CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Centrix/Peak 5
jennw March 11, 2009
I have been paying on a 5.5 year loan at $470/month and have been exhilarated by the idea of my car being paid off, finally, this August 2009. Upon reviewing my credit report this morning I came to realize that the balance reported is $2, 000 + higher than my payoff should be 6 months away from payoff. I called Peak 5, whose customer service has ALWAYS been below par, rude and non helpful, and was informed my balance is $4, 600 because of 2 deferments I requested (needed) back in 2005. At that time I did make the deferments due to hard time... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Nathaniel Bonham
N. Bonham March 11, 2009
I was charged 39.95 for a disc that they said only cost 2.99 for shipping and handling read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Trans Tech
friend3443 March 11, 2009
A person called by business from Trans Tech. They inappropriately stated they were coming to "audit" for credit card over draft and over charges. I was not able to get any accurate information and was told someone would be at my business the next day at 2p.m. I have been involved in other aspects of finance for many years and immediately became concerned as to the validity of this call. I posted a notice to all employees and spoke with them directly to not give any information to ANY one. I made a few phone calls and to my satisfaction... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
GAAP Accounting and Tax Service
Anonymous March 11, 2009
I asked this guy Iqbal Haqim to file ITIN for a dependent on me and even paid him enough fee for his services but he never submitted my forms to IRS. I kept on notarizing docs for him but all in vain; even after taking the money he did not do his job at all. Dont ever file taxes through him read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
sadaf najam
Sadaf Najam March 11, 2009
HSBC BANK I was appling my credit card on december but there was no reply . i just wanted to now that my credit card has approved or not. plz reply me urgently Thanks & Best Regards Sadaf Najam Contact# 03343459455 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Pakistan
Le Vin Inn
Holly Harman March 11, 2009
2/28/2009 HughesNet Customer Service cc HughesNet Supervisors cc HughesNet Financial Department cc HughesNet Tech Support P.O. Box 96874 Chicago, IL 606963-6874 866-347-3292 Legal Dispute with HughesNet Account #DSS7258933   To all whom it may concern, I have contacted the long list of departments above, because no one is willing to help me with this unfair fraugelent charge against me. Therefore before I turn this over to an attorney I am attempting one last time to resolve this problem with you. Please... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lucky_Yankee March 11, 2009
I found a transaction on my bank account that I never authorized, when checking online. The description was AMZN.COM/BILLWAUS. I has no idea what this was, and it was for $63.98 I reorted it to my bank immediatly and then I tried to go to the webisite. The address took me to an page but it said it wasn't a valid address. So, I googled the same thing and came upon this website. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Todd Boer March 11, 2009
I borrowed 300.00 (three hundred dollars) from this company. They advertize as a pay day loan advance. 134.00 as coming out of my pay check every two weeks. After 564.00, came out and I received an E-mail saying 134.00 was coming out again. I called them and they said I purchased phone cards with the monies taken out. They said I had about 50, 000 minutes purchased. They said I signed and agreed to 10 months of 134.00 out every two weeks. That is 2, 680.00 for a stinken 300.00 LOAN. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jordan publishing Corparation FSTORE, and Zillow
willing to make a trip! March 11, 2009
These are 3 of thousands of complaints of fruadulant buisness by these Corparations. I was on the internet looking at foreclosed home listings. I was on a website named Zillow and as I was browsing the listings they had posted a 7 day free trial poped up(no company name, no nothing) I thought, Ok a 7 day free trial to Zillow, I will cancel within the alotted time. I received no confermation number, never heard anything about it. Ok, I thought it didn't go through. Well 10 days later I'm looking at my bank statment online on... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Haynes Brothers Furniture
nancy herrington March 11, 2009
Three years ago in June 06 Steve and Nancy Herrington went into Haynes Brother Furniture in Ormond Beach, to pick out new furniture for a home we were currently building. Steve and Nancy picked out a bedroom set for master bedroom, living room furniture and dining room furniture. Floyd was our salesman. After our selection we put 10, 000.00 down on a credit card (GE money bank), which was applied for at Haynes. That day Steve also showed me a bedroom set he would like for our 2-year-old son. With Floyd standing with us I said, “No way in... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Wellwatch MD. USA
