CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Chief of Grants
S. Gerdes March 6, 2009
After agreeing to a 2.95 charge for an email of websites for grants, 3 weeks later my debit card was charged 68.13. I called 8665542927, the number on the charge, and was told it was a 7 day trial. I had stated I had called immediately the next day after ordering and said no thanks but was charged anyway and no refunds were allowed! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
bellezza/metro/SEATTLE COFFEE
corinne grant March 6, 2009
they charge your card several times and you don't authorize it. under BELLEZZA COFFEE/METRO COFFEROASTERS SEATLLE COFFEE read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Gregory Francios March 6, 2009
I am in the business of building business credit for corporations and my one main complaint about is that he gives loads of information for free. Mike will run companies like ours out of business if he continues. You can tell that this guy is very knowledgeable when it comes to the whole business credit thing and now he has started to sell an ebook. I bought the ebook and it is golden. I think we will use it as a guide for our clients but my main problem is that if that blog gets any more popular, we may lose more clients to him. And that sucks. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Katreen March 6, 2009
I was charged $ 50.85 on my Master Card for for nothing. I keep track of my emails for anything I have purchased on line. I have never bought anything from this company or did I receive a email of anykind from them. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
MegaGoods, Inc
jjonesphd March 6, 2009
I am a member of the Better Business Bureau and own online businesses. I signed up with this company (MegaGoods, Inc) who is also a member of the Better Business Bureau for a trial membership in order to see what type of products and prices they offered. After a three month trial membership I decided they were not a company I want to use for business and I sent them a cancelation notice. Shortly afterward, I had to have open heart surgery and then had cancer twice so over the past three years I have not been the person taking care of my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bombasticb March 6, 2009
I have had an amount of £33.46 deducted from my credit card that I am not aware that I have authorized, I have requested details of a free report that purports to tell me more about how to set up a home business placing ads for Google. I understood I would be charged just £1.99 for postage and no further commitment was indicated. I wished to read about it then decide if on the evidence provided it was something I wanted to do. Today I have found that this amount has been deducted from my credit card. I have no... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
julian duvarrol hicks
Julian Duvarrol Hicks 416-23-4413 March 6, 2009
I ashure you sir this is not a complaint i just need, even though it's clearlly stated in your policy that this is not a credit card . Since the offer was made i need that in direct cash forwarded to Adamsons Ford 20th street & 2nd Ave south Birmingham, AL 35203 . Thats for both accounts wich would trigger a 9, ooo . In my behalf for a Black Ford Mustange Built 2008 foctory . In my Family cloths, mecelanious comes except not from a womens point of veiw comes last. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Home Eq-Servicing
bruno57 March 6, 2009
I have money in my escrow account to pay my taxes. I recieved tax bill in August sent it into Hone-Eq. Said they paid my taxes twice and then I get a notice from the tax collector that she never received my taxes... I contacted Home-Eq numerous times since November trying to get this straigthened out before they put a lien on my property and I just keep getting the run around. The last call was 2/28 and woman assured me that the check would go out on the 3/3 well guess what no check has gone out and my taxes still aren't paid. My new... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Bank of Niagra
Rhonda March 6, 2009
I have been recieving a lot of e-mails claiming an award from the FBI, claiming to be Robert Mueller, and Robert Mueller lll. Checked some out and it brought me here. Still coming to my e-mail, with threats now. What do I do? Rhonda [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
David March 6, 2009
I, too, was deceived by this company. My father and I each ordered two "OEM" Western Digital WD7500AAKS hard drives, for a total of four. They arrived fine, but they were what I would clearly consider "white label" and not actually "OEM." That is to say, the Western Digital labels had been removed and replaced with generic labels, and the drive identification in the firmware had been changed to a generic identifier. Furthermore, when I called the company to complain that these drives that were specifically being... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sharon March 6, 2009
saxon will not dismiss your escrow but will raise your fixed payment. how can this company do so much damage to the public without something being done. ypu can't get the president of the company, , let him know he is going to lose money, by puting people on the street. he must be rich enough to waste money, but he can't buy his way into heaven and he will have to be fogiven for all the wrong he is doing to people, he is bleeding hard working people of their homes. you will pay some day for your greedie self. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tri Financial, LLC
drquinn18 March 6, 2009
They called me up and said that I owed over 2500 dollars because I took out two ayday loans and never paid them back. They said I owe money which is true but I called cashnet up and they said they sent it to Debt management partners. The other company I supposedly owe money to does not make loans they only refer clients to companies that do. Also I could not get ahold of paydayloanyes by either email or phone. I got another call next day from a different guy telling me that I owe 1350 and I had to make an... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
correctional billing service`
DAMya March 6, 2009
I was Using Correctional billing to receive calls from my love one. In the process there where payments credited to my account in order for me to receive phone calls. I was not aware of where thiese payments were coming from so i called CBS. They informed me that there system had manual credited payments to my account. They reversed the payments and said that i had to pay for there systems faults. I call four times to be put on the phone with 5 different managers. 2 of the 5 hung up in me. I informed them that in order to receive call their... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
globalnutrition, inc.
