CATEGORY: Business & Finances

Tyler January 22, 2009
If you are thinking about getting a Loan through Amerisave DONT!!! They will Lie to you till the end telling you that they will get you the lowest rates and closing costs and then you see the paper work it has a higher rate and closing cost than anybody and they'll tell you thats ok its supposed to say that and lie to you again and say this is really what we locked you in at. At last the closing date comes and you close on you house you go to sign papers and find out that instead of paying your usual 3.5% closing costs its OVER 10% that... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
beb112671 January 22, 2009
I had my account cancelled last month and have a cancellation confirmation number of 700065774. Please cancel IMMEDIATELY as I was charged $4.95 for the month of January. If this continues, I will be contacting authorities and my attorney. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
IA Fraud Protection
beb112671 January 22, 2009
I noticed a charge last month for 9.95 on my bank statement, called the 866 number and cancelled whatever it was I was charged for, received a cancellation confirmation number, I still do not know what the charge was for, they were unable to tell me, and this month, noticed another charge from the same company for $4.95. What is this crap? read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
HWA home warranty of America
Sue Reitz January 22, 2009
Policy # IL2900 52-2008 Claim# 301089 On January 5, 2008 we were remodeling the home we own at 25211 Fryer St in Channahon, IL 60410 at that time we purchased a Home Warranty policy with HWA since the home was empty. I first called their company about a week or two later because the boiler in the home was leaking. I was told at that time that they did not cover damage due to rust until we were covered 30 days. The serviceman who was coming out told me to check the spicket and I did and closed it completely shut and cancelled the service call... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
James Short
James E. Short January 22, 2009
There was $99.95 taken out of my husbands account without his consent. He is very upset and is going to call the bank and report it to the attorney general and fraud 800 #. This is breaking the law. He did not authorized them to take this out and is the only one named on his account. The bank said to let know by January 26th. If he has heard anything from them and they will check his account to0 see if his account has been credited and if not they will procede. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
walmart prepay visa card
J.J. January 22, 2009
you want to know why there's no jobs for americans, because they have layed real people off so that the computer can do peoples jobs. i absolutly hate calling 1800 numbers where u call and a computer ask u questions and ur response is "i'm sorry I'm having a hard time understanding u.", then u have to keep repeating yourself over and over intil the computer understands you. i called this walmart visa activation number to activate my new card and i had to call three times because the computer counldn't understand how... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
jessica January 22, 2009
I don't unerstand how you all are unathorized taking money out of my account and making checks i am neg. 350 dollars i never recieved nothing from yall to begain with so if you all dont want to get sued then we need to resolve this matter soon please give me a call 2108152041 asap!!! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
toyota financial
sixto sanchez January 22, 2009
My sister Cecilia Sanchez owns a Toyota Tundra 2003. Her toyota financial account is 0016296410. She has no job. She has fallen on hard times. Her car has been reposessed and is inpounded. The payoff amount we were told is $6180.57. I am willing to help my sister and payoff a lesser amount as my credit limit is lower. We need toyota to help us out. I spoke to Darian Gavin at the 800 279 9032 xt 49544. Gavin has told me that that amount is non negotiable. I am asking anybody in Toyota why would it not be negotiable this is the USA, a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
schh January 22, 2009
It always charges me every month and I never heard about this company read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ID Recover
pissedoff January 22, 2009
This company posted a FAKE check to my checking account and stole $31.85 from my account. When I call, all I get is a voice mail to leave a message. The website they gave me on the message, is INVALID. My bank said they can't do anything because these CROOKS have my account number. Please help! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Frances Leizear
Eddy Bankz January 22, 2009
I ordered a free trial of natural acai berry, received it. Then three weeks later received another bottle and was charged for $69.95. I called the number on the bottle and tell them that i was not aware with terms & condtion and asked them for refund and they did...i dont think that they are scam they are nice people... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Rejuvenate/Cleansing Powder
Ann Hirst January 22, 2009
Dear Sir or Madam: I received a package of renew cleansing powder from your company and do not order it. Also on my credit card I've been charged for 3 packages and only received one. Please contact me as soon as possible so this can be straightened out as I am very angry over this! I have tried to phone you to no avail! Also please send me proof that I ordered this! You should not be charging people for things they did not order or did not receive! My e-mail address is: [email protected] Thank you. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Canada
Nelson Watson and Associates
Bonnie January 22, 2009
Representative first indicated my account could be approved to work with our debt settlement company, once I verified there were no available funds on my Discover card. Once that was done, however, the agent would not move forward with the recommendation. I had at this time been on the phone for over 40 minutes, and asked the reprentative please tell me what else is needed in an expedient manner so I could get back to work. She told me to improve my tone or she would not help me ! So my tone determines whether or not they will work with our... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
gemma January 22, 2009
