CATEGORY: Lifestyle
I am ticked off at plastic surgeon Dr John Chois. His staff is extremely phony and rude. I waited more than 3 hours to be seen for a consultation. The doctor obviously doesn't care about his patients, all he sees is dollar signs and cares only for himself. He is always running way behind schedule, and his staff is very snobby. It is like a factory of surgeries. They do like 8 to 10 cases a day. I think the patients are at risk of infection, and botched jobs. read full review »
Ultra Lean Green
I ordered the "free trial" of this product only to be charged $69.87 a few days later. No mention of this was made upfront, and it's nowhere to be found on the main website. When I called the numbers on the site, the mailbox was full. It all seems very fishy. I left a message with the "corporate office" and I'm also sending a letter.
Their terms and conditions claim: "MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: IF AT ANY TIME YOU ARE UNSATISFIED WITH OUR PRODUCT, CONTACT US AT 866-540-9633 AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A 100% REFUND."... read full review »
MetLife Dental
We were never given an information card regarding our id number nor a list of acceptable places to go to for cancer screening labs. We were not given payment for lab expenses incurred after using a qualified oral surgent on their list. They said it wasn't a lab on their "mysterious list". read full review »
Craigs List
My client located in London, England, whom I'd secured through a posting, agreed to forward payment for services to me via USPS. served as an agent to transfer his London currency to USD & sent a cashier's check payable to me in the amount of$3400 USD. After depositing the check, my financial institution advised me the check was a fraud (confirmed via their investigative services). Meanwhile, I have over 10 NSF fees to my personal account (which drained my account) & no funds to eat this month! read full review »
Ultra Lean Green Tea
I wrote for a free 30-day supply of product (Green Tea) and did not request any more, but I received another 30 day supply. Can I just keep it, orcan I send it back? read full review »
I bought a Snickers bar and was promised to be satisfied. This did not happen after consuming 1 snickers bar full or chocolate, caramel, nugget, and nuts. Instead my life is spiraling into a burning put of hell with President George Bush at the head whipping the Iraqis into submission. Down, down into this pit of hell which suddenly starts to resemble oil. Wait... this is a pit of hellish oil! Was that an exit to Global Warming we just missed... oh well Mr. Bush seems to know the fastest way down to the depths of this pit. My eyes burned as I... read full review »
weeding ring
Diamonds are falling out daily after coming from repair shop and the home office had it for a month read full review »
Marcus Eaton
The case of Esmin Green, who died on the floor in New York City’s mental health hospital emergency unit while staff and other patients watched, doing nothing, is the same mentality as Marcus Eaton, a psychologist of Waycross, Georgia. He farms himself out to the Georgia labor department to interview people who have severe Social Security cases. However, rather than interview these subjects in privacy, he uses borrowed offices in which sound carries clearly to the ear of all other visitors and staff workers.
He is abusive, cutting... read full review »
Lean Rx and Xtreme Burn
In January 2007 we were charged $74.95 on 1/05 and $69.95 on 1/13 by Lean RX. We were also charged $79.95 on 1/26 by Xtreme Burn. We did not order anything from these companies and were not able to contact them by phone or e-mail. Do we still have any recourse? read full review »
I ordered some shoes from Jordans360 for my son paid by credit card, and still have not receive the shipment to this day. I ordered the shoes on 6/17/08 and nothing but a confirmation number, and a fake tracking number. I should have none better, but my son wanted the shoes so bad. Please don't order anything from this website, ever. It is a fraud and a scam, they will get your money and send you nothing but fake/false info. read full review »
Laser Hair Remove Laser Perfect
You can type in google laser perfect scam. I have received several complaints from my blog. Email me there because I am working with a news station and he is wanting to do a story. Thanks and seriously GOOD LUCK! read full review »
Perfect Salary
I work now as an office assistant in UK. I like my job and I am forever thankful to Perfect Salary for arranging it for me. I paid nothing to them, they got their commission from my employer. I also got engaged her and we are planning a wedding in September. Perfect Salary opened a new page in my life! read full review »
Paldin Medi Co
I have recently used a documents preparation service through one company called Paldin Medi Co. Service was nice and quick and they have excellent and friendly customer service. They deal with all kinds of paper work necessary when one wants to travel to Europe – for any purpose – business, tourism, work, visit. Now I am looking for low-cost plane tickets for my family to bring them also here. read full review »
SmileCare Dental
I am a dentist that worked for this organization as an employee only I was told i was an independent contractor. The treatment of patients is so bad I don"t even want to write this, if you see this know that your health and welfare is at great risk!!! read full review »
American Dental Service
I went to American Dental Service in the South-eastern PA area and received terrible treatment. They replaced a ten year old filling that fell out (from another dentist) and then their crappy fillings fell out twice afterwards within two months each time.
