LOCATION: United States
Movie Mart Express/Movie box sets
I ordered a boxed movie set from Moviemartexpress.com on September 15, 2009 and paid with credit card. I never received my order and went to their website to find that it was closed and had no information on how to contact them other than a couple of e-mail addresses. I tried e-mailing the e-mail addresses that I had and would only receive automated responses from all the different addresses and now i'm out $100. read full review »
Prize research intelligency Agency Express Notice
I Keep Getting these letter's in the mail all the time and everyone has been a scam.I Recevied a letter in the mail from Prize Research Intelligency Agency saying I won $ 2, 536, 092.23 and they said send them 20.00 dollars before they can release my prize. I knew right then something sounded funny so I got online to see and found all the scam reports. I feel the same way everyone elese feels why cant they be stoped and how come we report it and it stiil keeps happen someone needs to put a stop to this anyways thank yall for all youre help. read full review »
I signed up online for free credit report.com and I couldn't figure out how to get my free credit report. I cancelled within the specified time by calling.
They took out a $2.00 fee and a $1.00 fee.
They refunded the $1.00 but not the $2.00 and they keep charging me the monthly $2.00. read full review »
Real Estate Promoter/Realty Trac
I was charged 44.95 in October and November of this year, after cancelling my Realty Trac account, they gave my Credit card Information to a 3rd party Real Estate Promoters without my consent or authorization. I prompty closed my account and disputed the charges. When I called Realty Trac they had the number and a whole spiel lined up for Real Estate Promoters. It was extremely disheartening. I have been charged nearly 100 dollars in the last 2 months, I even had my cancellation number for Realty Trac. I really hope that this can be resolved... read full review »
Fagin's Toys Limited
I talked with Ramsey Brown from Fagin's Toys Limited and we agreeded upon a price for 100 zhu zhu pets. on 11-30-09 i sent the money by Western Union and was assured as soon as they received it my order would be shipped and i would be supplied with the tracking no. Then today 12-1-09 i talk to Ramsey Brown and he tells me they are doubleing my order and i need to send more money before they can release it. Well i told him i didnt have anymore to send and now he wont return my emails or anything, but he sure was hot to trot when he wa... read full review »
MVQ Privacy Matters Identity
Tried to get "free credit report" instead was billed not just the $1, but was signed up to a membership to the tune of $29.95 a month. In one day I was charged charged two times $1, then was charged $2 for something called twenty four protection and was also charged two times $29.95 "monthly fee" ! Called to cancel and was told I could only be refunded for present month, not past month. I agreed because what else could I do? Then was billed again this month $2 again for that twenty four whatever, and $29.95 for this membership... read full review »
This company is backing multiple scams including another called Publicationsmax.com! When you call the get the same voice on both services asking that you leave a message. Imagine that! Bank charges are appearing out of nowhere! Reported immediately and filed reports for illegal activity. Found multiple complaints of same thing online. These people must be forced out of business ASAP.
Always, the amounts of charges are $79. Do they think we will not notice? read full review »
They are charging our card 34.95 a month and they weren't suppose to, There is no way for us to contact them to cancel it and we didn't even authrize for them to charge our card nor did we get any notifaction on it. Does anyone know anyway to cancel this??? read full review »
Watch out for this Frankies they sell you Junk, they make promises and wont fullfill them, They Lie about who finances you and they refuse to give you all documents that you sign, including your Opt-Out Papers.They dont check credit at all, they lie to you and claim they do. They are only out to make money on people.Once you sign papers your on your on, DONT BELIEVE WHAT THEY TELL YOU////////LEMONS are what they sell. read full review »
Dazzlesmile Teeth Whitener
I ordered the product with a 30 day free trial. I called within the 30 days and said I wanted to return the product. She said that it was too late for the $87+ not to be charged to my credit card but as soon as they received the product, they would refund to my card. She gave me an RMA number and I mailed it. After a couple of weeks, I still have not gotten the refund so I called their customer service. The rep that answered was very rude and said that I had not returned it within 30 days so would not receive a refund. I told him that... read full review »
Pacific Dreams
I have been in the timeshare business in Hawaii for 15 years. This company, Pacific Dreams in Maui, gives all timeshare a very bad name.
