CATEGORY: Services

malboro menthol
68bean February 25, 2011
me and my friends having been smoking malboro menthols for over 15 years and ever since they became "FSC" we have never had so much phlem and chest is up with that?what kinda freakin chemical did they add now to the millions of other ones that are already killing us. how is that even ok with other smokers i want justice!!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: South Africa
Mondial Assistance Insurance
Mparciasepe February 28, 2011
This company sucks. I bought their insurance for tickets on new years eve to see the disco biscuits. I had plans to visit my family in florida so i figured that a week in between the concert and flight would be sufficent in case there was a storm. However, a 2 foot snow storm blizzard rolled through new jersey and cancelled my flight till january 2nd. I am trying to get my money back. its been 2 months. I sent them my tickets, receipts, and everything and still wont give me my money because of an E-itinerary from the flight company which... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Union Telecom- Florida
Maviya February 28, 2011
A fradulent company. Worst quality. Horrible customer service. Takes your credit card and keep charging although you cancel the service months ago. After calling mulitple time with waiting period of 45 or more min, finally called my credit card company and declare these charges as fradulent. Than after 7 month sales rep started calling me again at all hours of the day. I kept telling them I am not interested-please stop calling me. I can hear them laughing in the back ground like they are calling me on purpose at odd hours of the night. Its harrament...stay away from UNION TELECOM read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Web Listings Inc
Marykay Fisher February 28, 2011
This company advertises that you can use their "handy tool" to change key words once submitted. But that is a lie. You must email them to make changes. And they refuse to respond to emails. I've been waiting over two months for a simple email reply--and no, they have not made the changes I requested last December. This is NOT a reputable firm. They provide no phone number and refuse to respond to email concerns. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Light Impressions
kensington md March 14, 2011
I ordered some matting and framing materials on Feb 23rd from Light Impressions, the total amounting to $143.00. I was sent one item which cost $9.00, but was billed for the entire order. I am unable to contact them either by phone or through their website. All I know is they said on their invoice slip "rest of the order is back-ordered). This was a simple order, invoiving items they claimed were in stock. This is a warning to anyone planning to order from Light Impressions. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Rosetta Stone French Software
Sara W February 28, 2011
I was looking for Rosetta Stone’s French levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and I found on eBid that there were two selling from a seller named Micheal Daniel. He had put the description up as “Brand New & Sealed Rosetta Stone French Version 3, Level 12345″. Supposedly it was still in its original wrapping and never opened, being sold as an unwanted gift. The description also stated that the seller “previously planned to travel and no longer needed it”. So i bought both of them on the 2nd January 2011. However... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Memory Lane
Moa February 28, 2011
Memory Lane has taken over the website and is using the credit card information from the former website to initiate membership without notification or right to refuse. They had the new website up and running in early February without notifying anyone until February 27. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Verizon Business FIOS
roscoe turner February 28, 2011
The horrible customer service and all the hours I have spent trying to contact anyone at Verizon who can actually get problems solved, after they deleted my FIOS BUSINESS account, is almost more than I can bear. After more than 30 hours on the phone, so far, and probably 20+ people I have spoken to over several days all to no avail, things are more screwed up than ever. Last Wednesday I wanted to upgrade my Business FIOS speed from 20/5 to 35/35 MBit service, and wanted to add a phone line, so I contacted Verizon Sales. After hour... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Bamsuke February 28, 2011
Looks like a nice site at first glance, but I went ended up booking a hotel through this site and then upon arrival at the hotel had a very bad experience with their service, so much so that I didn't want to stay there anymore. I paid for one night's stay, and left disappointed. I later went back to Venere to write a review of my experience, but Venere wouldn't let me, no matter how much I asked. It seemed they wanted to protect the hotel instead of the helping the mistreated customer! I would be very cautious about the quality of hotels on this site. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Boss Air Mechanical
curtishedlund February 28, 2011
Dear Verizon, Just wanted to say thanks for making my life a living hell the past four days. Besides being on the phone with your talented staff for over 4 hours and bumped 7 times from department to department, you managed to completely delete all my files and my email address. Now you claim it is unrecoverable for at least six months. Then if I’m lucky I MIGHT get it back. Forget about the fact that I had that email address for over 15 years and paid extra to keep it because it was an old dial up account. But even after I paid for... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Ricky Smack
