CATEGORY: Lifestyle

brett harding February 5, 2009
was dicrimanted against for not being able to learn cash register was hired for stocking shelves and bagging groceries they were told i have learing disabilities read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Mission Urgent Care Dr. Baniadam
mikefons February 5, 2009
I told the doctor of my family history of reye syndrome and that I was allergic to aspirin on my vist to the doctor for a sore throat. The dotcor prescribed me diclofenac for the sore throat. I picked up the prescription and noticed that the bottle had an aspirin warning that said do not take if you have aspirin allergy. So, when I got home I searched google for diclofenac and reye syndrome and found several cases of diclofenac inducing reye syndrome. Since reye syndrome is pretty rare I willing to let this slide, but I at least wanted the... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
GA Development
ivorynut February 5, 2009
I replied to an ad in the Daily Herald newspaper for Ass't Manager paying $18.00 an hour (will train), I was scheduled for an interview on Wednesday February 4, 2009 and was told that I needed to bring my DL or ID, 3 references (Name & phone #), and $80.00 in CASH (No checks, no credit cards accepted) I was told the $80.00 was only necessary if I was hired for this job for registration fees and paperwork. The lady doing the interview led me to believe that this was an actual "office job" and conducted the interview that way... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Lois M. Hogan
Lois Hogan February 5, 2009
You have withdrawn funds totaling $88.00 for a product which was free trial and I paid $3.99 for shpg charges only. I did not want further charges or the product. As of today 2/5/09 this account is closed Cancellation # 279982 at 5:57pm. Credit my account for $88.00 immediately. Lois M. Hogan cc: Attorney General Richard Blumenthal Hartford, CT read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
IQ Systems inc
sw_consultant February 5, 2009
This is another fake Desi company doing body shopping and sucking blood. They have not given me 4 months salary out of my 6 months contract. This bastards are rude and unethical. As I am a citizen here, I am filing a law suit on this guys. If someone can give me more suggestions how to complaint to INS or stop this guys doing unethical business here. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acai Berry, and other
Louise February 5, 2009
The above company sent me products and charged my credit card and some other credit card that I don't have. Both products were sent to me and I opened one to see what it was and immediately call the number on the bottle to tell them that they were not mine and I did not order them. They told me that they charged two credit cards with postage. I told them to send me an envelope to return them in with postage paid. I was put on hold for over an hour. Very rude. Not only do I want to file a complaint, but will turn this over to my attorney for further action. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Pennie Brant February 5, 2009
I was charged from my checking account in the amount of $87.13 for colonzen which I recieved a free trial but do not wish to re-order. I would like to have the charge refunded and any other orders cancelled. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Double Stacker
janice stinson February 5, 2009
Around 2 pm on mon. feb.2, 09. i went through drive-thru to get me a double stacker to hold me over until supper. I paid around $3.00 for it. Drove off and pulled over to take a bite of it, the bottom of the bun was hard and crunchy and the cheese was stuck to the paper and was dark orange color. I went back through the drive-thru and explained it to them, they directed me to the window. they took the old one back and gave me one that was cold and the cheese hung out with corners on it, the sandwich actually was falling apart because... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Nicole P February 5, 2009
I was given a CZ engagement ring on December 21, 2008. On January 7, 2009 I returned the ring to the company for repair. A side stone had fallen out and the center stone was loose. I received the ring back on Jan 31 (well over the promised repair time). The center stone is now pushed down into the prong setting and crooked and the side stone that had fallen out has fallen out again. I have called and emailed so many times and no one will return my calls and all emails from the company tell me they are waiting to hear what can be done with the ring. I have not received a satisfactory response. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
National Data Entry
CCRider February 5, 2009
This Company is very much a scam. I paid for the $49.95 "Get Started Kit" only to have learned a good lesson a few days ago. There is no phone number to call for assistance. It doesn't just end at the $49.95 fee as one link goes into another, and another to another wanting more money to access companies in need of Data Entry Personnel. There is no such list as the link supplied gives you access to "Yahoo Hot Jobs" which I could have accessed myself rather than paying $49.95. Then when I clicked on their Live Help icon it... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Advanced Wellness Research Products
Kathy February 5, 2009
I ordered a "free trial" of this product on 01/27/2009. On 02/05/2009 I called the 800# and tried to cancel any further orders of this product. I was told there was no record of my order and I didn't get this product from them. They said that after I had given them my order confirmation number. After several attempts to cancel this product I gave up and called my bank and canceled my bank card. If they do try to ship any more orders, they will not get paid for them. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Mister Watch Online
cgizzle February 5, 2009
12/05/2008 Ordered watch online from 12/18/2008 Watch arrived 12/25/2008 Watch given as gift. Deemed too large. 01/02/2009 Requested RMA # 01/05/2009 Sent watch back to 01/07/2009 Watch arrives 01/30/2009 Same watch and box arrives back at my office Somehow, the watch, which was never used, worn, or out of the box for more than 5 minutes is deemed 'non returnable'. I am now stuck with a new watch no one wants, unable to get my money back, and the gift recipient STILL doe... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Adavnced Wellness Research
