High Relica
This company is also a fraud. They sell replica handbags .They charege your credit card immediately, and They do not send the handbags! It is a scam!! They email you and give you an excuse that they are out of stock and offer all kinds of apologies, and never send the product or offer a refund for the amount charged. Then, they stop answering emails. There is no phone number to contact. I was scammed for 750.00. It is a china based company, don't need to say any more. read full review »
I wrote this just because I got the delivery in about a month. You know what I ordered is just 10 Kingston Micro SD Cards. Oh man, could you please move faster as soon as recieving the order? However, all cards works well. I do not want to see such kind of thing, you know there're shops and shop worldwide, your customers are not fool and they can choose what they want from other online shop. read full review »
In 1/11/2008
I received the following email from my friend with subject "Vacation Reply"
New shopping new life!
How are u doing these days?Yesterday I found a web of a large trading company from china, which is an agent of all the well-known digital product factories, and facing to both wholesalers, retailsalers, and personal customer all over the world. They export all kinds of digital products and offer most competitive and reasonable price and high quality goods for our clients, so I think we you make a big profit if... read full review »
Kefentrade (Fuzhou Kefentrade Co Ltd)
I ordered an Apple Macbook Notebook computer, received an invoice and detailed specification of the product, on their website it clearly states payment instructions, I was also emailed by the Manager Mr Dobson of Kefentrade you will see his name on the contact on their website.
Having paid for the Apple Notebook according to their instruction of their website, I received EMS shippers
tracking number. when this arrived all it contained was a pair of shoes, this is Fraud under Chinese Law, PRC CRIMINAL LAW Article 224. read full review »
Welcome Back Kotter DVD Set
I purchased a Welcome Back Kotter DVD set for $59.95 plus $10.19 shipping. The dvd set was clearly advertised as "brand new" & 4 seasons on 22 dvds. I received copies of 9 dvds & discs 1 & 3 will not even play in my dvd player. I actually think they are blanks. The other that will play will freeze up as if you are watching satellite TV in a bad storm. They actually hand wrote each dvd # on the dvds! They claim to have a return policy of 15 days from the day you received them, but I'm not so sure about that. I really... read full review »
On February 19th 2009 I ordered a Black Berry Cell Phone online from Chinafa2009 through DhGate.com. I paid for the Cell Phone with my credit card through Paypal and was promised delivery in about seven (7) days. Today is the 5th of March 2009 and I have not received my package as yet. I was given the tracking #EA876079719CN but when I send a track it is negative. I am begining to think these companies are carrying on some online scam. Please can you check this out for me? read full review »
ShanghaiJustfine Cultural Communication Co.Ltd
very bad quality of book, not considering agreement's terms
not paying back, previously agreed that will be able to make everything as considered in contract and not doing it. read full review »
DirectMMO.com/WoW Accounts
Company is nothing but liars.
- They are NOT based in the US. They are based in Asia with people who speak American.
- They sell accounts unprotected meaning a week or two later it will get disabled. (SEE BELOW)
- Few people I talked to said similar problems with them, one of the owners is apparently a major scam artist.
Just stay awy from them. Plenty of cheaper and better companies out there. Avoid at your own risk.
****Notice of Account Closure****
Account Name: (Wish Not To Provide)
Account... read full review »
Dear Sir/Madam.
I have lost Sony PSP play game in airplane no A1 349 from Shangai to Delhi dated 24/02/2009. Seat no is14H infront of the seat.
MOBILE NO.008613805165100
INDIAN NO. 0091-9759064009 read full review »
DH Gate
I ordered two white gold rings set with diamonds. What I received looked NOTHING like what they had pictured and were NOT white gold, just a silvery finish and set with rhinestones NOT diamonds. escrow sided with the seller and refuses me a full refund. read full review »
This website is a scam. They will take your money and will not deliver item. BUYERS BEWARE!!! read full review »
I purchased my first lace wig from RPG SHOW . I order a custom lace wig after 2 1/2 months the wig arrived looking like a big ball of wolf hair. I sent the wig back and agreed to a in stock wig.( I did not want to wait an additioal 2 months for the custom.) After 2 week I took the wig for a professional wash the ear to ear strech on one side of the wig loosen flat. The real problems came after the second wash...not only did the ear to ear strech flatten loose on the other side the hair matted rock hard all over the wig. I contacted RPGSHOW... read full review »
i ordered a 32GB Ipod tuch from this company what i got was a cheep knock off that looks kind of like a Ipod from across the room and it even came in a box just like the real ones only it does not work with i tunes and only has 900 meg of space EVERYTHING FROM THIS COMPANY IS A CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEP KNOCK OFF PLEASE DONT WAST YOUR MONEY I LOOKED ALL OVER THE INTERNET FOR COMPANTES LIKE THIS AND ONLY SAW ONE BAD THING SO I DID IT PLEASE DONT DONT DONT BUT IF YOU DO YOU WILL FIND OUT SOON AND I HOPE YOU HERE A LITTLE VOICE IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD SAYING I TOLD YOU SO read full review »
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co FRAUD
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co, . Ltd - FRAUD
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co, . Ltd -FRAUD
Shigu Qiaozhuang Economic development area, Changge, Henan
have not send the required payed for goods and has refused to send my refund they are a chinese hair extensions company there details are below
there quality of hair extensions is very poor and underweight do not trust them
International Trade
Department Manager
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co, ... read full review »
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co,. Ltd
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co, . Ltd
Shigu Qiaozhuang Economic development area, Changge, Henan
have not send the required payed for goods and has refused to send my refund they are a chinese hair extensions company there details are below
there quality of hair extensions is very poor and underweight do not trust them
International Trade
Department Manager
Changge Youmei Hair Products Co, . Ltd
Shigu Qiaozhuang Economic development area, Changge, Henan
Tel: 86-374-6630684
Fax: 86-374-6631178
E-mail:[email protected] read full review »
I paid $130 for a pair of guaranteed authentic UGG boots. Upon arrival, it was obvious that they were fake. There is a link in their website to return a product, but when you try to access it, SURPRISE!, it doesn't work.