Tory H February 28, 2011
This man says he was robbed and need help back to the states . then says he loves you and wants to spend his life with you . sayus he ownes his home in columbiana, Alabama read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Prado Electronics
Pr K March 1, 2011
I saw an ad for Prado e-cigarettes the price was $5.90 for the starter kit, Then they charged my account for $149.90 I did not agree to $149.90, this caused my bank account to get messed up by the time it was over I had incurred over $400.00 in fees for returned checks and overdraft fees. I called the call center i was told that they could not process my account, I was told that to return the product I had to have their permission and they had to give me a number. If you just returned it they would not accept that unless you had permission and... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Mrs Rita
Apple March 1, 2011
The Scammer was named Mrs. Rita in Tempe AZ, and she took me for about $200. The last time I saw her was when I left Phoenix and Moved to San Diego. I called her in complete desperation for answers and she told me to come to a different location that the normal house on Mill Ave. I ended up across town in a VERY LARGE elaborate house!!! She told me I had been 'held' back from my happiness by something that happened in a past life of mine and that for $300 she could lift the 'darkness'. I RAN LIKE HELL out of there and I am... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Bob Sersow
Smk March 1, 2011
In Phoenix, Az This man leads multiple women on at the same time, lies, cheats and uses them. He is on many dating and paid sex sites as well as the regular social networking sites. He is a very smooth talker but what he doesn't tell is that he uses speed regularly and other drugs at times. He is the bass player in a band which is another way he finds the women he uses and scams. He prefers slim, very attractive blonds who have a respectable income although he is unemployed and using "loop holes" to continue to get unemployment... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Southwest Energy Systems
George February 28, 2011
Robert Sheppard is the owner/manager of Southwest Energy Systems. To all the that read this...CONTRACTORS-DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS from this company for services! ASAP Lock & Security took him to small claims court for non-payment-due to a check he cancled AFTER services were approved and received. ASAP Lock & Security won the judgment against this man, Robert Sheppard, for almost THREE TIMES the amount of the invoice that Mr. Sheppard skipped out on paying for lock services performed. This was a very large awarding judgment for... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Psychic Grace
Sanovia K. February 28, 2011
I went to a psychic named Grace at 7th Ave. & Hatcher in Phoenix. My husband had left me with no warning and I was devastated. Ê I called Grace and she told me that I sounded so upset and needed help so badly, that she was going to put off her plans for the weekend, in order to see me. She called me at home every few days over a three week period "just to check on me", yet she always needed me to come in and pay. She took advantage of my state of mind, and knew how desperate I was to get my husband back. She told me a card... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
ASAP Lock and Security
Soshal February 28, 2011
This is the biggest scam going in the locksmith business. Call them, 480-380-2080 and get a price. When they show up much later than promised, they will spend several hours trying to do their work. Then, they will leave the site telling you that they "need more tools" (they will try to charge you for the tools later). When you get the invoice, it will be much larger (2-3x ) than what you were quoted. The invoice will include the tools that they used (if you ask for the tool back- because if you paid for it, shouldn't you at least... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Maid 2 Kleen
Peter G February 28, 2011
When I initially called Jim was very nice and helpful about my request for a housecleaning before family came into town. We set an appointment for between 1 and 2PM on Saturday. The maids arrived at 2:40. They brought all of their own supplies, which was nice, and I have to say that for what they covered they did a good job. However, I requested that Jim contact me once 2 hours had passed to ensure that I didn't overspend on the appointment. When he did, he told me that they were done downstairs and could now begin the upstairs... I... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Allen Barreto
ovr February 28, 2011
[email protected] scammed me out of $8866.00 by selling me a car (BMW X5) that wasn't even his to sell, on E-bay. Cyber-crime do they all get away with it? Is anyone ever caught? I 'd like restitution, but I guess that's a pipe dream, can't find anyone to help me... I know this is a big set-up ripping off lots of people all the time. If only e-bay would delve in deeper, I think these people could be caught. Nobody is perfect and they are bound to slip up sometime. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
coffman February 28, 2011
While I was on 4ppl dating site. I communicated with a guy with a user name Micheallove1. He asked me for money. I have report him here before. I have new info. Name Eric Gyimah, Mubarak Attakora adress is: 14B market close Ghana, Region Accra 00233 phone number 233246720697 P.O box 1451 Madina Accra Ghana IP,, read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Nancy Ringo
kcm February 28, 2011
