LOCATION: United States

Stanley Ho
presidentofficial September 27, 2009
Stanley Ho is the agent for landlord of apartment buildings 2200-2230 Turk Blvd and various other properties in San Francisco. Mr. Ho does not abide by laws that restrict landlords from entering apartments without given notice he will walk in anytime without notice or phone calls just to make a point that he is in control. This man will not answer his phone once you are a current tenant or private numbers he will answer his phone once an unfamiliar number appears thinking it might be a prospective tenant; current tenants have to use... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
pissedaboutthis2009 September 27, 2009
I ordered the INSTYLER from www.instyler.com. I received my Instylers and I love them. The problem came when I noticed a strange charge on my statement yesterday. It said SAVEACE ( what the hell is that?) and I was charged$19.95. I called the number that shows up on my statements and they provide a bogus website for me to go to. The Instyler company sold my credit card info to a parasite company. It as simple as that. I looked over my past statements and saw they charged me 3 times. The first time being when I placed the order for the Instyler. I'm contacting my bank as soon as they open tomorrow. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
tiger9 September 27, 2009
Do not sell anything to this company if you are a software provider. They will buy your software for one of their clients. Then they will issue a chargeback. You will get nailed with a chargeback and additional fees by your processor. I think this company has a history of doing this. They have done it to me and will do it to you. I've also heard from one of their clients that they don't design and do what they promise. These are scammers and I would NOT do business with them. Michael read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
TIGRABABY September 27, 2009
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Charlotte Zolezzi of Gafcon Inc San Diego owned by Yehudi Gaffen
Jim Penman September 27, 2009
Charlotte Zolezzi of Gafcon Inc San Diego owned by Yehudi Gaffen Peggy Willmott AKA Peggy Ann Olah is working with Robert Locke, Patricia Geister and Charlotte Zolezzi of Gafcon Inc in San Diego. Peggy Olah has been illegally in my home with Robert Locke and I have had to Issue a No Tresspassing bond on both of these people and I am filing criminal theft charges for all my belongings that were stolen out of my house while I was away. Peggy Willmott continues to harras me by phone and email as I am writing this report. Peggy Olah wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
CNC Imports, LLC / Xbox
J @ Digitalbay September 27, 2009
We purtchased both an XBox and 1 Year Extended Warranty The Xbiox was returned 5 Times and all times returned unrepaired / now they do not even return our e-mails or phone calls We paid Over $250.00 and were ripped off by Chris and his company CNC Imports: CNC Imports, LLC 14274 Creek Run Dr Riverview, FL 33579 [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
side enterteıment
mehmet berk dereli September 27, 2009
hı from sıde turkey, one day ı left my msn open somebody stolen my facebook name and msn adress and they stolen my gırlfrend name they sad wrong thıngs about me to her ı found thıs person as well hıs email adress [email protected] he has gırl pıcture there and he has out hıs number but ıts not hıs name and ı lost my relatıon shıp because of thıs person ı wa sın bıg love whıt my gırl frend but thıs person spoıled my love could you pplease stop hım ı work ın sıde turkey enterteıment manager for 15 days more summer sezon fınısh soon ı hope you wıll understood me read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
FRED BLEVINS September 27, 2009
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
airlinegal September 27, 2009
I paid for an additional 5 yrs $59.95 and ever since magicjack hasn't worked. I am 80 yrs old, visually impaired, disabled, indigent, live alone. and not computer smart. I have tried unsuccessully for over a month chatting with at least a dozen of ther reps. Last one was a supvr (Irene) she called me dumb and stupid. I asked for a full name and employee number but of course she refused. I said I want my money refunded since magicjack wont work at all. She said it was already activated and could not refund. I said how can you activate... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
dougliu September 27, 2009
Slimclip.com is running a $10 plus S/H for 3 clips and 3 flashlight key chains deal on their website. EXCEPT it does not itemize all the charges and does not let buyers review and confirm the totals before the order is finalized. I just found out that my total was $23.98 for what I believed would be $16.99! I believe slimclip.com is charging $10, and $6.99 S(P)/H twice though they will be shipped in one package. It is not a lot of money but I do not like the practice. I called the customer service number provided on the site and... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
KevinL September 27, 2009
Like many others, I purchased a lesson from Vguitarlessons.com from the website. According to the directions, I should of been able to watch or download right away but was given no link to do so. I have attempted to contact them three seperate times with no response at all. Guess I am just another sucker. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
marie claire magizine
excelsior41 September 27, 2009
