LOCATION: United States

Jet Blue -Carnival Cruise Package
Richard Daughtridge January 28, 2010
RE:confirmation number is 262-19332441. Dear JetBlue, I need your help to receive a refund for the cruise that I bought from you. I’ve always been happy with JetBlue and your products and service has been great. This cruise advertised and bought on your sight was an inferior hoax. Carnival left the port of Miami four hours late with some lame excuse they were still loading baggage. This they announced would not in any way effect our cruise and arrival time at Ochos Rios, Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island. We left Miami Port and... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
fremont and purdon inc.
thumbtom0 January 28, 2010
first time customer there, spent $800 on brakes, picked my car up and they had left the window down in the rain over the weekend.the fat bald armenian owner denied it was there fault, and wouldnt talk to me about it.going home my brakes were very noisy and the car didnt want to stop.guess the 800 i spent on brakes wasnt enough. went back the next day, they wanted to charge me to refinish the new rotors they just put on.not sure if im going to take them to court. had to pay someone else to get the water out of my car and spent 300 at a shop to... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Harmony Music
Betty January 28, 2010
Same as above...I ordered a guitar and these clowns are unable to be reached, and no guitar. My credit card has been charged, naturally. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
jdc united metals
baffled and miffed January 28, 2010
i was contacted by this company and after several phone calls and urging i finally broke down and invested with them. they claimed they wee licensed and my money was going on the exchange. they said they had a different program than anyone else and i believed them, well not at first but after 5-6 calls of speaking to them and them being so persuasive and excited. i spoke to a guy once, then i spoke with the next guy a few times then after i sent in my money i got introduced to a new person all together(that should have been a red flag). i wa... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
dolly88 January 28, 2010
i ordered 1000 latrge super worms with overnight delivery a total of $41.90 and i have yet to receive it 3 days later.ive complained, i did the report on there page and ive sent emails .and till this day i have yet to hear a word.they charged me immediately the following day i bought the worms and nothing.i had to buy my pets sum food at a store already cuz they would of starved.i need help to get my refund. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
PublishersClearing House
Chuck Quinn January 28, 2010
Why do you consistently send me invitations to submit entries to your many many contests, but then deny me the right to submit my entry? This is becoming very annoying and clutters my in box immensely. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Transworld Systems DBA GreenFlag Profit Recovery
Are you kidding? January 28, 2010
After 8 plus hours of so called training (selling their company) they ask for $200 for selling materials to work for them. What reputable company does that? Why does Career Builder let them on their site? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
James Verthein January 28, 2010
What in the hell is this so called place of business that they do not honor what they say they will. I was told around Christmas of 2009 that a check for 64.50 would be mailed to me in approximately 14 days, well here it is January 28 2010 and still no check to me but they were not shy of taking out 65.00 out of my account today cheap bastards. I tried to call them and all you get is a recording that tells you to wait for next customer service rep. I am pissed off and will report these dick heads to the Better Business Buearu, and will make... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
tk world wide
innocent by-stander January 28, 2010
no complaint, just listen read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
chi hair straightner
marina guillen January 28, 2010
i have bought 3 chi straightner 2 black one 1 white and black all three broke down within a year i have spend 100 of dollars on these deffective items i tried returning then no exchange i feel in a beauty cosmotology world that you are spendind million on other products so people like us can look good it just not fair that this items didnt last longer can you please replace these item to me i have lots of customers that need there hair straighting and it cannot be done im very upset and sad that this is happening thank you i hope something can be resloved. marina guillen 618 kenwood ave west chicago ill 60185 read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Riddle & Wood Attorneys
Coreyblake3 January 28, 2010
I kept getting message on my answering machine. So I called the number back and got a guy that was very beligerant from the beginning. I said what is this debt?? He said its from an Household Bamk credit card. I told him I just recently realized I still owed on it do to a notice I had received from another collection agency. I called them and they said they did not have the account. So I couldn't pay. He said here's the deal you owe us $1, 103.54 and I want it NOW. I asked him to mail me something and he said no you have 20days or... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
