Mercedes Independent School Dist
August 25, 2008
I have been working for the Mercedes Independent School district for 4 years. During this time I have been discriminated upon by the director of transportation Mr. Adan Vallejo, for some unknown reason. The discrimination I am referring to, is that on many occasions other personnel have been allowed to clock in for so many hours, but I have been denied this. Also as a permanent bus driver, during the meetings that started this school year, I was not paid hourly wages of a bus driver, but as a maintenance person. The rest of the people were... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Global Services
August 25, 2008
On August 8, 2007, I received a postcard stating that I had been selected to receive "Two Roundtrip Airfares to Anywhere in the U.S." and "3 days, 2 nights at a hotel", and that I should call 800-413-5613 for details. On August 9, 2007, I called that number and spoke with a man who identified himself as Patrick McKinna. He stated that I would receive a complimentary gift of 2 round trip airfares from the nearest international airport to my home to any major city with an international airport in the US, Mexico, or Canada... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 25, 2008
Our Replica Watches are the highest grade available in our website, we guarantee that we have the best Quality and service for REPL ICA Louis Vuitton, REPLICA CHANEL, REPLICA CHOLE are available on the internet. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: China
Symantec/Norton antivirus
August 24, 2008
I renewed my subscription on-line and was charged $59.98 7/1 for yearly renewal of subscription Semantic Norton antivirus service on computer. EVERY time I turn it on I get a pop up that my subscription is out of date and my computer is at risk. When I open the box, all it gives me is a form to renew my subscription. I already did this June 3oth and I'm so angry I see red everytime I try again and again to contact someone about it. There isnt anyway to tell anyone and there isnt any way to email the company. ALL I get is another renewal application!!! I want my money back and I want anti -virus protection. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Brinks security light
August 23, 2008
My Brinks security light cycles on and off all nght long read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 23, 2008
Eharmony is UNETHICAL and nothing more than a SCAM! I joined eharmony and wondered why most of the referals sent to me did not respond- now I know why- because eharmony sends referals of people who are no longer members and represents them as potential dates- which they are NOT because they DON'T have a membership. They make up people and fake dates. DON'T be taken! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 23, 2008
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 23, 2008
I would like to know who how you got authorization to charge $49.90 on my credit card? Please responde to me as soon as possible. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
pvt job
August 22, 2008
Dear Sir, please sent a mail of account statement of my card no. 4477463122691005 SANDEEP THAKUR E-mail ID : [email protected] Please do the needful. regards Sandeep Thakur read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
RN Rhapsody Music
August 22, 2008
I telephoned RN Rhapsody Music two or three months ago to cancel service. I removed program from my computer, but have continued to receive monthly charge of $12.99 on my credit card. I am requesting here that the account be cancelled immediately. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 22, 2008
Charges that I don't know what or why they are there! I want a full refund!!! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Accents Beads
August 22, 2008
I bought over $95.00 beads and earring making items from Accents Beads. Later I went to exchange two items because I got the wrong sizes. I was told first by the salesperson and then the manager that the store has a no return and no exchange policy. I were not aware of it because no one told me about this policy. They pointed out there was a signed taped below the cashier counter. It was so low that I didn't see it. In addition, I went there on Saturday and there were several people lining up to paid for their items. The sign was blocked... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
on line loans
August 22, 2008
Our checking account was debited $31.98 without our permission. I don't know if you go by social security numbers or not, but I prefer not to give it out if this is not a legitimate website. My name is Gerald Kinney and you need to put it back into our account ASAP. If you need to call me, call my wife Lynda on her phone as I am hard of hearing. The number is listed above. I wrote to you about 2 weeks ago and so far we have had no response. WHY IS THAT? You also have our e-mail address. WE NEED AN ANSWER. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 22, 2008
Well I guess it depends on the amount of love so empolyees have for there jobs, because when I locked myself out of my car, and USA Locksmith was the first number that 411 had gave me, I called them up and I talk to the dispatcher she told me that someone would arriving in about 20 mins and sure enough he was there he did the job at a fast pace and I was only charge what the dispatcher told and a $15 service fee which was no problem. So I had no problems with this company and will call them again at anytime read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 21, 2008
This company has called me everyday for about the last three weeks. When I answer the phone they hang up. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
