LOCATION: United States

David Allen Enterprises
DJP1964 October 12, 2009
EMAIL SENT TO ME - IS THIS A SCAM OR WHAT October 12, 2009. Dear Denise Polich, LETTER OF APPOINTMENT Further to our discussions and the subsequent offer letter, we are pleased to give you this letter of appointment, setting out the details of your employment with our company. You are being appointed to the position of United States Representative of our company David Allen enterprises, as a mystery shopper. This appointment takes effect immediately. Salary break -up The rules and regulations and... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Melissia October 12, 2009
On my contact i was supposed to have unlimited long distance service of $59.00 A month. Later i found out this company was taking an extra $50, 00 a month for long distance services read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
British Online Grant
Minta October 12, 2009
I received an email informing me I had won $5, 000, 000, 00 through random selection in computerized email selection system(s) from a database of over 250, 000 email addresses drawn from all the continents of the world no tickets were sold. I found this very hard to believe so I did some research on the internet and found that this is a scam and people are responding and sending them money for the supposed fees to process their winnings and some have lost everything. DO NOT RESPOND to these so called official prize notifications. A... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Family Trucks and Vans
Santino October 12, 2009
I purchased a 2005 Ford Explorer from Family Trucks and Vans on 12-22-07. I purchased a warranty as well. Upon leaving the dealership, I realized the washer fluid didn't work. I called my sales man and he said to bring it in the following week. Obviously, I couldn't drive around without being able to wash the windshield, so I paid for a new pump ($50). Only a few days later, I noticed that at high speeds (70 mph) there is a very high-pitched whining sound from the rear. Also, when you take your foot off the accelerator, the... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Star European Inc.
SSa October 12, 2009
My 20-yesr-old son saved up his money to purchase a 1981 Mercedes Benz Turbo Diesel Coupe. The car was listed on Cars.com and the lettering on the back stated that it was a turbo. We purchased the car on Monday, Jan. 28 for $4999 plus tax. At no time during the transaction, were we told that the car was not a turbo model. My son drove the car back to Los Angeles and had it checked out by a Mercedes repair shop. He was told that the car was not a turbo model. We called Peter, the owner of Star European, Inc. to return the car but he refused to... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Vblalterfunds.com/ Do not Know
Google scamers 09 October 12, 2009
Two months ago I cancelled VBL Webmony training and here they are trying to slide in and take $29.95 without my permission. I can not find the number for this company but I received nothing from them and I also know Google does not run any of these types of business's. I am going to take this to my bank and let them know this is fraud and I will see what I can do to them. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Festus Ford
Totty October 12, 2009
Festus Ford, recently ran a promotion stating that they would give $4000 down payment on any vehicle on their lot. (with discounts up to 90% off MSRP). Also a chance to win a New Mustang, $7000 cash, a Rolex watch, Mp3 player, or $100 in cash. According to salesman 6, 000 certificates were sent out to consumers. Salesman stated that if the correct key was brought in that starts the car, Mustang would be driven out the door immediately. All new cars are made with a chip in key preventing them from starting with a regular key. These keys were so... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Sdon October 12, 2009
The Telstone bus company in Blackstone, Ma. may be using unsafe buses to transport children daily to and from schools in the Mendon/Upton/Blackstone towns. Some of their drivers may have complaints of unsafe units with problems like poor brakes, cracked exhaust systems, unsafe ball joints or king pins in the front end, bad tires, safety lights not working properly, heaters not working correctly, and more. Some of the drivers could be afraid of complaining for fear of being fired from work they love, transporting 'their... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Enterrpise Car Rental
robgrant October 12, 2009
Rented a car from these folks for one day for personal business. When they pulled the car up to the front door it was filthy and the rep said he would run it through the wash after we went through the inspection and paperwork. Had no reason to doubt him. He pulled the car back around to the front door dripping wet. Gas tank was empty and they told me to bring it back empty (another fifteen minutes of my getting started time wasted). Went I got to the gas station I noticed the bottom portion of the perimeter of the car was still filthy... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
LA Hacienda
Jiordjo October 12, 2009
When I first put my reservation for a condominium thru LA Hacienda 1 on 5140 East Kings canyon they told me that i was getting 3% discount on the property price, only to be told as escrow was closing on NOvember 2005 that i did not qualify for 3% instead only 2% since i was an investor! To make up for their misinformation, La Hacineda said they would make an 'internal' arrangement for the remaining 1%. I had to pick between them paying 6 months of Homeowner's or buy a washer and dryer. I opted for the second. It's almost... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cathy wisienski October 12, 2009
I am being chared 14.95 per month. I was never told of a monthly charge for the free one time credit report. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Duckver October 12, 2009
I received a Free Trial CD mailed to my office to sample eNeighborhoods. This program offers detailed reports on local neighborhoods, maps, plus many other features relating to what home buyers may consider before purchasing a home. After installing the CD it requested a credit card number for future billing if I elected to use the program after the FREE TRIAL period has expired. No where was it mentioned that the billing was automatic and needed to be requested via e-mail or phone to be canceled. I received a final notice in the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Expert Realty