Eileen Vance March 6, 2009
the website is a bogus address. I tried to call and cancel membership for auto-ship after receiving one trial bottle, the customer service representative Michelle claimed that I had to receive the first shipment which I did not authorize and that supposedly I had already received 2 bottles. I only received 1 bottle which was processed on 2/5/09, she then proceeded to transfer my call to someone else which disconnected my call to be put back on hold for another 30 minutes. I don't want further charges for a product that didn't do anything for me. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
NY Con Edison
Latoya March 6, 2009
Con Edision is back-charging me from over 2 years on heating gas charges the did notice until 2/26/09. situation: In 7/06, My Lanlord changed the connection for my heat so that she would not incur the gas charge. Since then my gas charg increasd from $15 to $50. On 2/28, i received a letter from Con Ed stating that after careful review of my acct, my balance has been adjusted. When I went online to check the status of my acct, It read that I owe $918. When Icalled Con Edison to Discuss the matter, the Supervisor, Mr. Soto, stated that I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ebizprogram -AcaiBerry, Total Cleanse, etc.
Lynda Hodges March 6, 2009
Ordered a "free" offer for AciaBerry supplement. Option to "cancel at any time." I cancelled in writing immediately following the original "free" order. I have been repeatedly charged for $94.00 in products on my credit card, after multiple phone calls and e-mails. I've even gotten "confirmation" numbers on the cancellation requests to no avail. They don't provide a mailing address, and the phone number on the credit card charge changes every month. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Govt Grants
oscully March 6, 2009
this company was to take 2.29 and took 39.99 from my acct instead...I called the company and they are to refund my account the money..will be checking on them to make sure they did it..L. Payne read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Easy Grant Pro
BAREFOOTGIRL March 6, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sushma jampani March 6, 2009
i was trying to reach these guys since march2008 onwards and i donot get any answers to my emails and calls .i spoke to them once within this 1 year span and a lady said that they would defnitely look into this and will not charge any extra fees like check bounce charges and interest rates and also gave me collections department number as i was telling them that i will clear the complete amount as no matter what i am paying it's going for the interest and the amount is still pending . i have to make a payment of 15000 but the interest n... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Salute Credit Card Services
SalutePissedMeOff March 6, 2009
I started a credit card (Visa) with Salute Card Services in April of 2008. I ALWAYS paid my account in full on time or even BEFORE the due dates! I lost my job in September 2008 and I fell behind for a couple of months. Well, take that back, I paid a "little" late in November & December. Then I realized that I had almost $200 in fraudulent charges on my account in January. Since January I have been paying way over the minimum as well as I was able to get the credit back to my account for the fraudulent charges. I just received a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Google succeskit
Herm van Calcar March 6, 2009
I herewith like to ask you for a refund of the above anounts to my credit card, as I have not received any succes kit whatsoever. The amount totals to USD 45, 85 or € 36, 58 as was charged on this account by you to me. My name is Herm van Calcar Warmenbossenweg 5 9443TN Schoonloo tel: 0592-508048 E-mail: [email protected] Please cofirm receipt of this notice. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Netherlands
valueplus and funsource
wyattaa March 6, 2009
There was $ 200 total debited from my account every since July thru November of 2008. I did not subscribe to this I would like to be reimburse my money. Also I was not on land when the account was started. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GE Money Bank Paypal
Rod March 6, 2009
Follolwing is copy of the e-mail I received today from those GEnius, guess what account am I closing today?: The phone they give for optout requires we to dial in the credit card number...but I have not credit card from them (Only paypal account) so call is terminated in their side without options. IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENT TO YOUR PAYPAL BUYER CREDIT ACCOUNT AGREEMENT The following provision is being added to your PayPal Buyer Credit account agreement: You agree that GE Money Bank and any other owner or servicer of your... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
AcaiBerry free trial
Amy Barker March 6, 2009
I signed up for free trial paying shipping only and provided my credit card for the 4.99. I was charged 79.99 yesterday and this was not authorized. Can yo help. Thanks Amy Barker read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lease Finance Group/Nationwide Processing
Stop Lease Finance GROUP March 6, 2009
My Rep from Champaign, Illinois promised waiving early termination fees, promised to pay fees from existing credit card processor, offered a "trail period". All lies. She represents herself as a rep for Nationwide Processing from St. Louis, MO. She also ties in a "non-cancellable lease" for a $99 credit card terminal. Lease Finance Group from Chicago will debit over $2, 000 from your bank account for the $99 machine. Your 'sales rep" will recieve a large "commision" check if they do it. That's why they do... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Hot Movie Sale
chakers March 6, 2009
Smart Savings, Discount Book Sale, Hot Book Sale, Hot movie sale. These are all the same company with the same intention- to grossly mislead you into a MONTHLY membership fee of 29.95 and a $1 processing fee. They grossly mislead you into some 3 day trial membership, that you do not know you are signing up for There is no way to order something w/o this being attached and they deceitfully put it there and you don't even know you are signing up for anything. Would anyone willingly sign up for a book discount program that charges $30 a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