I then went to another, private, dentist. The new dentist took his time and also shaved down part of the tooth so there was less pressure on it. My filling has now been officially fixed for a few months now.
The best thing American Dental Service did was refund my $150, though that took persistence and a few months of waiting. read full review »
Concorde Collection
I purchased two "he walks with" necklaces in june 2008. I gave one as a gift and I kept one from myself. My necklace turned black. It looks awful. The charm so far hasn't changed. The reason I bought the necklace was for the charm. I cant find my receipt. I did charge it, so I have a record of it. read full review »
Ultimate Image
Karl Swanson performed C02 laser surgery on my neck Jan 08. He had just received the machine and badly burned my neck. I had oozing sores and bleeding but he told me that was normal and to be patient. After a month I was still oozing and looked infected but he told me I was fine. I finally went to a dermatologist who treated me for 5 months. I now have permanent scars on my neck. Swanson refuses to answer my letters, talk to me or give me my money back.
He is an anesthesiologist - not a plastic surgeon! read full review »
Dermità ge
No where in their ad did Dermitage say you would be charges for their FREE trial size of Wrinkle treatment.
When I received my credit card bill, I was charged $89.98 for this "FREE" trial. If I don't get credit for this trial size which I sent back. I will contact the Better Business Bureau to get after these fraudulent thieves.
This is a scam. Besides, they'd better not send me any more!!
I am very irate that businesses like these are allowed to post ads on line. I will never be a trusting customer again. This makes me wary about even buying on line. read full review »
Pharmazone Labs
Viapren doesn't work, it’s scam and ripped me off for $48. By charging me with out me ordering. I called my credit card company to cancel.
They claim they told me my card would be charged after a 10 day trial starting from the time the order was shipped. They charged my card and sent the same size package as the first one for 5 times the amount and I didn't even want it. It doesn't do any thing. They were very sarcastic and told me I couldn't get a refund of the same value because of restocking, shipping and the package could get lost. So they offered me a $15 refund. SCAM, DISHONEST and Scum company. read full review »
I was told the EXACT same things as others down to the T! Even got the lil nice full colour package and contracts. I thought WOW, they really must be a professional company! Or just have tons of money to spend on marketing/advertising!! Boy, they really had me interested. I knew this sounded too good to be true. The ratio of folk getting their product in stores and making money off of it compared to those not making any money is NOT worth me flushing $700 down the drain on a crap game when gas is $4.00 a gallon! While I live in Mesquite, TX... read full review »
ABC Financial
I have been trying to cancel my Golds Gym membership for the past two months and have been unable to. They asked me to send a written request to cancel my membership using certified USPS mail. I promptly did so. Now after a month, my membership has still not been canceled. The reason I am canceling is because I have moved and there is no golds gym near my new house. Rest assured I will never (ever) be going back to Golds gym again. They are still sending me letters to update my billing information after my request to cancel my account. My Wife... read full review »
Campbell's Chunky Soup
About a week or two ago, I went to Wal-Mart and purchased 10 cans of soup to take to work everyday for lunch. I would have never thought that that moment would be my last time purchasing soup EVER again from Campbell’s. Today (7/1/2008) I heated up a 1lb. 2.8Oz can of 'CHUNKY' Beef with White and Wild Rice to eat for lunch. After about the third scoop, I came across a HUGE heavy piece of fat with small chucks of beef connected to it. This massive piece of fat made me sick to my stomach!!! It looked similar to a quarter size of... read full review »
