CATEGORY: Family & Pets
I signed up using my initial email but when I went to login, all there is is a screen to sign up new users, no members button. I signed up again using my other email but the same thing happened. I can't get logged in nor is there a help button. read full review »
T-R Star Ranch/Tricia Aldridge
This girl was recommended by M Bar K (her parents) as specializing in problem horses. They and she really talked a good game and we were completely taken in. We sent our five year old mare who was totally unbroken and our thirteen year old gelding to her for three months. Six thousand dollars and three months later the horses are back home now in very sorry condition. They never received the veterinary or farrier care that we paid an extra $500 for, the mare is so terrified and thin that it is pitiful to see. Her left eye is hugely swollen for... read full review »
Banfield Pet Hospital Wellness Plan
Watch your wallet. Banfield never notifies you to renew your first annual contract, so you may think you are going month to month. Wrong! They renew it automatically and regard each renewal as a new 12-month commitment. Even if you signed the initial contract years ago, they won't let you go without paying through to your next annual renewal date and/or settling any "balance" that you have with them. The definition of balance is the difference between Banfield's wildly inflated list prices for vet services, and the discounted... read full review »
VCA Animal Hsopital, Lynnwood, WA
Since December 2009 I've paid over $12, 000 in vet bills for both of my rescue dogs who became catastrophically ill (bone cancer and brain tumor) at the same time. Both were eventually treated at VCA Lynnwood. I had an issue with one of the bills and I was simply told that if I didn't pay by a certain date they would send it to collections. I was upset that the vet tech (not even the vet) sent my terminally ill dog home -- who had become paraplegic and couldn't urinate, eat or drink -- with antibiotics to treat a urinary tract... read full review »
Velvet Rags Cattery
Vendor sold me a kitten with contract restrictions. Although she knew my stance on declawing of kitten, she sold me kitten anyway under contract provisions. After receiving kitten and kitten destroyed my household effects, I requested that I be allowed to proceed with declawing this strictly indoor kitten. She refused and demanded the kitten returned with the promise that I would receive full refund. Upon returning kitten, no refund was immediately granted. Kitten was delivered to me in unsatisfactory conditon although proprietor ensured full... read full review »
joshi's palnaghar
There is palnaghar(Daycare) at home. The owner is Mrs. Joshi is handling 10 child alone. she has no any (Aaya) servent in her home to look after them.
More important is that she is using Dypers for child. that not well for children's health.
her rates are so high. read full review »
Tara Reading
Thank you everyone, I had a similar reading to everyones, she seemed quite accurate with things she said about me, however a friend of mine just down the road had just received a similar reading but hers was much more drastic, she had told her something terrible could happen to her in 3 days, how terrible is that, and I suggested that maybe she should pay as she had only asked her for £19.00, Tara had asked me for £70.00, I had just entered my details and was going to pay in 3 installments, but then I thought I'd call my bank... read full review »
This place is a total rip, I ordered petals that were in stock. They never showed and no refund. Totally nasty people also. read full review »
Natonal Veterinary Clinics
Always call and check to see if your veterinarian is associated with NVA National Veterinary Clinics Headquarters located in Augora HIlls, California. They are located in multiple states across the US..They are horrible. They care about your pets and their clients, HA! Our 4 month old puppy was mishandled with a headrestraint and died 16 hours later. I have letters signed by vets who state the mishandling of our 10 pound puppy resulted in her death. 10 pound puppy loved everyone, how much restraint is needed for a 4 month ld cocker spaniel?... read full review »
Pet Shop
Poor Pups - I never had a puppy and knew nothing about how to pick a healthy one. They all seemed so calm, probably because they weren't well. The staff was really nice and they are all young kids, they had to look up in a book the breed I wanted and read from it. The minute we got him out of the car the runs started - nonstop.I called them and they said it was normal because he was nervous.They advised me "not to bring the pup to the vet", because it was to hot, he'd get car sick and it would traumatize him. Even though I... read full review »
Sargents flea drops
These flea drops about killed my cat also. He was given 3 baths to remove this stuff. It has been 2 months he is still sleeps all the time and is very skinny. He is eating now and looking a little better though. I'm still not sure if he will ever recover fully from using this product. It really upsets my young daughter that her cat is so sick. They ought to be ashamed of themselves selling this product. read full review »
