by employees of the website, who are paid to initiate contact with the male membership to keep them interested. To their credit, they say in the terms & conditions that any profile with a tiny "oc" logo in the top right corner is fictitious, and for "entertainment purposes only". "oc" stands for online cupid, and... read full review »
Alpine Lion Boerboels
I have a 23 month old boerboel who is terrified of people, children, wind, trains, cars, garbarge trucks, other dogs, etc. I don't know why she has encounted these things before but you would never know it by her response. She has been nervous since I got her, when I picked her up from her breeder it appeared to me that she had never been out of a cardboard box area that was on a concrete slab. She completely went into herself when she was removed from her littermates and in my opinion she became a nervous, fearful dog. She has been... read full review »
I am 76 years old and have recently had a stroke. I want to cancel the membership immediately because I will not be dating anyone again. I want the money returned to my credit card. It is impossible to talk to a human or get any satisfaction on line or by phone. Respectfully, Eileen Hancock, 530-824-0531 read full review »
I read online Todd Howard aka in Fallbrook California is a scam artist.
That he abuses animals, abuses his wife and little boy, steals his little boys royalty money, does not report income properly to the franchise tax board, operates under false, deceptive and fraudulent terms with the public and is under investigation by those departments for scamming the public out of thousands of dollars!!
I read he lied about dog’s history and origin and got caught by the AKC and is suspended now for selling dogs illegally and... read full review »
Zulfiqar Ali
my name is zulfiqar ali
from pakistan my wife name is
>SHAGUFTA AMBREEN now she is uk on study visa she's
college name of
>SEPTEMBER i send you her detailes by attechment now she is not in my
>conntact for two month . befor two month i call
the london of
>city there i write the report (lost my wife ) and ref no : is
>(11mis001942) and her college also report she is change the nomber or
>she is not online... read full review »
The Right One, King of Prussia, Pa.
I first met with a representative of "the right one" in April 2010. After being given their "sales pitch."After 3 hours, I was then pressured into signing a contract. I was told, I could cancel this contract within 48 hours. I attempted to do and was told, I would still be responsible for the full payment of the contract. I had no choice and no options. I also attempted to put this "service" on hold. I was told, I didn't purchase the hold option. Therefore, I had to fulfill the 9 dates I purchased. The "dating... read full review »
Petco in Brookfield, CT
We went to our local petco and bought a pleko fish to add to our 2 year old aquarium with 3 hardy 3" goldfish.
4 days after we introduced the seemingly healthy pleko, all of our goldfish have died. The pleko had velvet!!! Of course he's the one who survived this whole ordeal even after immediately starting treatment once the fish were behaving differently.
WE ARE FURIOUS!! I cannot believe that they do not maintain their fish better! Our fish were so healthy and happy and we are extremely saddened by their deaths.
All the... read full review »
Elaina Shelborne
Elaina lies about all her breeding practices. I adopted Elvis from her over a year ago, she swore he was in good health, had been groomed, wormed, passed a health check, was UTD on vac, and she was re-homing him because he had grown too large to breed to any of her females, she ran a small breeding program by herself so she needed to get another stud that would work for her and she couldn't divide her time and attention between so many dogs-she was downsizing to a realistic number, but was so concerned about Elvis getting a good home a... read full review »
Taylar Cooney and Lou Feldman
Taylar Cooney and Lou Feldman of Collegeville PA have been soliciting my 15 year old sister for a threesome. taylar asked my sister when she saw her to reply to an ad that her boyfriend Lou put on Backpage and Craigslist and act like she didn't know her and say in an email that she was over 21. Taylar knows my sister and how old she is and just turned 15 to make it look like they are getting hits to keep him interested. After my sister did that, emails came from Taylor saying her boyfriend Lou is 25 and in movies and TV and they have been... read full review »
It's been one problem after another with these people...
I signed up for one year subscription and was billed twice. It took a couple of weeks to get the over-charged amount refunded.
When I couldn't save photos, and contacted their support with the IT details such as browser used, etc, they had no suggestions other than to use a different computer. That was the last I heard from them, even though I wrote back with very specific questions.
