LOCATION: United States

Georgetown Cupcake Co.
Jobo January 2, 2010
Having been to similar establishments elsewhere, (like Magnolia Bakery in NYC) this place was terrible compared to the others. I expect crowds in places like these due to cupcakes recent popularity but, a disinterested, slow, and apathetic staff added insult to injury on my 35 minute marathon to get in and out. To make matters worse, the cupcakes weren't worth the money or the wait. The place is small, cramped and heaven help the occupants if there's ever an emergency. Do yourself a favor and stop in to any of the dozens of local... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
meineke car care center
Bob Shelburne January 2, 2010
Meineke car care center was to change the transmission oil on a 2000 Chev Cavalier. Checking the oil on this car is a little complicated. In February of 2009 they changed the oil. Shortly after that the transmission began to act up. By November the transmission was not working. Car was taken to a technician to be repaired. The technician had 25 years of experience with GM dealership, working with transmissions. He said there was no leaks in the transmission, however the transmission was very, very short of oil. He said the only reason for thi... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
ColoCure, TriSlim P O Box 3540 Silver Springs NV 89429
Linda Giles January 2, 2010
I ordered this as a trial only. I have received a second shipment which I do not want. I want this automatic shipping stopped immediately. Repeat ... I do not want any further products... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
CVS Pharmacy 526 Meriden Rd. Waterbury, Connecticut
FranA January 2, 2010
To Whom it may concern (if there is anyone at CVS that is concerned): Below are the details of the exceptionally poor treatment that I received from one of the managers of your store located at 526 Meriden Rd, Waterbury, Connectciut Please be advised that I will be posting this and the below message on every internet bulletin board that I can find, emailing it to everyone on my 3 email addresses, and advising relatives, friends, and business associates; asking them to boycott CVS. You people should not be in business. Early... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Chrystler Financial
Questa Wylie January 2, 2010
Chrystler recieved My chekc for my payment, cashed it and put it in the wrong account that was four months ago, they call me constantly saying I have a late payment, and cant ge this right, they are rude, incompenent and ignorant. I will never deal with Chrystler again, I ahve been an on time customer for six years. that means nothing to them, I am still getting the run around andmy credit continues to be affected. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
zahra ghasemi
zghasemi January 2, 2010
I bought an IPod for my husband for his birthday. The sales person recommended to buy extra guarantee. Usually I do not buy extra Guarantee but I bought for I pod because it is very fragmental. After a short time the screen turns gray and buttery did not work. We went to the store. They did not accept the screen failure covered under guarantee. Still we wanted to change the buttery. They sent the iPod for the changing the buttery. When we returned to store for the iPod, they told us because of screen failure they do not change the... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
crewbrom January 2, 2010
Charges for Esafe ID, Inc showed up on my telephone bill and I did not authorizw these charges. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
TheresaR January 2, 2010
Jan. 2, 2010 Another counterfeit website to look out for is: Discount-Coach.com - They are owned by TOPTRADENAMES LTD http://www.discount-coach.com/index.php?main_page=page_3 Contact Information: Liu Yujiao Discount-Coach.com http://www.discount-coach.com/ Apt. S10, 605, Tian Lang Ming Ju, Zhongshan Road Tian He District, Guangzhou 510665 China Phone: 15814544536 Attn: Ellen, Customer Service [email protected] Their website indicates: TOPTRADENAMES LTD will provide payment... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Toby Balter January 2, 2010
To Whom It May Concern: Today, Jan 2, 2010, I called the pharmacy at approximately 11 AM to renew a prescription. The time of pick up was to be 2PM. I arrived at the pharmacy at 10 past 2. My prscription was not ready or even close to being ready. I saw people picking up their prescriptions. I asked how long they waited. Their answer was 10-15 minutes. I really feel this pharmacy is not organized, especially for prescriptions that were called in way in advance. Considering that my family spends $1500.00 to $2000.00 a year on... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Dazzle Brite/Diet Prtnrs/Sup Worldfit
Shajawa January 2, 2010
I finally got my credit card company to finalize my complaint against unauthorized charges by Dazzle Brite, which changes names every time they charge. They charge several times a month. It was ordered by someone in my household, then I, within 24 hours cancelled it. The Smile Brite ppl said "sure, no problem". Fraud!!! They billed and billed for months and my husband finally saw it and then we looked on and for months, little amts of $2.93, 1.97, 6.42... So, I thought it was finished. ... Now they bill under diet products...even... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
wal-mart / fish
lisa thomas January 2, 2010
