CATEGORY: Services

airtel broadband landline connection
tarsem madaan October 12, 2009
we had already given application for disconnection at 105, ff, ansal classique tower, rajouri garden to madam nisha and we have the receiving of that ...on dated 20 august 2009..and they have not dasconnected the connection ...sending unneccessary no.45667384 and account no.14855257 and we want justified response ...kindly disconnect the connectioon... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
AT&T Business Service
RP Gensel October 12, 2009
AT&T recently changed their service agreement from being ruled by tariffs filed with the Public Service Commission to of South Carolina to a Business Service Agreement. The terms of this agreement are very one sided and gives the consumer no protection or recourse without jeoprodizing the termination of service. This service agreement is available on AT&T's website. Rich Gensel WebsterRogers LLP Florence, SC read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
tavos idprotect
Rollo October 12, 2009
Went to go apply for a loan online and then a few days later there is a charge on my account that i did not athorize little did i know that they would do that any time they want i read a lady was got for alot of money though out time but lesson learned and ill keep you guys updated on this bs cause i just wont stand for this now i got to go change my account info and wait for my cards to come back 10 business days well if you dont know by now you've pretty much been robbed wish you luck all!!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
LAXMIDHAR SAHOO October 12, 2009
I am facing log in problem for last 15 days, though am correctly entering my user id and passward in account. It is my important web site and my all transcations are done on this site here. To make me sure, I have gone to forgot passward option also. By sucessfully entering my alternate "e-mail id" and "code", I am unable to get my passward on my alternate "e-mail" My rediffmail user id: laxmidharsd My alternate mail account: [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Catalog Favorites
Barbara Erps October 11, 2009
I placed an order with Catalog Favorites for an item that was to be personalized for as birthday gift. I ordered it in early September because the birthday was September 30th. They charged me for the item and sent it to me without the personalization. I returned the item along with a note requesting the personalization be expedited due to the error as I needed to mail this gift to Florida from Massachusetts. I also included a copy of the postage to be reimbursed to me. On September 30th I received an e-mail from them stating that they were... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
jeezyjhon October 11, 2009 - fraud Am doing project for one of my buyer but for what and why dave replied for me. i asked my provider Hi, When can i expect my work... my provider did't replyed but for that question dave mailed me [email protected] to me show details Oct 10 (1 day ago) never Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 12:21 PM Subject: Re: Chat with Louis Gin Hi, When can i expect my work... Why he want to mail me do he have responce to mail me... please take this query and who is he to mail me... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
DouglasC October 11, 2009
I ordered bike tires from based in Florida. The tires were shipped after several weeks but their is no way they will fit the rims. The Tires are labeled as the correct size. I have posted a question on their website, sent emails, and left phone messages but no response. I emailed the manufacturer and they told me they get 4 to 5 complaints a day about this supplier. However despite this they would not even talk to me about the problem. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Brandon fly October 11, 2009
I contracted with GSolutionz to provide me with a phone system with internet capability. Though they were never particularly responsive to service issues, when my phones failed completely in November of 2006, they could not repair them over a period of weeks, despite repeated service calls and over $700 in charges. As they also refused my calls and emails, I finally had to switch providers but the phone system they sold me was incompatible with the new service. The phone equipment was leased, and the finance company is pursuing me for more than $10, 000 for equipment which is useless to me. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
jeanpier346 October 11, 2009
I want to cancel my inscription to GLOBAL MALE PASS, but I do not succed! I have no means to cancel my inscription because I do not succeed in connecting on Globalmalepass with my username (tendre971, or the old one: piep756) and my password! I have sent an email to GMP at "[email protected]" on 31 of august 2009. I requested the termination of my inscription, and suppress of the 8, 86 euros that I pay each month, by direct debit on my bank account. Without any effect until this day. I see that it is your company... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: France
Wood Partners
Lio October 11, 2009
To make a long story short I saw the tribecca site at the branch avenue station and I decided to take a look at the sales office. I was impressed by the floor plans and the pictures that I was shown so I decided to bring my parents along with me on a Saturday to possibly sign a contract. we met with the staff who was most accomodating and we signed a contract for move in February 2008. I was ecstatic because this was my first home. I was told that I would need to pay 4425 for th earnest deposit and if my pre-approval went through I would be... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Media Concepts Inc
