LOCATION: United States
Blockshopper.com gleens other websites to get real estate info to put on their site...for the sole purpose of selling advertising dollars. if you request to opt-out, they say no. they have put peoples' lives at risk and still, nothing. I have called the FTC today and reported them and will keep calling all their advertisers, realtors etc. to get them to realize, this 3 man, 1 woman company is a 'joke' ...and not reputable...so why would anyone want to be associated with that? especially, Lifelock, Disney, Wells Fargo, Swarofski... read full review »
It has been 3 weeks now since I ORDERED FROM THOSE CROOKS... and I have yet to recieve what I ordered... they claim that they have 24/7/365 Customer service, yet they're live support is never live, there phone is an automated voice message that tells you to email them so you can never contact a real live person... when you email them they do not respond... because even though they're suppose to be 247 service they don't respond on weekends... I am furious right now over the fact that my package should have been here last week if... read full review »
Rainbow Appliance/Microwave
Received Kitchenaid microwave (KCMS1555S) and after 2nd shipment (said FEDEX lost first - yeah right) the second arrived dented a week later. When I told them it was dented they wanted pictures emailed. Then it took a week for a manager to look at the pictures. Then 2 weeks later I am still waiting for a Return Authorization by mail. They said they sent it a week ago (year right again) and will send another. They never answer calls when you call to complain about something but are great at taking your order. I would not trust them with my ex-wife!! read full review »
Strategic Resource Company
I brought my son to a clinic specified as "IN NETWORK" by SRC for stitches after an accident. This was in February of 2009. It is now November of 2009. SRC has denied my claim 5 times in the past nine months. The following is a list of SRC's excuses for not honoring this claim, and my responses, in chronological order:
1. Your son is not a beneficiary on your policy - Not true, he always has been.
2. You have exceeded your annual cap for benefits - Not true, my annual cap is $2500. At the time of this excuse I had made... read full review »
In & Out Carwash
Damage occured to my vehicle when I went through the car wash on 11/8. The owner, Greg Byler, stated on 11/16 that he would not pay for the damages to my vehicle because it is a "known problem" with Ford Explorer's trim coming off. I attempted to explain to him that it was not a "known problem" to me and my vehicle had no damage to the trim before I entered his carwash. I further explained that if it was a "known problem", he should not have allowed me to enter without supplying me with this information so I could... read full review »
North American Award Center
My Dad is elderly, vision ipaired and on a limited income. He is so convinced that he will absolutely win $$$ that he keeps sending this company checks. I have been at my witts end trying to convince him that he will not win. How on earth can people be protected from these companies preying on the elderly and low income? read full review »
Game zone
I was checking my bank statement and I noticed a charge for $59.99 for some item that I did not order. I called the bank and they supplied me with a phone number of this company. I called and was asked by a recording to enter a code number or extention and since I do not any mumber to enter I was disconnected. Since I did not order anything from this company how can supply them any kind of code or extention. My bank is charging $33.00 for NSF because of this transaction. read full review »
CRS Subscriptions
Salesman Frank Lacko came to my home selling subcriptions to magazines claiming to be a student trying to win a trip. I on my stupidity gave him $40 cash for a family magazine to be shipped to my granddaughter. Well after 3 months, 72 calls and actually talking to two different girls named Brandy & Crystal who promised to send my refund to the correct address even after confirming they had the right address because supposedly a check had been mailed but never received I am still waiting for the check and making phone calls everyday only to... read full review »
Job Employment
I was called to come in for an meeting and was told to dress professional. When I shown up they didn't like my professional dress and threw me out. While leaving I fell down the stairs. No one came out to see what the noise was or nothing.
I called the recuiter and she wanted to know what the purpose of my call and when I told her I fell down the stairs she asked me what did I want her to do about it, and I then asked for a supervisor and she then hung up on me.
