CATEGORY: Family & Pets
Banfield Hospital
I took my cat there, he was blocked, it costs me 700.00 for 1 over night stay, they sent him home on Saturday because they were closing and would be closed until Monday. They said to take him to the emergency room if he got worse. I ended up having to bring him to the ER because he wasn't any better. The ER said that Banfield should have kept him 48hrs at least. Wellness plans are a joke because they make up for the low cost by overcharging for medical visits. They also overcharge for flea meds, etc. Don't let your pet get sick on... read full review »
VV Direct with above address, no telephone, no website, has been sending me porn videos. I didn't have contact with them. It appears they have a relationship with a company called Pharmazone Fulfillment @ 7000 n. 16th street, ste 120-454, Phoenix, AZ. 85020, that sells supposedly sexual enhancement stuff. Since I lived in Phoenix before I'm betting that ste. address is a mail box. It seems all the sex companies work together. That's my opinion. I'm guessing the only way to stop them charging your credit card is to cancel it! read full review »
Premier Singles
Premier Singles - Ultimate Singles - Ultimate Introductions - Jason Breakey - Barrett Stone - being harmed by false reports from Ted Law of Together Dating (
Jason Breakey, President of Premier Singles and Barrett Stone, CEO of Premier Singles are two well recognized names in the Brick and Mortar Dating industry. Both Jason Breakey and Barrett Stone have over a decade of experience with helping single adults find friendship, fun, romance and often times marriage.
Premier Single... read full review »
Fisher Price / Noah's Ark
I was re-attaching the lower door to Noahs Ark when the door frame skinned an inch long chunk from my hand. I went to their website and of course if you have a complaint its completely useless.I just wanted to bring this to the attention of other parents whose doors may come unattached. DON'T LET YOU CHILD REATTACH!!! read full review »
I posted a message on the breeders web page letting others know that I bought a chahuahua from a breeder found on the puppyfind site. This puppy had sarcoptic mange I faxed Jessica from puppyfind documents from the vet stating the puppy had mange. I was very upset when this message was then removed. It is not fair to other family's who will purchase a puppy from this bredder and have to go through what we did. They should at least have the heads up on this situation. Kind of funny only positive messages are displayed!! read full review »
Please see the contents of my emails below and that will make it very clear that how some web portal are exploiting the human emotion of looking for a partner by making it unethical way of making money. If required I will also contact other persons who have suffered in the same manner. As I have do not have time to write everything again I am enclosing the following two emails as my story. I am publishing this only in public interest and to let other know and I do not have any other purpose for disclosing this:
User ID: H1294251
You... read full review »
Casey Palmer & Rockin P Quarter Horses
I bought an 8yr old grade quarter horse gelding from Casey Palmer and Jodi Bagwell. I saw him on their website and I first was asking about a different horse on there and was not getting a response by email so I called and I talked to Casey about what I wanted in a horse. I told him that I wanted a horse that I could trail ride on, that was safe because we have kids in our neighbor hood and was hoping to get a horse that the kids could ride. I told him that I did not want one that would buck or do any thing like that. That I had been bucked... read full review »
8yr Grade Quarter Hosrse
I bought an 8yr old grade quarter horse gelding from Casey Palmer and Jodi Bagwell. I saw him on their website and I first was asking about a different horse on there and was not getting a response by email so I called and I talked to Casey about what I wanted in a horse. I told him that I wanted a horse that I could trail ride on, that was safe because we have kids in our neighbor hood and was hoping to get a horse that the kids could ride. I told him that I did not want one that would buck or do any thing like that. That I had been bucked... read full review »
Family Equine
To add another comment to anyone considering buying a horse from family equine - when you ask for a kid safe anyone can ride horse don't expect to get one. I swear the mare I bought must have been drugged because after I got her she turned into a completely different horse. She is not and I dont foresee her ever being a kid safe anyone can ride horse. I have worked with her now for a year and a half and although I've made some progress I can never trust her. She will rear, buck and bolt. Although I am somewhat attached to her and... read full review »
Scott D. Martell-2-10-1967
Scott Martell has at least 7 children he fathered none of these children have his last name and he has never paid 1 cent for any of them. he is unable to stand on his own 2 feet and finds women- to live off gives a sad story so the compassionate caring person he tells his lies and sob story feel bad for him and help him out. At 1st he is extremely sweet, tells you he is unable to father children and never mentions the other children he has fathered. No problems unless you tell him he need to support himself , or pregnancy happens. Then Mr... read full review »
[email protected]
The two batteries that my wife put in our two year olds toy got so hot, that it was at the point of burning skin when I took them out of the toy. This is the first time I have ever had a problem with Duracell in 30 years that I have been using them. I just do not know what would have happened if I would have left them in the toy. read full review »
Special Day Events
This place was booked for a friends wedding and the service was not what they payed for. They lost money from a catering company they booked after SDE told the couple they can choose any caterers as long as they had a license. Three weeks before the wedding SDE told them they couldn't use the caterers they chose because they were not on the list of approved caterers. The contract online states the total cost for rental for a maximum seven hours and SDE only let them stay four hours. Also they threatened to charge $300 if anyone arrived... read full review »
Am a Hutch Postpaid Connection for the past 4 years. I had received a SMS from U N I SERVICES that you can do dating all over the india. All the Women can be provided all over the india. Membership Fee is Rs.15,000/- I had deposited the amount in the Owner name: RITU SHEKHAR A/C NO: 039601505641 DELHI SOUTH A/C DETAILS.
