Hota HP Gas Agency
March 5, 2007
I have booked the gas 30 days back, and they told me that i will receive in three days, now its almost 25 days till now they have not supplied the gas, whenever i ask them, they say that i will receive tomorrow. I got frustrated by making phone calls, personally visiting their office, its really pathetic. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Regional Passport Office - Ghaziabad
March 5, 2007
My wife Shaily applied for the passport in the regional office of Ghaziabad, UP on 5th oct, 2006 vide File no. F014373 - 06. It has been six months since and She haven't received her passport. Status is coming as "It is to regret that due to unavoidable circumstances the dispatch of Passport has been delayed and will now be dispatched in a week's time" from last 3months. We are still waiting for it. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
Nokia 1255
March 5, 2007
I have purchased on Nokia 1255 CDMA set and connected through Reliance Mobile connection on 5.2.2007 but since very first day i am facing problems as under: 1. Battery back up very low it discharges with in 8 Hrs. without use. As per catalog it should be either 8 days or 3.5 hrs but this is not covering by my set. 2.This set is not working in outer area i.e village but other mobiles are very well working with same connection there, before nokia my LG Set was working well there. 3. The incoming ring tone is very low volumed which i get trouble to receive call. Do not buy Nokia! read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Reliance pre-paid connection
March 5, 2007
I have a pre-paid connection 9360103440 since May 04 and faced no problem so far. Required documentation was done at the time of taking the connection. However, with effect from 02 Mar 07, my out going facilities have been deactivated without any reason or warning & I could not even contact customer care services. I spoke to them through a friend's reliance phone and was told that I must submit the documents again. I did the same on 05 Mar with Reliance Web at Ooty and was assured that services will resume within 12 hours but nothing... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Private Mobile Operators
March 4, 2007
If i get a doubt, that my billings are over taxed how could i verify the genuinity of my bill? Even though i keep on writing each and every outgoing calls plus sms and every other things in a separate note book, and i find the bill taxed on is incorrect, how can i prove that the company bill is wrong? SUPPOSE, A MOBILE COMPANY PLAN TO EXTRACT SOME EXTRA AMOUNT FROM THE LARGE CUSTOMER BASE, AND DEPLOY A GENIUS-PROGRAMMER. HE WRITES NOW A PROGRAMME. HE PICKS UP THE FREQUENTLY CALLED NUMBERS IN ALL CUSTOMERS DATA, AND WITH THAT F.C.N. HE CAN... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Maruti Swift Diesel
March 4, 2007
I bought a new Maruti Suzuki Swift diesel, last week. The same say itself, the car's engine was too much noisy and engine getting turned off automatically while driving. I reported this to the dealer and they are helpless in rectifying it and they said that the complaint is registered with maruti, but nothing happened till now. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
Bharti Airtel Ltd
March 3, 2007
I was a postpaid subscriber of Airtel J & K (Srinagar Circle) for a period of 6 months till Jun 2005. Before leaving on transfer to Haryana I had submitted an application along with a proof of identity with forwarding address to refund my Security Deposit of Rs.1000/- Unbilled amount was Rs.200/- (approx). I should've received the refund of Rs.800/- (approx)which I haven't received till now. Even after spending at least of another Rs.250/- for calling up the Customer Care at Srinagar status of my refund is still unknown. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Airtel GPRS Connectivity
March 3, 2007
It is really a sad commentary on the part of a conglomerate like you that your customer care dept. has all along been turning a deaf ear to my constant & vigorous follow up even after deducting Rs 249/- on 26th feb 07 itself & holding out stream of assurances. The prominent among them were reprtedly one Ms Karisma, Mr Nityanand & Mr Rambabu. Adding woes to my cupful of agony, they appear to have diverted my efforts to get connected to an IVRS instead of direct contact. Even sending a couple of SMS's on 121 failed to address the problem. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Citi Bank - Mumbai, India
March 3, 2007
I Have Taken A Personal Loan of 2.5lakh From Citi Bank Almost One And Half Years And Paying All EMIs , I am Paying Emi On Every 10th Of The Month. Bank Is Asking Me To Pay EMIs On 1st By ECS Where My Salary Credits After 3rd Or 4th Of Every Month. Due to this I have been treated as default by the citi bank and other bank. My bank record got negative. Now I want to apply for a fresh loan but I can't where I think I am not in faults. Every month CIti bankers are calling all the time and disturbing my daily routing work and due to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Rediff Auctions / IND MART
March 3, 2007
Vendor name: IND MART / Esource Enterprises, B 338 Shop no 3, Hari Nagar Clock Tower, New Delhi - 110064, Delhi, India, [email protected], Contact Person: Gurpreet Singh, P K Gujral. I have been cheated by above vendor by selling a product which is not working properly. 1)The battery is damaged & not even lasting for a song. 2)It is having scratches on the screen 3)Left Ear phone is not working only the right ear phone is working that too at a very low voice. I have bought it for Rs.2725/- from... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Airtel Mobile Prepaid Connection