When I tested the RSVP function (thankfully BEFORE asking my guests to use... read full review »
David Denman
To whom it may concern
My name is David Denman
I need some intervention on what I believe is nothing more than 3rd parties to profit from those who owe child support.
In 2000 I got my Divorce in Clark County, IN. In 2009 I got a phone call from a company, "National Child Support Services"
out of Ohio, Their mission was to collect the child support they said I owed since my Divorce in 2000 for my Daughter Taylor Denman.
I will not go into details as to why this was not paid, all I will say is, I was asked by my ex... read full review »
Robin & Friends
pick up my 6 cats from animal shelter made sure when i did they were all microchipped 5 Cats were stolen and were reported stolen Robin Olin from Robin And FRiends animal rescue group trapped cat NEVER called microchip company to find out information on the cat adopted the cat out the person that adopted the cat sent in papers to microchip company micochip company called to ask if i gave my rights up to the cat I said NO I WANT MY CAT BACK they contacted Robin several times and refuses to return the cat to the correct owner which is me i have all paperwork reguarding the cat its my daughters cat read full review »
Stellar Dogue De Bordeaux
I sent a $600 check to a Sarah Murray for a male puppy on 09/03/2010 and transferred the remaining contracted balance of $900 Western Union on 09/17/2010. After receiving the money, Sarah the owner of "Stellar Dogue De Bordeaux" called me and told me the puppy was sick and couldn't be shipped to PA. I called 3 times over the next 2 weeks and was told the puppy was still sick. After that these people refused to answer my calls, texts, or emails.
I began to suspect I was being scammed, and began to feel sick myself.
I... read full review »
House of Brides Online
House of Brides buyers BEWARE! On Thursday, Feb. 17th I inquired about 9 Alfred Angelo #7138 dresses for girls in my daughter's Quinceanera, and asked what I had to do to receive them by April 10th for our event on April 30th. Was told as long as I paid $25 rush shipping charge PER DRESS for shipping from the designer to HOB, and then also pay for express shipping from HOB to me, that I was guaranteed to have the dresses. On Friday morning of the 18th, I went online and placed my order, following the above instructions. My total wa... read full review »
Department of Family and Children's Services
A caseworker came to my door claiming that someone called DFCS to come to my home. I inquired Who and for What reason. She said she was not at liberty to say. I made the mistake of letting her in my home. After being in my home for 5-10 minutes she felt it was necessary for my children to be in the care of others. She, Tammy Girma, then proceeded to ask if I had anybody in mind and that if I didn't she would take them into dfcs custody. Under what grounds were my children being removed? She claimed they told her they didn't feel... read full review »
North Carolina Labrador Breeders
Let me start by saying that I'm not complaining about my breeder. I recently purchased a Labrador Retriever (Black) through a brokerage type website called North Carolina Labrador Breeders. We searched for a while to find the perfect puppy and finally we found him. We had been planning this for a while as we already have two other labs. The price for the dog was close to $1600. We followed through with the process, and were told that the puppy was coming from a breeder in New Hampshire and that a $300 shipping fee would apply. We recieved... read full review »
CSP Shar pei
I was really not wanting to go this route but, I have been left without any other choice as Nancy Sedlacek from or Success CSP sold my husband and I a dog with a bad leg defect. He has a bone fissure and my vet said he was born with it. I purchased this puppy as a Valentine's Gift for my husband and I found him on She had him posted for $800 and I fell in love with his face and all his wrinkles. I paid her in good faith for a healthy dog as promised but, once he arrived we noticed right away he wa... read full review »
Cann-Dee Apples Cattery, Nashua,NH
This cattery sold me a siamese kitten that was shipped from Kansas. Four days after the kitten came into our home, my two other cats became seriously ill, one almost died. The kitten apparently brought a virus as well as coccidia into our home. Two independent veternarians wrote a statement to the breeder saying that my two other cats became ill from the kitten. We incurred nearly $1, 000 in vet bills to bring our cats back to good health. The breeder, Mary Jo, was informed of the above and told me she would reimburse me for all of the vet... read full review »
Village Pet Shoppe
After the death of two of my previous parakeets due to illness (one had been sick from the day I brought her home, the other I found dying and soaking wet from being in his water bowl and probably catching cold), I paid a visit to Village Pet Shoppe to purchase a cockatiel because I felt that it would be a nice addition to my pet family, and PetCo was not selling them at the time. The cockatiel I brought home has been vet-checked, tested, and found to be healthy, but when I was purchasing him, I got to talk to who I believe was the store... read full review »
Rockwall Animal Shelter
I only wanted to adopt a dog. The staff ignored me and acted like I was bothering them. they were so absorbed in thier own conversations to be of any help at all. Very rude. I feel really bad for the animals there. read full review »
Rock Creek Ranch Ragdolls Breeder
We have recently bought a ragdoll kitten from Rock Creek Ranch Ragdolls breeder as first time pet owner and she made sure we went through the worse case a first timer can experience.