Hello, just in case it might help someone else, I would like to make people aware of some more criminal gypsy fortune-tellers. I was unlucky enough to be taken for more than 50 000 dollars by a gypsy who goes by the name Nancy Ringo or Nancy Marks... and her gypsy family. They are located in San Diego, California at 927 4th avenue, 92101 and even have a web site which is . Truth be told I hope that others can be made aware that these gypsies, like all the others on this web site, are nothing more than predators taking... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Mark Gallardo Is A Con Artist February 28, 2011
Mark Gallardo is a known online con artist and has stolen thousands of dollars by offering email campaigns, services and lists. He changes his company name to cover up his tracks and continues to steal money from unsuspecting customers. Company names he goes by: Universal Finders, UniversalFinders, NMCG-LLC, 5starlistrus,, BEWARE! You've been warned. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
AT&T Go Phone Prepaid Wireless
tomilo February 28, 2011
I used AT&T's prepaid service called GoPhone for a few months last year. I left a balance of $50 or so on the account because I thought I might need the phone in the future, which I do now. Now when I need the phone, I find that without any written notice they have closed my account, kept the money and given the number to another party, even though I have given it to couple of financial institutions. I am amazed that they are allowed to do business in this way. If the money is not used, they should refund automatically provide notice... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
DRI Microsoft O
Pauline Hickey February 28, 2011
Two purchase where taken from my visa. 159.00 was supposed to be a purchase for microsoft software which I didnt receive and nor get a key code as promised. 13.99 was for support which I didnt receive from them as well. I thought that they were a legitimate Microsoft Company and now I am not sure .I know that the money was taken from my visa on feb 6th 2011. Please help.. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Sukotai February 27, 2011
Re, and all these .ru sites seems to be operated by an organization from Montreal I had the same bad experience on January 24th 2011 with a first purchase of 6, 87 $ US. On February 1st, they charged a 49, 95 $ US fee for life access to a miserable site offering... nothing valuable. I phoned the support line to be told they make no refund; they told me they won't take any more payment. These guys are based in MONTREAL, Canada, using different domain names from several countries, for more... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Emerald Solutions
steep February 27, 2011
A person calling himself Fred Dixon called me saying he was from a place called Emerald Solutions and that while they could not grant me a student loan, they could approve me for a $5000 personal loan at the rate of 6% fixed for 5 years. This was not the same company to which I applied for the student loan. Sounded too good to be true of course. The person who did not fall for the scam from this phony place calling themselves Emerald Solutions should consider themselves lucky. I sent almost $800 the first time and they said because the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Tay bee Choo
charm February 27, 2011
Thanks for the information you provided concerning the truck, I want to inform you that I will buy your vehicle at your price. But I have a business proposal which I will like to propose to you and the inspiration to contact you is simply divine providence, I am making this proposition because I have to seek the partnership of a resource person to help me realize this project. With warm heart, I offer my friendship and greetings. I hope this mail meets you in good time. However strange or surprising this contact might seem to you as we have... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Sher Akbar February 27, 2011
My mobile # 0535079637 daily less my balance 2 riyal without any used. Come unread SMS from 80232 Then less my balance 2 riyals. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Saudi Arabia
Usova Marina Sergeevna
donaldwill February 25, 2011
In January 14, 2010 Marina entered to the Croatian portal for connecting people called 'Iskrica (Sparky)' and found me. She sent me the first photo and own profile description, and began to write many warm and tender e-mails from the Internet cafe... Under the pretext that all Russian men are egoists, Marina wanted to come to me in Zagreb to marry and build a family with me. She have not money for tickets and visa, and I sent her the money with Western Union. At the Moscow airport, the police punish her with a... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Clean Sweep
Goat February 28, 2011
Called around for fireplace cleaning prices. Most company's were, for 2 fireplaces, under $300.00. Called Clean Sweep, old lyme ct. and the price is on the voicemail. Sounded like @240.00 to me, but what would I know, I am just a housewife, not a mason. Upon arrival, the owner/cleaner mentioned to me that one fireplace wasn't that dirty, but cleaned them both anyway. OK. At the end, about an hour, I was presented with the bill- Just under $500.00. Almost had a stroke!! It was $240.00 for each fireplace!! Wow. Never any... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Basek February 28, 2011
Not long after the collapse of Enron, the equities market was rocked by another billion-dollar accounting scandal. Telecommunications giant WorldCom came under intense scrutiny after yet another instance of some serious "book cooking". WorldCom recorded operating expenses as investments. Apparently, the company felt that office pens, pencils and paper were an investment in the future of the company and therefore expensed (or capitalized) the cost of these items over a number of years. In total $3.8 billion (yes, with a 'b'... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Eyeblu Trading Limited