Erondo October 11, 2009
If you go to and hit investors site at top of page, this company guarantees doubling or even tripling you money within 60 days. GUARANTEES. After emails and phone calls (that they do not respond to)i have not received any money. This is considered misleading advertising, improper selling practices, non-delivery of goods or services, misrepresentation, un-honored guarantees or warranty, unsatisfactory service, credit/billing problems, contracts not fulfilled, etc. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Liberty One Realty
Ernesta October 11, 2009
May 18 2008 My wife and I went through this realtor at liberty one. I found him through a co worker. We made contact over the phone and seemed like a nice guy but that was just a front. We are first time home buyers and don't know very much at all about the realty business. So we find a home that we thought was a ok starter home for us.The realtor says we offer financing. I say ok lets do it! We set a date with the seller on this foreclosed home the sellers offer was 4000 for closing and 6000 to put back into the home at a price of 149... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Jistar October 11, 2009
Cavtel slammed my phone service. After being switched from Talk America to Cavtel, I assumed things would run as smooth as Talk America ran them..I have been being charged for calls that I don't make. They have this per call use charge of $1.25 for every call I made and even #800 calls that are incoming to my phone, such as credit card companies, etc, , , I had $125 in per use call charges in November alone!! I was never informed of this and after checking back on my bill since 3-07, I noticed this was a feature I didn't add!! Tried... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Wells Court Development
MjA October 11, 2009
I bought a condo from the notorious F. Blake Longacre (he's been in the papers before for being a swindler, which I didn't know until it was too late) and he didn't finish it until after our contract date, over TWO YEARS! for one condo unit. He tried to blame everyone else, got caught lying to the BBB, has been through 3 lawyers in my case, etc... The thing is, he changed the layout of the complex: it was supposed to include a commercial area in front, but decided to cancel that part of the project after contracts were... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Jackson Development Group
Eliza October 11, 2009
It all started with a dream...On August 2007, my boyfriend and I wanted to buy a condo at Sedgwick Ave in the Bronx. We gave 30, 000.00 contract downpayment. Due to an increase of 10% from the Bank of America I had to apply for an FHA loan. After months of waiting for a closing date, I was told that the condominium building was not FHA approval. We waited four months and at the end the bank gave us a DISAPPROVAL loan letter.My lawyer has sent numerous letters to Jackson Develpoment demanding our money. Two months later, and they have not... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Ahmedo October 11, 2009
We needed our website redone as soon as possible. I interviewed several companies, and chose Yerasoft because they said they would get it done in 4-6 weeks. They said since they would rush it, they needed to be paid in full. I paid them $2400, and sent material for them to get started. I called at 4 weeks to find out why no one had contacted me. I was told, "these things take time." I called at 6 weeks to remind them it was deadline, but no one contacted me yet. They said they were taking 6-8 weeks, and someone would call me. No one... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Frontier Communication
Mad Dog October 11, 2009
I recently keep getting disconnect from internet several times, and my computer shows I got limit connectivity which mean the signal is bad. How can I get bad signal when the internet modem is upstairs, my room is downstairs, and I have a good wireless network? The limit connectivity causes my wireless network and the rest of wireless networks to disconnect. At the time, I knew the problem is the internet modem because it keeps giving the wireless networks disconnect several time. This keep happen to me almost every single day. In some case... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
veryconcerned October 11, 2009
I went to shop at @Home store in Mimosa Mall, Bloemfontein. I wanted to buy coasters for my coffee table. The coasters I wanted had the price scratched out and the price on the shelf read R69.00. There were no bar codes to compare with. When I went to pay, the price of the coasters were R139.00. I queried this. The "manager" a Ms Koegh showed me a similar, not the same item and said I should have looked there for the price. I said it is false advertising to have a shelf price that differs from the actual price and she laughed at me. I... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: South Africa
N. Ranga Rao & Sons
PT Ponnappa October 11, 2009
Hi, My mobile number is 9611115912. My PIN Code is blocked. Kindly send me the PUK code ASAP. Regards, PT Ponnappa read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
Davison Design & Development
Ex Davison Sales Person October 11, 2009
As a former Davison salesperson, I truly feel it is my duty to tell people just how heartless this company is and feels about the general consumer out there. It amazes me to see their web site and all the smiling and palm pressing & the 'wonderful' stories on the site about how great they are, all the companies they work with, all the happy customers, blah, blah, blah. The only thing is, I was on the inside for a long time and saw as well as heard first hand what really matters. We didn't make any money from royalties. What... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
