Caracol Cream
May 14, 2008
Do not purchase this product. It can not be returned as the address they give is incorrect. It is a scam operation because once you receive your so called free trial, they automatically bill your account, and you have 60 days to return the product. BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE AN ADDRESS. BUYER BEWARE! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
May 14, 2008
A Brand New Bike had the same problem over and over. The pedal and pedal arm would come lose and fall off. After the fourth time taking it back. This is unacceptable. and I, m tired of the lip service from the manager, over and over and over again. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Bloomex Inc.
May 13, 2008
This is formal email I sent to the Bloomex customer service email address: Dear Bloomex Inc. Management and Staff, My name is K and I am a client of yours in Toronto. On April 27th, I preceded to order Classic Iris Bouquet from the Bloomex. website. My information pertaining to the order is attached as an adobe pdf. format. This is how the disaster began, May 9th, the recipient my mother - T receives a phone call at 4p.m. from an Ottawa CanPar delivery driver indicating that she is receiving flowers and that he... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Livin Lean Las Vegas
May 12, 2008
I purchased the tea online. I cancelled before the cancellation expired due to the tea was not helping me and upsetting my stomach. I decided this was not for me. I called cancel and for the next two month I was charged $19.95. even after a second phone call to cancel.. I had to go to my bank and cancel my account, change to another account. It was worth the hassel knowing this company will not have my personal banking info. I was afraid to order online and this confirmed it. The bank suggested having a bank card for online purchases only and keep just enough in it for the purchases you know you will be making. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
readers digest ipod contest
May 11, 2008
no such site read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Lastman' Bad Boy
May 11, 2008
This is a chronicle of my purchase experience with one of the provinces major furniture retailers that treated me like a noobody!!! At about the end of November 2007 I saw an advertisement by Lastman's Bad Boy in The Toronto Sun for savings up to 80% at a factory sale that they were conducting. My wife and I having just purchased a new construction home and cash short thought this would be a good opportunity to save some money and besides this is a major retailer with credible family that owned the business. We then proceeded... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
Rallye Motors Hyundai
May 10, 2008
My girlfriend had recently purchased a "certified" used vehicle from Rally Motors of Moncton. It is a 2005 Hyundai Tucson GLV6 with 75, 000Kms at the time of purchase. During the test drive we noticed a lot of noise coming from the back and front ends with each bump. Also the Air Bag warning light was on showing failure and there was squealing during left hand turns. They rest the air bag and fixed a brake cover. Squealing and light gone. Good. When they put it in the shop they also noted that 4 things would be replaced/repaired and... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
scottys junk removal
May 9, 2008
I had Scottys junk removal at my house today. His charges were $50.00 dollars for the truck plus dump fees. He charged $317.00 including the dump and truck fees. The cost to dump 1 ton of product at a recycling yard is $80.00 a ton. (2000 lbs) My junk weighed 1276 lbs So having a $267.00 dump fee was over 300% markup. I dont begrudge anyone a fair profit. But 300%? Shop around! I wont be using his services again. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Crowfoot Dodge Calgary
May 8, 2008
Stay well away from Crowfoot Dodge of the Crowchild NW of Calgary!! They competley mis-diagnsed the problems on my vehicle and then had the audicity to charge me over $300.00 for the privleage of them getting it wrong. I spent more money with another firm on a report on my vehicle. This report conradictd the diagnosis of Crowfoot Dodge who have a copy of the report. Crowfoot Dodge are simply not interested in proiding good service. They have their money. Despite my many best efforts, Crowfoot Dodge has failed to provide anything near a good level of service. I will continue for as long as it takes to get some form of recompense. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
Dr. Syed
May 8, 2008
A very close friend of mine is seeking help with heart and lung trouble. She was referred to Dr.Syed in Lindsay Ontario who is an absolutley horrible doctor. This man is a respiratory specialist who does not do his job at all. He is short and ignorant. My friend can't speak with him because he doesn't listen to her problems so therfore her needs are not being met at all. She is severely ill with angina attacks constantly occuring and this man won't even let her tell him her symptoms. When ever she tries to tell him he... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: Canada
Futureshop / LG
May 8, 2008
We purchased a 42 " plasma (LG) 2 weeks ago (April 17th) a few days ago (May 3rd )my husband noticed the screen was cracked. Now we had turned on the TV before we bought it and hadn't noticed it was cracked. (Not that we knew what to look for, we were too busy being impressed by the picture quality.) After we viewed the TV out of the box, the sales person who took the TV out of the box asked if he could bubble wrap it instead, and he said it would be safer. Now what if it was bumped while it sitting on the floor (it sat in the isle... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Microsoft Promotion Award 20 Craven Park
May 7, 2008
Microsoft Promotion Award 20 Craven Park, Harlesden London NW10, United Kingdom.Ref No : BTD/976/06--Batch No: 401978GTel:+44-703-193-1102 Fax:+44-870-471-6439E-mail:[email protected] Lucky Number:14 21 25 40 40 47 21 ATTN: LUCKY WINNER, Dear Lucky WinnerWINNING NOTIFICATION-------Ref No: BTD/976/06---Batch:401978G The prestigious Microsoft and AOL has set out and successfullyorganized a Sweepstakes marking (6th, May, 2008)as the beginningof year anniversary, we rolled out over 100, 000, 000.00 for our beginning of yearly... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Survey Research Company