It is a 100% scam. Do not buy, run and I mean run fast from this company.
The timeshare adminisrator in Hawaii is working fast and furious to shut them down.
What you are paying for is access to a website that costs Pacific Dreams zero, nothing!!!
That is why when you start the presentataion the cost is $7, 995 and when you end the presenatation the cost is $2, 995
When you product cost you nothing... read full review »
AHCO - Maternity Card
My husband and I have been ripped-off by this ridiculous company and we will do everything possible to get our money back! read full review »
Hodavias Franco
They are taking money out of my account. There is no phone number to contact them. I tried previously to contact them but could never get a live person, . please help. read full review »
magic cunt-o-matic
I sent my laundry to these people but they came back all burnt out! They refuse to pay me what they cost and just gave me the money of the laundry read full review »
7-Eleven (Kay and Shev Corp)
Management is extremely unprofessional. One of the owners is always intoxicated and being rude to customers and employees. He treats everybody like he owns them. The other owner and one of the assisitant managers is always telling everybody's business. If an employee messes up or calls out, they feel that they have to tell EVERY other employee. All they do is bad mouth everybody. This is one of the WORST franchise stores that you can possibly work for. read full review »
shit head marketing
I was ripped off by these horrible people! please be aware! read full review »
Ultra Vx Visa / Galileo Processing
This credit card company offers cards to people with bad credit. They charge high fees, but many people, like myself, need to re-establish good credit and this is the only way to do so. However, the Ultra VX card is a complete scam.
They actually reported 60-day delinquencies to Equifax and other credit agencies, even though I was never late and religiously made payments early and on time. In fact, they require money to be in your account before you can use your card, so it is impossible to be delinquent!
The company doesn't... read full review »
oberon media game saver
i have had problems for over 6 mths now trying to cancel my subscription to this company first subscription was for 12 mnths where by i only recived half the games and due to my computer blowing up was unable to log into my email that i regestered from i sent them another email saying that i wanted to cancel my account the problem was every time i went to log into my email fror some reason msn would not regester as a current email so i could not send a account stop email to cancel my subscription finaly last month i sent a email saying what was wrong and they said they will stop account now and this monyh i still am getting billed how and what do i do read full review »
Bank Of America/Checking accounts
Bank of America they are thieves, I signed up for the text message feature for account balance, I had available money in my checking account, all of the sudden I am overdrawn. It turns out I had to pay 7 fees of $35.00 each because I used my card on small things like coffee and luch, the upsetting part was that I rushed to make a deposit to cover for the amount I went over (less than 10 usd) and I still got hit with the 7 fees totaling $245.00 usd, when I called, they practically said TOO BAD but in a business-like manner. This people have no... read full review »
Maytag Dependability Plus (3rd Party Extended service Plans)
I like many others was going to purchase an extended service contract with DEPENDABILITY PLUS; I won’t even place the Maytag name in front being Maytag has nothing to do with them They’re a 3rd party company using the Maytag name for business (which Maytag/Whirlpool should put a stop to). First off the company is a complete rip off! I wouldn't trust them to throw dirt on a casket if we were grave diggers !