zz solutions/credit advantage/safe id support
August 21, 2008
Since i applied for a payday loan and a FREE credit report, all these agencies have been withdrawing money from my debit account.Through much research I found out the source, free credit e mailed them and they instantly replied.They have graciously cancelled my membership initiated a refund.It has added up to a couple of hindred dollars. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Government Grant Services
August 21, 2008
Six months ago I paid this company $439.00 for a guaranteed grant of $125, 000.00 and I never receive the grant! this company told me it would take at lease 11 weeks to process, several months after that they would not return my calls ...I am unable to reach them by telephone and they gave me a fake email address!...A letter has been sent to them requesting my Refund!...I get NO RESPONSE! read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Baja Motorsports/Mini Baja
August 19, 2008
I purchased a Mini Baja on 12-29-07. The service by the manufacturer is non-existing. On 7-29-08 I lost a connecting link on the clutch chain, it actually snapped the link in half due in my opinion to very poor and loose chain torque. I could not locate a link within a 40 mile radius of my residence. I decided to contact the manufacturer and have them mail me a link. The srvice person I spoke with, Michelle was anything but customer orientated. She told me I would need to purchase an entire chain. I asked to speak to a manager, V.P. C.E.O... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
CCs flooring
August 19, 2008
If anyone bought from this company let me know been ripped off by them big time CCs flooring they sold they re business before they run away with my goods and my money THIEVES read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United Kingdom
August 19, 2008
Dawn Tefel /Nancy Finlan two people that scam in Garden City. Dawn sells you the service and once you sign you never hear from her agian. Please save your money and don't trust the company. Once Dawn gets you to sign she transfers you over to Nancy and she will always tell you that she will call you back and never does. They do not live up to the contract. All you hear is great things but its not true. They never return your calls or e-mails they are just busy scamming more people to sign the contract. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
kmart $2500.00 gift card
August 18, 2008
where am i supposed to enter my 19 digit cash register receipt number? if i, or someone else wins, how do we know? have you recently been reminded there is a better business bureau? well here is my number anyway----0313 081308 026 99051 read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 17, 2008
I have yet to really figure out this bill from PSE&G. When you go to there website to see "Understanding your Bill" it doesn't tell you why you have multiple rate charges for Delivery and Supply. For Example I have Under Delivery. kWh charges 340 kWh @$0.04744... Next 590kWh @$0.051474... and the same with Supply which may have up to 3 " Next " listings for it. Does any one else get a bill that looks like this. Are they in the middle of the month changing the charges and thats what "Next"... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 17, 2008
I think its asham that they put all these fees on this contintial finance card how do you suppose to enjoy using the card with them putting all the fees on the card and they put those fee's on soon as you activated it and you barely can buy anything with the card $50.00 avaiable to me wtf is that going to do for me or for my bills?? Huh?{ what you gonna do with $50.00 go to mcdonalds and use it buy a meal and get a cup of coffee and the money that was avaiable to you is already just about gone}. You know why you cant buy to much with the... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 17, 2008
I am working in Saudi Arabia. I was stay with more Bangali. They are working more illegal work. This message for Saudi Security forces, if anybody see this message please go there and take action. Their address is: Al Airy (Max) Building. 2nd Floor, Flat No. 246. Last Room. (Near about the Al akaria Building). Olaya, Riyadh. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Saudi Arabia
Woody's Grocery Store - Rocky Gap, Virginia
August 17, 2008
From the above stated blog: You know, living in America, we, I guess have preconceived notions about the world. For Americans, for the most part are kind and compassionate. We normally help people, with little regard for price, or payback. And, we don't make the people feel like crap that we're helping. Having said this, I guess I had preconceived notions about the residents of Rocky Gap, Virginia; mainly, I thought they'd be as Christian as I am about helping people. So, let me regale you of my tale of what... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 16, 2008
I have an unauthorised charge of $29.95 on my credit card. I have no idea who this company is. I am not able to get this resolved at my bank until Monday August, 18, 2008. I feel these people should be charged with fraud. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 16, 2008
Dear Miss/Mr I was in Dubai for one week and received this text on my UAE mobile (CONGRATS: YOUR MOBILE NUMBER HAS WON FOR YOU THE SUM OF GBP 147000 POUNDS ON THIS YEAR NOKIA PROMO, FOR CLAIMS EMAIL: [email protected] and call +447035930547) so I called and a man confirmed this text and advices me to e-mail my details information along with the winning number, I did send my name and phone number, and then I received calls to rush me up and more details e-mail to fill the claming form, all the time Nokia logos are used, now the final... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: Saudi Arabia