jlear January 28, 2010
Received an unauthorized charge on my AT&T bill from a company calling itself Foreverglam, Inc. I have never heard of the company before and wonder how AT&T allowed this charge on my bill. I have a $28.00 charged to my AT&T bill and I do not know this company or never deal with this company trying to steal money from me. Anyone out there be aware of this company FOREVERGLAM INC.. coz they will bill you for unauthorized charges for something you never use or heard of. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Google Education / TQG onlinebizkit
lnekut January 28, 2010
Around Oct. 12th, 2009 I ordered a online business CD. It was supposed to be for free with just a $1.97 S&H fee. My debit card was charged the $1.97 and also .04 cent foriegn atm fee. I started getting calls from blocked number about training and I hadn't even gotten the disk yet. I told them I was only interested in the disk and did not want anything else at this time. I was getting at least 3 calls a day, all coming from different people. Then the calls stopped. On 11/06/09 there was a withdrawal from my account for $47.50 for... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
US Airways Credit Card
Barbara Votava January 28, 2010
On a U S Airway trip from Mexico last November, I signed up for their frequent flyer program. Subsequently they sent me credit cards. I decided not to use those cards and so never "authorized" them. After receiving a billing for the annual membership fee, I wrote them telling them I wanted to cancel the account. I am now out of the country for an extended period and the person in charge of my mail tells me that I have a current billing from them for the membership fee. Of course I would assume that if it isn't paid, they will... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
-dino-dave- January 28, 2010
BigPoint's game Dark orbit gives an unfair advantage to some players costing other players money. I have complained about these obvious occerances many times. I have been told by bigpoint that it is imposible for these things that happen to occur. So, the only logical conculsion on my part is that BigPoint is allowing this to occur in order to profit, off individuals. The latest occurences happened just prior to me filing this complaint. the controls fail to function properly while in battle with the company mmo. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
alleghan eectric
melissacrider28 January 28, 2010
i have a complaint alleghany made me pay a deposit of more then $400 to have my electric put on and told me i would get it back at the beginning of the year now they are saying that i cant get it back until i make my paymnets on time for 12 consecutive months it that true ? read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
robert juhasz
robertjuhasz January 28, 2010
I was charged 42.45 and 7.38 on 12-30-09 I donot no what this is for and would ask for a refund.I also donot want to be charged in the future.I received nothing for these charges read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
David Walleys Resort
randyheldt January 28, 2010
They took over management of our timeshare last year. We normally pay $700 per year in maintenance for a 2 bedroom condo for one week out of the year. It is a deeded condo that is supposed to have the yearly maintenance raise limited to a very small percent per year. They are trying to push through a special assessment of $964 for upkeep that is supposed to be paid for out of our maintenance. The only way they will hear our vote is if we are there in person or give our proxy which would only vote the way the majority votes. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Winner Prize Reports Int'l
Taya January 28, 2010
Dear _____________ This non-transferable notification has been authorized solely for the recipient named herein as registered *ON FILE* by Personal Identification # (PIN) 1543319684 regarding an important matter of available sweepstakes CASH and AWARDS now scheduled for payment in the Total $Amount of --// ***$2, 100, 000.00 in cash & prizes -- $ Two Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars!*** Provided that you are _________ of Ada, OK please continue and verify that you are in possession of two (2) pages of documentation and confirm... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
nicolena pendola January 28, 2010
applied for free trail only shipping should have been charged instead i was charged the price for a bottle which i did recieve however i accepted shipment assuming it was my free sample. shipping should have been 99cents i was charged 54.95. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Bob Rose January 28, 2010
Money withdrawn from my bank account without permision read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Rosesource. aka Rose Source
Grocedry Store flowers Better choice January 28, 2010