March 3, 2007
One fine day when i picked up my airtel mobile to make a call i found that the outgoing facility from my airtel no has been taken away. I go to the nearest shop and get my airtel prepaid account filled up. Even after that the outgoing facility from my airtel no has been debarred. Airtel is in a way snatching money from the customers in turn of no service. Feel like dragging airtel to consumer court. Can somebody tell me any address or no where i can solve this problem before going to consumer court. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
March 3, 2007
Customer care is really hopeless. I got DishTV recently subscribed to MAXI package. After 20 days it blocked my MAXI channels even though I had paid for renewal in advance for 2 months. At Customer care number, none picks up. Visiting their local office provided no help to rectify the problem. The care should really be called Customer We Do not Care. I think it is a scam to sign people in and charge for the set top box and once customer is trapped, do not provide any service. I would like to wanr people to be aware and do not get in their traps. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
BSNL - Sirumayangudi
March 2, 2007
We are located in Sirumayangudi under lalgudi exchange. Our phone is not working last 10 days. We already complaint manually in lalgudi exchange .Still no one take up this issue. Every month atleast 10 days is going to out of order state. Once it's come online that time also we are not able to hear because lot of noise comes behind that. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Tej Enterprises, Jaipur (Indane Gas)
March 2, 2007
Its very shocking that gas leakage call is not attended by service person. and all the phone as well mobile are either shows busy or switched off. Tej Enterprises c-16-A Maanav AAshram, Gopalpura Mod, Jaipur Distributer code 24-01-4182. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
ICICI Bank Limited - Lucknow
March 2, 2007
We at ISE Cards India Limited is opened a current account at ICICI Bank Limited, Hazratganj Branch, Lucknow India since many years. We have opened account with the request of a branch manager mr. shahnawaz, he was told that time that after three month ICICI Gomti Nagar branch will open than automatically your account will be transfered, many years has been gone, several personal request and many representatives came and taken our request and requested us to send us a fax, which we sent on dated. 1st march-2005, requested again to transfer it... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Om Ujala Communications
March 2, 2007
I bought my Nokia handsets in August/ September and ever since I've bought them, I havent' been able to use them to my satisfaction. For the past Three months, one of the mobiles is with the service center. The last time when I gave it to be repaired was on 11th Feb. I was told that I'd get the cell back on 17th Feb, but I got it today which is 2nd March and even today it's not working. It's an absolute shit. I just got it back today and even then am not able to use it. The moment I pick a call, it gets disconnected... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Airtel / Blackberry
March 1, 2007
Airtel cannot provide me with a simple invoice on my Blackberry instrument despite repeated reminders. Beware! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
EzBuyIndia.com / MorningWalker
March 1, 2007
I ordered a MorningWalker with www.ezbuyindia.com through mob no 09910039289 on 4th Feb 2007 ans remitted Rs.5450.00 with ICICI Bank Kochi. But no delivery has taken place till now . Their website is disappeared from the net and mobile is always in switched off mode. What I can do. Please help me. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
March 1, 2007
I had bought 32"Phillips matchline 3yrs ago. We bought the product because of the company's good after sales services. But in last 2yrs the television set has already caused too many hassles. The service engineers took the t.v set to their workshop but have not returned it for the past 2 months. They also suggested replacement of the t.v sets' crucial parts whose cost they said comes upto Rs6000 excluding service charges. The television has not been repaired since. Also,the manager in charge showed lack of interest and behaved rudely. They even challenged us to file a complaint against them. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: India
Morning Walker
March 1, 2007
I ordered for a Morningwalker 0n 4th Feb 2007 through mobile phone and remitted Rs.5450.oo through ICICI bank Ernakulam. There is no response after that. I tried to contact them through their Mob No 09910039289 several times bu it always switched off. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Reliance Infotech
March 1, 2007
I am using Reliance Mobile from last one year, my cell earlier they were charging Rs. 100 only for RIM/mobile pack but now they have increased to Rs. 200 without information. Today I had contacted to customer care, they said that i have informed you through SMS but I have not received any SMS from them, in every bill they add some new charges without information. This is just cheating to customers and violation of TRAI rules. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
ICICI Bank Corp Ltd.