idearc verizon superpages
DONT PAY IDEARC October 10, 2009
was contacted by sale person via telephone representing verizon superpages (idearc) w/ offer to do internet ad for my small business. Rep. offered me a two county ad in chicago area for $96.00 per month a six month contract w/ 7th month free. Two months later i erecieve a bill for $400.00. I have talked to several cust. service reps and could not get this resolved. I have also tried to cancel account and just been ignored. Irefuse to pay double for shddy advertising and blatant bait and sweitch. DO NOT DEAL WITH OR PURCHASE ANY IDEARC PRODUCTS... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
DmitryScamsPeople October 10, 2009
This the 3rd product that sells which is a scam. THe below BBB website will show you the proof that this company ( is a known scammer company. Don't get fooled into buying this companies software. It's full of bugs and doesn't work and once you buy it you're screwed. They won't give you a refund and they will push you off for 30 days so that your credit card company can't get the money. Read the proof on the link... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Russia
DmitryScamsPeople October 10, 2009
THis is another product that has that rips people off. DO not buy any software from They scam people and the BBB website lists them as a known scammer company. They also have a site called which is also part of the scammer software lineup. DO not buy software from this known scammer company. DOn't believe me, then check out the BBB... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Russia
DmitryScamsPeople October 10, 2009
We got scammed by this company when we bought the software for our asian dating site site. IT was full of bugs and when we asked for the bugs to be fixed they told us they were working on a fix and after the 30 days then blocked us from their site. WE lost 595 dollars and we have just found out that they are a known scammer company via the BBB website. I have listed that link below as proof that is a known scammer company. They claim to have a physical address in California but after much research we found out... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Russia
r3n3 international inc.
steve682343 October 10, 2009
Rene Trescases and his company r3n3 international stole $600 from my company. He is a fraud and should be arrested. Buyer beware. Sanjay S. Suri Dmitry Bezborodov read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
BK Express
dougncoriena October 10, 2009
Brian and Kristine for BK Express out of Perth Ontario were supposed to move us from Thunder Bay Ontario to Windsor Ontario which are 20 hours away from each other. We were told he would deliver for October 1st 2009 so we gave him a deposit of $1000 then he called and said his truck was broken and wanted another $500 to cover a part so he could deliver our stuff. On October 7th 2009 we contacted him because our belongings had not been delivered or even picked up from our mom's house in Thunder Bay he ignored us until we threatened to call... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada
Vita Mix 5200 Blender/Sound Enclosure on Craigslist
123VitaLLC October 10, 2009
Maybe we didn't get it right. Every time we advertise competitively on Craigslist, like you can: - buy a Vita Mix 4500 TurboBlend Blender with sound enclosure for $ 399.95, or - if you own a Vita Mix 5200 Blender you qualify to enter a free drawing for a $ 100 free sound enclosure for your own Vita Mix 5200 Blender - Blendtec blenders are noisy and we offer a free sound enclosure with it when you purchase the Blendtec HP3A blender for $ 399 from us -etc... Somebody removes or requests the removal, or reports our adds for... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Blendtec HP3A 3 hp BLender - Noise Level
123VitaLLC October 10, 2009
Whether I like it or not, the sound level of the Blendtec HP3A Blender, the Total Blender, EZ Blender, Connoisseur, etc... is between 95 dB to 102 dB. Some of the commercial Blendtec blenders such as the Blendtec Smoother, ABC, Q-Series, etc... come with the option of a sound enclosure. But the Connoisseur, the EZ blender, the HP3A, Champ or the Total Blender are not available with sound enclosure. We, 123Vita, LLC on have developed a sound enclosure in competition with those $ 200+ sound enclosures out there on the... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
itihad atheeb telecom (go)
SabdulWAJID October 10, 2009
This is the company's false refund promise. "If you are not satisfied with GO’s service you have 3 days from the time of activation to return it and get your money back" I have returned the modem in good confdition from where I purchased at 'Jeddah, Aziz Mall Store within the stupilated time to one the representative named Mr Hasan on(10-sep-2009). They promised withing 7 days I will get my refund in my account.But until today (i.e 10-oct-2009). I therefore warn the prospecting customer thinking for going... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Saudi Arabia
robert lee loman
ellla October 10, 2009
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBERT LEE LOMAN ROBERT LEE LOMAN SCAMMING PEOPLE FOR MONEY AND ACCUSING THEM OF FRAUD, AND LIES. HE RESPONDS TO ALL COMPLAINTS STATING THAT IS ONE PERSON TRYING TO RUIN HIS REPUTATION. Report: #490415 Robert Loman attempts to bring an action for defamation OF name to ROZALIA SAVIN /gabriela moisoiu with actual malice after several complaints were addressed To BBB and California Attorney General Office regarding His business activity wich i... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Blendtec HP3A 3 HP Blender
123VitaLLC October 10, 2009