We visited the casino on6/30/08 .This is my wife's birthday and thought we would eat at the buffet and have a good meal. Well I was wrong it was the worst buffet we have ate at the selection was not much and was totally over done and somethings we could not recognize as food. So I am sorry that we wasted the $24.00 to eat there and the upset stomach we had all evening. read full review »
I went to see a specialist. After checking Aetna's website to make sure the doc was in network, I called Aetna to make sure as well. The doc even called and transcribed the call because of problems with Aetna in the past. The claim came. They charged the doc as out of network. After I called, the customer service rep just did not care. It was not her problem. My doc had to go through and get Aetna to pay, but the *** paid about 28 dollars. What am I paying a monthly fee for if the *** wont cover in network doc visits. Aetna has the worst customer service, worst marketing, and worst fees. I hate Aetna. read full review »
Blair Clothes
It takes 19 days for Blair clothing to post a payment on your account therefore they charge a late fee. Big ripoff. I sent payment in which was due on 19th of month on the 14th. It took until the 28th of the month to be posted. This is the third time this has happened. All of my other bills are received and posted no later than 6 days. I tried to contact customer service to no avail. I have tried several times and keep getting referred to City Bank who puts you on hold for an eternity. I felt the best thing to do was to pay it off and tear up card. read full review »
Lucille Roberts Fitness
I was told when I signed up at his linden, NJ site and all I needed to do was give notice that I was leaving NJ and going back to Tennessee since this could only be temporary. She said to sign the shorter contract and I could write to say I was moving out of the area. I showed them my TN license but on the contract it showed I was at 16 Matthew Ave in Carteret. So, I send them a copy of licence and my CC statement and send back my entry card… so I am not using any services all the way in TN. I have disputed payments, been sent... read full review »
Grove City Dental
First off, I don't have any insurance, so when this company said they would see me, no problem, I jumped at the chance. Big mistake. When I went in for my appt., I had to have 2 teeth pulled, they were telling me about payment options, etc. I was under the assumption I would be making payments, like we discussed. Wrong, not only did they take 3X the normal amount of Xrays, they waited until they had me all gassed up to take my debit card, and had me sign, saying" oh, they've got you signing under the influence" and laughed... read full review »
LA Fitness Liverpool
Take care! LA fitness offer cash back after 3 months of regular acceptance for you get in there. It is not true; they do not give that and happened with other friends as well. Direct Debit account: do not allow that! Even when you are no longer part of the gym, they keep debiting your account and think it was just by chance, but they are not willing to refund you soon. So, you get a big, very big headache.
Honestly, I do not recommend this company; they do not follow what they offered to get you involved. read full review »
It's my hope that people reading this online ripoff report will refrain from doing business with Pricebuster RX. I've recently had a terrible experience with them despite the fact that I paid for my medications upfront. The medication they sent me was ineffective and had to be discarded. They offered me no refund and no explanation even though the medication was very expensive. All I was told was to shop elsewhere. It's unbelievable to me that this sort of activity is legal within the medical industry, but I was warned about... read full review »
I paid $460 for my futon 4.2008. The person who took my order told me to await further instructions via email. I gave my email, which was confirmed via read back, to the sales person. I never received further instructions via email as is required by Mercantila's own policies.