YMCA Langham Creek
I signed 5 children up for swim lessons 1 month in advance with a statement for the oldest child clarifying she has special needs (12 yrs) and would do better in the 5 year old class. She was placed in the 6 and up class. Class 2 I asked the coach if she is doing good or if she needs to be placed elsewhere, and the response was, “she is doing great and she is fine where she is placed.” Class 6 I noticed she really needed to be moved and made a phone call and left a message for the director or aquatics to call me. Class 7 I left a... read full review »
Kudos Cattery Himalayans
I heard about the cats on the kijiji ad, however in my case she told me verbally that I would get registration papers for the 2 cats purchased upon proof of neuter. The appointment for neuter was made before I even pick the cats up from Jackie Jefferies. So the time frame was not the issue, the issue was SHE LIED to me!!! I never got my registration papers from her, all I got was cursing and swearing. When I picked the cats up they stank and were covered in poop. I felt so bad for the poor things I just wanted to get them away from her care... read full review »
tara online psychic
As with the other letters i read concerning tara's foreboding i was tempted to go ahead with the protection spell and contemplating submitting money that i really don't have. I was mostly partially convinced with tara's reading because my son's father is indeed involved in the occult and he has stopped at nothing to interfere and damage my life and most recently my neighbour who is a self-procclaimed wicken has been deviously overtly causing harm. It's gotten to the point that she even stole my picnic table to try to... read full review »
PETCO Groomers
PETO's Groomer failed to properly groom two Cocker Spaniels per scheduled appointment. My two dogs had a grooming appointment at 1000 hours on 2 June 2010. They were checked in by one of the groomers and I gave her my cell phone number (ignored) to contact me when they were finished, since I was going to on the road. They were to be bathed, ears and teeth cleaned, nails trimmed, and groomed. At approximately at 1330 hours I received a call from my wife thet PETCO had called. I assumed the dogs were ready to be picked up only to discover... read full review »
Amateur Match . com
Just so you are aware I filed a complaint with the attorney generals office on this one. If you subscribed to this website and got ripped off, you should too. Go on the web and type in US Attorney Generals Office in Washington DC and get their address. If they get enough complaints they will investigate the company and maybe shut them down. They own more than one of these fraud sites so be careful. You can however go to their site and find out what other ones they own and stay away from.
Before you invest your money, this website is a... read full review »
Dead Beat Mom
Bridget Koornneef quit $70, 000.00 a year job, and moved two hours away seven weeks after she lost custody. She is remarried and has another child with new husband. The support case has been an intercept case since the court order, she has never paid on her own. Her new husband has identified her as a stay at home mom to care for his child. He is working for a family buisness that generates over $30 million per year, they live in a home that was purchased one month before they moved into it, and it is owned by her new father inlaw. They just... read full review »
Cheryl Boettger- Carrie Herbst
This is an update to my first complaint. In short I had paid for a micro Pomeranian that was supposed to be 2.5 lbs grown. I had weighed her at home and my scale was off. I thought she was 5.5 lbs but after taking her to the vet she weighed in at 4.5 lbs. Still much bigger than what I had paid for. A few days after I filed my complaint I received an email from Cheryl. She was surprised that I had posted a complaint. Apparentley whoever I had spoken to did not give Cheryl my message. I told her I filed my complaint because I figured she wa... read full review »
I had a problem with an item i ordered from When I posted something about it on their "Gripes and complaints" section of their website not only was my comment removed, I was banned from ever posting anything on their site ever again. I was treated like I was disposable. They have no respect for their customers and no professionalism. To them, it seems, the customer is always wrong. read full review »
Amber Jade MUA
I hired Amber based on a particular set of photographs in her portfolio. I signed a contract and paid a deposit. I later found out that the photos were not of her work. She used another artist's material and presented it as her own. I canceled my contract with her. According to the contract I should have been refunded my deposit. I notified her, her agency, and the other artist of my findings about the misrepresented photographs. The other artist's agency confirmed that the pictures were being misused in Amber Jade's portfolio. I have not heard back from Amber or her agency - Chimaera Studio in Denver. read full review »
found a breeder on that sells maltese tea cups. They keep changing their website names and aliases to continue selling sick dogs.