- She sold a show kitten for a price of a breeder one.
- She promised TICA certification which we haven't received after so many months.
- She lied throughout the process and avoid meeting us as much as she could, and never kept most of her promises.
- She is totally unprofessional and never worked things out with us to get a proper pet. The entire... read full review »
Lisa Craven at Cravens Haven, Craven Acres and whatever aliases she uses is currently operating an illegal unlicensed kennel. She was raided by the SPCA months ago, fined and told NOT TO SELL ANY PUPPIES OR DOGS period. Yes she still does so even as of today. She has been declned ekennel licensing for years due to the condition of her place. AVOID she is an illegal puppy seller. read full review »
ipb husky snow dogs
Breeder claims dogs are from famous movie bloodlines and use this as a big selling point. Called the breeders listed on the movie credits and they all confirm that IPBs statements are false. They've heard of them and suggested we stay well clear. In addition to those lies, she has a lots of complaints about unhealthy dogs, registration problems and overall bad business practices. read full review »
Super Star Mobile Grooming
This company came to do the grooming on my dog and promised a 5 star treatment that included nail trimming. My wife was alone home when they came and performed the service on my dog. When I came home I found out that they did not do the nail trimming on my dog, I called them and promised to show up next day. When they came for the nail trimming the cut my dog's nail so bad that my dog was bleeding severely for a couple of minutes and in pain. The lady that came point out to a young "kid" who performed the nail trimming to my dog... read full review »
Keith & Beth chapman
On Jan 24th I sold a very Healthy 110 lb Black & Tan full coat AKC registered 4 yr old grown intack female to these folks, I have owned this bitch most all of her life since she was 8 weeks old. She was Vet checked and Health certified to fly on Jan 24th 20011, Shipped to Columbus Ohio for pick up on Jan 26th 2011
With claims there male hated this bitches guts and would not like her they called and sayed we don't want our money back we just want to get this dog out of here!!! Feb the 8th 2011 they shipped her back in a Blizzard 30 inch... read full review »
Cypress Farm Kennel (Colored Boston Terriers)
I am writing a formal complaint to warn others about the “puppy e-mill” characteristics that KRYSTIN and LINDA JOHANSON from CYPRESS FARM KENNEL, located in Texas, display. I received my blue and white boston terrier on January 11, 2011. Within 24 hours of having our new puppy he started showing symptoms and with 48 hours he was tested positive for parvo and to say the least on his death bed. You can argue that puppies can get parvo anywhere which I am very aware of but regardless due to the incubation period of parvo the puppy had... read full review »
Bulliepupsrus and puppyElite Tracy Murai
BROKERS are no different then drug dealers, they are in it for profit and are purposely doing harm to others and death on dogs, this is why Tracy Murai from bulliepupsrus and is shutting down when I told her i was going to get justice on the TWO dogs she sold me that were dead on arrival the other had a death sentence with a liver shunt and had to be humanely euthanized. He was my replacement for the one that flew in dead! You can read my factual story with all the legal info on my website, I don't come on here anonymously... read full review »
Puppy Love campaigns and associated protesters
Dogs 4 Us Company Statement
We at Dogs 4 Us feel it is time to set the record straight in relation to various pet forums that have sprung up on the internet namely "Puppy Love, Pet Forums, West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group, and any other unofficial website commenting on our business.
These particular forums are operated by individuals who use pseudo names (false) therefore we are unable to take direct action against them as we have no names or addresses and they certainly do not appear to have any form of legal... read full review »
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