Mitch Martin October 12, 2009
I have been misinformed and not had professional representation since I hired Expert realty to sell my house on 03-25-06. During the first two months of our agreement, I have been assigned six different listing agents. Because of this, it has been nearly impossible to get a return phone call from my agent. Because usually I don't have one. They were fired or quit. It took six weeks of calling and calling on my part to finally get for sale signs for my property. My voice messages were going to people who no longer worked there. I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sumeer Homes
Nick Nicholson October 12, 2009
My wife and I bought a new home we sign a landscape document stating the builder would landscape the yard, one year later we have a yard full of weeds. We were told sorry the sign document was a mistake. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tribeca of Camp Springs
Butrat October 12, 2009
I am a single mother with three children my dad was dying of cancer and left me some money and told me to go purchase a place for me and his grandchildren. After my dad past last August from cancer, I took the money on September 16, 2006 I went to Tribeca condos in camp springs md. I spoke with a gentleman who told me about the properties and told me all I had to do was leave a deposit and if I didn't get approved I would receive the money back. There was a loan officer available from chase finance of greenbelt. That gentleman pulled my... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sweettater October 12, 2009
I was charged .99 cent for a trial on the Acai weight loss product, but I never received the product. I am not concerned with the .99 cents, however I do not want to find any further charges on my card from this company. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jeremy Franklin Suzuki
Jake01 October 12, 2009
Condition of sale was "free tires and batteries for life". Now that he has "gone out of business" no one will honor. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
International Winners/Gold Rush
R. Van Hagen October 12, 2009
I have been receiving constant phone calls from someone name John Lee(Representative) and John Fisher (Manager) from a bogus lottery winning company going by Winners International and Gold Rush Winners Lottery. They said I won 2.5 million dollars and a 2009 Mercedes Benz 5 series. Taxes have already been paid 100% and all I have to do is to send $250 doallar to cover shipping and handling cost via Western Union to Marvin Morris in St. Janes, Jamacia, WI. Once they receive the Western Union confirmation number they would be on their way with 2... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
David Benett October 12, 2009
Purchased an Everstar beverage cooler a year ago, had two repairs on it within 90 days, then they gave me a new one. The one stopped working, I called them back multiple times, they replied that home depot does not sell them anymore, and omited on purpose to mention that the company that makes those, is Bankrupt.<br /> I am now sitting with a cooler that I paid $499, and no one to repair it.<br /> Home depot does not have anyone nor there is anyone in AZ to fix or attempt to fix those.<br /> <br /> Regards<br /> David read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Mexico paradise Vacations
AlyBT October 12, 2009
I "won" a trip with Mexico Paradise Vacations and paid my required $100 deposit. A few months into selecting my vacation spots, I began to be bothered by the amount of information required and the extra money they were requesting to make the booking - just the booking! I looked in the blogs and read about this scam so I requested a refund for my deposit back in April 2009. It is October and after multiple calls and e-mails, still no refund and they tell me its not even being processed! The customer service rep. tells my they are backed... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
My Favorite Resorts.com
GChndlr October 12, 2009
Maria Rosso has been arrested. Please contact the police shown below and fill out an affidavit. Thank you, Please be advised that Maria Rosso has been arrested by the Broward Sheriffs Office in Pompano Beach, Florida. Also be advised that I am collecting victim complaint affidavits. Please complete the enclosed and return to us with the requested documentation (ASAP). To expedite response, you may fax the notarized affidavit/documents to me at the fax number listed below and mail the original to my address. Thank you for your... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Triplexxx October 12, 2009
A Scam called Xerox The sale of equipment and consumables which do not correspond to advertising claims The issue of contracts of service which are immediately and subsequently dishonoured False meter readings and fraudulent invoicing Fraudulent invoicing and issue of statements for goods and services either not received or already paid for Failure to respond to complaints read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Camino Real Mexican resturant
Gorgexy October 12, 2009
Was the worst experience I have ever had concerning a resturant. I do not feel need to explain the whole situation. Will leave it at this . Do not assume someone does not know spanish when are making rude and offensive comments towards customers. Needless to say I called them out and all the sudden had nothing to say. Will never set place in that resturant again nor will anyone in my family or associated with me. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
myred12 October 12, 2009
hi iam just tring to help all the brides out there to tell them not to have there wonderfull event an this hall unless you want your day old chicken or your canned sauce for your pasty or if you want the person that cleans the toilets to also prepare your food for you and dont dare ask for the food that is left over because that food is taken over to there other place of buisness and that will either be the speciel for the next day or they will use it right there please ladies go some place else read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Peak Capital Corp.