Now mind you I am in pain and no one at this point seem to give a... read full review »
Smoke 51 .com e-cigarette
I properly returned item and they billed my credit card $80.00 anyway. They have also set up an impossible contact us loop via the internet read full review »
CR England CDL Training
My experience at the CR England CDL School was like something right out of the “Grapes of Wrath” movie. Times are hard; and all of the people I met at the school (from all over the country) were clearly desperate. CR England is a big corrupt company with an operation in a small probably corrupted Texas town, exploiting the poorest and most desperate people; people who are just looking for honest work.
A few years back I was injured in an auto accident and was limited on my ability to walk. I thought that perhaps I could still... read full review »
centex home equity corp
we had been modifying our home loan and Centex Home Equity Corp. offered to help us out. They had asked money and we gave them $3000. for fees and other payments. after that we never heard from them again. we tried calling but its always a mailbox. and no one bothered to call us back. we want our money back. read full review »
Internet Business Association
This company calls, tells you they're going to get your business name, number, and address on a bunch of search engines for you for free. Then, they have you to talk to an automated recording service to "verify" all your information. The live person talks with you to "explain" what the recording is saying, distracting you from what the recording is really saying. After about 4 or 5 questions, the recording asks if you agree to pay $39.99 or so per month. You have to be listening very closely, because the live person will... read full review »
CR England CDL
My experience at the CR England CDL School was like something right out of the “Grapes of Wrath” movie. Times are hard; and all of the people I met at the school (from all over the country) were clearly desperate. CR England is a big corrupt company with an operation in a small probably corrupted Texas town, exploiting the poorest and most desperate people; people who are just looking for honest work.
A few years back I was injured in an auto accident and was limited on my ability to walk. I thought that perhaps I could still... read full review »
X-treme Scooters - Alpha Products Int.
I bought an X-treme electric scooter ATV-1000 for my wife last Christmas (2008). I worked OK after the first 3 trys in January. There was a problem with the controller emitting a loud high-pitched whine, so I bought another controller that was suppossed to have this fixed from the factory. After installing it properly from instructions supplied by X-treme, it hasn't worked since. It keeps burning out controllers and throttles. At one point I had just replaced a controller, got on it to try it, let go of the brake and it came to life with... read full review »
I am extremely disappointed with Fox News' association with these teeth whitening scams. They need to properly qualify their advertisers first and I will no longer trust any ad links that they have on their website based on my experiences to date. They should be ashamed and embarrased for what they are doing to their viewers and quite frankly should apologize and completely disassociate themselves from these companies, of which include Premium White, Dazzlesmile, Celebrity Smile, etc. read full review »
charlie christ/govenor
We have written to the Governor numerous times and to our so called state representatives concerning obvious promblems with SAINT JOHNS COUNTY DEPENDENCY COURT (SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA) and with complaints about FAMILY INTEGRIETY PROGRAM, SAINT AUGUSTINE and about DCF (DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN & FAMALIES REFORM?FRAUDS, WASTE & ABUSE. The GOVERNOR simply is not interested in ANYONES COMPLAINTS and keeps sending US FORM LETTERS or PASSING THE BUCK on to SOMEONE ELSE like his INTERIM SECRETARY... or just about anyone else who happens to be... read full review »
Fox News
FOXNEWS.COM website continues to advertise on the behalf of various companys' teeth whitening products (Premium Whites, Celebrity Smile, Dazzle Smile, etc., etc., etc. since they all change their names constantely), who are linked to pages and pages of complaints on this website based on dishonest, sneaky, tricky, unethical and borderline criminal negative option selling techniques.
Customers (suckers, of which I am one), have no idea what they are committing to when they sign up for what they think is a $1.99 or $0.99 trial of a... read full review »
HUGE SCAM...only 2 weeks ito the mess and both numbers are disconnected! If you have even thought of doing these CANCEL card immediately they are after your money...already hit many other regions and countries. They will not let u talk to a manager and then they hang up on you when you are not ok with the huge unauthorized charges...There is not products coming to you just money out of your account. I will never use my card online again!!! read full review »
Vail Resorts
We have a new director over from beaver Creek – Robert Katz I believe is his name. His presents to date is NOT welcome in Summit County. He has but several restrictions in place and made is presents in the County known in a negative and disheartening way. I for one find his policies and implementation of them to be disrespectful and extremely negative.