I was on the Maytag website and noticed the extended contract was cheaper than what was offered when my husband and... read full review »
MVQ Bargain Networks
Misleading!!! This marketing technique totally pulls you in!!! Check this out, I needed to find NEW car so i thought this website would be useful to me, i called the 1-800 number one dreadful afternoon and spoke to a very polite and what seemed to be honest representative. She made me aware that i would be signed up for MVQ bargain networks and if i wanted to cancel the membership all i needed to do was call in before my initial 30days or by the time i would've recieved any correspondace in the mail. I recieved the mail weeks after i had... read full review »
Intelius / Savace
In August 2009 I ordered a full background check of a person which cost about $78.00. I recently went on my online banking account which I don't do often and looked over all the recent charges. I come to find a charge named Saveace charged me $24.95. As I looked through my account over the past four months I see Saveace has charged me $24.95 every month since August. At first I thought someone had my bank information, I called my bank canceled my account and transferred all my money to another account. When I tried to make a claim but... read full review »
Time Warner Cable and Saveology
I signed up for Time Warner Cable service for my phone, TV and internet and was promised a $300 rebate for either gas or groceries through Saveology. The two appeared to be connected (Time Warner and Saveology). Their printed materials promise a voucher will arrive in 6 to 8 weeks. It has now been over 7 months since I sent in my request (with first month bill from Time Warner attached) and I have called them 5 times, been told each time that it is "being sent any time now", but it never arrives. I was also told that it was already... read full review »
First off, we got the brochure for a free 2 nights stay, through my daughter's elementary school for her fantastic job at selling cookie dough. This was one of the gifts given to her for the fundraiser. After we paid the $50 up front for the process/application fee, we were told that we had one year to book a trip. We called six months ahead of time and was told that it was too early to book a stay any where. Then we called at 3 months, and was told that that was not enough time. Regardless, our one year was coming to an end and we had to... read full review »
American Heaters
We had the tank installed on 7/30/2009 and it is a 30 gallon tank.
Now it is Dec 1 and we have not had hot water for 6 days. This hot water tank is under warranty and is to be serviced by the A&E Sears but they never show up, and get nothing but the runaround when you call Amercian Heaters and A&E Sears.
Both have hundreds of complaints against them and even class action law suits.
Do not buy this product unless you fully understand it is a piece of junk that can possibly explode.
Check out there website Americanheaters.com to see all of the problems these hot water tanks have had or are having. read full review »
A&E Sears
A&E Sears told me they would be out between 8 and 5pm gave me a reference number and never showed up. SO I called 1 800 676 5589
and the girl hung up as soon as I asjked where the tech is and why did he or she not show up. I called back and another lady lied and said therre was nothing sceduled for the day even though last night a man named Robert verified our appoinment today 12/1/2009. I knew after I read the complaints I was wasting my day and even wrote to American Heaters last night to say I did not expect hep. I am disabled and... read full review »
02 Media
TV firm sues partner over business failure<br />
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer<br />
Monday, October 19, 2009<br />
Scott Woolley's business troubles might make for a sobering reality television show.<br />
But it's not a show, it's Woolley's life - and the death of his venerable TV production company, Boca Raton-based Five Star Productions.<br />
<br />
During the 1990s, the grocery store heir founded the independent Five Star and turned it... read full review »
Tinytown Texas
I bought 2 chihuahuas from Kirk Newton at Tinytowntexas in March 2007. My male dog died November 2, 2009, 10 days shy of his 2nd birthday, from Cardio Pulomary Stenosis. I found him in my bed, snuggled up under the covers, dead. He was being treated for a thyroid condition and had no symptoms of a heart problem. He also had patella luxation which would have been corrected by surgery, had he lived.
My female, his sister, also has patella luxation and will have surgery this January. She also has a deformed trachea and coughs when... read full review »
I found a charge of $79.00 posted to my checking account from www.shopcoffeedirect.com. I called my bank & canceled my card & opened a fraud investigation with them. I tried to call the site at their listed customer service phone number & was told to leave a message. SHOCK!!!...the mailbox was full. I don't know if it's this company that is the scam or what, but there are too many people with the same charge for the same company on the same day (12-01-09) for this to be a coincidence. Hopefully, someone can find out what the hell is going on with this company & put a stop to it!!! read full review »
local market place
Wayne Ivey and his ilk are a bunch of fraudsters. Avoid these people, they took my money and never built my site. Going to take them to small claims court to hopefully get justice. read full review »
Pure Cleanse % Acai Burn,United Benifit advantage
I bought Pure Cleanse & Acai Burn trial offer, $3.95 shippng & handling, 2 weeks later before i could cancel the product that didnt work, my bank account was billed, a few times that month, by different names,
Net Nutrition $92.31
Better Dtox $2.95
Unti freshwell $48.92
Cost Crasher $2.97
My Trainer $39.95
A well B Health $41.21
Elite Pak $24.10
$252.41 total
i called up the companies to get my money back they said its non refundable, and i clicked the... read full review »
Champion Home Warranty
"Champion Home Warranty" is a SCAM
Nationwide Home Warranty is now Champion Home Warranty.
