alejandro soto
el galleguitoalex June 6, 2011
Even though I notified them and Verizon that I don't want to use their services, they continue billing me often. They are nothing but a SCAM. Had you tried calling them? Good luck! They keep you on the phone for ever. GET THEM OUT OF THE WAY. THEY ARE BANDIDS WHITOUT A GUN. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
bobbipeel June 6, 2011
As a member of this nation and of Country. I want answers! I feel this will be another case to 'just sweep under the carpet' 22 year Soldier formerly of Canberra ACT 2612. Assigned to serve in Afghanistan with special ops unit January 2010. Accidently shot twice by his Supervisor in charge having half his lung blown out and missing ribs, out field whilst clearing out a cache. The soldier is not the same mentally and physically and so very lucky to be alive today (name withheld for security purposes) The supervisor whom done... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: Australia
Doheny's Water Warehouse
mdkm June 6, 2011
We purchased the deluxe solar cover reel system. It has been pain in the butt ever since we've tried to use it. The handle keep falling apart from the wheel. The wheel bearings then come apart, too. When we try to pull the cover overthe pool, it falls off the holders and rolls away somtimes into the pool. Also, the middle sags so low when the cover is all the way on that it drags on the ground. The worst part is that Doheny's would not let us return it or refund us. In fact, they offered NO compensation. We have taken a 200 dollar loss. TERRIBLE customer service. They say satisfaction guaranteed. NOT TRUE!! read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
No Escape Pest Control
Electric June 6, 2011
We have received NO SERVICE since writing a check last summer. We paid approximately $250. He set up appointments to be at our house, my husband worked at home waiting for him and he never showed or called. For months, we never heard from him, other than a business card stuck in the front door when he knew we wouldn't be home.He wouldn't return our calls. He does make it a point to show up for his yearly check, however. THIS YEAR WE HAD ENOUGH OF THE SPIN AND EXCUSES. We just want our money back. Unhappy in Lake Country read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Sears - Water Softener
Janet Brinkley June 6, 2011
I am an employee of the "Nevada state Contractors Board" in Henderson, NV. I purchased a soft water conditioner for a rental home that I own. When the Plumber arrived, I was not there, my tenant was home. My tenant informed me that the plumber (Union Plumbing) said immediately that he could not install the water softener because the plastic tubing was 3/8" and it has to be 1/2". My tenant asked him how much it would cost to change out this tubing. The Plumber's response was $500.00. He then told my tenant that unless he... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Ronnie Thompson Ford Mercury
smith1914 June 6, 2011
In November 2010 we purchased a used 2007 Toyota from Ronnie Thompson Ford. In March of 2011 we started looking at getting a more fuel efficent Kia Suv. The first dealer that we went to came to us with an trade in offer and news that we were driving a 4 Runner with frame damage. So of course this effected the trade in value. I thought that they may have been trying to pull something so we went on our way. In all we had it looked at by 5 different places. All 5 pulled the Carfax which showed frame damage. The report showes that the car wa... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Best Western Ventura, Ca.
virgoglo June 6, 2011
I accidently stopped by the Inn of Ventura hotel by Best Western, 709 E. Thompson, Ventura, California because I thought I was at the Vagabond Hotel. Big mistake. The room that I was shown was dirty and unkept and when I told the person who identified himself as the owner I would look elsewhere, he became very nasty. He was very rude and even made racial slurs. If this is what Best Western has become, I will never stop at one of their hotels again. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Mariapapadaki June 6, 2011
I placed an order in e-Tobaccos (915953) on 4th of May 2011. They charged my credit card and after one week they sent me an e- mail with title: ************************************* "Waiting for stock partial": We were expecting to receive the stock to serve your order in the latest shipment from the importer, but unfortunately we have not received it. We have in stock some products of your order but not all. We were expecting to receive more stock from the importer including the ones out of stock for your order... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Spain
ram surway
ramsurveypower June 6, 2011
दोस्तों इस समय ऐसा लगता है कि ramsurvey में कुछ सुधार हो रहा है साईट भी upgrade हो रही है और उसमे bank detail का भी option खुलने लगा है और दूसरे स्रोतों से भी पता चला है कि कंपनी सारे members को बैंक में पैसे देने का प्लान कर रही हैl दोस्तों हम... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: India
Crossmark Merchandising LLC.