Kathleen Harris March 11, 2009
Like many others I bought a Reflux Remedy Report, downloaded from the internet, from Barton Publishing using my Barclaycard but as well as that order on my January statement were two from WellwatchMD, one for £1 27p and one for £20.47. Again on my February statement was another payment to Wellwatch MD for£20.69. I complained to Barclaycard each time and stopped my Barclaycard after the February statement. They investigated, only to receive a " so called " transaction from WellwatchMD for a full year of member... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
marcia March 11, 2009
I also paid the 1.99 for a grant site and there was nothing mentioned to pay any additional payment or even membership. so i also had the $94.89 taken off without authorization.. so what can we do if anyone can tell me what to do ...hopefully my credit union will stop any further transactions from these scammers!!! Please help us if there is anyone reading these that can help us get our money back!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Sheldon Hiller
gusser48 March 11, 2009
I ordered a CD and paid the $1.99, 15minutes latter a jeremy call and congratuated me and told me to enjoy my 21 day trail period. I was even told that i can keep the free week vacation just for buying the product.6 days latter I call to cancel and the message tells me they are experiencing delays of 10 minutes or longer. So I hang on and in 10 minutes I get cut off. I call back and get no ringing at all. Next day(7) I get the same thing at 7:20 am West coast time. 8 th day I call at 7am west coast time and finally get the cusomer service and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Erwin L Mueller
Erwin L Mueller March 11, 2009
These details appeared on our Account Statement dated March 7th 2009. Transaction Date:- 6 Feb Posting Date:- 9 Feb Q Business Solutions Ref: 85180899037980 145734180 Amount:- $61.95 (equivalent €49.19) Having checked with our bank, we were informed that this was for a catalogue of sorts. I have never ordered from your company, nor have I ever received anything through the post from your company. If I have inadvertently done so on the Internet, please accept my appologies and cancel any transaction. We would also... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Ireland
de-lotto america shoppers lottery
Miss Sanita Kelley March 11, 2009
I recieved a letter stating I was a winner in the American Shoppers Lottery. Enclosed was a check for $4875.00 and I was to deposit in the bank and then the next day send $2875.00 via western union or moneygram to a tax agent. But I heard of people being scam by using western union and moneygram services. So I wasn't so fast to following the process without checking into the the Company. Thank God for internet access because I Google the Zenith Financial and Trust and found all these complaints and confirmed my thoughts that this was just... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
HSBC Services
infoquest March 11, 2009
I paid off my credit card balance with Younkers in Sept. 08 and HSBC services has been charging me a $30 a month late fee every month since. I have charged nothing since Sept. and I do not owe any late fees but despite phone calls and letters to the company I get no where. When I called they were rude and I got the run around. Every month they add another late fee on top of the previous late fee and are charging interest on the late fees. Can they legally do this? This is also effecting my credit score. After seeing all the complaints about this company isn't there something we could do to them. They should be put out of business. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
1 day grant
Laurie Finuff March 11, 2009
I was charged 94.89 on the 10th of march which caused me to be overdrawn.Which caused me to bounce 3 checks Iget paid twice a month I do not blow my money I thought this was a real true investment.Igot scammed.The money went to IDS Grants Loc-1-866-876-2778 For a total of 1.99 on the 4th of march also cost me a additional 94, 89 that Ididnt have. please put my money back into my account, i no i will have to pay for the bad checks. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
mad as heck44 March 11, 2009
this apartment is to strict almost every guest that comes in the police that work here stop them. i understand we need security, but i got pulled over because i didn't press the gate code.WHY should i press the gate code when i have a remote control to open the gate.this is so stupid.i walked to my neighbors apartment and the "security "stopped and asked where i was going and why .that is nobodys business. i am a grow woman i dont have to ask permission from anybody. so take my advise don't live here. i can't wait til my lease is up read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IDS Grants - Florida