On 9/26/2009 I recieved an invoice for the amount of $8.00 for a subscrition to Marie Claire magizine which I did NOT subscrib to. I don't read this magizine, and would never subscribe to it, therefore there is no mistake about it. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Government Grant360
Mary Bowie September 27, 2009
I applied for a Government Grant online and paid for the kit and never got anything from the company. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Silver Sands Realty, Peggy Willmott AKA Peggy Ann Olah Port Aransas
reliablechat September 27, 2009
Silver Sands Realty, Peggy Willmott AKA Peggy Ann Olah Port Aransas Peggy Willmott AKA Peggy Ann Olah is working with Robert Locke, Patricia Geister and Charlotte Zolezzi of Gafcon Inc in San Diego. Peggy Olah has been illegally in my home with Robert Locke and I have had to Issue a No Tresspassing bond on both of these people and I am filing criminal theft charges for all my belongings that were stolen out of my house while I was away. Peggy Willmott continues to harras me by phone and email as I am writing this report. Peggy Olah wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
doller genral
tom martin September 27, 2009
every time i go to your store to spend my money i get treated very poorly by this cashier she does not talk to you no hello thank you nothing all i can get fr0m the store manager is her first name and store number if she is not removed from this store meand my family will stop shoping at that store her name is mariom she is forein andvery petite something needs to be done with her or my friends and familyand co workers will stop shoping there i promise you that i know she works nights and part time and the store number is 1631 it on old troy... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Sears vendor shipped air conditioner
Frak Steiger September 27, 2009
I have ordered a Sears 12, 000 Btu air conditioner model 75121. The initial delivery had to be returned because of severe damage not seen from the unopened box. The replacement unit was not properly packaged, also damaged, and did not operate. It is becoming evident that the Sears vendor is shipping units that it knows are damaged. I have now ordered a third AC and I am afraid that it too will be a repackaged damaged unit that was previously returned. Sears vendor is a separate entity from Sears stores. Please investigate Sears vendor and... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Nationwide Home Warrenty
kellidw September 27, 2009
Wow, I wish I'd seen all the complaints for Nationwide Home Warranty before we bought the plan--thank goodness I only a few more months to put up with their lies and lack of service. We bought the policy in Feb. 2009. We had a claim for part of our A/C unit in May. We were denied and didn't argue, because it still works, but we are eventually going to haave to replace the part we needed ($1, 000). 7 weeks ago we filed a claim because our dishwasher quit. Finally, after a week, not the 24-48 hour promised for service, a... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
starcox September 27, 2009
This company indicated that the colon clense was free for sampling. They called my to veryify my order and ask many personal question I declined by saying no. They went ahead and sent the product then two weeks later charged my card $86.75. I called and they claim their offices are closed. I went to the website and it says it only needs to veryication to cancel the account. I did so and it says all the fields need to be filled in. <br /> Can we file a class action suit against this company? read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Custom Mortage Solutions
Tomas September 27, 2009
I applied for a mortgae at Custom Mortgage Solutions, Inc. located at 1000 Voorhees Drive Voorhees, New Jersey. I had a high credit score (754 avg). The only problem was that I am a British citizen living in the US waiting for US permanent residence status. Before I even applied to Custom Mortgage, I faxed a copy of my US work authorization, NJ drivers license and US social card to Custom Morgage. They said that they can get me the loan 'with no problem.' I then sign the mortgage application, paid the $195 fee and sent it to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sguno September 27, 2009
On November 9, 2008, I authorized Travel Currency, Inc. to debit $3, 813.78 USD from my bank account to pay for a wire transfer to Costa Rica. I was informed by Travel Currency, Inc. that the transaction fee for the wire transfer would be $25.00 USD and that I would not be charged any other additional fees. After the transfer was made, I learned that Travel Currency, Inc. withdrew an additional $140.00 USD from my bank account and then sent the wire transfer 11 days later and only sent 3637.78 which was $176 short so I had to quickly send the... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Money Warehouse
Tadla September 27, 2009
On February 2nd of this Year, I was approached by a [Money Warehouse, Inc] and offered a good deal for refinancing my property. I explained to him my situation and I was told that this will be the easiest transaction he's ever done, based on my impeccable credit history and credit score. He assured me that we could close in 7 days. As I expected he started to add few more days for that and another few for this. When I told him that I'll be out of the country for 10 dais, I was told that everything is alright and when I let... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Fasto September 27, 2009
