LOCATION: United States
Movado Group
Basically My fairly new watch band broke, iam not a heavy watch user nor do i neglect my watches but the band on these type of watches seem to be made to break. The area where it connects to the watch is very small and over time can just come off especially when it is connected to a small piece of denim or leather. Called MGI and rep said Oh send it in, we'll give you a discounted price on the bands, as per the CSR suggestion I sent it in and not only did I get a quote for "retail price", they are trying to nickle and dime me for... read full review »
Terrible communication from MoissaniteCo
These people did not communicate with me. Emails went unanswered and there is no phone number to call anyone. It took several emails and 3 business days to get a response from MoissaniteCo regarding the RMA.
Once the RMA was received, the ring was shipped back on Wednesday via UPS. The ring arrived on Monday but I didn't get any confirmation regarding receipt from them. read full review »
This company is using Google as bait to entice people to sign up at their job site which is supposedly posting links for Google. Checks are/were shown on the website as having been paid by Google to consumers who sign up. I signed up for $1.97 through a Yahoo website. Three days later my credit card was charged $74.97 and a few days later another $19 plus was charged to my account.
Once you have given your credit card information, there is no further mention of Google and it becomes clear very quickly that this is some type of sales job... read full review »
Julian's Van Lines
I did a payment of $85 in advance to block the time for truck and 3 men between 9 and 10 on 12/12/09. We had four men sent to us with an extra charge of $10 per hour for the additional person and they were sent at 2:00p.m. - about 5 hours later.
The lady who I spoke to refused to let me know how long the delay would be for and she refused to pick up my calls after 11. Our Comcast appointment was missed and we will not have internet or tv till next Monday - 12/18/09. I had a very bad experience and would like to take some action against these movers. read full review »
my name is howard L collins i am trying to clean up some of the past companies that i never received a line of credit from i have about (6) more some names i know others i have never heared of by their business name if i can get some sort of check list then i can view whose is who i am trying to improve my credit report and scores read full review »
Fido Solutions Inc.
Client services do not exist with FIDO. The company makes it as difficult as possible for their customer agents to assist with your requests and/or difficulties because they are forced to work without the necessary tools. Consequently, they are always UNHAPPY or ANNOYED to talk to you which results to a bad experience altogether. This is a vicious and unacceptable cycle.
I've been with FIDO for quite a number of years especially because they're now the only company that uses SIM cards (my experience with Rogers was not ideal... read full review »
National Writers Union
I joined, online, the National Writers Union, and received an email confirming my membership starting on October 11, 2009. My Master card was charged the $60.00 for the 6 month membership which ends April 10, 2010. It is now December 15, 2009 and I have never been able to access the member benefits that are suppose to come with this membership. I have emailed and faxed correspondence to a "E Jeanne Harnois", a person in charge of this union and memberships, approximately 10 or more times and she assured me that the problem would be... read full review »
Shattuck Creek Outfitters
I do NOT recommend this outfit and will NOT refer anyone to them. We paid up front for services that we did not receive. We were told that most of the photos on the website and brochures were not taken at the location as advertised. read full review »
united check platinum service
My checking account was debited for 99.95 and I don't know how I gave platinum services permission to do so. The service refuses to give back my money. I feel like I was robbed. I'm on a fixed income and the unauthorised debit has caused my checking account to have a negative balance which my bank will charge me for. read full review »
Innovative Investment Advisors
I am interested in contacting other investment fraud victims of Gregory V. Cronin, Innovative Investment Advisors. read full review »
Sup*Smile Bright
This company is taking money from my visa card so far has taken £128.00 off my card, i have cancelled it only they are still taking it, i never agreed to it. be carful to all out there. read full review »
na work at home
They are charging my account wo my permission i have asked several times to be taken off their call list and stopp charging me and they wont quitsomething needs to be done read full review »
Action Link / Oasis
I was hired to perform demonstrations at the hourly rate of 18.00. During my tenure I was continually paid this hourly rate for both training and actual in store demonstration work for the first 1.5 years. At some point the company began reducing my training rate to 9.00 however with neither my knowledge or permission. This went unnoticed by me because of the electronic directly deposited payments. In April of 2007 the company baited me with a new program calling it the "Elite" program where I was induced into accepting and promised... read full review »
Called for a toilet that would not flush, a problem that reoccurred about twice a year on this property and was easily cleared up with a rooter service. I was out of town and my elderly mother called this plumber not knowing my regular routine. Normally I paid about $45.00 at the time for an independant. She called Kevin Shaw Plumbing who charged for sending an extra long router line for a charge of $300. That length would have gone into the street to the main line and down the street several feet. They claimed that did not clear it so they... read full review »
Destiny Research Center
Ms. Duval, initiated contact with me around June '09. I have received numerous mailings [all of which I've kept], responded to a few, [not smart]. Promises of fortune, money, love, magnet to others, blah, blah, blah. Also offered Talismans of power, which were nothing but trinkets. Returned two Items & only received payment for one. Still waiting for check to clear. Everything is 100% guaranteed, no questions asked, had to write a letter for money, & still need to about balance. Found out on... read full review »
Pww Internet Biz
$ 79.90 was withdrew from my checking account - this was UNAUTHORIZED. I had called this company in NOV to cancel whatever I signed up with Google. I GUESS THIS WAS IGNORED!!!
