LOCATION: United Kingdom

360Share Pro
January 13, 2007
I have paid this company for a life time subscription. Not even a year into it, I cannot connect to the site. Can't get hold of them. Want to know where my money's gone? read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
January 13, 2007
UKFakeID.com is a scam so don't even bother looking on their website the drivers licenses look very real but thats because they are only on display on the screen and aren't actually made, nobody could make a drivers license look like that its bullshit they need to be reported. read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
January 12, 2007
After I send couple hundreds US dollars to my moneybookers account, I got nag screen to verify my address. then suddenly I got e-mail "activity you have processed via your Moneybookers account is unacceptable and out of security reasons we cannot let you continue your membership with us." The best part from that e-mail is "Please kindly note that this decision of our Security Department is final and is not subject to any future discussions." So, they closed my account & steal my money, I can't even know why & until now they never e-mail me again. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
The Mobile Gamer
December 20, 2006
From my cell phone I ordered a game from an online gaming site that my cell phone service provider directed me to. I ordered, I paid via paypal, but I got no game to show for it. So I sent an email to their customer service department asking how to obtain "my" game. I provided all the order information, my cell phone number, and all the other pertinent information. This transaction took place on December 2, 2006. I emailed for help on December 5, 2006. I received a read confirmation in my email box stating that my original email sent... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
December 12, 2006
An amount of £69.95 appeared on my credit card for the above company as I have only internet account access and maybe once a week I would not have subscribed to this. I only book flights via e mail. I also see lots of e mails re fraud of this company. This company is a scam! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Microsoft XBox 360
December 9, 2006
Son bought Xbox360 on the first day available 11/05. It has had two hardware failures since then, both outside of 90 day warranty. Both times we have insisted that MS replace unit at no charge due to State of Maine law prohibiting limitation of implied warranty/merchantability for up to four years of coverage. Incidental and consequential damages are also NOT disallowed. MS customer service is an oxymoron. They constantly try to get you to think there is nothing they can do and that you have not choice but to pay for all repair... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Chelsea Textiles & Fabrics
December 8, 2006
Variation of same scams I have been receiving for over a year - mostly from UK - this one offering employment. They are sending payment tomorrow via FedEx & I am to cash money order, take out pay and wiring fees (I have no idea what constitutes "pay") & send split balances to Nigeria to 2 different people at same address. Email comes from London address. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
Pizza Hut
December 8, 2006
As a pizza hut employee Ive heard most and almost all of the complaints listed below. I understand what some are speaking about but you have to understand that these people are making minimum wage so if they forget a sauce they really aren't going to be that concerned. Maybe if pizza hut or other places in general payed there employees a little bit more they would have better workers, although some people like myself are just hard workers and no matter what they are payed they work hard and try to serve the customers in a polite and... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
December 5, 2006
I booked Alitalia Flight to my visit to Munich on November 13 to November 18, I emailed as well requested on phone Jain Meal (Strict Indian Vegetarian Meal) which was confirmed. On 13th We left Mumbai by AZ771 to Milan, we were served Jain Meal. However our flight to Munich from Milan canceled. read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Xbox 360 Helpline
December 5, 2006
I have called the Xbox 360 helpline and e-mail line many times and they said they will come pick my xbox and have received no help i am very been very disappointed with this service. It has been 2 months. Poor service! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
November 30, 2006
Seen in tesco store new malden people at check outs spitting on the floor or in bins this is a really disgusting habit and i think against the law. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
Excel Airways
November 29, 2006
Experienced total over eleven hours long delays both on the outbound and inbound flights also experienced problems with inbound meals paid for and meals not supplied. We lost time off our holiday, missed day off work as unpaid leave and also incurred losses in taxis fares due to delays. Reasons: Returning flight from Bodrum incurred a delay due to technical difficulties with the operating aircraft. Due to constraints within XL flying programm, they were unable to provide an alternative aircraft. XL cannot accede to me request for... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United Kingdom
Viewsonic LCD TV
November 23, 2006