May 5, 2008
Received calls daily between 8 am to 8pm. Finally got fed up and left a nasty message on their voice mail. Wish I could call block the number on my cell phone. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
front end work
May 5, 2008
my bmw, 24, 000 miles orig. had a bad shimmy in the front end, and was assured that the only thing wrong with the car to cause the shimmy was a shot front bearing and hub, ...paid 557.85 and they said they road tested it, it ran good...3 minutes I was back there, with the exact bad shimmy at 52 miles an hour, , , , , they said it had a bent rim, , , , and couldn, t do anything for it, , , , but I said I just paid 557.oo to fix the shimmy, which they said was caused by a shot bearing, , , , , I drove it home 5oo miles with the shimmy and... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
May 5, 2008
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
May 5, 2008
Dear sir or madam, I am sending a copy of this email supposedly from your microsoft UK offices which I believe is an online scam. Hopefully something can be done about this B Hill -- Copyright © 1994-2008 MICROSOFT PROMOTIONS Microsoft Award Team 20 Craven Park, Harlesden London NW10, United Kingdom. REF NO: MSW-L/200-334841 BATCH: 2007MJL-01 ELECTRONIC MAIL AWARD WINNING NOTIFICATION We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today of winners of the MICROSOFT WORD E-MAIL MEGA JACKPOT... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
DRI Symantec HP CPC
May 3, 2008
Received this charge on my m/c .All I did was renew My Nortan Anti-virus read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Readers Digest contests online
May 2, 2008
Every contest readers' Digest comes out with, that has to be entered on computer - there is no such entry site. I have even write a letter to them to complain. Here is another one: go online to www.rd.ca/ipodtouch. No such place. What a rip off. Don't issue contests if they don't exist - turns people off your magazine. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Honda Civic Hybrid
May 2, 2008
We took our Honda Civic Hybrid to T&T Honda (in Calgary) for its first oil change, with 10, 000 km on the vehicle. Within two weeks, the car had serious issues and began to run very roughly. The service engine light and add oil light both came on at the same time. I took the car to a different dealership to have them look at it - the root of the problem was that the oil drain plug had fallen out, all oil had drained. The second dealership replaced the plug and oil, but the car was still running roughly. We are now fighting with... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
May 2, 2008
These guys are very good sales people. Be careful. They sold me, and ripped me off. They took my money, I got nothing in terms of a website, and their marketing did not bring me any business at all. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
Executive Calgary Dating Services
May 2, 2008
Don't spend your money on this company!!! They take your cash and you get no customer service if you need to talk to your assigned counselor about their services. They don't return phone calls ever. You get an answering service all the time. They are quick to call you if you initially inquire about joining their introduction service. They shut down my account because I was displeased with the service, and refuse to respond to e-mails or phone calls. If you call their affiliate companies in other cities, you don't get a response either. I lost $1000. BEWARE. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: Canada
May 2, 2008
I started getting phishing sites after seeing an ad from Dell Computers. All of the sites had easily accessible 'opt-out' links except for this one. Forget about trying to click on any of their so-called links. Only aggravation made me determined to find some way to force these people to let me go. Every link either took me back to their home page or to an error page. I finally weaved my way onto their Privacy Site and found the link for opting-out. I sent them an e-mail with my feelings for hiding their opt-out link. If you are... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: Canada
May 2, 2008
Constant overbilling by Fido Solutions...when I call to get the billing 'oversights' rectified, am assured the corrections will take place on the next bill...needless to say, they aren't, and it is always a person whose last name you are not allowed to know, who deals with your account. Even tho the conversations are recorded, each new rep claims ignorance of past transgressions and mistakes and each bill contains new false charges...everything from making calls to and from USA which I haven't been to in 35 years, to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Spidentity Fake ID, diplomas, birth certificates, death certificates everything
May 1, 2008
I don't know where they are actually from...just know that sometimes, they say that they are from Canada. I haven't actually heard of someone getting an order, they just take peoples money. I haven't ordered from them because of the bad news I keep hearing about them. I did my research after being ripped off by one of the underground review sites and Ozzy ID. They are spidentity, alien ids, the address given above plus many more. You will know if it's them because no matter which address, you have googled, it will take you... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Canada
Google Cash Cow
May 1, 2008
after pament i am Not able to Downlode Contents Of GOOGLE CASH read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
Oil for Life Programe
April 30, 2008
I had purchased two Oil for Life certificates for my wife and myself. Dueck advised me they had only one on their records. After several visits to employees of Dueck, submitting documents, and considerable stress on myself, Dueck finally admitted to an error in their accounting department and found that I did have two oil for life certificates. No apology was given by Dueck. Is this the way to run a business? I would be interested in your comments. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
April 30, 2008