The government of FCC or whoever needs to go after this scamm immediately! read full review »
K.G. Suzuki/Plant Automotive
I am sad to say that I was ripped off by Planet Automall, KG Suzuki, Northern Autogroup LLC. They added numbers to a contract and then refuse to take them off. I say NO MORE!!! This is a practice they have been doing and they seem to have gotten away with it. The owner Kanhiya Kinney Galani along with the sales associates, Cisco, Richard, Imran the finance guy are all part of this scam. Please everyone STAY AWAY FROM THIS DEALERSHIP because you will find yourself in a fight for your rights. They produce fraudlent information and false... read full review »
teeth whitining
On 12-02-2009 I place an order for a free trial of this companies teeth whitening product A small amouth arrived and I tried it with out any apparent results. I receive an E-Mail notice on December 14 and was told that because I did not cancell within 10 days that I now would be charged $158.27 on my credit card. I cancelled right away but was stil told that I owed them the money and that if I di not pay or disputed the charges with my credit card that they would ruin my credit by thuring this over to a third party collecti0n agency. I found... read full review »
I tried to download a piece of music: Shrek, the musical - Halleluyah
I was told to become a member so that I could download this music. Unrestrictedownloads.com said I had to b ecome a member and for a total of $1.99, I could have this download and others for a 7
Day Trial with optional lifetime membership.
I stupidly gave them my credit card number, e-mail and a bunch of other personal information. I get an e-mail from them billing me for $52.20. What happened to the $1.99 trail offer?
They itemized: a download protection, pro... read full review »
Clasic Chevrolet
i was driving a dodge callenger at the time when i got the job there. So i was interested in purchasing a chevy cause the owner Don Kurseter was supposivley giving good deals for employees. I went in there saturay to purcase a truck they just wouldnt work with me and were BSing me around. So i waied till wensday trying to get a good deal and my price was higher than the sticker and im an employee. My dad suggested we go look at some trucks at mac haik we were there 5 min and i got a lower price by the thousands and more for my trade in with... read full review »
Wellbhealth - Acai Burn
I signed up for a free trial of Acai Burn through http://www.acaipure-trialoffer.com/?subid1=3843&subid2=acaiburn159795. I paid $1.95 for shipping. They then proceeded to call me multiple times asking if I wanted to pay $49.95 for another weight loss supplement, and I continually told them "NO". They eventually stopped calling, but today I received another dietary supplement from Acai Burn. I checked my credit card statement and they had charged me $87.62! I tried to call but they said they are closed for the day and to check their... read full review »
014642000760660 SAVEACE SAVEACE 888-593-5216
11-DEC-2009 04:34:12 AM ($24.95) 014642000760660 SAVEACE SAVEACE 888-593-5216 CT US was on my card statement. i have no idea what it is or what it's for. I wasn't even online nor did I authorize any of this as a matter of fact I was in bed when this was done!! I have wrote the company & asked for a refund so far I have heard nothing! I would like my money back & for this not happen agian! I have been very careful & always tried to use pay-pal when doing any type of transaction online! read full review »
shark s3501w
worked fine the first two times we used it then the forth time it wouln, t even light up or do annything so now what need it asap read full review »
Melissa Masoinet
Melissa is the most cheap person i have ever known. She only cares about making money. We once had this employee who did not put a 2 week notice in and she did not give her, her LAST check. I do not care what terms you leave a business you always need to get to your last check. To add this place was not following the ratios, that the states allow. The teachers were always over ratio. For example for the threes the ratio is one teacher to thirteen kids, but when you move one two year over it goes to 1 to 8 and this teacher had 15 kids all to... read full review »
ASF International - Colorado, Highlands Ranch
I enrolled ASF International in August 2009 and was told that my contract could be cancelled if I moved at least 25 miles away. In October, I asked ASF staff what was necessary to cancel my contract if I moved and was advised that I needed a lease or rental agreement to prove residency elsewhere.