On 20th Nov 2006 a three month old 37" LCD tv suffered a total failure (totally dead), A call to viewsonic said the TV would be collected within 48hrs (we waited in) but it wasn't. We called back to the dutch call center "sorry" we should have said three days, Ok we waited another day. Guess what still no collection. We called again. They suggested we call the carrier (parceline) we did they had no collection planned for my potecode. We called viewsonic again, they said the carrier was wrong. At the end of the day whoever... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
November 23, 2006
I was going to have Sky put in on the 7-November. When my supplier -Telewest - came up with a better offer than yours I decided to stay with them. I sent you an email on the 19/october/2006@13:58. I did not receive a reply! I telephoned today, 24/October, to verify this matter and spoke to a young man called Alex-he would not give me his last name-well, that's alright, but, I have to say I got in quite a state at his refusal to accept my explanation for my cancel- -ation. I am an elderly person,and do not need that kind... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
ICI Dulux Paint
November 21, 2006
I bought some non-drip dulux gloss paint a few months ago. When I opened the tin it was clearly liquid gloss. I couldn't find the receipt to return it, so used it but it all dripped and ran. Terrrible and I had to buy more paint and redo the whole job plus the sanding etc to dry and get rid of the drips and waves. I wrote to ICI in Slough, saying they had put wrong labels on cans and shld do a product recall. All I got back was a letter of excuses saying it was because of the hot weather! I live in Scotland and although summer... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Orange Internet Services
November 17, 2006
My name is Marion and i am sick of being the under dogs. My daughter who is on family credit she goes out to work has no benefits. She got herself a secondhand pc then she pick up a orange disk to go dile up she tryed to download it and got as far as her bank details then nothing so she tryed again the same got to her bank details and nothing so she gave it up and went with AOL this was in Aug on the 26Th Sept orange took two lots of £14.99 from her account which this occurred a bank charge of £39 00 as the money was for something... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
MFI Ancestry
November 13, 2006
Just received a statement from my husbands credit card company in which it shows a charge of £9.95 has been made to MFI Ancestry. The only online ancestry company that I signed up to trial was Ancestry.com and this was cancelled before the end of the trial time (i.e.30th October) I received an e-mail from Ancestry.com confirming this has been cancelled and no charges would be made. Who and where are MFI Ancestry.com and how can I contact them please. margaret pottage York U.K read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United Kingdom
McAfee Virus Protection
November 13, 2006
I have a home computer dell which I installed mcafee virus protection with it, my computer broke down and had to have everything re installed but did not get mcafee since then have had another virus protector and do not wish your protection any more I have received my visa account to find I have been charged £24.99 on 7th October ref 866-622-3911 CA my name is Mrs Daphne and my visa account is Halifax Visa could you please send me an address where I may write to or telephone number to sort this out. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United Kingdom
PopularKicks.com aka NeedAPair.com
November 10, 2006
Popular kicks.com phone number is 866-644-5175, they are located at 20 ballindune, weydown road, haslemere, surrey, gu27 1dp united kingdom. They are a ripoff and should not be allowed to advertise on any public site... i placed an order on 09-01-06 and have yet to receive any reasonable response as to the delay. You call the phone number and it goes directly to v.m. It really bothers me that they can continue to update the website and still take orders for shoes that will not be delivered. I have wrote and kept copies of all correspondence. I... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United Kingdom
Ebay UK
November 10, 2006
Hi, I wonder if you can help or investigate Here is a complaint I have about eBay fees 1) not so bad When you list an item at a price within a higher fee bracket and then decide to reduce the price ( which falls in the lower fee bracket ) eBay keeps the higher fee. However, if you list and item at a lower fee threshold and decide to raise the price to a higher one, the additional fee is automatically charged. No fee reduction applies if you decided to lower the price. 2) Very dishonest If you list an item on any... read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United Kingdom
Easy Car Credit
November 8, 2006
I brought a car from Easy Car Credit - East Mayne Basildon Essex back in feb 06. It was a vauxhall vectra and have had major problems from the start it was not running very well so i took it to a garage i knew and got it checked over. To my horror there was a really long list of things wrong with it, so i took the car back with the list and they said they would sort it out so i left without a car feeling happy that it would be sorted out. I then picked the car up and they said all the work had been done so i took it back to my friends garage... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
Servis London
November 8, 2006