Caroline Russ October 12, 2009
Hell, my name is Caroline Russ. I would like to dispute a claim on my credit report made by Peak Capital Corporation. They filed a collective action on my credit report showing that I owe them $827. After researching the company, I have seen several complaints against them for similar actions done to other people. I am requesting that this be removed from my credit report immediately. Thank you, Caroline Russ read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Ebay/UPS Gold Watch Scam October 12, 2009
EBAY/UPS coordinated scam. I lost $17, 000 and my credit rating damaged over this fraud. Thief either purchases from inside Ebay employee a dormant member ID. The member usually has not bought or sold for a year, has 100% Positive feedback and is not monitoring their account, or maybe are dead. That is why I believe a Ebay emplyee is involved. The Thief contacts you (the seller) and is interested in your gold watch. You see 194-Positive Feedbacks and consider it is real. The theif claims they no longer use PayPal and suggest COD. You are not... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
project line(gemoney)
curtis001 October 12, 2009
i paid and they sent an increase of 325.00 dollars on my credit and when i call to discuss this they were very rude i kept getting different anwsers a rep by the name of joe dosen on 10/09/o0 told me that they always send updates to the credit bureau every nineth of the month so i checked my credit on the 10th of october and it had not updated i then callde back and spoke with a rep by the name of craciee she was very rude and hung up on me i called right back and got a rep by the of martha she to was very rude and hung up so i called back and... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Sorethumb October 12, 2009
I was sent a moneygram of $6460 number 83578042 from Kenya to Yiwu, China on October 12, 2009. The forms my wife filled required my names to be filled by First name, middle, and family name. This she did. However, in China, the first name appeared, but last two names appeared together...ie the middle name and the family name. And I was refused payment! I had to call back home and wait, which was really annoying and unfair.Is there a way that Moneygram can make their forms customer friendly for clients who are living in China, but are not Chinese? I' ve had no such problem with their competition. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Chris Flesher Management
LoveLive October 12, 2009
I hired programmers through an online 3rd party company to build software for my website after being held up for money offline for more money I parted ways with these programmers; even thou the site was almost complete. I then hired a local guy and his company to finish out the project. I investigated this company, their work and all seemed to checked out. I met with him and after he confirmed that he could complete my project and fix what was left plug the bugs I gave him a $800 cashiers check the deposit. (money that I do not have;... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Cabelas / World's Foremost Bank
rwilli32 October 12, 2009
I have been a loyal Cabela's customer for years and always used their World's Foremost Bank credit card for purchases to earn points. I never was late with a single payment and always paid more than the minimum, in other words, a good customer. Out of the blue they raised my interest rate to 21%! This is just another example of a big heartless bank that will toss away loyal customers at a whim. Do yourself a favor and do not deal with these people! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
DeVry University and Keller
ronnie85 October 12, 2009
It has been one month, and I still have not received a refund of my $50 application fee from DeVry for an application I put in to Keller. There policy and application says that you may request a full refund of your application fee if you change your mind within 10 days of applying. Well, on day four, I requested a refund of my application fee to my debit card because I decided I could not go $30k into debt at Keller. I kept e-mailing customer service without ANY response at all. And still no refund to my debit card. Finally, after three week... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Princessmommi October 12, 2009
I went onto this site to buy costumes for myself and my children. When i went to the homepage, i saw this quite offensive mask of the President of the US depicted as dracula, "blackula" or "Bacackula" truly hurt my feelings and spawned 101 questions from my startled children. i dismissed it because honestly i can take a joke and i know this is a world full of things of this nature no matter who the person is. I told them that people make masks all the time that are mean to all the presidents and proceeded to go to the site... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Circle City Copperworks - Copper Sink