ehearn March 11, 2009
I, like many others, got charged $94.89 by IDS Grants. Went to their Website and reread the agreement. This is a monthly charge and you have to cancel within three months or they keep charging you. Check out the Rip-off Website in regards to this scam. I called this morning and canceled my subscription and told them they needed to make it more clear about this monthly charge, that it was mis-leading when you initially sign up. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Banking Fees and services
Velvetta March 11, 2009
I contacted Bank of America on 2/27/09 and asked for a stop payment on a automatic debit that comes out of my account each month. The teller informed me that I had submitted my request in a timely manner and should not have any other problems. On 3/1/09 not only was the stop payment ignored but I have incurred over $900 in bank fees because the bank failed to stop the payment. On 3/2/09 I went to the bank and met with a teller who smiled and informed me that automatic debits are not guaranteed and that my account had not been deducted for the $25 stop payment fee. I informed her that I guess it would not be if the bank can escalate fees up to $900. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
christina deihl
c deihl March 11, 2009
i never ordered this and i want my card refunded. the charge that was made was a state issued debit card. i never asked for a credit check, and have turned you in the state of oklahomas aid to the disabled, for unauthorized purchaces read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
United Tel,LLC
millerc March 11, 2009
I received my telephone bill from AT&T and noticed a charge applied from United TEL, LLC-FNDOURDIET.COM. I did not make any such purchase and have been unable to resolve this problem. I am now working with AT&T and hopefully they will be able to remove the charge. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Dolores Revere March 11, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Lence March 11, 2009
I tried to get a 3-day trial to a download site to obtain a PDF file advertised as being available on the site (it actually was not available and turned out to be a porn site). I instantly tried to cancel; but later was overcharged on my credit card. It was through I was double charged - $39.73 and $39.73 on the same day. I was also charged $1 and $1. I think the 3-day trial was for $2.97, but I was charged $4.97 + $4.97 as the trial price. Then I was also charged an extera $9.82. My credit card showed all the charge... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
F Roger Snape March 11, 2009
There was a charge of US$43.17 against my Visa Classic card - Transaction Date March 9, 2009, Posting Date March 10, 2009. After the Company Name there was "8669055126, KN". ROGER SNAPE BERMUDA e-mail: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Dennis March 11, 2009
This company is HORRIBLE! They secretly trick you into a $29.95 membership to some 'SmartSavingsCenter' club. They some how maneuver their wording so you have to call TWICE to cancel it or you'll be charged more. And what's worse their merchandise NEVER CAME!!! There was some error with the zip code, the post office said they returned it to the sender, and who wouldn't believe the post office over this horribly unethical company. The company will not resend the books or give me a refund! What's ALMOST... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Goggle Succes kit
Figueroa March 11, 2009
I ordered the goggle succes kit For $1 and I was charged twice for the amount of $35.00. I have not received anything. I would really like a full refund. I am not happy!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Shopper's Discounts
Polina March 11, 2009
Beginning in August 08, my bank account was debited $12.00 per month. I noticed the initial charge, reported it to my bank and received a provisional credit from my bank. Sept 08, again the $12.00 charge, again reported as unauthorized. This time, new debit cards were issued for the account. For whatever reason, I did not pay close attention to my statements f0r next few months. In Jan 09, I again noticed the charge and went back and realized that despite contacting my bank, canceling my debit cards and getting new access number... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Betty March 11, 2009
I feel that this is a scam as nobody sends $50.00 worth of stuff out anymore for free unless it is a scam. It sounds like it is preying on the elderly as I am also senior citizen. Postal service should investigate this. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Portfolio Recovery Association
Porter March 11, 2009
This company says that I owe $186.00 for something I asked what for and have never received a response. I do not owe this money and want this off of my credit report as soon as possible. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
barretts ishing tackle
glenn barrett March 11, 2009