Servis London I own a Servis Washer Dryer On Monday 9th October our washing machine broke. The water didn’t want to go out of the machine. On Tuesday10th October Miss P called Servis and notified about the fault and Servis said an engineer would contact us. Later that same afternoon an engineer did called and agreed to come and look at the fault on Thursday 12th October between 8.00 and 18.00 Miss P had taken the day off and called in the morning to confirm the appointment and Servis confirmed the engineer was going to... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Servis UK
November 6, 2006
Hi, would like to point out to would be purchasers that should any thing go wrong with your SERVIS appliance you aint got a chance of any joy from them. My story after 6 weeks the fridge /freezer failed an engineer duly dispatched 2 days later. Apparently fixed ha ha. 2 days later an engineer failed to turn up after staying in for 10 hours after many phone calls all of which were meant to phone back. No one did.. Still no call backs and an engineer arrived to say it was completely knackerd a part would be ordered, After 4 weeks and not 1 phone... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Pioneer Receiver
November 6, 2006
I shipped a Pioneer Receiver in May 2006 to London by DHL, it arrived damaged, DHL report states “Due to rough handling the equipment got crushed” Because the equipment was insured for transit I submitted a claim on the 12th May 2006. Despite supplying detail information about the equipment, (out of the box failure etc), six months later DHL have not acknowledged my claim, nor have they made any indication towards a settlement. Is this how they treat small countries? Thomas read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Plumstead Window Company
November 3, 2006
I live in Plumstead in South East London, over the weekend (14&15th October 2006) one of my bedroom windows got smashed. On Sunday I called a local window company to quote me a price to fix the damage. I asked for this quote twice to make sure i had it correctly. The gentleman on the phone asked me a series of questions which included. Is the window up stairs or down, plain glass or patterned double or single glazed. My window is approximatly 3ft tall and 1.5ft wide upstairs plain single glazed glass. I gave the gentleman thi... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Alamo Car Rental
October 30, 2006
In the summer of 2005, my wife and I planned a trip to England, and booked a van rental for a couple of days through AutoReservation.com with Alamo car rentals, so that we could take friends of ours and our daughter and her boyfriend to the Isle of Wight. When we got to pick up the van in Brighton, they wanted to charge $1500.00 (refundable) on my credit card in advance of renting the van, claiming it was standard practice. I had rented vehicles in England before, and had never been hit with such an advance charge. Friends had even rented from... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
October 25, 2006
On the website it said they had a money-back guarantee. I payed the life-time membership cost (£28,97) to sign up but then found that it was not a legal downloading site. I did not download any music and uninstalled the software without using it. When I asked for my refund I haven't heard from them. Please advise smb! read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Acer Uk
October 25, 2006
After much stress over many months now i am still yet to receive a replacement on my acer 19" widescreen monitor. To cut an increasingly long story short, after a few weeks of using my new Acer monitor it failed to switch on. I gave Acer uk support a phone call, and after trying all things requested during the phone conversation the monitor was booked in for return to repair center. Once the monitor was collected i was told that acer would call me after they had inspected the fault and then issue me with a new unit. After... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
ScreenSelect DVD Rental
October 23, 2006
The company I have a complaint about is Screenselect.co.uk. I became involved with them due to another e mail which promised me a free TV if I subscribed to some offers. One of these offers was a free rental period from Screenselect which I accepted in August 2006. My husband immediately advised me against this ‘free’ offer as I had given them my debit card details which I also was concerned about. I immediately tried to cancel. After receiving only x2 DVD rentals I sent them an e mail dated 18.08.06 asking them to cancel my... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
Curry Park Farm - Folkestone Kent
October 23, 2006
In January 2006 I have bought a laptop in Curry Park farm Folkestone kent, in May 2006 it was already faultif, I have contacted the techniciens on the phone and discovered that I hadn't took out a covert for business that I was really surprised as I specificaly notified that computer is business use! So they took my computer away for almost 2 weeks, my business survive with great difficulties!!! Then this sunday 1st of October here we go again!!! this time couldn't use my scanner and my hub whitch are really needed, so I went back to... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
British Gas
October 17, 2006
We have moved into a new property in the past 3 weeks and unfortunately it has a gas pre-payment meter. I phoned British Gas to get a card to allow us to top up the meter and they assured me one was on the way, in the meantime they sent out an engineer to give us the £10 emergency credit facility. This was nearly 2 weeks ago and, after several more phone calls, I still have not received a card and now I have run out of gas. I therefore have no heating, cooking or bathing facilities until this is resolved. I have phoned British Gas today... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