dfunke21012 June 6, 2011
Transferred from: Glass Door reports website. Several negative reports on this company on that site. Review: CROSSMARK I am reviewing my: Current Employer Overall Rating: “Very Dissatisfied” Review Headline Terrible they're not even to IRS standards on paying miles driven, drive time etc. What do you like about working at CROSSMARK? At least it's a paycheck. Work may be sporadic but high hours when it does come in equals a bigger paycheck. At least Tech Support and some though very few individual... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States pa
martha montgomery June 6, 2011
I have been trying to find ways to cancel my membership and stop being billed---apparently I have lots of company! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Builders Firstsource
patmer June 6, 2011
In our house completed in 2000, the arch window over the front door has experienced severe seal failure. Since this is the result of defective manufacturing practices used during that time period, I feel that they should replace the glass to rectify the situation. The seal failure began when the house was several years old although we didn't realize the cause at that time. Please advise on how to resolve this issue. read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Naveen Kumar Datta
Naveen Datta June 6, 2011
▌▌▌JOIN Trade Asian Forex, E-BazaarIndia, AvisoPacific, Pratibha, Elite, Berry, Ozone, Ram Survey, Speak Asia Hi, Earning opportunity for you. Online weekly survey filling work (No data entry, no data processing, no marketing, no selling, no chains system) + U don't need to leave ur existing profession / business / studies, etc. Simply devote maximum 10-15 minutes a week on the net giving your honest opinions by filling up surveys (multiple choice questions in which u only need to select the option u want to go for) - earn... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: India
ITS ME BOOO!! June 6, 2011
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Alfred James Antonini II
Gary L Kaplan June 6, 2011
This lawyer aka A James Antonini II, charged me $12, ooo for a tax scheme I didn't want or need over my objections. Antonini also billed me $5000 for work he never did and never provided even one page of work product. Alfred James Antonini is a pure rip off. A complaint is filed with the California State Bar Association. Check on google for other complaints on A James Antonini II, aka Alfred J. Antonini aka Jim Antonini, aka Alfred James Antonini Web site read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Dan Melnick Attorney, Chris Woods Fraud
DanMelnick June 6, 2011
Christopher J. Woods is a known Con man to many if not hundreds of victims and others he has stolen money from over the years. He uses "bunk" (fake fabricated) business transactions created & notes for that matter for the sole purpose of committing fraud against his victims. His scams have scanned the globe and mostly here in the United States. Born Christopher James Joseph Woods on June 2 1959, Woods is from Australia. A failed horse jockey and wannabe "someone of stature in life". Mr. Woods always craved and still craves the... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Coral Resorts Timeshare
A L Smith June 6, 2011
** Purchased a one week 3 bedroom Coral Resorts timeshare 5 January 2011, trading in a bi-annual studio condo Timeshare at Planet Hollywood / Westgate in Las Vegas NV and an annual 2 bedroom condo Timeshare at Summer Bay in Las Vegas NV. The 2 timeshares being traded were supposed to be listed with Resort Solutions Inc. for immediate sale. AS OF THIS DATE RESORT SOLUTIONS HAS NO INFORMATION FROM CORAL RESORTS TO LIST THESE PROPERTIES. They did get, in error, a request to list the timeshare we bought at Coral Sands! ** Our salesman, Phil, and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Just Fitness Lawrenceville
Justfitnessripoff June 6, 2011
My husband and I joined Just Fitness Lawrenceville in March 2011. We were asked to use personal trainers to help me lose weight. We were told that we would receive nutritional meal plans, and workouts we could do on our own which would be easily accessible in the gym. I informed the trainer Marquis, that I suffered from numerous chronic illnesses, and that I could not work out that hard. My body would shut down. The trainer assured me that if I no longer could work out, I could quit my training contract at any time. On May third, I called... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Holiday Inn Exp. Port Saint Lucie Fl.
