LOCATION: United States

All Points Accommodation/All Points Travel
Jack S Goldenberg November 10, 2009
All Points Accommodatoins (APA) deals in deceptive practices to sel their memberships. The come on is to attend a presentatoin in return for two free airline tickets and car rental for two anywherein the US. Even though APA owns their won travel agency, after the presentation they give you a membership form from VIP travel. VIP requires an up front payment of $50.00 pe person and their rules and restrictions handcuff anyone who has nothing to do but wair for VIP tomake arrangements. Effectively, a working person cannot use these tickets. After... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
fat burning furnace
Victoria von Witt November 10, 2009
I paid three payments via Paypal in AUD 44.58, 33.42 and 11.12 on 10/11/2009 and have been unable to download any of the products. The contact website continually says the server is unavailable and there is no other contact route provided. The Click Bank order numbers are L7ERGBSL L7ERGBKL and 9HGEH8ZM I would like my money returned immediately and these scammers tracked down and dealt with. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
fwm laboratories hollywood fl. acaiberry and probotic cleanse
Tamala Lorenz November 10, 2009
I paid for shipping and handling for two products which were a 30 days free trial. Two weeks pass and my bank account was overdrawn by $74 dollars, which was a Saturaday. By monday my bank account was over drawn by $265.04. Part of it was what I spent on my debt card, which I thought I had money to cover. With all overdraft fees and the $88 dollars charged twice I owe big bucks that I do not have to cover my debt. When I called the company the lady demanded what I want done with the account. I said what account? I was not aware thast I had an... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Reader Digest/Pepsi
smileybear November 10, 2009
My Senior citizen Mother received a similar letter and check in circulation advertising a winner of $1, 000, ooo in a Pepsi/Reader Digest sponsored giveaway on November 9, 2009. I reviewed her winning letter and realized there were suspicious details that clearly could not fool me, but I could see others falling prey to this ridiculous and outrageous scam. The Representative of this sweepstakes was given the name of Mr. Phil Rizutto with a contact number of 1(877)810-9375 Ext.#1. The check was made out from Spectrum 27 Inc. for the amount of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
juicy lips
Melissa Tippie November 10, 2009
WARNING!!!JUICYLIPS IS A SCAM!!!JUICYLIPS IS A SCAM!!WARNING!!! This company is fraudulent!!! They have a free trial and you can cancel with no worries!! That is not the case! I called to cancel before the trial period because they wanted $90 which is hard to find!! I would have never ordered if I knew before hand that they wanted that much. I discovered it by listening to my husband when he said did you read the fine print it sounds to good to be true!! he was so RIGHT!!! I was given a confirmation # when I called and told that everything... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Grocery Rebate Redemption
$500 rebate November 10, 2009
have sent in two rebate coupons with appropriate reciepts Sept. 09 and Oct. 14, 09 have never recieved anything. also they can't find me with zip code I'm beginning to think the whole thing is a scam and they kieep the r egistration money will be calling better business bureau read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
JP&D Digital Satellite Systems
John Brew November 10, 2009
This company JP&D is stilling from me and my family I have a family of 5 and I am just trying to make a honest living but JP&D is making this almost impossible for me They are charging me back more than I make at this peace of crap job! They are charging me back for equiptment that I need and they issue to me to get the job done correctly, this is not right to me because i work hard everyday of my life and my only reward is my paycheck so that Imay provide for my family, but with these charges backs it is almost impossible to make end... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Himself November 10, 2009
Don't bother with customer service, you won't get any satisfaction, they'll give you a song and dance and keep your money. Call Ed Murren their book keeper 717-724-1808 for help, If you decide to sue, the owner is Cathy Burgergray, 6059 Allentown Blvd, Harrisburg, PA 17112 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
vehicle services inc.