Heilig Meyers - London, Ky
October 16, 2006
My last dealing with Heilig Meyers turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of my life! In 2000, I purchased a washer/dryer and mattress/box springs. It started going bad right away, because I was paying my payments in advance, and every time I would go in, they would claim I owed a late fee. I would have to argue with them every time a payment was due. Then, without any notice, they closed the store. They never sent me any information whatsoever about where to send payments, or how to contact them in any way. I waited patiently, month... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Safe Plate Spray
October 9, 2006
I bought and used Safe Plate - falsely claimed to hide my car plate from traffic cameras. But got a ticket and thus asked the company for a refund ...my request was ignored. The product does not work and was recently fined by the Trading Standards Officials for selling a product that does not work. I hope others won't be fooled. read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom
Liverpool servis washing machine
September 29, 2006
Liverpool servis washing machine. bought a servis washer on the 26th of November from great universal catalogue. I was woken with a bang and a flooded kitchen I called servis who gave me a date for an engineer to visit. I had over a week to wait and was told between the times of 8am and 5pm. Long story short they should have visited Monday 17th july and im still waiting. I have called servis around 20 times and great universal a number of times. Great universal have said if its unrepairable they will replace but I need the engineer first to... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Yes Loans
September 27, 2006
My Daughter applied for a loan from Yes Loans Ltd. If you check their website (www.yesloansuk.com) it advertises as loan company. She recieved a proposal agreement form offering her a loan, to me the paperwork looks like any other agreement from a finance company She signed the agreement and paid £49.50 for an administration fee. She then recieved a call from Welcome Finance who informed her that she had not been succesful in her application for a loan, this caused confusion as she had not applied for a loan with them, it then... read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United Kingdom
September 20, 2006
I have recently experienced a number of problem with both B&Q and one of its suppliers GE Capital/Money. We are regular users of B&Q, as have recently purchased a brand new house. We have spent over £2,000 recently on garden furniture, outdoor heaters/lights and other DIY products. Prior to christmas 2005, you had a special offer on a portable TV/DVD Player, which we purchased for our kitchen. In April 2006 the TV/DVD Player would not switch on. We have checked all the obvious things i.e. fuse, socket etc and it does not... read full review »
Filled under: Home & Garden Location: United Kingdom
September 18, 2006
First of all their customer service is horrible. You get no good contacts and if you are unhappy with their service there is no customer service to remedy the problem. If you have paid, their answer is to close your account and they get $160.00 of free money without providing the service they guarantee. I have made better contacts with the free services of Yahoo in less time then I ever have at E harmony. Forget about calling customer service if you have a problem, they just hang up on you and leave you forced to wait another 10minute... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United Kingdom
August 31, 2006
I purchased a frost free fridge freezer from Curries on 27/04/02 and paid ?125.00 for Coverplan cover. I telephoned you on Sat 12th August to report this and had to wait a rediculous 5 days before an engineer would come out. We were then told that the faulty part ( Defrost Relay Socket Cover) would have to be ordered. I have been on the phone to the engineers and yourselves numerous times only to be told that that part is coming from abroad and it will 'be here when it is here!' I am nearly 2 weeks without a fridge freezer which i... read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United Kingdom
Sky sports news
August 5, 2006
I hope this is the right complaints board, but I was disgusted to see sky sports news showing archive footage of some nobody from 2001 speaking about Erikson when i could easily have said in one sentence, the man is a joke and has ruined England's best chance of world cup glory especially with the other results. Get some better footage and just interview a random guy than that garbage. England could have gone the distance if it was down to a true english man, not a foreign joke of a manager who had no passion for the situation. I feel sick to my very core because of your coverage and englands lack of ambition to atempt to win the World cup. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United Kingdom
July 28, 2006
I purchased a pair of rear tail lights for my car at (Autowerks 941 Washington Blvd, # 307 Roseville , CA 95678) they arrived after 5 weeks and after installing them they make error warning lights show on the cars instrument panel showing a problem with the rear lights , on there web sight www.autowerks.com it states that this will not happen , I have contacted them about this & they asked me to go to my local bmw dealer & have them try to reset the error lights on the instrument panel I have tried this and they could not correct thi... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United Kingdom


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