I called back in 6.2008 to ask about my futon. Mercantila staff told me that Roadway was unable to deliver the item to me. Roadway never contacted me. Mercantilia staff, specifically Kitt, Steve Clark and especially Behe Nikhil, told me that I would have to pay... read full review »
RHD Hospital
Went to the emergency room.They took my temperature, told me to find a specialist (which I didn't need) and charged me $175 dollars.A week later they call and say they want $65 dollars more. "For what?" I asked, still can't get a straight answer from anyone. They want to try to pad the bill after I paid because they give illegals free medical care and gotta make it up somewhere. read full review »
Canadian Health & Care Mall
I stupidly ordered medication from this fraudulent online pharmacy. They never sent my order nor will they refund my money. They are total frauds. Do not make the same mistake I did and give them your hard-earned money. They make several claims on their site that are patently untrue. They claim they are certified by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy - they are not. The two men shown to be physicians on their site do not exist. Everything about this "pharmacy" is bogus. Again, do not give these crooks your money. You'll never see it again. read full review »
I ordered a pair of air jordans 7-047 size 12 shoes on may22, 08 and they were took out of my account may29, 08 and its been a whole month and i haven't received them yet. I called the one eight hundred number numerous times and still no costumer service I want the shoes I am just wondering where is the merchandise. read full review »
Jim Laabs Music
On their piano web site, they list many, high end, quality used grand pianos- such as Steinway, Bosendorfer, Bechstein- etc. and they have the Steven's Point address on the same site to make it look as if the pianos are located in WI. I called the night before to get a quote on the Bechstein- the salesman was very unfriendly and sounded "put off" that I called and asked. He said he would call back and never did. The next day- I drove all the way to the store (a 1.5 hour each hour)- only to find out that all of the listed piano... read full review »
We Bought a box of Post Trail mix crunch that lists almonds and Pecans as main ingredients. Nice picture on the from of the box, but the cereal inside is disappointing. The nuts are nearly non existent. This is borderline false advertising. Tried to contact the company through their website, but they make that a difficult process.
Too bad Kraft is no longer a brand indicative of quality. Will no longer purchase this item. read full review »
Dr. Joel Feldman
Open Letter to Dr. Joel Feldman
October 18, 2007
Dear Dr. Feldman:
Today is my birthday. I am 58 years old. Ten years ago I decided to give myself the ultimate birthday gift... a facelift. On October 16, 1997, I entered the Plastic Surgery Residents'. Clinic at MGH at a point in my life where I had everything I ever wanted, secure in a job I loved so much it fulfilled me in every way. I was in perfect health, enjoyed the love of friends and family. I had reached a degree of self fulfillment, stability and happiness I alway... read full review »
They claim to be real, they claim that there's jobs in your area, and that 'we guarantee that you will be contacted within 90 DAYS. If you are not contacted, we can refund your registrations fee in full.' There's the trick of it, after two months of joining, I received a offer to be on TV for a reality show in New York which was sent out as a mass email to anyone before there 3 months were up. Living in St.Louis, it's a little hard to go, if it really existed.
So if you join and they contact you for a role in a... read full review »
faded glory
want to know why when you put the sticky stickers right on the front of womens shirys why it has to be right on the boobs read full review »
Sultry Hair
I wish I would have known that Sultry Hair was a crock before I made my purchase. I received my hair today and man am I disappointed. First of all I ordered a 12" and received a 10" or shorter. Secondly the hair is suppose to be curly like it was in the picture and its coarse and wavy. I thought I was going to get soft pretty Indian hair, but instead I got a hot mess! I called and left messages and emails to Sultry Hair but I was told that I can only exchange not return. I’m going to fight this because if they couldn’t get... read full review »
Placed order on June, 5 2008 they confirmation order same day charged my account the next day. Tried to check order on June 12 2008 got Yahoo auto response Thank you for contacting If you are emailing to check on the status of your order, please bear with us as we are closed today (Wednesday June 11th) and and were closed Monday and Tuesday due to the extreme flooding we are experiencing here. Our warehouse itself has not been damaged; however many roads surrounding it are closed and there are areas that have been... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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