I had received the message from the Phone Number: 09871266835(Delhi AIRTEL Number Prepaid) on 29thDec'07 and told me to deposit Rs. 15000/- .I had deposited on the 31st Dec'07. But when i had called them up on... read full review »
fling passionads americansinglesmatch.comyahoo personals,amature match ,adultfreind findertrue
yes im seperated and after a terrible marriage ,i decided to put my self back on the market ,but im not one to really want to go out there and persue them so i decided my choices would be better if i used these sites ,so i did i opened all of them and in 2 months time i still havent got a real reply from any one other than youll recieve a message ,but when you write them back ,thats the end of it and then theres the others lurking that are from other countries wanting money to come to this country and i had to find out the hard way after... read full review »
Family Equine Central
I added this to another complaint against them but decided to start a new one because I am afraid that someone is going to end up getting hurt. Family Equine of Central NY is untruthful and false advertises their horses as well as uses BAIT and SWITCH tactics. I have been watching them for almost a month now regarding a horse in particular Dance Hall Doctor.
On December 8, 2007 my brother emailed me a newspaper ad that Family Equine of NY had placed regarding a Blue Roan Draft Horse by the name of Dance Hall Doctor. I am in the market to... read full review »
My dog was boarded at Brea, CA PetsMart for a couple days while I went away with my husband for his birthday. Second day we were gone we received a call about our dog. He was injured during play time, and it was not an emergency.
When we went to get him, he could not walk on his hind right leg, the vet says he has torn is meniscus and possibly has a hip fracture. My dog is a pure bred Golden Retriever and is in pain all the time. He has to go to a doggie orthopedist for surgery. Petsmart says that they are not liable for my dogs injurie... read full review »
This complaint is based on MY own bad experience that I had while doing business with Lorraine and Robert Aichele, owners of Family Equine Services of Central NY- aka: Aichele Family Equine Sales LLC aka: Patchwork Therapeutic Riding Center.
After reading my post, hopefully people can decide for themselves if they want to buy a horse from this business and to NOT make a rash decision when buying a horse- exciting as it can be. I am posting this to... read full review »
Gemstone Puppies
In the first place the puppy sold to Cindy did NOT belong to me Sandy Wills it belong to Betty Gwosdz who listed her puppies on our site for sale I also have an email confirming Cindy knew who the dog belong to, and AKC papers with Betty‘s name on them. Cindy Chose to come after me as I have a web site and she can slander me one the web.
Cindys contract reads the same as ours she agreed to take this puppy to the vet and have it proven to be in good health. All puppies sold on our site come with a health certificate from... read full review »
Ursula's Pet Grooming
I've been taking my Shih Tzu to Ursula's for about 6 months now and was referred by a neighbor to go to a particular groomer. This groomer was specifically asked for along with other services that were clearly stated each time I went in. On this last Saturday, I picked up both dogs (after paying $50.00 for each) and noticed on my way home that both of their faces were still dirty and there paws were covered in, what looked like, charcoal. After notifying my neighbor of the condition, she called the groomer and talked to an... read full review »
Yorkshire Terrier
About a year ago, I purchased what was advertised as a PUREBRED YORKSHIRE TERRIER from this location. The puppy was only 7- weeks old (so they said) and when I asked why she didn't have any hair, they said that it was because she was so young and I would see a change the older she got. I never received any "papers" for the puppy. They said she was registered and she was not registered. In fact, I was later told that I was responsible for getting the yorkie registered. Petland said they would be mailing her "papers" and... read full review »
Do not work for this company or take your child there. They will say anything to get you to bring your child there. Believe me, they try to brainwash staff into telling the parents anything they want to hear to get parents to bring their kids to the center. They say they want to make sure the things happening in the center are in the best interest of the children. What a crock!!! All they care about is the money.