raptor77 November 10, 2009
after my auto dealer auto warrenty expired I started recieving pressure sales calls to buy extended warrenty for my car I bought from Nisson. this car was to be passed on to my daughter who is getting her drivers licence very soon. I got talked into a contract thru vehicle services Inc. and made payments to Mepo finance corporation and the warrenty company was consumer direct warrenty services. I paid monthly payments to them thru a credit card.that same card eventually had fraudulent charges on it so I canceled the card and told all involved... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
RCA Locksmith
Aaron Jenne November 10, 2009
I locked myself out of my home. I called RCA Locksmith to get an estimate. The person on the phone told me that the technician could be at my home in 20 minutes. I was told that there was a $35 service fee for the person to come to my house and a $29 technician fee (if the job was easy). The technician came to my home, in fewer than four minutes he was able to open my door by inflating a rubber bladder between my door and the door jam. When he finished, I was charged $159. I have called the company no fewer than seven times. I have... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
united onlinecollections
J H McWhirter November 10, 2009
I received a letter that said that I had a Juno account that I did not pay. I never bought anything on Juno and I will not pay for this false charge read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
John P.Smith November 10, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
absolute acaiberry
Absolute AcaiBerry November 10, 2009
Buenas tardes, soy de chile, hace mucho tiempo atrás pedi una prueba gratis de acai berry, pagando con mastercard, el costo de envio de 0, 95 euros ya fue efectuado, pero el producto nunca llegó. Por lo tanto en este instante yo cancelo el pedido, lo intente llamando por telefono, pero todo lo hablan en su idioma y no entiendo nada, es por eso que lo hago por medio de correo y espero que no se me cobre nada adicional, tal cual dice en su anuncio. Muchas gracias. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Mike Creel and Richard Pope
chacha November 10, 2009
Richard Pope Bellevue (Suspended) Attorney At Law Richard Pope (Suspended) Attorney Commits Ethics Violations, Sexual Assault and Harassment Bellevue Washington Richard Pope and Mike Creel have teamed up and are now harassing political figures. Mike Creel with a long criminal record among them armed robbery per Richard Pope and continued theft charges. He married Yong Wang about 5 years ago and has until now gotten away with it. But this shall end since Richard Pope is doing him in... Mike Creel has a criminal record from the state of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
clickeasystreet & dotcomcrea
john godfrey November 10, 2009
i was chg`d $130.95 for something i did not order. please credit my crediy card. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
George R Killingsworth
George R Killingsworth November 10, 2009
I am George R Killingsworth of 4806 Ethel st. County road 107E, Pearland, Tx 77584-8940.I cancelled my account with directv several months ago.I was told that you would send an empty box so i could ship your reciever back.In about a week a box came, but it had a new reciever in it.Called again was told to send the new reciever back in the same box and to keep the old reciever in case i wanted to subscribe to directv again.Well today 11/10/09 i get a bill in the mail.I cancelled out because i was not financially able to keep the service.Now you... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
New Demographics
New Demographics November 10, 2009
For a less than market price, I can put you in 8 cities in Vietnamese newspaper, radio and t.v. The frugal Vietnamese people with $42, 000/ employed person income will buy your products as quickly as you can supply them. My home number is 214-230-4375 a Magic Jack number; at least for 4 more years. Also, we need more information about MJ as a business tool. sincerely, Robert Allen read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
radical cash
vsdadvsvd November 10, 2009
i signed up for radicalcash affiliates program. i gave them about 10 sales in juust a week then my account got blocked without any warning or notice. that would have been fine to me since i may have done something to violate the contract but what i dont like about them is i've been trying to contact them through ICQ and email and no response. i wanted to reconcile things and maybe get payment for my sales but cant since they never reply. so now im suspecting that they do this to webmasters once they make a lot of sales to avoid payment... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
U.S. Loan Assistance Center
mdkv^u2f November 10, 2009
U.S. Loan Assistance Center (USLAC.com) told us our income and loan was "perfect" to modify. That was before they took our money. As soon as they had our money and we had spent countless hours coming up with documentation for them, they wouldn't return calls. When we finally did get ahold of them months later, they told us they couldn't help us. Before we had sent the money, they had assured us if they were unable to help us, they would refund everything. Now, they're saying it's non-refundable! We got nothing!!! We then contacted our own bank and within 2 weeks, had our loan modified for free. USLAC is a HUGE RIP-OFF!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