A. Warren June 6, 2011
On April 29 2011 I made a reservation by phone at Holiday Inn Exp. P.S.L. for June 2 and June 3 (confo # LK18273) . I was told they had to have a credit card # to hold the room. Unexpectedly my credit card was charged for the full amount that same day. On May 30 I called to cancel my June 2 and 3 reservation due to a death in the family. I was told by an agent at the hotel that I couldn't cancel, that the reservation was pre-paid, and there was no refund. I said I was not made aware of a no refund on the reservation by the agent. They... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
rathome June 6, 2011
My girlfriend uses my email address to pay bills and deal with household issues. She goes in and finds emails from girls that claim to see a profile that does not exist!!! It has caused some very unsavory fights in our household, and i cannot seem to find a number or email address that i can contact to stop this crap! This shit should be against the law!!! read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Morris Group Realty: Debbie Morris
Jim Bruggenschmidt June 6, 2011
Morris Group Realty: Debbie Morris / MIBOR Scam Debbie Morris is listed as the President- Elect with MIBOR. Recently, I filed a complaint with Debbie Morris and the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors regarding Scott Veerkamp. My complaint included documentation of Predatory Lending as defined by the National Association of Realtors and the Center for Responsible Lending. Unfortunately, Debbie Morris refuses to respond to my complaint. Therefore, I am asking the following question to members of the Metropolitan Indianapoli... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Diversified Collection Services,Inc-Victoria Campbell- ph:5419557738
Toy A Laster June 6, 2011
Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation Wells Fargo EFS Account No: 90012785649 I, Toy Laster, do attest that i work for a 501(c)(3) organization that is tax exempt and i have been employed with the charity since 2002. I am a certified teacher. I got the loans to become a licensed teacher but I was unable to secure a teaching position in middle grades (4-8) at schools in over 20 differnt cities and three differnt states, which include: georgia, alabama, south carolina: georgia--moultrie, waycross, albany, tifton, macon... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sealandtravel / Star Travel Agency
Robert Cobe June 6, 2011
2 complaints: I have been charged on my credit card without a notification of their going to charge my account. They refuse to credit the $199 that they charged. Star Travel Agency in Sarasota, FL When I went to use their services and complain that the "free" items we were promised when we signed the contract were never available, they had closed and locked the doors. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
bi-weekly advantage plan
citiMortgageCheat June 6, 2011
Citi mortgage sent us a letter some time ago about offering a bi-weekly advantage plan. We just realized this is a cheating program. It was not a real bi-weekly, but they just take the half of the monthly payment every 2 weeks each month to their account without applying on the mortgage, instead they just pay the mortgage exactly monthly as we usually do. We got charged for this program for $375. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Consumer Genetics
elle nguyen June 6, 2011
This company claims to determine the gender of your unborn child after 10 weeks of gestation with blood samples, testing for male/female DNA. They incorrectly predicted mine and when I sent in the hospital confirmation to exercise their money back guarantee policy, they have not responded. It's been 2 months since I provided this documentation and still have not receive my refund!!! I've sent several emails, spoke to several representative, left many messages, but no response. Their last email about a month ago, states that they will... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Timeshare user group
X tug bbs member... June 6, 2011
The whole operation over there is questionable in my opinion. The "moderators" or lifetime members are really just people who have alterior motives of who knows what? They push you around and try to use scare tactics to disencourage you from posting the truth on the site. Then if you continue and do not take notice of there hints to stop posting about that topic they block you from posting further. I cant believe that they have the audacity to call themselves the timeshare users group. They discriminate against people they dont even... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
bank Audi
Msaad June 6, 2011
what you mean about these mail please replay hhhhhhhh -- بي ام دبليو للسيارات تعزيز مجموعة إدارة العلاقات العامة ØŒ بي ام دبليو للسيارات في مجلس النواب. 22 حديقة قريبة ØŒ ادمونتون ØŒ Lincs ØŒ 2YP PE9 ØŒ لندن ØŒ المملكة المتحدة. 6 يونيو 2011 ØŒ الاهتمام : بي ام دبليو الفائز ØŒ هذا هو أن أحيطكم علما بأن لديك تم... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Egypt
Vacant Land Propeerty Reports
oxfordshire June 6, 2011
I ordered property reports for vacant lots that I own in Florida. The order was a result of a direct mail piece I received from NARCO who calimed 25 years of experience in vacant land appraisals. They also offered the following Guarantee. "If you are not totally satisfied the this package, return it to us within 10 days and we will refund any money you have paid. We guarantee it." The reports came and were a joke. It was very general information on the area that is available on the web. Theere were no direct comps to compare other... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mark123456789 June 6, 2011
Don't buy any Jawbone product, since after a few years if a part breaks you'll be SOL for finding a replacement part. I purchased a brand new Jawbone 1 for like $130 when they were brand new, about 3 years ago. I've had over 30 ear loops break in that span because their piece of shit aluminum ear loops will bend and break with any type of added weight-- simply putting it on my ear I've broken a dozen, and I'm not dumbo. I've spent maybe $100 just in buying those shitty accessories over the years through their... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Invision Billboard
Dr. Marley June 6, 2011
What a scam!! If you are going to steal use a gun not a briefcase. I bought a billboard that was supposed to go up in my local supermarket. 1 week after I bought the ad they reached into my bank account and took a payment 1 WEEK! no invoice they just took the money. 2 weeks later they did it again for the final balance. In 3 weeks they stole all of the contract price. here it is now 6 months later and my billboard still NO SHOW. WHAT A SCAM!!! Please protect yourself! This company was Adco Media Then Dyson media now Invision. They keep changing names to rip off more people. BUYER BEWARE!!! F rating with the BBB! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Jet Blue Airlinest
tashasos June 6, 2011
While flying with jetblue, I had a pair of new running shoes stolen from my luggage. I noticed it the next morning when I started to unpack my luggage after a long day of travelling with my 5 month old baby (this was still within 24 hrs of my flight) I called jetblue and they said that there was nothing that could be done as I should have noticed this and complained within 4 hours of my arrival at the airport, even though I live 3 hours from the airport. I work in law enforcement and unfortunately now I can related to the people I serve as now... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Ascendtech - Faulty Motherboard
Logun5 June 6, 2011
I purchased a supposedly new motherboard from Ascendtech for a laptop that was only 1 year old. I recieved the wrong one from Ascendtech on the first delivery. I returned it and recieved the correct one and it turned out to be bad. It was advertised as NEW but was actually REFURBISHED. I called Ascendtech support and they recommended sending it in for testing and refused to replace it with another one. The technician was rude. Todays date is 6-6-11 and have been getting the run-around from ascendtech since 4-25-11. They will not co-operate and... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