The Blendtec 3 hp HP3A, Total Blender, EZ Blender, the Blendtec Champ, the Blendtec Connoisseur blenders, all of them, have been designed to run its blending cycles automatically pre-programmed. Therefore the company states that a tamper on its commercial or residential blenders is not needed. However, customers in restaurants, smoothie bars, coffee shops, and consumers have repeatedly reported to us (123Vita, LLC on that a tamper is needed indeed. The company has threatened us legally to stop selling the tamper made... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Char Broil Quantum infrared Heat
Cut Thumb October 10, 2009
Well i got a quantum Char Broil infrared Heat comm grill, Ok them infrared heat grates come in 2 pieces, it was my 2nd time using grill i took grates off to wipe down, i took the top piece off clean went to wipe bottom piece off and them edges are sharp as a knife i sliced my finger open really good they should be rolled over i applied hardly any pressure when wiping down, called them with great concern someone going get hurt bad and they didn't seem to even care i asked if they send me some new ones that wouldn't cut my finger off... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Elias Consulting Group
Bert October 10, 2009
I signed a lease to rent an apartment with Elias Consulting Group. They are a corporate leasing company. If you have a problem renting an apartment with you credit, Elias Consulting group will lease the apartment for you in their company's name. You are required to pay Elias monthly and they are to pay the apartment complex on your behalf. I had to pay $1600.00 monthly to Ken Elias, during the last six months, I found out from the leasing office that he has not paid since September of 2006. I was not aware of this until I received an... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Sanil bharat October 10, 2009
I have registered and opted for 2 years of web-hosting. But now this web-hosting company is no more existing. My money is gone. They promised to refund, but no news. Is there anybody, who can monitor such company to avoid such frauds. How to belive a company on the net.? read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
I.C. Services
Brad Vaughn October 10, 2009
I. C. Services appears to be on the leading edge of an Internet Fraud/Spam Industry that preys on people that are looking to secure government grants for various purposes to improve their life. They were agressive in securing payment from me in return for the service of qualifying and ultimately providing me with legitimate government sources for a business grant. I began my contact with I.C. Services in Feb.2007, with the guarantee that I would receive what I paid for in 14 to 16 weeks. The promised delivery is way over due and to... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Stores Online
Scivano October 10, 2009
Stores Online is a company that travels the USA holding seminars with high pressure sales to have them build you a website so you can run your own online business. I am here to tell you that they are liars. I bought into their scam as a quick fix to building my website business. WRONG. I have sent them ALL my information for the website and promised that I would be contacted in 5 days by programming. It's been a month and I can not get anyone to return phone calls or respond to emails. They have my down payment and are supposed to have an... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Reliance communications pvt ltd
Rachna seth October 10, 2009
After getting innumerable calls from Executives from Reliance communications to get my prepaid converted in to post paid connections, I decided to apply for the same. On 10th August 09, I received a call from one of those executives (from ph # 02232223068) saying that they are sending their exec to collect my documents and a deposit of Rs 450/- and my card will be converted in to post paid in seven days from then and that I will be refunded the deposit in 45 days. The executive came the same day collected all necessary docs and the money. They... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
RamBabu Sankurttula October 10, 2009
E-Ticket & Service was cancelled PNR Number :J14890894 Login ID : ganesh071982 Money was not refunded for the above. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: India
ElixirCT - Adroit Systems Inc
Unknownworld09 October 10, 2009
Non Payment of Dues Hi, I am one of ex employee of ElixirCT. A company owned by two brothers names Rajul and Manu Tandon. The company has one room India office and no office in USA but always claims to have one. This company is very poor in paying promised components and does all sorts of unethical activities to ensure that employee do not get paid in full. As with me, certain amount was withheld by ElixirCT and is not cleared even at full and final settlement. It’s not worth working with this company. Also, they make... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
BK Express Brian pidgeon
Brian Pidgeon BK EXPRESS October 9, 2009
Paid for delivery from Guelph Ontario to Guelph.Mover calls one week later, truck broken, thensays truck impounded, then we call police, not impounded says they will deliver, then calls, need more money sent Western union, we say no way, a week passes, we call police, then he says, I have items in two storage units, one in Levis Que, one in Shediac N.B, says he won, t give us items tell he is present at sight, but keeps saying when we are able to speak, I am going away till spring see you then.We put a notice online and had several contact... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: Canada


The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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