Morris Lincer and Abraham Faham are the real owners of Nationwide Home Warranty and Champion Home Warranty.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK... http://www.warrantyweek.com/archive/ww20091105.html read full review »
Limited treasures
I ordered the 50 States of America Coin Bear Collection in the middle of August, 2009. from an Infomercial. I was suppose to receive 10 bears and a bonus bear for $19.95. I received 6 bears and was charged $32.90 on my credit card on the day of my partial shipment. I have yet to receive my remaining order. When I try to call the company, I get either a busy signal or approximate wait time of 40 minutes to speak to a rep. After talking to my credit card company the only way to stop an automatic with-draw is to cancel my credit card and have them issue another number. I'm highly upset and urge everyone not to deal with this complany. read full review »
Vibrant beauty/ Acai burn
Thanks for ripping me off! I cannot afford this and i did not agree for you to take money from my account. Life is hard enough without being scammed. I'm a single parent from Australia, studying and trying to make the ends meet. What do i say to my daughter now that i do not have enough to buy her any christmas presents? See you din't just rip me off, it has affected my family. Please think before you do these things, it affects everybody around you. Life is probably hard for you too, but do it the proper way GET A JOB! like... read full review »
Vaporizer Giant
The website seems to be a scam. I placed an order, because according to the site it ships within 24 hours and delivers in 2 days. I never received my package, nor did i ever get any receipt either. I called and canceled my order and have sent numerous emails with no response. Now the site will not even answer my phone calls. My money is still gone, and no product. I've since gone to another site and purchased my product, but still can't get ahold of the company. The address also shows up as a UPS store, read full review »
Scooter Depot / Sunny Sports / scooterdepot.us
This company is absolutely terrible -- their sales picks up right away and is happy to sell you a scooter, but their customer service leaves you on hold for 30-45 minutes at a time before you eventually give up.
They sold me a scooter in September with a bad brake rotor. I called them the NEXT DAY, and was told to bring the scooter in.. well, being that I am 70 miles away without a truck, of course I can't keep running back and forth or take time off work. Everyone over there has a different story -- finally I sent the part back to... read full review »
I signed up for Comcast 5 months back because they advertised a 125$ gift certificate at Amazon. I signed up alright but I have yet to receive the gift certificate. I did all the paperwork required, and still these guys don't even want to acknowledge that they should honor their part of the deal. Needless to say if you call Comcast they will straight up tell you that they did not advertise that and that it is not their department that did that had the promotions (may be it's some other department). By the way Comcast will give you... read full review »
Need for Digital
Need for digital were advertising the new canon powershot s90 for $321 on cyber monday, so I ordered, and for some strange reading I actually took a screen shot of my order. Glad I did!
I received an email from them saying I had to call them about my order. Guy on the phone said I had entered the wrong zip code for my billing address, but since I had the screen shot I knew that was not true.
Then he tried to sell me lots of add ons and warranties, also said the battery would only last 20 mins etc etc, so then my $321 pruchase... read full review »
Sprint Free Picture Mail
Upgrade your Sprint account to Everything Messaging Family which includes free picture and video and you can send and receive family and friends photos at no cost. Wrong! I have been a Sprint customer for more than ten years and three months ago upgraded to the family messaging plan. Every month since my upgrade Sprint has charged me at least $75 a month for data usage. Call customer service and you get the story that it's something you are doing wrong. It is certainly not Sprint's fault. Research shows that Sprint's computer... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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