I had gone to the wal- mart super center on zero st in fort smith ar. and planned on buying fish. But what I saw was awful these fish are severly negleted there were dead fish stuck to the filtration systems. The tanks were green from algea and there were other fish just floating there dying. and as usual noone around. I know some people would think theirj ust fish no big deal. but I bet that the ASPCA or PETA would not think the same, i hope that this does get taken care of ASAP. they are living breathing creatures. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Banfield Petsmart
germanshepherdraiser January 2, 2010
I am disgusted and appalled that Dr. Lennard Candela and his staff have intentionally, deliberately, in a reckless and careless fashion returned to his former business partner medical records and x-rays in petsmart shopping carts pushed out to the storefront curb in the blowing wind unsecured. It tells me that peoples pets really are not important to him and that all the money that he made off the backs of caring pet owners was not for the good of the owners and their pets but for selfishness and greed...My pets x-rays and records were... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
3d brokerage/management
Last One January 2, 2010
After receiving a unvalidated notice to evict, ten day notice, due to noise, I contacted 3d as to the nature of the complaint. I was directed to a Home Owner's Association. I'm a renter. I have a lease with 3d. Not anyone else. When i challenged the complaint & notice, it was dropped. Yet now I have lost the ability to make Any contact concerning such complaints with 3d. I'm alone & my rights violated. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Vacation Veentures LLC
G.T.D. January 2, 2010
We went to the seminar and were told the horror stories of owning and of trying to sell timeshares. We agreed to pay VVLLC to take over our timeshares. We were told to pay the dues on the timeshares to keep them current until the paperwork was finalized, and we would be reimbursed. We kept them current and have been reimbursed nothing. I am out $4855.73 and my credit will about to be ruined because of those scum. DO NOT do business with these people, Miss Min Choy-the owner, Mr. Jim Ritchey-seminar operator, Kenneth James-seminar operator... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Metro PCS/Celluar phone service
Bizdevshep January 2, 2010
I bought a Metro Pcs phone on Dec. 16th 2009 for basic plan ($45) “Only because I wanted the $5.00 mo. international”. A day later, I get a call from my client who asks me “why is there a song playing, instead of the normal ring before you answered?” Later I called my cell phone from my house phone to verify; which there was a song playing instead of standard ringing. The next day, I got a text message from Metro saying my bill was $79- My first action was: Call customer service to access my account: I... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
DisappointedOne January 2, 2010
Since taking QTTalk's service, the only thing they have done efficiently is billing my credit card. It took weeks to get the service working originally with any reliability. Not all features work to this day, some 8 months later. Their directions for use of special features were non existent. I purcahsed their Domestin Unlimited Plan only to learn they do not mean Umlimited, they really mean 1500 minutes. While that normally does not pose any issues, I believe their description and advertisement are misleading. Their voice quality i... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Simply Mine Now
ronskiman7 January 2, 2010
On November 17, 2009, $11.99 was taken from my personal bank account by this company without my consent. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
DHR January 2, 2010
DO NOT use this website...we ordered a pair of boots on 12/12/09 and my card was charged 12/13/09 with the promise that the boots would be here in 5-7 days...well it's 1/2/10 and still no boots! So my daughter didn't receive the boots as her intended bday present (12/19) or for Christmas...she's highly upset and I am too! I have my tracking number but when I went to the the International service they have posted on the website as their carrier and plugged it in, I receive a message that it's an invalid number...VERY... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Premium White/Smile Bright
Octoberbaby January 2, 2010
Don't be fooled! If you don't want to be charged a small fortune for the "free" sample, YOU MUST RETURN THE ITEM to them DURING THE TRIAL PERIOD. I believe they give you the first month to use the product and return it to cancel further charges. Call 888-948-5508 and cancel the account, verify their address, and send what you didn't use back to them. I ordered SmileBrite and cancelled immediately thinking I had the "free sample" on the way. What they send is tiny, but they call it a "months supply."... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
IndyMac Mortgage Services
M.R January 2, 2010
In July 2008 I seek help through a lawyer for a modification, they charged 1500 at front and told me that the remaining will be paid when the modification was complete. The lawyer submitted the paperwork that was requested waited 30 days then and nothing happened, When i called the lawyer he said to resubmit the paperwork becaude the bank needs the updated financials. After a long wait and no results, i decided to call the bank myself and start the process on my own. I fill out all the requested paperwork and submitted all the documents. I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Christina89 January 2, 2010