ives February 28, 2011
This company, EYEBLU TRADING LIMITED, offers an Acai berry weight loss and colon cleanse supplement. Not only did the supplements cause severe gastrointestinal problems but they would not refund my money even though they had a 30 day money back guarantee. I contacted the company at 1-866-949-0138 and one of their customer service reps told me they would credit my account but I just got my credit card statement and the charge is there. I called my credit card company and they said that there isn't much they can do due to the company office... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Carlsbad Biosystems Ltd
lettz February 28, 2011
Cambridge Biosystems Ltd in UK the owner who claim himself as Chris (but his actual name is Korstiaan Jan Hendrik Gorter) is a scam. On September 2009, he posted few auction listings in LabX and we had bid one of the bidding which is a Perkin Elmer Optima 3000DV ICP-OES. He had send us an invoice which the amount of USD 5, 000. He told us his office is in Cambridge (but his actual address is Devon according to his bank account register information) and the machine is located in their warehouse in Manchester. We had paid the total amount of USD... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Super Cool Deal
charlie February 28, 2011
I bought something from them online. After I ordered from them I have had some unauthorized cash advances on my card plus what I ordered got never delivered. I do believe that their business is an organized scam for selling fake products such as the Apple iPhone. They also emailed me about a credit that I was supposed to get but it never happened as they were telling me that their merchant provider is holding this up for whatever reasons. Those were all lame excuses, as they never even wanted to credit me I believe. I contacted them several... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Dission February 28, 2011
I recently applies for a Nexus card which will enable me to pass through Canadian and American customs more quickly on my frequent trips in and out of Canada. I had heard the the fee to apply for Nexus is $50.00 but I googled the online apllication process and near the top of the list was listed this website. There were no obvious disclaimers about this private company and I naively believed that this was a legitimate government website. I went through their process of applying online and was surprised when I was told that I would have to pay... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Robert Johnson
chicago1 February 28, 2011
I had a guy email me regarding a music opportunity. He claimed his name was robert johnson. He then stated that me and my rap group can perform in miami for some major rap artists for a possibility of being signed. He further requested we send him $300 for the promoters fee and we would then be flown out to miami stay in a 5 star hotel(all inclusive) party with the stars and record our music at his studio free of charge. After the money was sent to him via western union, we were told to go to the airport to pick up our tickets. Upon arrival we... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Murphy James
brtz February 28, 2011
From: Fellow Craigslist user Scammer Name: "Murphy James Scammer's Email: [email protected] Here is a new one from: "Murphy James" Tactic Used: Hit and run. Once follow up email fails this scammer simply goes quiet. I have posted an item 4 times over the last year. 4 times I have gotten the exact same initial and follow-up e-mail no matter what my response is. When I refuse to use his method of payment "while I will love to send your fund via alertpay"... he disappears. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Megan O'Grady
eliza February 28, 2011
Thank you to the person who sent us this info. Name: Megan O'Grady Email: [email protected] [email protected] is a scam artist from craigslist who offers to send $140 or $150 more than is necessary through PayPal because his/her cousin, son, brother is overseas. They claim they will send the $150 for shipping costs knowing good and well that it doesn't cost $150 to ship a laptop. Anyway watch out for this fool. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Centennial Technologies Inc
Dav12 February 28, 2011
Emanuel Pinez, the CEO of Centennial Technologies, and his management recorded that the company made $2 million in revenue from PC memory cards - the company was really shipping fruit baskets to customers. But the employees then created fake documents to appear as though they were recording sales. Centennial's stock rose 451% to $55.50 per share on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), between April 1994 and December 1996, Centennial overstated its earnings by about $40 million... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Jill Beard
Quincy R. March 1, 2011
I am posting this due to the utter frustration we have experienced in trying to get Ms Jill beard to make good on a bad check she wrote. This is in regard to house cleaning services performed for Jill Beard residing at: 12440 N 100th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-5102 on Thursday, May 20th, 2010 at 9:00 am. She was supposed to look into the matter of "why her check bounced" and get back with us (even though we attempted to get a credit card to bill and she artfully dodged that issue). ... She owes us $165.00 for that cleaning. The State of... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States


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