He has ordered signs in the lodge that say NO OUTSIDE FOOD... read full review »
Longhorn Steakhouse
Me & 3 friends visited your restaurant in Pineville, NC on Saturday November 14, 2009 at 8:45pm. My meal was not good. The filet was dry and chewy. I didn't know that was possible. The steaks were very thin. The food just was not good. Also, our server was rushing us to leave! She asked twice if she could clear away dishes while we were still eating...literally chewing our food! Then offered us dessert while still eating. She even brought us the check while we were still eating our food. As we were leaving, I asked the hostess for a... read full review »
Paula Silva
They charge from my checkcard account unauthorized transaction from Bank Of America account and I never ask for my credit report. I am surprise how they find my checkcard number if that card I never used online, now I have to spend my time to do the claim over phone to get my money back $14.95. read full review »
bill with us inc
Charged me $8 for a 'collect call' received from california on 9/29/09 that I never even heard of. I told them that I was outraged and how this could have happend since I wasn't even home at the time the call took place. They replied, 'your answering machine must've picked up'. I asked how my answering machine could have authorized a collect call from a person I didn't even know, they replied 'i'm sorry we will refund you'. I asked when they replied, 'within 2 billing cycles you will get... read full review »
Fradulent activities of withdrawing funds out of my checking account without me knowing who they are where they are from. read full review »
yOU rEPORTED A STOLEN gemb / j.c. pENNY CREDIT CARD LOST OR STOLEN IN 11/09.. "dID NOT hAPPEN!! read full review »
Cindy Merron
I downloaded Reg Cure Antivirus Protection; paid $49.90 on 5/28/09 (I have a page with my RegCure license Key, which obviously means nothing) and have not received service and there has been no response when I e-mail their "support technicians". Recently, I have begun getting pop-ups about "Reg Cure". FORGET IT!!
At this point I just want my money back! I will stick with calling someone like "geek squad" to install, where I have some control in who I am dealing with, not some imaginary sales person/service that is unaccountable. Reg Cure is a scam!! read full review »
I never authorized a charge to my credit card for $250 by a company called TWX*Thank You Gifts
I have disputed the transaction and apparently this has been happening to other people.
Best regards,
Ramón J. Goni read full review »
Oberon/MSN Games
I authorized charges to my account for one game - a total of $29.95. Oberon/MSN Games has now made 3 additional unauthorized withdrawals from my account. When I try to access the website with my password, it states it is not recognized. I can find no contact phone number, nor find a way to contact them any other way. I will spread the word far and wide so that others will not be taken in on this scam . . . . . . and I WILL NOT GIVE UP on finding a way to put an end to this!!! read full review »
Discount Membership
I purchased a dress for my daughter on 8-21-09 for $33.00. With this came an email that invited me to get offers from Newport News. I have purchased from Newport News for 30 years and I do like their merchandise so I saw no problem. These were just newsletter offers and specials. In any case, I got the email thanking me and never in the communication did it state that I would be charged anything. Why would I, I never gave my card. This company took my information from the dress purchase and began charging my card $14.95, which they have done... read full review »
Peugeot Citroen Parts
I bought an engine to fit a citroen dispatch from Peugeot and Citroen ltd on the 3rd june 2009 form Dom. When he sold me the engine he reasured me it was from thier own parts van and the mileage was only 62k. The first engine that arrived was not for that vehicle at all. Another one was sent and again was not the one Dom had promised, it would of fit but we would of had to strip down to a bare engine. lee was really rude and said there was nothing wrong with it and i won't get a replacment. We paid extra for the fact it would go straight... read full review »
Triad Publishing Group
I sent my manuscript to Vern Firestone, owner of Triad Publishing Group in Sarasota Fl. last Feb 2008. He called me a couple of days later and stated that he absolutely loved my book and wanted to publish it. He told me that he would charge me $800.00 to publish, market and distribute my book. I agreed and sent him 1/2 down ($400.00) He kept promising me that the book would be "ready for release soon" I had numerous people that wanted to order my book. (this was my second book published, the first one was published by another company... read full review »