I had communication with the seller for awhile until the "Chinese New Year" when he magically disappeared. My son is an attorney and even drafted a letter to them. I get no responses. I have tried everything. PayPal Plus credit card does nothing unless you don't get your merchandise.
I took the... read full review »
xingren co ltd/trade tang
Brought handbag and was sent wrong colour. Posted handbag back but xingren refused to accept it and it was returned to me.Trade tang has not answered my e-mails concerning this matter. As the hand bag is useless to my requirements and not what was ordered I have asked for all money back I am out of pocket $100 au with postage read full review »
My friend bags was also retained by swiss customs and they contacted LV legal office. My friend must pay 900 swiss francs and if he will buy again fake goods, he must pay more than 3000 swiss francs plus legal actions.. read full review »
Hong Kong Kunsheng
These people are chinese thieves that take your money and you will never receive anything. To be on the safe side, do not buy anything from china unless you can be there in person to pay for it and pick up your items. There are more fraud companies in china than actual companies.
they join companies like applekingmace, maceapple.com minilaptops.com, Lin Fang Liu, Dongyang Xia Hebe Li Hebeli.
things to keep in mind if you want to buy anything from china and avoid any companies that want:
Beijing STUFFUNION International Trade Co., LTD.
hello, i m danish from pakistan and i wanna to say that www.stuffunion.com is totally fraud and bogus company. i pay 750 us$ via western union for one laptop and they said i will send you the product within 24 hours but they never never send me any product. they never send the product and there all information is bogus.
i have some other proof for their. please visit the following links
2- there email address which i... read full review »
Al-Jeelan Associates
hello, i m danish from pakistan and i wanna to say that www.stuffunion.com is totally fraud and bogus company. i pay 750 us$ via western union for one laptop and they said i will send you the product within 24 hours but they never never send me any product. they never send the product and there all information is bogus.
i have some other proof for their. please visit the following links
2- there email address which i... read full review »
This company sells fake Ugg Boots, but advertises them as authentic. They say they are located in US, but they are in China. After a month of constantly emailing them, they finally allowed me to return my boots, gave me instructions on how to do so, and said I would get a full refund.
But now they will NOT refund my money. PayPal cannot do anything.
DO NOT order from them. They are fradulent the their boots are horrible. They smell like they were just dipped in turpentine. and are not lined with sheepskin. read full review »
Ultrex Innova
I too believed Art Krull and HSN that the Ultrex brand was quality merchandise. I bought numerous cookware sets because of the warranty. Needless to say, they are all flaking off black coating. I also bought the pressure cooker, and it no longer works because of the gasket seal. Unfortunately, I also bought from Art a countertop convection/toaster oven. It worked for 4 months when the temperature dial broke. It is still attached, but just twirls around; I have no idea what temperature the oven is set at! I was a faithful HSN customer, but have... read full review »
Vcsale Gold Sellers
Ordered 2000 gold from this company they delivered nearly all but there was 26 gold short. They told me they are working hard to complete my order.