February 28, 2007
I have a salary account with ICICI Bank. I would like to inform that my salary or funds transfer on the 7th or 8th day of every month and requisition of the same is sent by our company on 5th or 6th day of the month. Also, there are some ECS transactions which held through my salary account on the 7th, 8th or 9th day of the month. In Feb 2007, our company sent salary transfer request to bank on 6th Feb, 2007 as it normally does. But due to some technical problems in banks system the funds could not be transferred by the morning... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Subhiksha Department Stores
February 28, 2007
I had bought a 500 gram packet of small Channa (dry), costing Rs.45/- from Subhiksha Department Stores, Siripuram, Vishakapatnam, A.P., India. This was in the 2nd week of Jan'07. I had not opened the pack and stored it in air-tight container. Today when I wanted to open it, I noticed that the whole packet was teeming with thousands of small insects inside! I took it un-opened to the Subhiksha. The sales girl was apologetic about it and took it to the manager Mr.Murthy, who said he just could not help me and even made fun of me for not having used it immediately. I left the place immediately not wanting to suffer further humiliation. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
February 28, 2007
I am in huge distress and feel panic to follow up PVVNL-Mawana, Meerut (UP), although this time via email after a plethora of oral & written follow up that long back on February, 2005. I had submitted all the necessary applications duly along with attachments and everything. Right since submission of required documents, I kept on pursuing the process and stayed in touch constantly. It is harsh but true that the process of solving problems seems to take infinite period of troubled patience and tend to border on the sad limits of it... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: India
Nokia 1600
February 27, 2007
I bought a new Nokia 1600 black mobile from Anitha Stores Madurai on 04-01-2007. IMEI no of the set is 354534011730058. The mobile has been sparingly used at home. Suddenly it failed to work on 21st feb'07. I took it to the dealer and in turn they sent it Nokia care centre. Nokia care centre refused to take the set for service falsely alleging that water has logged in and the mobile is opened for service already. But there was no visible evidence of water logging or set being opened already was pointed by the center. When asked them to... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Idea Service Provider
February 27, 2007
I am using a mobile phone for which IDEA is the service provider, i have been using this for past 3 years. Now a days some messages are coming for submitting the documents (address proof, photo ID) i had submitted these documents when i purchased the SIM card itself. Anyway when i went last day to again submit the documents to retailer shop none of them are accepting them saying that we need to submit them in head office, located far away. How come this is possible. The funniest part is i had seen a Idea helpline number at one of the retailer... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Sony India P Ltd / Handycam(Camcoder)
February 27, 2007
own a SONY Handicam (Digital Camcoder ,DCR HC21E ) which was purchased one year ago.However, I have used this camera only less than 5 hours so far for recording video. I confronted with a problem when I tried to download the content of the tape(cassette)into my computer using USB cable as per the instruction provided in the user's manual. After downloading a part of the content my computer got hung and stopped responding. When I restarted the system, I found that my system was not detecting the Handycam. My computer is powered by a... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
February 27, 2007
A copy of email to Radisson Hotel India: I am a practicing Advocate at Calcutta High Court. On February 23, 2007, I along with my family and friend Mr. Vijay Soni went for a two day stay at The Fort Holiday Klub, Raichak a resort affiliated to RCI. The booking was made by my friend as he is a member of Resort Condominiums International, RCI. On February 24, 2007 at around 1 p.m. we all went to Reflection, the multi-cuisine café of the The Ffort Radisson resort. One Mr. Bapi Biswas took our order and after waiting for... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: India
Lower Parel Nokia Care
February 27, 2007
This is an mental harassment. I spend Rs. 11700/- to purchase Nokia 5300 IMEI 352772015005620 phone. After 3 Weeks cell phone's loud speaker stop working so i submit that cell phone to Lower parel nokia care. These people give me ridiculous excuses and spoil my 27 days. After 27 days they give me cell phone which was in a same condition and once again they excused me we have no such kind of spare parts from company hand's. Beware of Lower parel nokia care! read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Ford Fiesta
February 26, 2007
today 26- Feb-2007, we have taken Ford Fiesta, from Mody Ford, Begumpet, Hyderabad, India. He promised for 7 fuel in new car, but it was only less than 3, and it got struck on road. Your irresposibility on day one, created a big wrong impression on your company customer service policy. We were dissopointed about it and we r expecting ur action for this situation read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
Hyundai Motor India / Verna Car
February 26, 2007