Last year, I went to Furnitueland to see about purchasing some furniture. I decided to get a dresser, mirror, and a 5-drawer chest for one of my sons. I put the set on lay-away. However, I had to pay for the merchandise before store would let me take the product home. The set was $346.68. I owed $96 on the balance. The second one was 2, 600.65 and I put $50 down on the set. I went to make my last payment on the first order, and the store was gone out of business. They didn't try to contact me or anything. In addition, I can... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Train Signal Training
UnhappyCBTCamper September 27, 2009
I received an email from trainsignal.com also trainsignaltraining.com offering MCITP and VMWare training at a hefty discount. I visited their website and tried some of their "free" training and it looked like decent stuff for the price. The video was a little grainy but I figured that was due to the web download speeds. So I called them up to ask them some questions about their company and their products. Specifically I asked what happens if I don't like their training. I spoke with one of their representatives who assured me that... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
HOM Furniture
Urtis September 27, 2009
On August 11, 2008 I purchased new furniture for my daughter's bedroom. None of the furniture was marked as being "on sale". Subsequent to my purchase, the furniture has gone "on sale" at least twice. The price, however, is always the same. HOM has a policy of refunding the difference between sale prices and regular prices. Unfortunately, this policy seems to be worthless, as the price for the furniture, at least in this case, whether it is "on sale" or not, is always the same. Apparently what HOM does is event... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Lazy Boy Service
Alexton September 27, 2009
One year ago, December of 2006, I purchased a Lazy Boy Recliner and a Lazy Boy Reclining Sofa. I have called for the last three (3) months to the Lazy Boy Store in Columbia, MD and the Lazy Boy Service Center to come to my home to inspect the recliner as it wearing small holes in the fabric. To date, November, 2007 I cannot get anyone to return my calls, let alone get a representative to look at this problem. I have been promised a phone call from the Lazy Boy Service Center for 3 months and NOTHING!! The recliner is still under warranty. I... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Bellach's Furniture
Brond September 27, 2009
We ordered a sofa for our entertainment room in the begining of July 2007 from bellach and was told that it will be delivered in 3-4 months. After 3 months we called the store and the worker said that they will call us back to confirm a delivery date after they contact the manufacturer. They called back and said it would be delivered at the end of October. Comes October/November and still no sofa so we went to the store and they wrote down all our information and said they will contact the manufacturer because they had no documentation that... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
FikL95 September 27, 2009
The writer had made a purchase of $1764.91 USD for assorted crystals. Phillips failed to advise the writer of her standard 30% discount for purchases of over $1700.00 When Phillips was questioned by the writers accountant as to why the 30% discount had not been applied, Phillips response was to deny that she had filled the order. Instead she accused the writer of attempting to scam her. Phillips failed to use common sense and admit that she had indeed attempted to scam the writer out his 30% discount of $547.12 USD that he wa... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
La-z Boy Furniture Gallery
Domaskez September 27, 2009
I am fighting with La-z Boy furniture to get back my $4, 000. I spent with them less then a year ago. The fabric is falling apart and the swivel chair makes so much noise we can't hear the TV. Yes, their tech. came out and took pictures (twice!), His did not show the wear and tear on the fabric so we got a professional to take pictures and gave the tech. a disk. We have been denied our money back. The represenatives I spoke to said they would replace the swivel base and the cushion in the recliner chair and they would "shave" the... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Surplus Freight Inc
Tomaskos September 27, 2009
On 11/24/2007 I went into a furniture company and put some furniture on Lay-away. I was given a receipt to sign and they said I can pay it off at anytime. About 2 weeks later I went in and paid for all of the furniture in full. I have a sofa, loveseat, dining table with 4 chairs, coffee table, 2 end tables, sofa table and 4 lamps. I was told that my furniture will be delivered on 12/23/2007. I asked them if they were sure my furniture will be here by Christmas Eve I was told yes. All of last week I was calling to confirm my delivery and I... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Rebekahs PureLiving
DinR22 September 27, 2009
People in the know are apparently getting involved against Rebekah's scammery. She falsely claimed she was selling 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. She was then banned by all shipping companies and disappeared - people who ordered stuck. Then weeks later after ordering elsewhere, sends out "17.5%" claiming its food grade (there's not such thing) and that even though watered down junk that it is just as good as government USDA certified and inspected 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Everyday Home Furnishings
Gendarm September 27, 2009