I have stumbled across this website, primarily to vent my frustration in having to deal with a bank who obviously have no concern for their customers. I rang the customer service line over 4 weeks ago to arrange an appointment at my local branch to pick up £3500 in cash from my ISA. The customer manager assured me he had sent a fax to have the money ready after 48 hours. When i arrived at the branch the appointment had not been made and i was forced to wait and then the collection was given to me in £10 notes. thats fine, not... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Patricia Howerton
Patricia Howerton January 22, 2009
My credit card information was given to TLGreatFN via Priceline without my authorization. Priceline has said that they are affiliated with this company and that when you make a purchase this company will provide you with a one month membership free and a 15% cash backif you select to join. I did not join this and they billed by credit card within the montha and then subsequently charged my card for 9 months at 11.99 Priceline then stated that you have to create a password and tell them your city of birth. I never did this and have never... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
direct market-inbound telemarket merchants
a.ross January 22, 2009
£31-57 was taken out of my creidt card by PAY_ONLINE_SRVE.COM i have tried to get hold of them for a refund but they have not got back to me as i cancelled all my site can you please help me [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
universal property and casualty
richard and margaret colombo January 22, 2009
here in jensen beach at my home, 1980 ne hoya calle, the recent tropical storm caused wind damage to our roof. Universal will not give us the necessary monies to replace our roof. it has been several months now, we still are not being given the necessary monies to have our roof replaced. we are concernedif another storm should come through, we are very concerned there will be more damage in our house as well to our roof, we already have water stained ceilings in several of our rooms and arug we just had laid, tha t's . now damp from the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
lyle vance
lyle vance January 22, 2009
with out, me telling you that you could do it read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
QuickSlim Tea
Sheila Reynolds January 22, 2009
Bought the starter kit with no explaination of what was to come. Did not get a confirmation number or anything. Next thing I knew, my bank account was deducted in the amount of $186.00. I returned the tea and was promised a refund. So far I am still waiting. The email address they give you is not a working email address. It is sad that this kind of thing happens and nothing is done about it. It really makes it hard on honest vendors. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Playa Del Sol Grand Resort
valentine January 22, 2009
My husband and I purchased 2 weeks of 2-bdrm. triple lock-off at the Playa Del Sol (or PDS) Grand, Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico, on Aug. 21, 2006 for a total amount of $51, 300. The amount paid at purchase was $23, 629.50. The following day, we tried to cancel our purchase and were told that we would lose all of the money we paid out thus far. Fearing the consequences, we decided to give the resort a chance. We paid off the balance on Sept. 25, 2006. We have run into nothing but problems ever since our purchase. We have not been able to book our... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Mexico
Coin Connection
Dolores January 22, 2009
Please be advised that on 3 Jan 09 I placed an ordered for 100 state quarters non circ. Denver & Philedelphia minted #13183 @ a cost of $109.90 I haven't received the coins nor has my account hasn't been credited. Your assistance in this matter would bee greatly appreciated. Your response adddressed to Doloes Valentine. Montel Williams was the prime sale represenative on this cable channel. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Office of Thrift Supervision
cjhodgson January 22, 2009
Cheryl Hodgson 27444 Camden Apt. 2A Mission Viejo, CA 92692 To whom it may concern, On June 19, 2008, I sold my home in San Clemente, California to move closer to relatives. I am a single parent, receiving no child support or help from my son’s father. I am an detective for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. I occasionally receive call outs in the middle of the night and have to work long hours during an emergency, i.e.: fires and other catastrophes.. I needed to be closer to family, so that I would have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
ghettofabulous30 January 22, 2009
money was taken out of my account 3 times pleasse refund my money 31.98, 0.13, and 7.98 please assist my account is jacked up read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tiffany January 22, 2009
I received this e-mail today and thought you should be aware that these scammers are using the Chevron name to try and trick people. Flag this message OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:26 PM From: "CHEVRON TEXACO OIL AND GAS COMPANY" <[email protected]> Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients CHEVRON TEXACO OIL AND GAS COMPANY Central District Cadastral Zone Abuja, FCT. P.O.BOX 01887, Gariki-Nigeria. THE CHEVRON/TEXACO OFFICIAL PRIZE NOTIFICATION. You have... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: Nigeria
EWC Payments Pty Ltd Donvale AU
ZACH LUCHINI January 22, 2009
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Acai Berry/FWM Laboratories
Laura January 22, 2009
I was interested in the free trial offer. All I would have to pay was $3.95 for the shipping charge. On 1/07/09 my account was debited $3.99 (amount in error) for the shipping charge. Then today 1/21/09 again my account was debited by Acai Berry in the amount of $88.00! For what? I have not ordered anything or given my authorization in any way. I am so stressed out and angry after my experience today. Trying to deal with this company and their very unprofessional and unfair, way of doing business. Never in my life have I experienced such a... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
davol January 22, 2009
POWERSELL...Stealing Money from AMERICANS STOLE over 60.00 2 times from my account... phone disconnects...this is the phone # YOUR BANK ACCEPTS PROCESSING FROM THIS OUTFITS... I vote they are AL QUADA...stealing money for no good... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
davol January 22, 2009