11-20-09 I purchased a female maltese pup from a Paul and Cheryl Howard from Claremore, Oklahoma, website or or
I live in NYC. The puppy arrived sick with what I thought to be Kennel Cough as this is my second dog and am familiriar with the symptoms. She was also scratching one of her ears a lot and upon
inspection I found that the ear... read full review »
Banfield-The pet Hospitial
We for antobotics for pets left Eye.They we paid to use Propofol.This is Meds for the dog to be relaxed.So the DVM Doctor-Nicole Brazill.We paid in advance for this treatment.They failed to do this.Trying to give Eye drops with out the Meds<Propofol> most dog will not stand still! So when this happen the Eye blow out.Bleedind and now the dog will lose his Eye forever! So if you care about your pets you may not want to take your pets to this Banfield- Pet Hospital.Anthony Jordan read full review »
A kitten I was going to adopt from her got "a fungal infection" on the top of his head. I asked her directly if it was RING WORM. She denied knowing if there was more than one kind of fungal infections like there are bacterial infections. SHE WORKS FOR THE VET she takes the kittens to. I have no problem with her working there but purely from working there she knows it is ring worm. She claims this is the very first time she's ever had it in her house -- out of all of the puppies and kittens she has (check out her website to see... read full review »
Gregory R. MacDonald of Torrance
Gregory R MacDonald who works for the City of Carson, is not a good neighbor. His abusive and rude actions have done nothing but cause grief and irritation for the residents of Torrance at the cross streets of 234th Place and Carlow Road for a year! He has made it clear that he "owns" the street buy his abuse of city property.
Each and everyday he makes sure that no one can park in front of my home including me, by moving each of his vehicles-a City of Carson pick up truck and his own Ford pick up truck, back and forth, one... read full review »
Blueyed Babyz/Nebraska Ragdolls
Stephanie Orr is a breeder of Ragdoll cats in Bellevue, Nebraska, named Blueyed Babyz. I purchased a beautiful kitten from her on August 2, 2010. The kitten was shipped on an airplane to California. When kitty arrived at the Airport, she was soaking wet, as Stephanie had put ice in her carrier which was totally melted, she said it had started melting when she dropped her off in NE! The poor kitten had a horrible cough. I contacted Stephanie and told her that I had picked up the kitty, and she was coughing a lot. She told me she had a cough... read full review »
Petland - Georgetown, TX
(This is a letter that I actually sent to Petland following my visit. After reading several other complaints, I now see that I am considered F.O.S. (full of shit) because I went in to the store in shorts and a t-shirt instead of my evening gown. Wow...)