Ashley February 5, 2009
Please! Do not ever order forom this company! IT IS A SCAM! I read a blog online saying how wonderful this product was, and then it had posts after it syaing how all these people showed all these results in just a couple of days. WELL IT IS A LIE! It is people from the company posting these bogus blogs. I received this "14-Day Free Trail" when in the fine print it stated they were going to send me the 28 "FREE" pills, and then charge me a ridiculous amount of 70 some dollars for the other 32! Well I have 14 days to call and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
central coast nutra net
Brenda Scholten February 5, 2009
I ordered a free trial of Acaipure. I did not see any changes from their product and canceled the membership. A few weeks later they still shipped me their product and charged my credit card for $44.90. Now I have to return the product less shipping & handling of $4.95 two times and then also less their 15% restocking fee. What a crime!!! from [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jared / Sterling Inc
Amygirlspice February 5, 2009
My issue is with my wife's wedding ring that was created in the custom jewelry department at the Wegmans Plaza store. Due to the number of issues with the ring, the number of times the store has tried to correct it, and the irreparable damage caused to the ring by Jared's service department, I am planning to return the ring to the store and demand a full refund of the purchase price of this ring. I will explain in detail the reasons behind this below: Background: I purchased a platinum custom ring on 7/18/2006, at a charge of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Asus Tek
ruthless February 5, 2009
Dear All, Asus Tek in KSA not following saudi labor law and running business illegally in saudi they are not giving any benefits to the employees and the are only after there interest and benefits and the management in here 100% uneducated and unprofessional specially Asus Riyadh Service Team leader Syed Mohammed Ahmed is usually abusing with the junior employees and no respect fot customers and the collegues, Asus is only thinking about their own and the are not running business legally they have a dummy sponsor which they pay couple of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Saudi Arabia
City of Burnaby bylaw violation ticket abuse
vigil February 5, 2009
Watch out for Vehicle/traffic violation notice abuses by the City of Burnaby officers. This event happened to me on Feb.04, 2009, around 3-4pm @ 5500 Grimmer street and Kingsway intersection, Burnaby, B.C. Canada A City of Burnaby officer in charge of traffic ticketed multiple people that came by at this intersection, most were waiting to head into the Fitness World Gym, but the road itself is only 1 lane, and the fitness gym's parking was full, the officer stood right at the blind spot across from the gym, waited for people to... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Cellar Brokers in New Jersey
Denton Kurtz February 4, 2009
I ordered a case of Montes Pinot Noir in October 2008 and when I didn't receive it within 2 weeks, I began to complain to them. Often I could not get anyone to respond, but did get women twice and a man also on two occasions. The story was that there was a strike and it was about to be settled. This went on through December and I still don't have my wine. I'd like to know what can be done to go after these people. DMK read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
N. Kowalski February 4, 2009
I purchased a pair of jeans from They advertise easy returns so that you can get the right pair. You have to call to get a number for a return. It took me 7 straight days of emails and calls to get a return authorization (right before their 10 day return deadline). After I returned the jeans, getting a signature confirmation, I have sent four emails, made three phone calls, and still have no return credit. Do not do business with these people! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
wen hair care
ebl421 February 4, 2009
I ordered the Wen hair system after seeing the "miraculous" changes it made in people's hair on the commercial, but I did not see any of that. I used the product as directed and my hair never felt clean. It always felt oily and gunky. I usually only wash my hair every other day because it is so dry, but I had to wash it all the time! I still have 2 whole bottles of it and I am never going to use it. I called them and they actually cancelled my 3rd and final shipment. I would not recommend this product. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Quest Diagnostics Labs
Clean Lab Wanted February 4, 2009
Quest lab tech did NOT open the needle and syringe in front of me, he took them out of a box, already opened. After drawing my blood, he dropped the gauze on the counter and then picked it up to put on my wound. The place was shabby, dirty and very unclean. I am furious that I didn't realize what was going on. Blood diseases can be very serious and even fatal (like HIV). I am very unhappy and complaining as much as I can. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
FWM Laboratories /Acai Berry
Darla Lowell February 4, 2009
I ordered the free trial but this company has continued to send product and bill me for over $80 each time. I can't reach them to tell them to stop sending it..and not to bill me. I get put on hold and no one ever answers! This company misrepresented the advertising program & is not responsive to customers. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Ullucci Physical Therapy
Bryan dunphy February 4, 2009
Ullucci made me 2 pairs of orthodics to alleviate plantar fascitis problem. He guarenteed they's work or $ back. They did not work as a matter of fact they worsened my condition and caused a heel spur. I went from a little pain while jogging to limping around daily. He tried making another pair--poor quality no mprovement. When I took him up on his money back guarentee, I got the runn around. He never did reimburse me. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Brandi February 4, 2009
I just want to cancel my order before I get charged! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
patriciag February 4, 2009