Davro Online
We purchased safety shoes and boots for express next-day delivery. They did not show up and we immediately sent emails and left voice message to cancel orders. No acknowledgement but payment of £119.90 and £66.85 went through on company business card. No refund showed up. Gave them the benefit of admin delays but two months later still nothing. I finally got through to the company after many days and was given verbal agreement on refund for one order. The other order was sent after I spoke to them about cancellation situation. I... read full review »
VIP Finance
I have been doing business with this company for over 3 years and have never had a problem up until now. I fell behind on my principal pmts and made a pmt plan with Crystal the nice loan rep. I was scheduled to pay of the 15th but was late 4 days, this is not typical for me as I always come in about that time and pay my bill. At 1am this morning I got a knock on the door, it was the repo man!! Despite my efforts to work something out, he couldn't and my car was repossesed! The tow men were actually nice, not like you see on TV so that you... read full review »
Can't get hold of company. Can't return because return address is in chienese. They keep billing my credit card! They are total scam artists!!! read full review »
I ordered GHD straighteners from this company on 19th June 2009 at a discounted price. The order took 10 days to come and i did not get a confirmation email as promised when my payment had gone through. When the straighteners arrived they looked like the real GHD's with correct box and styling products. When I tried GHD's for first time they did not seem very hot. They didnt have GHD hologram sticker on them and the serial number would not register on GHD website. I have emailed the company for a full refund. I am awaiting a reply. read full review »
Caio Baby
Called the Commack location on a Tuesday for a reservation for 8pm on a Saturday night for 6. They told me the restaurant had a fire and they will place us on the VIP list for the Massapequa location for 8pm for 6. We got there at 745. Well, 915 rolls around and we ask the stressed out hostess when we will be seated. Her response, "Well I still haven't seated people who have been here since 7pm" I guess this is something they are proud of! We left at 920. Funny, as we made our way out the door, 2 others were leaving as well!... read full review »
Topline Power Sports GO KARTS
Topline Power Sports was the worst company that i ever had to deal with when buying a product. Long story short, i spent about 3k on a go kart and after many calls and emials from me to the only sales rep (Doug) they never sent me the gokart that i bought. This is called mail frauld. i can't tell you how many time i herd, should be here soon i call you at the end of the day after i check the shipping report and no call ever came and i had to cancel plans with my son time and time again. BUYER BEWARE!!!
By the way they can't even keep there website up, i think you can take a pill for that. read full review »
Motor Market
I was contacted in the morning of this day by the above company offering to sell my car at the value it was advertised at and they had buyers waiting and they would contact me in an hour. They explained that they provided the finance for these people that was there envolvment. However I have heard nothing I cant beleive i fell for the con. The telephone number on the receipt just rings out. Why is selling a car such a nightmare! read full review »
I bought a pair of size 12 'CROCS' from CLOGGIS LTD via their website, paid by debit card. Shoes arrived, they were size 12 but way too small. I contacted the company, by email explained that they were not suitable and asked for refund. The company told me that they do not do refunds but only 'credit notes'. As the item was the maximum size they provided and there was no suitable alternative, i explained to them that a 'credit note' not only was it not legal but it was useless to me, and insisted politely that... read full review »
I am absolutely disgusted with this company. These chairs, order number: A42044 were sent to me covered in dust and grime, in no way should these have been dispatched to a customer in this filthy state. I opened one pair and spent 2 hours cleaning them. When I tried them with my table I realised they were too large and decided I would have to return them (as guaranteed when I purchased them.) Alfresia agrred to this by actually answering an email. This was organised by ParcelForce who collected them on the15/06/09. I have proof they were... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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