i closed the fishing tackle account over the phone back in december 2008;im still getting bank charges on this account;why;also my business manager waas on several occassions going to get back to me;he naver did;iv enough problems with late payers without this additional woorry; read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Eddy March 11, 2009
Do not order or agree to try, on a trial basis, this product. What I thought might be a healthy diet supplement and weight loss product turned out to be a real head-ache. What was touted as a 30 day free trial (only $3.95 for shipping) turned up as 2 charges: one for $4.99 and the other for $79.96 -- with the promise of more charges each month to follow. When I called the number given to cancel the order (before the first 15 day period was up), I at first was told that I could not cancel the order nor could I get credit for... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
wahid khan
angeleyz888 March 11, 2009
i want to know weather it is true or fake cause i was the winner for 2009 read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Nepal
Gordon March 11, 2009
I know this was terribly stupid, but it was late at night, I was tired - a weak moment. I got e-mail from, offering free information for a money-making system/program. The only cost up-front was $1.95 for shipping and handling. I used my debit card and made the payment. The next day, I received a call from the company that oversees debit and credit transactions for my credit union. I make frequent internet purchases, so I did not consider this unusual, and in discussion, I was able to comfortably verify four of the five... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
RunLocal Locksmith
Rick March 11, 2009
This company claims that they will beat any price and says they charge only $29 for a re-key. Then they get to your house. For me they charged $29 for the service call, $169 for new installation, $188 for two new locks, a re-key charge of $65, and labor for $75. I'm a young woman, living on her own and was unsure what the price should be so I did pay it. I understand that my money has gone down the drain, but I think these people need to be put out of business and reported so that others do not get taken advantage of like me. Thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Quick Bucks
Bifbaker March 11, 2009
They poof me for 300.00 loan. But they took 24.95 out my checking acct. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Camera Giants
Den March 11, 2009
I found what I thought was a great deal on a Nikon D90 DSLR at on 3/10/2009. The website had many packages for the camera, and I chose one that had: the camera body, 2 lenses (one with vibration reduction), a tripod, a monopod, camera case, 1gb SD card and case, screen cover, usb card reader, and cleaning kit. This package was $624.99. With $29.99 2-3 day shipping, and $49.00 tax for a total of $703.00. Several hours later, I was contacted by 'Randy' by phone. He said I had to call and verify my order. I... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Inland Revenue Services London
Nadeem Faisal March 11, 2009
Respected Sir, I won the Microsoft Award 2009 oo the amount of GBP-500, 000 which was to be transferred to my authorized bank account in Pakistan but Director Inland Services London has informed me vide letter no. DPBL/009987/9/0362009 dated March 09, 2009 about the payment stop order on the protest of them with the alligation that the requisite Vat charges and Tax have not been paid for transfer of funds. Dr. Steve H Lamay, Director Inland Revenue Servcices London has informed me to deposit GBP-520 for Vat Cherges and Tax. My financial... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Arrowhead investments
guest01 March 11, 2009
i recieved several nasty voicemails from a man with a very strong indian accent that i could barely understand what he was saying. i only understood my name, that i needed an attorney and i had to call this Ph#714-333-2951 to ressolve this matter or my case would be sent to investigations and i would be prosecuted. this company has called me from several fake phone numbers of which always turn out to be dis-connected. so i finally get thru to someone and what do you know i spoke to 3 indian-accented men who all sounded like the same person and... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
M.R.E. Marcus Ray Enterprises
JRC3 March 11, 2009
MRE, Marcus Ray Enterprises (Triple Acres) Rented my family a unit in Elizabethtown, Kentucky in January of 2008. There were broken windows in almost every room leaving a sigle plane of thin glass in each window. Our first electric bill was over $350.00, and that was for less than three weeks. When I investigated the reason for the high bill, I found a hot water leak that produced over three inches of standing water in the heating ducts. The manager, Ms. Covie Logsdon, took over three months to fix the leak and caused the electric bill to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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