hooters casino
huntermark November 10, 2009
we went to las vegas from nov 2-2009 to nov 9-2009 this hotel was very dirty are room had old que tips under the bathroom sink paper under the sink mildew in the bathtub carpet very dirty full of cigarette holes dirty walls safe that look like it was never ever wiped down so we did complain so they moved us next room wasent that much better then we went to leave and we were charged 57.00 dollars for parking and use of the pool used the pool once and we didnt have car i would never ever recommend this hotel to anyone read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
taco bell in gatesville texas
freakedout09 November 10, 2009
i went thru thw drive thru at gatesville taco bell and this woman took my money her name tag said carmella well she proceeded to take my money and while she was getting my drink i saw her pulling out her nose ring and cleaning it off and then she replaced it back in her nose and she then made my drink i have talked to manager his name is ron but he really didnt make an effort to say he was sorry and that he would fix the problems so then i left and the next day i came back and she was there again and she just looked at me and started rolling... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Mike Creel and Yong Wang (Illigal in US)
Richard Pope Team November 10, 2009
Mike Creel and Yong Wang illigally married to obtain green card for her. Immigration is investigating this with the help of Richard Pope. Mike Creel with a long criminal history which includes armed robbery and harassment as well as assault, Mike better watch out that this suspended attorney with multible anti harassment orders against him does not put him behind bars. Pope is already starting to sell him out to the police. Pope is also selling out Belec/Paladin now to Police. That is what happens when you have 3 rats in a cage...they... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sarahnfe November 10, 2009
directv is full of shit, all they do is lie about everything. i was with them for 11 years and they did me wrong. Refused to replace my tv's that they messed up. Kiss my ass Directv i hope you all rot in hell read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
AcaiBerry Detox- Colon Cleanse-Diet Product
Will Never get scammed again November 10, 2009
My wife ordered a trial sample on October 9th and was told she had until the 14th of November to cancel any future shipments. On November 10th, they charged our Bank account $29.95. I tried calling the number for the Place named Wellness Labs that had charged the $29.95. They never answered the phone and their website is down so you can't get ahold of them. Luckily, I had the box that the original order came in and called that phone number. When I finally reached someone, I got the runaround until I asked for someone in charge and... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
View Point Realtors
tERRIBLE SERVICE November 10, 2009
Amy leggett is the rudest agent i have ever worked with. She barely found 3 houses to view in the area. She kept trying to sell us on her stupid goat dogs breed of some carnival side show animal. She is a scammer in a half, tried to cover up her commissions she would have made on the sale and was in cahoots with the acutal home owners that we looked at. DON'T USE THIS LADY SHE IS BIPOLAR AND WILL RIP U OFF read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
[email protected]
leroysaville November 10, 2009
I ordered a nikon coolpixp600 cameria from the above company for their advertised price of $300+. I received a call from them today asking if I wanted the American version for $100 more. The $300+ version is the europe version. I took the American version. Isn`t a bait and switch scam? read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
swindled and unhappy November 10, 2009
Very poor work - Does not fix mistakes - Way over priced for quality of work. We have since had Klamfoth's mess fixed and new work done and much better price and quality. Also Klamfoth's web site states owner is a hands on - this is an out right lie. The little contact we had with him was to say the least - scarry, this man is not nice and I would NEVER want him on my property again. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Living Spaces Furniture
P. Wilson November 10, 2009
Once again Living Spaces Furniture sells a customer a damaged product. When the delivery drivers delivered the table they sub standard job in putting my table together. They (E&M trucking) left screws out of the table legs and damaged the extension arm. Long story short, be careful when dealing with Living Spaces customer service and delivery team. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
bidfuel ebay action
D DONTRICH November 10, 2009
I never ordered or received any merchandise from this company. A charge of $39.95 was charged to my check card. Bidfuel has the correct bank information. I never use my check card to order anything online. I have no idea how they got this information. when we contacted bidfuel they said they cancelled the order but would not refund the &39.95. I have received no kit and nothing for this fee. I am very upset and beleive that this scam must be stopped. thank you n dontrich [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Your Travel Headquarters - Cruise
scammedonphone November 10, 2009