JAN 2010 O f 180 buds or more no lilly flowers for wedding but 2 single lily flowers & more than half of hydrangeas wilted before the wedding For Jan Wedding- just occured, Rosesource flowers were represented by salesperson A to be shipped SPECIFICALLY on pre wedding date saleswoman chose, stated by her to be the proper time for the Casablance lillies she was selling, to bloom for the wedding of Jan 2010 ; At last minute couple months later within hrs of shipping, same Rosesource salesperson A switched order to different "lilly"-... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Alpha Cars
Eyes WIDE OPEN January 28, 2010
Watch your back do your homework. This company has 0% professional ethics. Their professional and ethical behavior is very questionable The true definition of a USED CAR sales man. . IF something looks too good to be true then start running quickly in the other direction. Protect yourself!!! read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Download Gate/privacyrescue.com
saidman January 28, 2010
I went looking for a PS2 Emurayden, PSX Emulator and thought that was what I was getting ( a free download)with a free trial only. Instead I ended up with Download Gate Premium Membership and this Privacy Rescue stuff. Two days latter I found that none of it was free, but was a 30 day thing that costs $102 and some change. It caused me, lets say a few problems at the bank that I wasn't dreaming of. I wasn't even 3 days and boom!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
stop scamming!we are real people January 28, 2010
National Foreclosure Consultant Group / TNFCG / HOPE 4 Solutions / Velahos Law Firm is doing business under multiple organizational names. Purpose is to help struggling homeowners save their home from foreclosure, but they don’t, and you end up screwed Office of Operations: 49 Newton Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 47 Cooper St. Woodbury NJ 08096 Management: EFTHEMIOS VELAHOS JOE FOTIE CHRIS FOTIE Websites: www.hope4solutions.com www.tnfcg.com No longer active www.velahoslaw.com Better Business Bureau... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GuessWho??? January 28, 2010
They hired me guranteeing $300 base pay plus commission. I worked there for two weeks and NO three hundred. They also said it was a desk/office job but really all you do is telemarketing people about their cars from craigslist. They completely misrepresent themselves to new employees and NO ONE should EVER work for them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
stop scamming!we are real people January 28, 2010
National Foreclosure Consultant Group / TNFCG / HOPE 4 Solutions / Velahos Law Firm is doing business under multiple organizational names. Purpose is to help struggling homeowners save their home from foreclosure, they do not deliver. Office of Operations: 49 Newton Avenue Woodbury, NJ 08096 47 Cooper St. Woodbury NJ 08096 Management: EFTHEMIOS VELAHOS JOE FOTIE CHRIS FOTIE Websites: www.hope4solutions.com www.tnfcg.com No longer active www.velahoslaw.com Better Business Bureau Rating (D-F)Rating... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Rotovac Corporation
Daniel and Pam January 28, 2010
We bought 2 carpet cleaning machines from Rotovac, one was the Rotovac 360 and Mytee on the first day of use the Rotovac 360 broke down, then 5 more times afterwards. The Mytee has also broken down twice, with no help in repairing these machines. We were told it was our problem and they wouldn't do anything to help us. They wouldn't back up the warranty, even though these machines were less than a year old, we have a year warranty. They are liars and thieves. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Chris Chung, MD Plastic Surgeon Washington State
Troy Lee Lair January 28, 2010
This complaint is very upsetting to me for it involves two people that worked very well together until I became ill. My name is Troy Lair, and I am self employed. Dr. Chris Chung hired me a couple of years back to work with him and his folks on scouting out property in which could be converted to a office based surgical suite. As most plastic surgeons can only really keep the cost of performing these cases down if and only if they have the controlling interest of the surgical facility that they utilize for their cases. So, he hired me to fly... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jackson fedral foreclosure relief
john maggio January 28, 2010
before i sent them the money 1794.00 i told chade sign a pre quaily not a perm. one he said that was ok .go ahead and send the the money in . i said ok and sign there contract. and i told him about the precontract i sign he said would be ohrighti left two message for the president and manager to call me back no answer yet.because what they did i am on the verg of loseing my i would like to have my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
us cash advantage
wilsway January 28, 2010
i've been getting these harassing phone calls at work and at home about some payday loan from us cash advance. when i called the # back i talked to a jerry, who was very rude and wouldn't give me any information. all i wanted was something i could read/see. a albert smith also called my work place and was extremely rude to them. both of these men had a middle eastern accent. i asked them to stop calling me and my work place and they flat out refused. i have never taken a payday loan, so this is just blowing my mind that a company... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ideal Voice Mail