Today (8/6), I visited the Petland store in Georgetown. While I've been considering adding another pet to our family for a while now, I'll admit that I did not go in with the intention of walking out the door with a puppy unless one absolutely stole my heart. I've visited thi... read full review »
Mobile Pet Groomers
Mobile Pet Groomers is the worst service ever. In less than 15 minutes the groomer completely butchered my cat. There are deep gouges in her skin and tufts of hair all over her body. It looks like he took a hatchet to her. I found out the groomer is the owner of the business. He didn't seem to care that I was upset with the job he did. He just kept saying give me the cat back and I'll fix it. I would never give that person another chance at my cat after seeing the deep gouges in her skin. BEWARE!!! I don't believe this person even likes animals. read full review »
Relationships for Singles
I took this company to small claims court today (see my review below.) They have an ironclad contract that does not spell out what you were verbally told. It says they are required to give you 6 dates in 5 years that are "nearly" what you are looking for. In other words, they can give you matches that aren't what you are looking for (even though she said upfront she had what I was looking for) and that she can avoid you like the plague for 4 years and 11 months if she wants, as long as she gives you 6 dates before the 5 years i... read full review »
Creata Catalog
Although it states online that pet carriers are not returnable I did not expect the product to be defective. Because of a design flaw, my cats were in danger of being injured when this carrier was used AS DESCRIBED. "... able to stand up and move around the carrier with ease." Not only was this not the case, when put down the soft sides of this carrier fold in on the animals and threatened to crush them. read full review »
Vet n Pet is a scam organization based in Hyderabad, Srinagar Colony. It is cheating & playing around with the emotions of dog lovers. I had taken my 1 month old labrador to the clinic, & they diagonesd it incorrectly saying it has some stomach infection which is in the final stages. When we got our dog checked in Blue cross., they told us that there is absoleutely nothing wrong with the animal. We ended up spending a couple of thousand with Vet n pet, & whenver we asked them to divulge the details of our bill.. they simply refused. read full review »
some time before in my neighbourhood a famly come to live.We think it is good family. But some time after they sale of illegale LIQUEUR.We try to stop this illagle work they diid not stop this work. 'SO PLEASE TAKE THE ACTON AGAINST HIM'. read full review »
ever pet basic cat food
my dogs three of them got into my cat food and my one cat ate the cat food and they are all sick diahrea vomitting fever read full review »
gabelle kennels
Mid January of 2010 my husband inquired about a purchase of a female Westie. Pursuant to his phone call Carol Sutton, owner Gabelle Kennels, indicated that two litters were due on or about February 17th and February 21st of 2010 as displayed on her website. Furthermore, she indicated that although two female puppies were already promised to other homes, if a third female is born into a litter, said puppy would be available to purchase. We then forwarded a check in the amount of $220.00, which represented one-third of the total price of $650.00... read full review »
The Pet Adoption League
Being a lover of animals myself, I always associated people in most
pet industries with good character - especially when involved with
animal adoption and pet care of any kind. That was until recently.
You see, one really doesn't get the full perspective of an individual
until he or she deals with that person one-on-one.
The director of this pet adoption league, Barbara Flanigan, opted to
get involved with a situation that she was not prepared to handle from
a standpoint of integrity...
She recently... read full review »
S & S Wildlife Control Services, Inc
Company did not supply services. Used scare tactics. Would not perform work or refund money. read full review »
photographysbycamille/Kitty L'wren
We got married in June 2009 and have not had the service that Camille promised to deliver. We were one of the lucky ones as she actually turned up to our wedding however has been virtually uncontactable and in Dec 09 it was the last time we heard from her. We wrote an official letter of complaint to Camille and hand delivered it on 27/03/10 to the address she had given us – Studio 526, 28 Old Brompton Road, south Kensington SW7 3SS. This is in fact a private mail box company... read full review »
CSC Wedding Flower Store
I ordered my flowers for my wedding on 3/1/09. My wedding was on 6/6/09. I was told I would be contacted in 16 days of my order, it was more like 30 days or so before she finally called me on a Friday, not Wednesday. I gave her the bouquet I wanted it made to look like. I told here my colors and that if she could make it just like the one on the web I would love that. She told me no problem. I also ordered a small table arrangement to go along with it in the same colors.
After numerous phone calls with a message that the mailbox was full... read full review »
Concept Omega
Great promising and sympathetic service before paying.
No service and no sympathy after paying.
It's a scam ! read full review »
All pet shops are horrible but this one takes the cake... they sold a woman I know a chihuahua puppy recently that can not even take care of her existing 2 beagles. Her beagles share a crate and defecate all over her house. She has a little girl and there was no mention by them to her to bring the little girl in first before selling her a breed of dog that is known to have kid issues. I am aware that it is not their job to screen people and that it is actually illegal for them to do so, but this has got to be one the most irresponsible... read full review »
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The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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