Staff are paid crap and are overworked. They are expected to work overtime and make everything seem perfect for the parent... read full review »
Caravanserai Turkish Vans / Pat Chapman
She dropped the cat off at my home 7 am on a workday morning 10/29/07, minutes before I had to run to work. I waited for her for 2 days! I Paid her for the retired breeder cat in full by check $375 and got a paper from her. When I got home that evening I found all I had was a rabies vaccination with incorrect information on it. No contract, no registration, nothing that I was promised. After 2 months still nothing except all kinds of sob stories about finances, PCs crashing and cell phone never working - sounds like a scam to me! ... read full review »
HandsNPaws / Sophistication Alley
This online company is the biggest rip-off scam of the century, you order merchandise, they collect your money immediately and VOILA your screwed out of your money... you contact them the only way possible (emails) and you get comments like these... Good. Glad you were inconvenienced. You're a very rude person. Check your emails. Or is that beyond your ability too?? Lol.
I feel the next step for me is contacting an attorney and getting them shut down, it'll be well worth the money to pay their ass back! read full review »
sony handycam model DCR-HC21E
i have a sony handycam model DCR-HC21E . Recently it develope a problem, i.e in it's MENU mode all the options are not displaying as per user mannual. And also not possible to transfer the recording on cassate with DCR-HC21E to my computer supported with P-III, window xp operating system. Give the solution to rectify the problem. read full review »
Banfield Pet Hospital
took my pet cat Smokey, to Banfield after he became weak, could'nt walk or use his legs.
I thought that the cat had eaten a rat or a poisoned
small animal; I was told that he ehad an infection and was given prednisone, antibiotics(baytrol?)
and vitamins. The DVM did a blood test and it came back as being low, or anemia. Also the cat was thrombocytopenic, so now the cat was bleeding
internally and would probably need an infusion.
This first visit cost me almost $500.00. A few days later I was to bring back my pet for... read full review »
Shank Animal Hospital
Jerry Shank the owner and vet at this hospital is a total SCAMMER! Avoid this business! He will bring up extra charges and will not release your animal if you do not pay him! In my case $990 reduce to $724 after paying him $1600 (have the receipt, paid in full) and he ask me to leave her there for my work day and come back to pick her up to be served with another $990 for nothing! She was there 2.5 days and between the 2 bills was charged 6 days! He is a rip off artist!!! Stay away he is still holding my 69yo Mothers dog hostage! Be warned! read full review »
Lucky Star Goldens
I'm not sure if you are supplying a web source for a Minnesota Kennel called Luckystar Goldens out of Bachus MN. The breeder is pulling scams, claiming that she bred her golden retriever ,Brandy, to a reliable breeder's dog from Shell Kennel. She asks for a puppy deposit and then does not supply any puppies. In fact she never bred the dog to the sire at Shell River that she states is the father of the puppies in her contract that she makes people sign. She knew that there would not be puppies and she did not send deposit... read full review »
H and H Winners' Circle - Breyer Horse Models
Email string Verbaetem:
From: Sophia
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007 3:01 PM
To: 'H&H Email'
Subject: RE: Email from your Website
Return it, I don't want anything from you. I did not receive anything in my e-mail (which is why I was asking you for it) and I have purchased 100% of my Christmas presents via online and know how it works, but I needed to hear it would arrive by Christmas.... YOU are not acting in a rational or appropriate manner and I do not have to take it, I can certainly purchase from somewhere... read full review »
Microsoft Company
I receive this mail on November 17, 2007. Is it true?
This is to inform you that from the on line promotion held by Microsoft Company Worldwide your email meg to the REF NO: TGA-4GA-65389 meaning you have been approved to claim the sum of 250,000 GBP. To claim your winning contact our online Fiduciary Agent:
Name: Mr Jerry Whyte
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +44-704-572-5207 ; +44-702-407-1903 read full review »
The Hartville Group / Pets Health Plan
I have 4 dogs and 2 cats, and all but the 2 cats have pet insurance. 3 of the dogs are with VPI Pet Insurance, and the 4th dog is with Pets Health Plan by the Hartville Group. Since I have had pet insurance, so far neither of the companies have had to payout for anything, as my dogs have remained healthy. However, my dog, Sugar, who is insured with Pets Health Plan fell last week and hurt her back badly. My vet said that the injury might heal on its own, but if not, back surgery would be necessary. Either way, I wasn't too worried... read full review »
The Hartz Mountain Corporation
The Organophosphates Tetrachlorvinphos which are toxic causes severe reactions. Affects the nervous system and causes the liver and kidneys to bleed. Results are death in your pets. Go to to read all the victims stories like mine. Hartz products should be banned. Animals such not suffer this cruelty. This is sold everywhere in the world.