Janway January 28, 2010
found a charge of 16.80 on my january phone bill... called my Verizon phone company and found out it was from OAN Ideal Voice Mail I did not order any voice mail from any company. I called and disputed the charged with Verizon who said they would not charge me and bump the bill back to this company. I then called to cancel my "service" with Ideal Voice Mail 1 800 944 9646 I was told I ordered it via the internet that maybe it came with a purchase I made. I Never do those "offers" online so I am sure this is a scam. Please alert the authorities. This is a true billing scam. thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
850,000,000 usd
covic nevzet January 28, 2010
one person end to me e mail to do delivery chek of 850000, 000usd wona to know is this joke or truth or scam thank you nevzert read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Bank of America Mortgage
MHAST January 28, 2010
My loan was transferred to Bank of America when it acquired Countrywide. I signed up for a payment plan whereas I am paying each week of the year and along with the posting on a weekly basis I would gain a total of about 9 years. When I reviewed my statement on line I saw that even tough I am still paying weekly the posting is now done monthly. Not once was I ever told by letter of this change due to the fact that BOA system does not post weekly but monthly, so of course it took me 34 minutes on the phone to make them tell me that, and that... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Augustus Gold
Leannmozart January 28, 2010
Fedex delivered my package on Dec 28, 2009. Augustus Gold did not acknowlege my calls or emails for three weeks. Finally, Ray Holley, one of the co-founders, emailed an invoice on Jan 22 with an estimate, and he promised to contact me on Jan 24. Of course he hasn't, and they don't recieve my calls or return messages or emails. I've filed complaints with the Missouri Attorney General and with the FBI to try and resolved this issue. Please stay away from this company. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
GZS3GRLs January 28, 2010
After shopping on line for a Christmas gift, my checking account has been billed 3 times for 11.95, when I call their phone number they ask for more credit card info, and a pin/account number, yet my bank does not even have a phone number for these creeps, why TF hasn't the Fn gov't done something about these jerks, if I could get a physical hold of just one of these folks I'd educate them on just how wrong it is to steal!!! read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Millenniem Marketing Concepts
Mary Bauder January 28, 2010
Set up website to be used for access to several companies with the idea of getting paid by these companies for sales made when using my service. Never able to contact Millenniam and never received any payments. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Healthy Buy
breastlove January 28, 2010
Breast Active Healthy Buy My orders never arrived and I was told i would get a refund for the £90 I spent on Breast Active pills x2, i also signed on the for life programme, then realised I was getting nothing for the money i paid out. I tried the english partner programme Butler white and had the same problem.They were saying that their order never arrived!Both companies are saying they canot rfund mymoney! *Below are copies of emails i got sent by Healthy buy.com, I still have not recieved the product! Sincerely, Naomi... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Unaceptable service from ATT realyp.com January 28, 2010
I was duked into a contract in Nov 2008 by a sale rep at Att realypages. He said the contract was 3 years with the option to cancel after 12 months. I should have realized that made no sense. Now I have been trying to cancel since the 12 months is up and they will not allow me to til Oct 2010. Every time I try to call the sales rep he is not available or does not return my call. Nor does his manager. I have proof that I have not been getting what I paid for. I was guarenteed 30 clicks per month. I get about 6. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Thanks Jesse read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Chase Bank and Continental Airlines One Pass Credit Card
knightman_10 January 28, 2010
I have a Chase Mastercard with partner Continental Airlines (One Pass). On the One Pass monthly statement, it encourages users to use certain web vendors to get extra mileage. For instance, it says to use Sears.com to get 5 miles for every $1 spent. I generally do not use Sears.com but figured I would do it with this card so I could get extra miles. I ordered an appliance (about $300) from Sears.com and should have gotten about 1500 miles. But in actuality, the product was not sent from Sears but instead from one of its "partners". The... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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