I placed an order in July with this company online. After 3 months, I received my furniture damaged in October. Of course I sent it back, with the promise of a replacement. After a month of "it's on the way" I asked for a refund at the end of November. Another month has passed and I have finally decided to get my credit card company involved, and look into legal action, especially after reading similar stories to mine & all the names this company operates under: Everyday Furnishings or "Furniture Brand... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Great Lake Financial
Alot September 27, 2009
I've been scammed on please help me. I am a poor black man trying to beat the odds of my existence. The above name Financial Company used me for $1070.00 and I need help on getting my money back. I hope that someone can help. It just seems no one want to help Black People at all in America It seems we are always victims of scams and every thing that is bad If you guys can't help I will find a way to get these scammers if it takes the rest of my life. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Infinity Group
Sandi Y September 27, 2009
Spoke with Nick Green in December 2008 regarding a loan modification. He promised that he could not only get my loan modified, but it would be to my complete satisfaction before payment of fees. I was charged $995.00 to begin the process. $2995.00 due at its completion and my full satisfaction. Papers and forms were faxed back and forth. Time frame was to be 60-90 days. At the end of 1 month, informed that the wrong forms had been forwarded to me. More forms faxed back and forth. Multiple attempts to contact someone for an update results in... read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
American Timeshare Closing, LLC
E.P. Higgins September 27, 2009
I sold my Marriott Timeshare through IA Vacations. The closing company they use is American Timeshare Closing, LLC. The closing was completed in April, 2009, and now at the end of September, 2009, I am still awaiting my payment for my timeshare sale. I requested a status in June, and was told that they were very busy, but my check will be mailed soon. I am still waiting. Subsequent e-mails have gone unanswered. I need to find out what I can do to get these people to pay me what I am due, per the contract. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
KenT07 September 27, 2009
Having admitted in writing their mistakes Sky TV company offered me a compensation of £50.00 on 20-07-09 which I accepted to get them off my back.I received two letters dated 20 July 09, one saying that the £50.00 compensation has been arranged and the second letter saying that the cheque is on the way and should be received within 14 days.When nothing received by 23August 09, I sent a reminder with photocopies of their two letters to which they replied that my request has been processed.I, finally wrote to them that their reply i... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Greentree Mortgage
Tollp September 27, 2009
If you google this company you will find a very long complaint blog on the practices of this company.I am originally from the Paulding Co. GA area but 10 years ago my husband and I pulled up stakes and headed west to a small town in Alabama, Fruithurst, We bought a mobile home from a local dealer and had it set up . Unknowing of the future we signed a contract naming Greentree Financial as our mortgage company .My husband was hurt on the ob three years ago he is now on disability and workmans comp. and I have a part time job so we are... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
CarNow Acceptance Company
JasJ54 September 27, 2009
I have been on Social Security Disability since December of 2005. In 2008 I attempted to return to the workforce. In order to work, I had to have a car. My credit is very bad so I had to look at the Buy-Here-Pay-Here type car dealers. JD Byrider "seemed" to have the best deal. My CNAC account manager's name is Jesus. He would call me the day before every time a payment was due. Yes the interest was high and I had to pay a down payment of $1, 355.00; my car payment was set up to be $161.85 bi-weekly and Jesus moved my monthly... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Roof One
TravD77 September 27, 2009
My Mother made the mistake of paying these people before everything was done. They damaged two sections of siding, and left exposed wood on the roof. After several calls and a few weeks go by, he finally shows up and said he'd have someone over in a few days. Oops, it's been over a week, and haven't seen anyone!!! Dates approximate. Month and year are correct. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Public Records Check
saucey September 27, 2009
Do not use this service. I payed for a premium account, and did not get the access that I payed for. It will try to get you to pay again for a premium package. You will not be able to access any of the records at all. And I requested customer support and there is no online support at that time. Was told it would take 24-48 hrs for a responce. Just too many things that were not working, even as much as sign in problem<br /> from the initial email sent to you. <br /> I payed 22.95 and upgraded 3 more services, total was 42.80... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
dazzle white/Pristinehlth
dazzlewhite scum bags September 27, 2009
add said free trial for 14 days, returned after 2 days didnt work. Ad says if you keep more than 24 days they chsrge credit card 79.28. Have yet to refund money or charge back credit card.Number has been disconected. This place is a scame taking advantage of people. U.S.p.s confirmation # 0309114000082801818. I want my money back, They have my money and the worthless teeth whitner read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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