On 11-20-2007 i sprayed my 8 month old male chihuahua (Boss). With Hartz 2 in 1 Flea and Tick spray. The next morning 11-21-2007 i saw signs of him being sick. Not wanting to eat or... read full review »
Casey Palmer DBA Rockin P Quarter Horses
This is a warning for anyone looking to purchase a horse from Casey Palmer or Jodi Bagwell of Porum, Oklahoma. They also list themselves out of Dallas, Texas and even occasionally in California. They are d.b.a. (doing business as) Rockin P Quarter Horses or
Casey Palmer advertised a 12 year old kid safe horse on the website and also on (unsure of any other websites he may have used also). I contacted him and spoke with him about the mare. I let him know that this was going... read full review »
Does anyone have any advice on what steps to take in a situation when an online vendor just doesn't care?
My wife and I are Americans living in Africa with our two little boys. Christmas takes lots of advance planning and purchasing months in advance. We did so with a little scooter we bought from Months after our purchase, my wife started making simple inquiries about what the status was and whether or not it had been sent and got no response.
She was very polite and low-key in her letters, but finally thi... read full review »
Rockin P Quarter Horses
I bought an 8yr old grade quarter horse gelding from Casey Palmer and Jodi Bagwell. I saw him on their website and I first was asking about a different horse on there and was not getting a response by email so I called and I talked to Casey about what I wanted in a horse. I told him that I wanted a horse that I could trail ride on, that was safe because we have kids in our neighbor hood and was hoping to get a horse that the kids could ride. I told him that I did not want one that would buck or do any thing like that. That I had been bucked... read full review »
Veterinary Care Unlimited
I recently took my beloved 8 year old pet bird "Mighty" to Veterinary Care Unlimited in Ozone Park, to be examined for a slightly swollen abdomen. I was told by Dr. Theresa Paoloni, the veterinarian in charge and clinic's owner, to bring my pet back the next morning for testing. That morning, my pet had eaten, and his behavior was normal —singing, flying, and playing.
Because of the clinic's overbooked schedule, I had to leave him there all day for an just an X-ray and a blood test. My pet was not released until... read full review »
Doreen Beel also known as [email protected]
this woman sold me a dog that she had for six months before she could sell due to an eye illness that she did not discouse and now we have found out that that she all so has value promblem this woman will not responed and has tried to put other breeders on me t handle the promblem she also shows and breeds quater horse how scare???? i have spent al most $2000 in vet bill maybe more
and paid full price for dog how fare is this???? do you want to buy a dog from her ???
Robin Eveland read full review » aka aka thelasvegasweddingcompany
The Las Vegas Wedding Company 2007
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... read full review » standard (free) members are constantly encouraged to 'update' their membership by taking out a subscription. If you click on a members picture or name you are taken to an upgrade page with the members thumbnail, 'handle' age and area. However they have now changed this page so it no longer includes previously displayed information that told you when last that member signed into their account.
The have deliberately withheld this information now so potential customers are unaware that an account may be inactive... read full review »
Bulldog Alley/ Virginia Everts
Please DO NOT BUY a dog from this site or Virginia Everts, aka Jenny Smith, Giny and what ever else she uses. I bought a English Bulldog from her 1 year ago and still do not have the pedigree or registration paperwork. I have a signed contract with Bulldog Alley in which it states i would get all pedigree and registration paperwork, so i could register my purebred bulldog with A.K.C. Once she got my money it has been all down hill. No Papers, she wont return phone calls or emails and has blocked me from sending emails thur her site. She just... read full review »
Eureka fobes
I have purchased a vaccum cleaner in the year 2001. from that time the machine is working properly but reacently 6 months back the vaccum cleaner machine pipe was broken. due to that reason the attachments were unable to connect. I tried a lot for the service but i am unable to get through the phone. so I am complaing thought the online. Kindly please send me an executive to get through that.
contact No:9985524959
Address: H.No.29-75/4,
New vidya nagar colony,
Neredmet, secunderabad,
hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh read full review »
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