When I was accepted to college out-of-state, I also leased an apartment and sent the lease agreement into ASF. Apparently ASF does not honor what they promise to members. I have now been told that I must submit... read full review »
Predict Mobile
We did not sign up fot this option on our phones. We are being charged a charge on our mobile phones that is for texting. And we do not even text. I want this charge off iof my bill and I want a refund for the past siux month of charges!c3 read full review »
PublicationsMax.com et al
Due diligence saved the day.
I received my pouch from Café Saporito on December 14, 2009. If I wanted coffee by
Mail, I’d have stayed with Seattle’s Best. I don’t drink it as fast as they send it. I called my bank immediately the Monday after the charge, had the charge reversed, then burned my debit card.
11/30/09 PURCHASE 11-27-09 PUBLICATIONSMAX.COM 888-6242877 IL 551383 $ -79.00
PO Box 4004
Evanston, IL 60204
Café Saporito
P.O. Box... read full review »
I was charged $79.00 on my credit card. I never ordered or recieved any of their products. read full review »
Mike's Gun Sales and Service
This company seems to be running a scam selling gun silencers. They take your money, have you fill out ATF forms, fingerprint cards, etc...then you never hear from them again. Ten months ago, I paid them over $1000 for a silencer for a .22 Sig pistol. I'm still waiting. Apparently what is happening is they are blaming a so-called slow down at the ATF. I called the ATF. They never received any documentation. The ATF suspects the paperwork was never sent in. Mike's Gun Sales & Service seem to be running a thinly veiled criminal... read full review »
Protect ID Mgt.
They have taken money from bank account without my knowing. I have been scammed and robbed read full review »
Super Colon Cleanse
SCS Health and wellnesslab got us too! We tried a 30 day free trial. Cancelled it well within the 30 day window - by phone. Were charged S&H - OK. In the next credit card billing cycle, recieved today, there were over $330.00 in fraudulent charges and S&H for our "subscrition" for their weight loss products. When we called to get this fixed they were rude at best, had no record of our cancellation, and would not reverse the charges. We are trying to RMA the box that also arrived today but have to eat S&H charges. These guy... read full review »
Publicationsmax.com aka CoffeeOutletStore.com
I, too, have unauthorized charges from Publicationsmax.com on my account. They are also CoffeeOutletStore.com. Both charges are for $79.00. The Publicationsmax.com says that it was transacted on 11/27/09. I saw another comment from another person that said their unauthorized charges happened on the same day!!! I never visited either website and I am out $158.oo. My bank is investigating how my card was compromised. read full review »
Privacy Matters 123 & Classmates
I had unauthorized charges on my new credit card for 4 charges on 2 separate dates from Privacy Matters 123 and 1 unauthorized charge for Classmates.
I called both companies to complain, Privacy Matters said they would credit me back the amounts, Classmates said I had to dispute the charge with my credit card company. I have contested the 5 different charges and cancelled the credit cards. read full review »
i believe this is a scam. can you verify read full review »
Vapor King
I ordered trial offer for an electronic cigarette from vapor king, the trial offer was advertised for shipping and handling charges only from safe trial offers.com. I ordered the product on 11/28/09. It was delivered on 12/14/09 with a thank you card. The thank you card said that if I did not cancel my order within twelve days of the order date I would be charged automatically 99.10 for future deliveries of other items. I immediately called to cancel, but my credit card had already been charged. The credit card company told me that unless they... read full review »
Jesse McCrady Kyra Sommerville-Allan
Mr. Jesse McCrady, Mrs. Kyra Sommerville-Allan and their co-horts are literally kicking people out of their homes when they are STEALING their last dimes.
In September of 2008, I was contacted/phone solicited by Jesse McCrady and Kyra Sommerville-Allan; they represented themselves as mortgage professionals associated with Attorneys who “specializing" in Mortgage Modifications, with Inlanta Mortgage, and First Choice Mortgage
I was given their websites: www.fcmortgage.com and www.inlanta.com
I was told if I retained... read full review »
Credit Services Incorporated
I've reported this company to both the FTC as well as the Illinois Attorney General's Office for harrassment and unlawful business practice. <br />
<br />
I'll just hit the highlights of my interactions with them - before today, I had NEVER heard of them or interacted with them in anyway.<br />
<br />
- Sporadic phone calls. Whenever I answered, no one responded on the other end and then they would hang up. After two occurrences of this, I called the number on my caller ID. No identification of... read full review »
D&L Towing
Agent amberly at the bayshore, glendale store advised that i had a 300.00 redeemable reward coming to me and its been over 4 weeks and i have not received a penny. read full review »
ruben saguil jr
was charged for anti virus but seems no services is applied if no service to be done hoping to refund the paid amount of $79.90 hoping you activate the anti virus paid for thank you read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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