Howdy69 October 12, 2009
We purchased a sink from Circle City Copperworks recently, and upon arrival, the sink was in very poor shape at best. Simple welding, distortion to overall copper shape of sink, and major bubbling at inner rim, rending it useless for future cleaning. When contacting the company to ask to return to receive a call tag, the manager began to yelling about how dare we question the quality of the sink, and that it could not be returned. Their policy CLEARLY states RETURNS ACCEPTED. Conversation was so immature that I had to hang up the phone... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
ogranl October 12, 2009
Job Offer In the case of HILLDRILL ENGINEERING LIMITED DIRECTOR HILLDRILL ENGINEERING LIMITED. Watervliet 402134 VV HOOFDDORP Netherlands Whereof, as witness the hand of the duly authorized representatives of the parties the day and year first above written. SIGNED AND DELIVERD FOR AND ON BEHALF OF CHEVRON NIGERIA LIMITED …………………………………………… ELLIOT IBIE Head Human Resource... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Redisetgo Xpress
Sue K October 12, 2009
On August 8, 2009, I had ordered the Redisetgo express for their basic package and all the "free" stuff they had included, for $39.90 and the shipping and handling for $16.95, for a grand total of $56.85. But guess what the amount was that showed up on my credit card statement? $117.55!!! When I called customer service and enquired about it, they said it was for a Recipe Club subscription fee for which neither had I enrolled nor received anything from as yet. They refuse to refund the money to me and very unceremoniously told me to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lucy G. Pearl October 12, 2009
I purchased a bed from Mattress Warehouse in Bowie, Md. on June 3, 2009. That same evening I received a call from Carl, the salesman who sold me the bed and was informed that my bed was not available in the size I ordered because it was discontinued. He told me that I can choose another bed or I can get my money refunded. I chose to have my money refunded. As of now October 12, 2009 my money has not been refunded. Whenever I call and inquire about the status of my refund I keep getting basically the same answer that check will be arriving in... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
well ness lab a cai berry
werstrong October 12, 2009
i had ordered the acai berry from this company a month ago . the sample that came in had no return address no reading material nothing just a box with pills and a pamphlet to tell u how to take it .u could not even return the product back. the custoer service is terrible u never understand what they say and to add it up they ve withdrawn 200 dollars from my account for no eveidence to show after thtmonth . which means i should have received more of the product but have not so far. if there is something we can do about this let me know ... dnt ever buy from hese companies . read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Jaz Technologies/Decade Drives - SEAGATE
ITpro1 October 12, 2009
Robert (Bob) Zoulin is a crook. I wish I would found these reviews earlier. He does not stock any of the equipment he says he has. His "business" is run out of his house. I ordered over 50 drives and paid up front with a credit card. He willing excepted the order, even came down on cost to a great number, but he was and is full of shi. He provided a false tracking number, he told us FedEx had lost the package he gave them. We called FedEx and they said they never had received a package from him. He ignored 13 total emails that varied... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
nyharleyhoney October 12, 2009
This company is putting charges every month on my visa card. My 80 yr old Aunt and I use the Visa card and neither one of this authorized this charge. I have no idea what this is, and if I did inadvertently use it I would have notified them that I don't want it. I know they say it may take a couple of business cycles to remove things but this is ridiculous. From what I see they have pulled the same thing on other people. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Tri Slim LLC, Silver Springs, Nevada
SusBarb October 12, 2009
I recently received three bottles of Tri Slim that I did not order. I had a previous account for samples and cancelled within the 30-day agreement over one year ago. I went to contact them so they would refund my money on my card. I cannot find a number for them anywhere. I just opened the white mailing envelope shipped USPS and lo and behold, there's no packing slip. How do I get my card credited? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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