Do not buy a cruise with this company. This company grossly misrepresented the cost of this cruise. They called and sold me a cruise for $88 per person (4 days 3 nights) out of Port Canaveral. This was supposed to be a fill up the cruise rate, where I had had to send in my first three time options. Today when I called them back to set-up travel for Option 2 (they were full on Option 1) they started talking about over $120 (think was over $130 but they hung up on me before I could get a repeat) per person for Port Fees and Taxes. The 1st... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
[email protected] November 10, 2009
These people are TERRIBLE. I ordered a delivery of a Halloween-related item; the site said delivery in "3 to 7 days". They delivered it 10 days later. When I called to complain, "Alex" could not have cared less. When I said "I guess this is my last purchase from you", he said "that's fine with us". Wow. Lousy service and a jerk of a customer "service" rep, to boot. A word to the wise: avoid these people. Oh, and their site says "satisfaction guaranteed". Yeah, right! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Road Booking - Terry Sharkey
Talent Director November 10, 2009
There is a booking agent named Terry Sharkey who is soliciting bands on MySpace to do business with him. He charges $65 and books you a tour. However, he isn't really a real booking agent, but a struggling musician who takes advantage of other struggling musicians. He claims he gets the artists gigs, however when the artist shows up to the venue, it really is a dive bar. They have no idea who you are and won't pay you! You complain to Terry, and he blames you for being an unknown artist! Sometimes he admits he made a mistake... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Money Mastery/ Google work from home
Luc2010 November 10, 2009
I signed up for 1.93 for info on Google work from home and three days later they charged $59.84 my credit card. I called them up and they refused to give me a full refund. This is a rip-off and I want my money back. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Move Express DVD
move express dvd November 10, 2009
Ordered August 2009 The Golden Girls Complete Collectors Edition for 69.00 plus shipping and handling. I have sent vaious e-mails to no avail and receive an automatated response advising that the company was behind in processing orders. After receiving these same responses, attempted to call company that doesn't exist. Scondrels is what they are. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Body Reform
perkinsh November 10, 2009
Our clients spent time constructing well-written reviews, only to have some of them deleted by Yelp. Then, Yelp had the audacity to ask us for $300 a month to have our "placement" improved. I'm sure if I'd given them $300 a month they would put all of our testimonials back on line. If they cared about what consumers had to say they wouldn't erase honest testimonials, and they wouldn't give preferential treatment to businesses that will pay their extraordinary fee. I'm looking at Google now for reviews, Yelp is a scam! read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
shawn2130 November 10, 2009
on my last phone bill for the month of October i recieved an added bill from prodicto never heard of them the charge is 9.99 a month i want it off my bill they keep sending me emails . read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Nicor Solutions
jnadenik November 10, 2009
Have just found out that I have been involved in a scam for several years. Worst part is the scam artist is a local utility supplier Nicor Solutions. They have collected over $2400 over and above what my cost of gas should have been for the past 4 years. And, when questioned about it they said that was the contract I chose. I asked for a copy of the contract that I signed, conveniently they say it was verbal. I asked to have the money refunded and was told the best he could do was give me a one month credit. Other people need to know how their... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
wellness lab/collen cleanser
TETE November 10, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Salem International University
Crispper November 10, 2009
I am a Disabled Veteran and the Veterans Affairs pays my tuition for college. I applied for a Pell Grant to help me pay my living expenses while attending college. Salem International nows states that they can hold my Pell Grant until I have a positive balance. This will not happen for another 3 years. The college bills my tuition at the beginning of the semester and the VA pays at the end of the semester. I don't know who to complain to about this but, I need the Pell Grant to help me out otherwise I will have to quit college. read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
advance guards services
HECTORMALLSTIC27 November 10, 2009
hmm... you guys scared me with this blog...but yet this company has found me a job... and im working as a manager... maybe you guys havent followed up...? cuz i dealt with a guy named mr tambini and he was wonderful... it was a great experience ive been unemployed for 6 months...and i spent 2432.00 dollars out of my savings and now im making 21.00 an hour... so maybe you guys just dont know how to sell yourself? or maybe you should follow up[ with a guy named mr. tambini ...hell def get youi a job i started working 2 weeks ago and i read thi... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States


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