Hyundai Verna CRDI, a product of Hyundai Motor India Ltd. was purchased by me on 22.11.06. The wind screen (Front glass) developed a crack which is without any impact or accident. This is definitely due to manufacturing defect in the glass or some fitting defect by Hyundai. I am being harassed by the said Company since 15th Feb 2007 (date of complain) and till today, neither their helpline, nor customer care, regional and national customer care executives have bothered to redress the complain. My regular approach to the local helpline... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: India
HSBC Hyderabd Branch
February 26, 2007
This is Bhaskar Rao Mylapalli from Hyderabad. I have Preclosed my HSBC personal loan and even after that monthly EMI has been deducted from my bank account. I have suffered a lot with this irresponsible transaction done by HSBC. Due to this reason cheque worth Rs.6692/- that has been issued on my credit card was bounced and I could not pay my credit card and other bills on time. I am facing a lot of financial problems due to this wrong transaction. I took personal loan (a/c 081464760526) Rs.3,30,000/- from HSBC, Hyderabad branch in... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
TATA Indicom - Bangalore
February 26, 2007
This is to inform you that I had gone in for a TATA Indicom phone connection last year but surrendered the phone due to continuous faulty connection as well as uncaring customer care personnel. The connection was finally removed after nearly 5 months of filing the complaint. When the sales person (Mr Diwarkar) visited our home, he suggested that there was abetter scheme where one could pay Rs 1122 and get a new connection where one doesn't have to pay any rentals for 3 years. My husband decided to go in for it and paid the cash... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Airtel Service
February 26, 2007
Hi friends, Yes, this has happened to me and I guess there a lot who is facing such problems but not getting right platform to speak out the problems. I found this is really helpful platform to speak out the problem. I have been using Airtel service since a year. Sometimes I found wrong with the service but avoided. But few days back when I made a call to UAE for 2:58 mins. The deduction amount for that duration was 39.96 whereas it should be Rs. 29.97 (3 mins. X Rs. 9.99). Then and there I called Airtel customer care but they... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology
February 26, 2007
I have applied for personal loan for just rs. 75000 on 2nd feb 2007. At least five people and 10 phone calls came for verification...after 10 days ie. On 12th feb i got a sms that icici have received the application and i got one number which is 55417175 (request number). After that i didn't get any information regarding the status..whenever i am calling to the authorities, then only i come to know that they need few more information. This is really disgusting. Three months before i shifted in delhi as lecturer, jaypee institute of... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Country Club - India
February 26, 2007
I upgraded my membership to their SuperCool membership with the commitments from them on the following: 1) They would give me free land 2) F&B vouchers worth Rs.10,000/- 3) 3Days stay in Kovalam 4) 5 days of room stay free in their clubs 5) fifteen years of free usage of Bandhipur club. I have not used the 3rd point so I do not know what is in store for me there, also to get the letter for their commitment I had to call them many many times and finally had to go to VP level. For the Bandhhipur resort booking, they asked... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
Bata India Ltd
February 25, 2007
A copy of email to Bata India Ltd: I the undersigned have purchased from your mentioned Store a Hush Puppies Shoe on 18-11-2007.Copy of Bill attached for your ref. (Bill No.17518 dated 18-11-2006) I had visited your Shop in 25th February 2007 (Sunday) to show the Shoe with a Complaint pertaining to Soles of the both the Shoes have cracked and wanted immediate replacement / repair as per your Company procedure for the same I was surprised i was told to come on Wednesday ( 28-02-2007) since Audit was going on. The Concerned... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: India
February 25, 2007
I am writing this mail to bring to light the dont care attitude shown by a computer magazine company called. DeveloperIQ (www.developeriq.com) (owned by IQ TechMedia Pvt. Ltd.,308, 3rd Floor, Jhalawar E.S. Patanwala Compound, L.B.S. Marg, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai - 400 086, India Phone: 022-55969222 Fax: 022-5596 9739) I had placed an order for 1 year subscription to DeveloperIQ magazine via their online subscription facility provided at http://www.iqtechmedia.com/magazine/diq_subscription.php. The payment was done via my icici... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: India
Tata Indicom Mobile
February 25, 2007
Text of a letter I sent to Tata Indicom. Quotes Begin Dear Sir/M’am, This is Sushant Sreeram and I write to you in relation to a Tata Indicom Mobile Postpaid connection that I applied for and the consequent travails of acquiring the connection. I had applied for the connection at one of Tata Indicom’s distributors (K.T Enterprises located in Andheri(W), Mumbai) on the 17th of Feb, 2007. I submitted all the documents required, paid the required amount, filled in the application, attested all the supporting document... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: India
Airtel Post-Paid
February 25, 2007
Airtel customer care is one of the worst service. After i close my service also they deducted amount 3 months... they mis used my ECS declaration. I've given so many complaints... reminders... they never allowed me to talk to higher management... just robbing the customers. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India


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