if you want "the move from hell", call" two small men with NO hearts" movers. a direct move within the same city and here is a list of things that were "LOST"/MISSING OR BROKEN antique headboard to which I HAD the full suite. 2 carpets bissel rug cleaner 3 christmas trees (1 with ornaments) glass for dinette suite 2 casters from bed missing bureau cracked 1 box packed at last minute missing in addition, it took five hours to move a small 2 bedroom apt with maximum 10 minute travel. (3 guys) ... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
April 29, 2008
No matter which contest I can never find the site to which I am directed for contests to win products. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada
Yardworks 24V / 20" 3-in-1 Cordless Lawn Mower
April 29, 2008
We purchase the Yardworks 24V / 20" 3-in-1 Cordless Lawn Mower less than a year ago at the Canadian Tire Store on Shaganappi and now both the store and the customer service department tell us that even though they carry a dethatcher blade for just about every other kind of mower there is, they don't carry the blades for the mowers that they sell. If you buy a new mower at RONA or Home Depot, Canadian Tire will provide you with a proper fitting dethatcher blade for it but not if you buy a lawn mower that Canadian Tire! Go... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
April 29, 2008
I am a restaurant owner in the GTA and in July 2007 I called dine.to a Toronto based company that does advertising for the restaurant industry and builds websites. I looked at their portfolio and they seemed to do decent work. I chose a website that costs over $3, 000, gave them a deposit cheque and a post date for the balance. I was told that the website was going to be up before the balance was cashed. Now it is April of 2008 and I have still no Website and they have over $3, 000 of my money, they cashed the balance too. I have been going... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Universal Energy
April 29, 2008
My situation: The original application was signed by someone who was not on my lease, not on my hydro bill, and not my spouse. She was misled into signing this thing by someone she thought represented the government, and was told to check "spouse" on the application. They called 10 days later, and heeding this persons advice that the deal was good, I gave my verbal consent. Now, clearly I was wrong for trusting this person without reading the agreement. But is this even accepatable under canadian law? When agreeing... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: Canada
No name
April 28, 2008
You are charging my account 14.95 per month, and I don't remember giving you permission to do so. I am instructing my Bank to cancel any farther payment request from you. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada
Enbridge Gas
April 28, 2008
Has anyone else had Enbridge Gas making unauthorized debits from their bank accounts? I have never had an account with them, I have never given them any information - and in the past 4 months they have taken almost $2000 from my account. I have got it all back, but this past month I also had a cheque bounce because of it. I am now closing my account because neither the bank or Enbridge can figure out how this has happened. The bank says Enbridge has to have a void cheque in order to do this, but I have never given them one. I don't know how else they could have my banking information. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Canada
Readers Digest ipod site
April 28, 2008
No site for ipod draw read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
April 28, 2008
Unable to find website - is this a scam or what??? read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
Samsung Bluray player bp-1400
April 28, 2008
I purchased an online package deal worth $2911.99. The package consist of TV, Official NFL football, NFL dvd disc and a Samsung Bluray player. I receieved the TV, Football and dvd disc but not the Bluray player. I complained to Bestbuy about this and they ask me to keep on ordering or retrying using my credit card and they say they will re-imburse my money. I tried it couple more times to order it but the second time still got lost in Canada Post (Richmond B.C. facility) I finally got my item on the third time but BEST BUY WON'T REIMBURSE... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: Canada
Car service
April 27, 2008
I got a bad car service in Canadian Tire store located CenterPoint Mail, April 26 2008. I take oil changing service in this store for my Subaru Forest 1999. First, the advisor rejected my request for oid type, he told me using 5W30 olny, if 10W30 needed, I have to pay extra fee. Second, the technician has very bad skill. After his engine oil changing, 40 percent parts in the hood got oil. The engine got very dirty condition. The cap of a oil bottle lost in the engine as well. It took my a couple hours to clear my car. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: Canada
April 27, 2008
The company advertises access to records such as genealogy searches. I paid for a one year subscription through Click Bank.Each inquiry I sent received a "no records found" answer. I sent an e-mail to request that my subscription be ended and my $29.95 returned. They do not answer and Click Bank does not answer either. This company should be banned from the internet. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: Canada
R&P Parminder holdings
April 27, 2008
I travelled on BA flight0214 on 29 March from Boston to Chennai via London. I had requested for wheel chair assist because of my knee surgery. At Heathrow airport we waited for over two hours with no assist. The lady who was looking after made numerous call but nothing happened. I had to use toilet and in an emergency I had to walk up the stairs in crucial pain. Since the rest rooms were located adjacent to the immigration area, the lady asked me to walk it out. After the security check I had to walk another long distance to the gate. It wa... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: Canada
Reader's Digest ipod give-away
April 27, 2008
I can't enter to win, if there is no website ! The information says: It's easy! Go online to www.rd.ca/ipodtouch NOT! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: Canada


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