First Choice Lending
gotcha4000 March 6, 2009
applied for a loan was approved but needed a down payment due to amount of loan and no collateral then had to pay them tax on loan then was told needed more collateral. the total amount was 4500 dollars then told them i wanted my money back was told it would be 2 weeks to get it back. 2 weeks came around tried to call back and phones were disconnected and then the website was down. called the attorney general in Michigan and they got no response from them either. has been since november and still out $4500 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DRI Tibia Online Game
Maggie Rabjohns March 6, 2009
I have multiple charges --9 to be exact--on my Citibank credit card statement for DRI*Tibia OnLine Game. I have never heard of this and I sure didn't authorize it. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Government Grants CD
Furious March 6, 2009
I went to a website about 3 weeks ago and it said FREE CD, just pay shipping and handling fee of $1.98. I did not see anything else on the site that would cause me any concern. So I ordered the FREE CD. Was charged the $1.98 fee, which was authorized. Now, I am charged $69.95. UNAUTHORIZED. There was no contact information given on my online bank statement as to a phone number, just Reg.Net whom I did not recognize. I called my bank immediately, and authorized them to cancel my Visa card and issue me a new one. Well, that did not work... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Marius Muller March 6, 2009
Bought the Milex steam iron system.The heater element fused.Homemark refuses to sell me a new element, we have to send the complete machine to some agent who in turn sends the machine to their repair department.It took the agent one week just to send an email to find out if such a part exists-phone call would have been faster.It seems like a money making racket by wanting the complete machine so they can charge for the labour.Please beware before buying any homemark machine-problems begin when something goes faulty. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
Infiniti Wealth Services
Ormund March 6, 2009
These guys are a SCAM, they took money from me promising 'foreclosure rescue' services. DO NOT USE THEM, you will lose your MONEY with NO results. I have checked with the CA Dept of Real Estate 'NO LICENSING', City of San Diego 'NO LICENSING', State of CA 'NO LICENSING', State of CA BAR 'NO LICENSING' Hopefully they will be 'shut down.' I have asked for my money back several times and had NO Success! Go with a Licensed DRE or state BAR firm or you will LOSE YOUR MONEY! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Juan Roberts
Juan Roberts March 6, 2009
I am receiving a transaction on my credit card stating "BURRULA INC III 8667970326". I have no idea where the billing is coming from and would like assistance on this please. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: South Africa
Infiniti Wealth Services / Loan Mod Scam!
Mark March 6, 2009
F Rating BBB, I would stay clear of this company. I did not give them money, but after further research realized this was a scam for them to stop my foreclosure and say they can modify my home loan. When I called the California DRE they said these types of companies are scams and have had complaints on Infiniti Wealth Services several times. Mike Midwest read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Foreclosure World
shifawn March 6, 2009
This company is a ripoff, they scam people into entering their site for a small fee and take an additional fee out on top of it on a monthly basis. To top it all off, I cannot even gain access to the site itself and the customer service reps are not helpful at all. They do not know how to reset the username and password to the account or seem to be able to cancel or refund the transactions being deducted monthly from my account. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Care One Credit - Persels And Associates
hrm73 March 6, 2009
They are scammers! I paid Care One/Persels for over a year. They did nothing, but collect legal fees from me and never negotiated with my creditors. They told me they were a nonprofit organization. It cost me $100 to start their program, very high legal fees with no representation, and its $150.00 to get out of their program. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tribute/First Bank of Delaware
Terminally_Unique March 5, 2009
Credit reporting bureau, Experian stated that Tribute/First Bank of Delaware "Closed Account at Credit Grantor Request", I have not been late and Tribute my payment history on credit report reflects that, this completely took me by surprise. As a result, my credit score got hit pretty hard. Any recommendations? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
rg1969 March 5, 2009
We thought we still had a timeshare to sell when we responded to their email in April 2007. Phil, their agent, called me back after following up on the email response, and said he had contacted the owners of the time share resort and that all was in order and if we listed with him that it could be sold. Thinking we still had the timeshare (bought 1992, forfeited 2001 for non-payment of dues) because we were never told otherwise, I paid him $700 for the listing. He defrauded us because, if he had indeed called Harmony Ridge Resorts, then he... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
FLM-Federal Loan Modification Law Center
mdtoraass March 5, 2009
Wanted to charge $3500 for loan modification. Taking 4 weeks so far to issue a refund, they keep calling to ask me if I'm sure I still want a refund. Feeling like a big scam !!! They advertise on ESP, CNN etc. WATCH OUT!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
pfb March 5, 2009
Sells dealer territory with promise to deliver production units, fails to maintain communication lines, spends outragously and produces no product. knowinglly enters agreement with out reasonable ability to follow through read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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