I went to my nearby Circuit City in the company's final days in hopes of scoring some good prices on whatever electronics they had left. Imagine my joy and surprise upon finding copies of Half-Life 2 AND Team Fortress 2 for $5 each. I went home and eagerly installed Half-Life 2. No problems. Great game. However, as I opened the box for TF2, I noticed the card with the game's activation code was missing. Let me clarify one important detail: both games were still in the original factory shrink wrapping and stickers, which was quite an... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts
Dot207 January 2, 2010
I have a complaint about how a JoAnn's Store manager handles customers. I purchased a set of 'Just Glitter' silver & gold for fabric. The product didn't work. I live in the Olympic National Rainforest 45 mi to nearest town/170 miles to JoAnn's Fabric in Vancouver, WA where I go once a month. 4 weeks later in Vancouver at JoAnn's Fabric I ran in on a rush to return home that night (3 hour drive with storm approaching). I walked in, went to the 'Return Items' line. There were 2 girls behind that... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
50 States Coin Bear Collection
Shirley Durran January 2, 2010
In July 2009, I ordered the complete collection of 50 States Coin Bears, with the understanding that shipment would begin after the 2nd payment. Todate five payments of $72.83 have been charged to my credit card and I have yet to receive any shipment of bears. Numerous attempts to contact the company have been unsuccessful. The phone number is either busy or I have waited up to 30 minutes only to be disconnected. This certainly is not a company that I would do business with in the future. My bank tells me that to stop any automatic payments, I will need to cancel my credit card and be reissued another one. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Len Racine January 2, 2010
On Saturday at approx. 9:20am on 80th St between Myrtlye Ave & 78th Rd (a two way main street) a Bus driver Badge #31566, Bus #4487, License #M 66386, Route #29 deliberately drove down the middle of the street and would not move his bus over to let me pass. When I approched the bus to talk with him about moving the bus into a space large enough to fit 3 1/2 cars he would not even look in my direction. There was more than enough room for the bus and my car to pass each other if he would have move to his right even 12 inches. The bu... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
young chevrolet cadillac owosso
lynnlaw23 January 2, 2010
I purchased a vehicle with this dealer in july of this year. I have had a significant problem with repairs and it's only been 7 months. I have went through the steps of addressing my concerns with the dealer manager, General motors and now the attorney general. The management were totally unresponsive to my concerns. My car shakes uncontrollably, brakes have been repaired and numerous repairs have been done. Although I have complete documentation of all this the dealer refused to refund the money I spent for the cadillac. This totally deplorable. I suggest anyone considering purchasing a vehicle not go to Young Chevrolet. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Compu Credit
Karyn Zuniga January 2, 2010
They call me every day wanting me to make a payment.Sometimes they call four or five times a day.I have never had an account with them and they have never sent me a statement with my name and account number, like other businesses do.I am not going to pay for something I have no knowledge of.I am also going to complain to the Better Business Burea and the FTC read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Thomasville Newport News
strgzr January 2, 2010
Never again. Over $3700 in an office suite. Received multiple guarantees from the sales staff of this store that what was represented on the floor would be delivered to my door. While some furniture pieces were made in China, others were made in North Carolina. The Chinese furniture seemed better quality. The North Carolina furniture was of poorer quality. Even the finishes from the different plants did not match. North Carolina had worm hole distress marking, and the Chinese did not. We wound up purchasing off the floor damaged pieces (better... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
kenney.ivette January 2, 2010
I orded this program, and I spoke to a sale person named James, explaining the reason why I am returning it..he said ok, so I returned it from where it was ship from..I sent it back within five days ..my credit card was not credited back.for the 997.00 for the program and a charge of 197.00 plus a charge of 97.00..going back and forth, s-mailing and trying to speak with James..them saying that they just wrote me an e-mail, yet it had nothing to do with the situtation..Finally one of the office girls named Rose said that James will have nothing... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Allen School Online
ALLEN SCHOOL IS A SCAM January 2, 2010
DO NOT WORK AT ALLEN SCHOOL IF YOU HAVE A SOUL!!! ALLEN SCHOOL ONLINE IS A SCAM!!! First of all, this company has no idea what it is doing as far as recruiting in the online education community. Their Dir of Admission, Mike Perez, is some little wanna-be Director that thinks his way is the only way and no one can tell him otherwise. THey sell you coming in that they are a caring family-oriented school. The reality is they are a boiler room...a CHOP SHOP and coulldn't care less about staff development or adapting real online admission... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Zest Offshore International Drilling and Oil Inc