J. C. Christensen & Associates, Inc.
Benjoh June 6, 2011
I had this Citi Sears World Mastercard that I defaulted on in 2009. This card was bought by a collection agency. They keep adding to the original bill on this account. I do not have the option from Citi to opt out of them selling this card. I was paying a little on this card to Citi as I could. Now this company is sending me letters saying unless I pay the amount on their letter they are going to sue me. This company is part of a sister or a third party collection agency. Now I do have a complaint about this because my original agreement... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Maytag Dealer
Diltey June 6, 2011
I was told the transmission had to be replaced on my washer which is only a little over a year old. I bought the washer at Home Depot and took out the extra warrenty. I was told first the transmisstion would cost me $350.00 when I told them I had a 5 year warrenty on the machine they then told me the labor would be $350.00. The washer did not cost me that much. What kind of scam is this that Maytag would let people ruin their name this way... I feel like the washer should be replace at no cost to me since it was still under warranty... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
HP G60 Laptop Motherboard
Logun5 June 6, 2011
I purchased a motherboard from Ascendtech and recieved the wrong one on the first delivery. I returned it and recieved the correct one and it turned out to be bad. I called Ascendtech support and they recommended sending it in for testing and refused to replace it with another one. The technician was rude. Todays date is 6-6-11 and have been getting the run-around from ascendtech since 4-25-11. They will not co-operate and now the 30 day return period is up. We can't get a replacement or refund. $129.98 for a worthless motherboard. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY. If anyone has advice contact me at [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Bachman Furniture
Sindel June 6, 2011
I thought I was buying a pub set. What I got is something useless. The legs don't line up for the chairs or the table. Bachman refuses to replace it, or even give me the floor model since it is a clearance item. The owner/lawyer, Joe has even implied that I damaged the furniture, as if I could put holes in it myself. I signed some piece of paper that I could not even read that said not refundable. I told the clerk at the time that the print was too small, and of course was assured not to worry. Wouldn't you know it, the clerk is no... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States
Jack Samuels
Lurdane June 6, 2011
A man calling himself Jack Samuels, with a heavy Indian accent, called me at my place of business and left a message that he was with FCD Financial Crimes Division, and it was extremely urgent I call him back. When I called back, this person said in 2007 I got a payday loan with a company called Cashnet and I have yet to pay it back. I asked for information to be mailed to me, but he said he could not do that. I asked for a website or phone number. Again, he would not reveal any of this. when I said 'This is a scam', he yelled... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Amway/ LTD
Ravenmoon96 June 6, 2011
The Hampton Roads area branch of Amway/ Quixtar going by LTD which stands for Leadership Training and Development. Its a recruiting scheme where you buy your own product from yourself then tell others about the products and try to recruit them whereas you then get points toward rewards for each recruit who is dumb enough to pay the ONLY $200 fee to get your "training materials". That is then followed by hundreds if not thousands of more in purchases to try and sell the product from your website that they provide for you. 99% of the... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
SusaninTexas June 6, 2011
In Feb. 2009, I paid $9105 to have a bathroom tub to shower conversion done. Both the manager, Robert Garcia, and the contract stated "A-1 satisfaction guaranteed". However the shower grouting began to crack after two years which exposed a major problem. A leak appeared on the ceiling on the floor below the shower. Mr. Garcia came to look but did not even turn the water on to test. He stated that the problem was caused by the shower door that he recommended and installed and said that another $1335 for a different shower door would... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United States


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