I ordered Ugg boots on 1/29/09, I have a transaction # and my account has been deducted, but I have no idea how to track this purchase, a telephone #, or address. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Rae February 4, 2009
order free online trial size and then have received one in mail and returned to sender. Have been charged twice on my credit card and have only technically recieved one. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
schaalka February 4, 2009
I did order the product and never received it. I ordered it on 1159 and on 1209 the took the $5.95 out of my credit card account. I have called them numerous of times got disconnected 3 times and on 2 occations I could not understand the person I was talking to and she could not understand me. I am worried that they will try and take out the $78.88 for the bottle I never received. My credit card company can't do anything about it until they take it. Thanks Kathy Schaal read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
badoldlady February 4, 2009
This company needs to be CLOSED. You sign up for a free 14 day trial which would be fine; however they do not send it for 5 or 6 days after you order and pay the shipping and handling and they you do not receive it for another 6 days. That will give you only 2 or 3 days to try the product and they go ahead and charge your credit card for $79.95 without any further product. Then again in 2 weeks without any more product again your credit card. Also you are signed up for an online Fit-Factory that you do not know about and they charge you... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
aspen dentel
kimmi madden February 4, 2009
Im very dissattisifed w ith my experiance with aspen dentel. I had a parial made there I Went h back several times to get it fixed and I'M still not happy with how it fits I can't eat with oreven leave it in my mouth for along period of time. I;M paying for something that is no good for me.Know I.M going to different denist have to pay for another parial more money out of my pocket. I would not recommend APEN DENTAAL to any one. I think that it is only fare that you compensate my crdit care credit card some way. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Marilyn A stacy February 4, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
total cleanse, and pure acai berry
dee February 4, 2009
I just recieved my orders and I decided to cancel after I read more online about them. They said to send back the unused portion. What do they do with it? Sell it again??? Why dont they just let you keep it so you know someone else wont recieve the same ones you just had. Its actually really gross and I wont be using anymore or even opening the other bottle..I called and told them if someone dont call within 24 hrs then my lawyer will be calling them. The other one said just to send it back within 10 days. I will be sending that back tomorrow... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
GPM Snuggie
k wright February 4, 2009
I ordered one snuggie blanket & was told I would receive one free. I received four blankets & was charged $91.70--at least double. I cannot reach company by phone--the number always rings busy or disconnects. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
rob February 4, 2009
AMTEX systems is one of the many consulting companies who market IT professionals with the fake resume and fake experience. please beware if anyone of u guys come across this company it could ruin ur career read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
nick_henson February 4, 2009
This complaint is regarding Ron Johnson, owner of, who operates his business from his home in Las Vegas (or was at the time of my observations) and pays his employees under-the-table. I speculate he is operating this business without a license. He is extremely verbally abusive to his employees including constant violent threats, sexist comments, insults, and sexual harassment of female employees for lengths of time as long as entire 12-hour shifts. He generally keeps 3 to 4 people employed for a few weeks to a couple of... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Online Pharmacies
Mrs. Susan Jelis February 4, 2009
Could someone please inform and PharmacyExpress in London UK and www. MyCanadianPharmacy and their hundreds of idiot agents to stop sending us harassing and threatening e-mails with their web sex sites they would like you to visit. Their pharmacies have people selling their drugs and they invite you to view their PERSONAL web sites for these pharmacy companies. Some of them are insane, for instance( huynh tilda represents this is what the pharmacy is sending us- The melody 0f your... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sue February 4, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Acaai Maxx
Deborah Hill February 4, 2009
Charged credit card with product I did not order for $85.90 which I do not have. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Direct Med/ American Health
Development February 4, 2009
These people are absolutely and blatantly scamming people out of their money. They appear to be health insurance when in fact they are a "discount" that is no where accepted. DO NOT sigh up with them. They are misleading and refuse to give a full refund after rendering absoultely NO services. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Allstate Beauty
Helen February 4, 2009
I purchased hair product from via Amazon on January 10, 2009. My credit card was charged and I have not received the product. I have sent several emails and tried contacting them via phone only to find that their mailbox is full and therefore cannot leave a message. After reading the other report of a consumer being ripped off I am afraid the same thing has happened to me. There is another company, All State Beauty Products, Inc., also in NY who is being hounded by consumers not receiving their products. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Suzy February 4, 2009
Please be aware that the vitamin and supplement website called has stopped delivery. Do not place online orders for their products on cureself. You will not receive the products and you will lose your money. They do not have a customer service phone number on their website and they do not reply to emails. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States


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