3 days later still nothing probably hoping I will forget the rest they owe me. I email then to get an email back saying we would like you to place another order so we can send you the gold we owe you. I mean come on what a joke. I email them again to say please deliver the full amount they then reply that they are working none stop to complete my order. More rubbish I could make 30 gold in half... read full review »
Goldsoon.com stole my $74! I ordered 4000g 5 days ago and they promised to fill the order in a few hours. I followed up on my order so many times and all I got was an insincere apology from a rude agent who after saying sorry left me high and dry without a goodbye. They sent me a few emails saying I should give them more time to collect the gold. What??!! Why did they advertise something they didnt have in the first place?? They are thieves and liars! Never ever order from goldsoon.com!!! read full review »
Mrs Cahill
I purchased some clothing from cheapabercrombie which tooks weeks to arrive and when it did it did not fit and was of very poor quality, so when i contacted them to ask for refund as i would like to return items as they were no good, they just kept saying no refund keep goods we will send you another one for free. This is very poor retail sales and as a consumer i know we are entitled to a refund if the goods are not up to standard. I am thinking of contacting the newspapers to inform everyone of this it is a scam, they are cheap clothes, fakes and should not be aloud to sell them read full review »
Due to a very bad experience with a website http://www.pxhelp.com, I woukld like to warn anyone about doing any bussiness with this extremely dishonest site, particularle in this season. They post many pictures of the original watches, take your money (around $250.00USD per watch), then send you the wrong watch or cheapest imitation they can find (around ten dollars in china), then try to disipate your complaints sending anothwer very cheap imitation. So, if you do not want to be robbed DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, DO ANY BUSSINESS with... read full review »
hello Ugg
i recently purcahsed two pair of classic Ugg Boots from Hellougg online. One of the pairs split at the back seam almost immediatley so i contacted them to arrange a return and refund. I was asked to send photos to prove the fault and they admitted that the seam was faulty. After numerous E Mails i was told they would not give me any refund with no explanation. Two of my colleagues also ordered boots which never arrived but they were charged for. Customs and Excise had seized the boots during delivery as they were fake products and should not... read full review »
ordered on line a pair of ugg boots. website said they would be here in 1 wk. took over 2. box was torn, looked like someone had ran over it. site states that if not satisfied refund money, no ques. asked. etc. but if u click on exchanges & refunds, it says you can exchange boots but cust. has to pay shipping to send them back but they pay for the new boots to be shipped to you. fine, emailed them to send them back and they say i have to pay 45 to return and another 45 for the new ones to get shipped. $90 just to exchange them. they sent the wrong size and they are too small. do not buy from this company. read full review »
This website advertises authentic manufacturer products for sale and deliver knock-off items that don't even resemble the original nor the part pictured on their website. I recently ordered a replacement keyboard for my daughter's Apple iBook G4 12" laptop. Looking on their website at the keyboard represented, they depict an authentic Apple keyboard in their picture and reference an authentic Apple part number.
The delivery of the product was not timely but upon receipt of the keyboard, it absolutely was not the same thing... read full review »
handmade jewelry
Now most people don't like natral jewelry, they find jewelry store to choose fashion jewelry or wholesale jewelry and make them buy themselves that called DIY jewelry or handmade jewelry, especially the crystal jewlery is the most popular with yong girls gemstone jewelry, pearl jewelry, turquoise jewelry, coral jewelry, Swarovski crystal display on AYpearl web, it is really very beautiful. read full review »
Hi this fake company how they took my money later played a game and never sent my product
check below full details
Dear Harish,
Thanks for your order, we can allow you can 433 USD for your order, for our business can continue smoothly.
I will attach the proforma invoice for you order, please check the attach file.
We will process your order immediately,
You can make the payment for your order by Bank Wire Transfer, after your payment please send the scan of Bank receipt to us.
We will send out your package in 24... read full review »
Fake UGGS - Definitely a don't order from this site. I ordered UGGs and got shoes with a lesser quality than Target Stores' fake UGGS. The label on the back is distorted and tilted. The shoes weigh about 1/2 the weight of authentic UGGS.
When I discovered the scam, I visited their website. Everytime I clicked 'shipping & returns' I was sent back to the home page. 'Contact Us' consists of e-mailing and hoping for a response. I'm waiting for a reply.
Meanwhile, I contacted my credit card company. They... read full review »
I purchased a pair of "UGG boots" from nike-trade.com for $105.00. The site says they are based out of California and their products come in the original box and are authentic however; when they arrived in the mail, they not only come from a sweat shop in China, but they come shoved into a tiny, plain brown box with tons of tape all over it and when I opened it I got an overwhelming bad smell as well as discovering a very cheaply made, fake pair of Ugg boots. Which might I add were about 4 sizes too small. When I contacted nike-trade... read full review »
nk IPL
Sincoheren had manufactured IPL machine which had left a deep burnt scar on my cheek. Consumers, please beware of this company product. They are irresponsible in their way of dealing with the incident. I'm utterly disappointed that they refused to compensate me for my medical fees and on top of that refused to refund me the product money...
I felt cheated... no wonder people can't trust product manufactured from china.
BEWARE... or you will be the next victim read full review »
Yugioh online gaming/konami
Parents pay good money for duel passes to play this online game and the server does not work properly. Kids go to compete in tournaments and can not connect. They register their time in PDT and obviously do not know about world wide time because then the tournaments will start an hour to two hours earlier than posted time. To make things worse, their server problems have actually crashed our computer! We had to invest in a new tower! Don't waste your money or time on this online gaming. It is inferior! read full review »
Quingdao Yatai Quinggong Company
There is no address or contact information for this company. I ordered a set of Television Show DVD's. They were delivered and are terrible quality with a charge of $180.00 for homemade DVD's. I want to return and I can not. I have to close my credit card account to block the charge and have no way to return them to the company. read full review »
Ordered a pair of Uggs, paid. No shipment has been received and they have not responded to my emails. I would not order from this website. It appears to sell knock offs if you get anything in the mail at all. read full review »
just bought ghds on ebay. this company was selling them from someone else account without their knowledge. quite obviously fakes, these were a christmas present for my daughter who will now go without because i dont know if they are safe, and cannot now afford to get her the real thing. how do these people live with themselves????????? B***ar** read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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