Jackpot Rewards...Stealing Money from AMERICANS STOLE 12.00 from my account... I vote they are AL QUADA...stealing money for no good... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Secure Identity Service
Sereno Bradshaw January 22, 2009
I signed up for a loan with a company named Payday Loans. I NEVER signed up for Secure Identity Services. I CAREFULLY read EVERTHING that was presented to me, and EVERYTHING I submitted. I PURPOSELY and CAREFULLY clicked NO THANKS to EVERYTHING offered to me. I only signed up for the Payday Loan. Secure Identity Service charged my account $31.85, which caused my banked account to overdraft. I am requesting a FULL REFUND. I DID NOT apply for, nor did I want, this Secure Identity Service. I need a FULL REFUND, and I need my bank (CHEVY CHASE... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Anya January 22, 2009
Received call from Eric Williams about work at home business. Simply leave literature at any business using Am Express credit card machines. Once you become an agent your agent number will be programed to these machines and every swipe of credit card with in turn generate income. Bankcard Empire Visa/Mc machines would greatly reduce the percentage cost to business owners for privileged of using their machines. In short all I would have to do is work 5hrs a week and leave info about bankcard where ever a business used credit card machine... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
US Protection Services
Mellanie January 22, 2009
An unknown check issued from my bank account for $279 to US Protection Services on 12/2/08 with my name printed on it without my signature!! However, BOA authorized this draft without my acknowledgment. I have never heard this services before. I was very careful not to pay anything directly from my account except those utility and credit card bill. However, this US Protection Services still got me. Will, I just found out that this service is related to credit card fraud prevention, ID theft, internet security alert, etc. I am sure they... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Charter Lending Group
Sharon January 22, 2009
I was told that I was receiving a 5000.00 secured loan. But I had to send in 938.08 to secure 8 monthly payments as collateral. I spoke to Michael Davidson and was given instructions on how to wire the money. I sent 944.16 on 12/01/2008. He stated that the money would go into my account within in one business day by 5pm. Then I got a call from another representative a David Brady telling me that the loan was not approved by the lenders due to insurance or something and if I sent in another 930.00 (14.16 was the wiring fee) I would be... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
National Trust Financial
Johan January 22, 2009
I was supposedly approved for a loan that I filled out an application and was approved for a loan of $95, 000. I received a phone call from a Ronald Goldman, if you can believe that and his extension was 163. I don't think that they should be using he name of a deceased person because it is not fair for the family nor is it fair to the person that is deceased. But anyway to make a long story short, I was told from Mr. Goldman on my voice mail that he had good news that I had been approved for the $95, 000. I know it was too good to... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
stunnedsteve January 22, 2009
please dont charge me for something i dont even know nothing about read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
karen &jorge ortiz January 21, 2009
email from joseph koerner and maria trapani and all fax conformation and all the documents they request thwe were buying a house our dream home joseph koerner from lend america tell us that we were approve for a loan we find the house we sumit all paper works and our closing date should take place on the 01/26/09 well we sumit all the document twice we have email from joesph koerner saying what we are going closing on the 26th of january we never have chirstmas we save all our money for the closing of the house i'm so sad and mad at the... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Portfolio Recovey Associates
one4u January 21, 2009
Car origionally purchased from CPS, in 2001 while on active duty, and paid off. While on active duty they had to drop interest due to Govt. regulations. Turned over "bad debt" to Portfolio Recovery Services, who then called 17 members of my company, including the CEO to let them know that they were aiding a convicted fellon (false) who was driving stolen property(false). Long story short, hired attorney, had larg ebill with him, item was dropped. Title is in my possession, car is good...ER solutions purchases bad debt from collection... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tracy Sharp
Tracy Sharp January 21, 2009
I have received three charges of $12.95 on my visa card I haven't authorized. Please stop. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
dicount food mart 5102
glenda bonner January 21, 2009
was overcharged by olinda, reported it to her 10/16/2008 two weeks later she stated that chevron put money back in my account still waiting i think this has went on long enough have checked bank several times i want my overcharged money back still have my original sales receipt. g.bonner [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
1proudmoma January 21, 2009
Everything that you all have posted about these S.O.B.'s unscrupulous scams have happened to us! Everyone, also, seems to be asking for Help... Well, I'm telling you what I'm gonna do! Yes, they make their money from a short sale, and block us from loans by filing bogus claims on our credit reports. As, well as too many more devious tactics to mention... 1. Don't let them talk you into a Short Sale. *They cannot force you to do this. 2. Since they will not Modify, and fix our loans. Stop paying them. *We all do thi... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
cic*triple adavantage
copboy January 21, 2009
had 3 withdraws from my checking account, i did not order them, they are: cic*triple adavantage for $14.95---------privacy matter for $29.95--------pmidentity for $29.95------i did not order them or do i need them this happen on 1/20/2009-------also notice that on 1/13/2009 they charged a $1.00----pmidentitymatter and privacy matter and also 24proctect -----like i said before i did not order these or do i need them-------thank you read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States


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