August 16, 2008
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 15, 2008
Filled under: Other Location: United States
safe id support .com
August 15, 2008
I was updating my checking and found a withdraw for 31.95 from this was withdrawn from my checking without my permission and caused a overdraft on my account. I have tried to find this site on the web and fail to find it read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
kmart,waveland, ms1
August 15, 2008
This is one the worst handicapped bathrooms I have ever been in. The stall was to narrow and there were no grab bars what so ever. I had to use the restroom with the door open and it was extremely difficult for me to maneuver around to the commode and the commode was way low to the floor so it made it difficult for me to sit down and stand back up. Will give you a+ on cleanliness. But that's it. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
365 fast cash
August 13, 2008
Back in febuary i had a cash advance from 365 fast cash and now every two weeks they continue to deduct from accout ive called and left several messages. they have caused me over drawn fees up to 500.00 the cash advance that igot was only for 150.00 and it is now aug so in total they have taken 1500.00 from me not including my overdraft fee. cannot change acct info unless i change with all my bills which is inconvience read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 13, 2008
Hello Why is President Bush giving us a stimulus payment when he allows any collection agency to reposses the payment? I am on social security and the collection agency took the damn money for a school loan for which I am attempting to cosolidate with william d. ford consolidation. It does not make sense. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
pripaid service
August 13, 2008
my mobile no 09981649160 in balance decuted of Rs.130.00 on dated 13.08.08 without resion read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
Nokia 3600S
August 13, 2008
- Replacement of Nokia 3600S We are shocked to bring to your knowledge that we have recently purchased i.e on 9/July/08 the above-noted set which is infested with certain technical problems. The outgoing voice is not able to hear by receiver The phone also have not long battery back up. Since i have purchased the phone at a very dear price, we expect full value for our money and ask you to replace the set at the earliest. Also ensure that such problems do not creep up in future and that our faith in Nokia remains undaunted. My... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
tcp global
August 12, 2008
I order some airbrush paint and a single air gun.I order it on 7-24-2008.I never received this order.I email them on Thursday 8-8-2008 to find out why i haven't received my order.No responce at all. I called tcp global Friday 8-8-2008 i ask them why i didn't receive my order, the person took my phone # and said he would call me back.I waited for a couple of hours and he didn't call back so i called him back, but the phones were turn off.I called Monday 8-11-2008 and found out my order was on hold for some reason(he didn't... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
prepaid card
August 12, 2008
I was recharged my airtel prepaid with 100 rs. on 07/08/2008. But i've not recieved successful message and amount on my mobile. Thereafter i want to try logged this complaint through my mobile then not able to connect with customer care due to my card is not activated (my card validity is completed in july 2008), that's why i was activate my card on 08/08/2008 through Rs 91 scheme for life time and getting Rs. 75 talk time and then i was logged the complaint through my mobile on 08/08/2008 and my complaint no. is 848422900. Everyday... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: India
sc/grant funding source
August 12, 2008
Im sorry i cant find the website anymore but "s/c grant funding source" is how it appeared on my wamu account. Anyways i spoke to a live person who told me that they would be sending me a package for $5.00 but i never received it even though they charged me. Its been difficult to get a hold of these people in order to cancel, and now they wish to charge me 40$ monthly for a service i never received. Thank you for your time and i hope you can help me. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
CVS Phramacy
August 12, 2008
There is only one CVS store in Centreville, VA. The one on Pickwick road. This phramacy has a whole range of problems. From lack of customer service, to employees that can't help you find an item, and they even just tell you anything just to get rid of you (called blow you off). I have basically learned that when I go in there, that I'm intelligent and I can find it myself. But they will help me check out my purchases and even ask for that obxious CVS care card. The store as a whole has had a whole range of problems. Including a... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
August 12, 2008
I did not renew on-star on my 2005 GM Vehicle, however they have charged over 460.00 to my bank account, I have called them, we sold the vehicle in Feb. of 2008 and charges have been charged to my account since Feb to date. They are refusing to refund the money. The charges started May 11th 2006 to date. We never renewed with On-star- we couldn't afford to. Knowone told us that we would have to call them after the free deal, and I mean Knowone. Now my bank account after removing funds that weren't recorded, but were put in as a sort... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States


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