prinesh January 2, 2010
Zest Offshore International Drilling and Oil Inc is real or fake pls provide answer? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
James Ray International
Don't be fooled again January 2, 2010
I have prepaid for 2 events and would like to get a refund. I have sent an email requesting a refund and after 3 weeks still have not received a response. Mr. Ray is currently under investigation in Sedona, Arizona for 3 deaths that occured at a spiritual retreat he was conducting. There is a no refund policy outside of the legal time required if you purchase an event with him. Beware. NLP. read full review »
Filled under: Society & Culture Location: United States
Cassidy Tire
Consumer.Reporter January 2, 2010
My order was a disaster from the beginning. (1) The registration and order entry function on the website was inoperable (2) when I called my order in, the representative was incompetent and tried selling me another more expensive tire that was the wrong size and had bad reviews (3) they promised my order would be processed the same day which didnt happen because they never told me the tires had to transfer from another local store first (4) After 5 emails and phone calls they did nothing to remedy the situation - wouldnt expedite my order and... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Consumer.Reporter January 2, 2010
My order was a disaster from the beginning. (1) The registration and order entry function on the website was inoperable (2) when I called my order in, the representative was incompetent and tried selling me another more expensive tire that was the wrong size and had bad reviews (3) they promised my order would be processed the same day which didnt happen because they never told me the tires had to transfer from another local store first (4) After 5 emails and phone calls they did nothing to remedy the situation - wouldn't expedite my... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Walmart Stores and Green Dot
kcyulee January 2, 2010
My children received a Walmart GreeDot Money card for Christmas and were real excited, but that is when the excitement ended! These cards should be outlawed. To use these cards you MUST use your social security number and it takes 7-10 days to activate before you can use them, tell that to a 10 year old boy. Walmart says these are not their cards, but it has their name logo on it and they accepted this company to seel their product, so they should take some responsibility, but they won't. We asked for refund (with receipt), they said NO... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mavis tire
john jr January 2, 2010
machanics @ mastic ny store too buzzy talking on cell phone and paying attention too there work that there are doing had missing parts on the front brakes and shop formen said that all parts where but back the right way if so how come front caliper fell off and i had to be tow too a n repair shop there work sucks i will never go there again read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
japgirl January 2, 2010
we ordered a handbag from baghaute. They took the amount of $59.00 from our credit card and never delivered the bag. We have made numerous attempts to contact them by leaving e-mails, and when we get nothing but voice-mail we leave messages to no avail.They will not respond to us at all. They stole our money. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
suefly January 2, 2010
I placed a long distance call from a pay phone at a train station in Bregenz, Austria to US cell number of a colleague (who was about 4 blocks away in Austria) to find out how to meet him. I was on the phone less than a minute and was charged $24.31 on my Visa bill listed as "Call from Austr Jul 8 800-608-0575". Also was charged a $0.95 "call from val fee 800-608-0575" and then credited the same $0.95 charge on the same Visa bill. I have recently discovered a web site... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
ElleMarcus January 2, 2010
When I logged in to my bank account online to check my funds I noticed something very disturbing. One December 31, 2009 a transaction was posted on my account: PURCHASE / 12-31-09 MVQ*TWENTY4PROPLUS 888-337-4295 CT auth# 529327. I googled it and came to this website. Unlike others on here, the charge made to my account was $43.90. Needless to say I am livid beyond all reason. I've been on hold for twenty-seven minutes right now and no one can seem to help me. I suggest to anyone who has had this happen to them to get a new card number... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Smart Money Magazine
Dale Danielsen January 2, 2010
I seem to be victim of an automatic renewal. I want to cancel any sort of subscription.. Did not order any of it in the first place. Thank you. Dale C. Danielsen 821 N. Highland Ave. Rockford, Illinois 61107 read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
king games .com
melvan January 2, 2010
crietd card 4470911118007369 visa could you please fix the problem for me thank you they said to contact my bank well i have no bank so you must be the bank if you can fix it and if you cant i will give you it back and i will get all the money back plus read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States


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