LOCATION: United States
Sargents Gold flea Control
I bought this product and administered it to my dogs and shortly afterwards they became ill. My Shihtzu became very ill and got blisters on her we had to rush them to a emergency vet where they were bathed in daen dish soap and were given antibiotics and are now recovering but this was very scary and expensive !
This product needs taken off the shelves !! read full review »
Price Pfister
Bought the "Marielle" style kitchen faucet in 2006, it leaked at the single lever main trunk. Returned it to Home Depot, they gave me a second one. Plumber installed it, and I was happy, but...
It leaked the same, and has still for 3 yrs. Asked HD for a fix, but they said email customer relations at Price Pfister. PP waited a month to reply, sent ball/washer to fix, but said I owed them $5 for postage! I don't think so.
That's 3 plumber's bills I am out already. I will not buy from Price Pfister Pfaucets again. read full review »
I took one tablet of Zyrtec before bed for 3 nights and had an adverse event by the 4th day. I became very highly agitated, in a very very bad black mood, and all around extremely pissed at everything and everyone. My mother noticed the abrupt change in my personality
and behavior, which is normally nice and normal. For instance, I left my car to pump gas and was so agitated I furiously slammed my car door behind me. I got pissed at people at the store, etc...
This stuff shouldn't be sold over the counter if it can cause these... read full review »
Turtle Bay Resort
We have stayed at Turtle Bay Resort & Hotel on North Shore Oahu, Hawaii. We have been burglarized by somebody with Hotel issued elec. key card used to enter our room. Substantiation amount of our property has been stolen. Hotel management failed to respond to our phone calls or registered emails. They never talked to us. Period. We dealt with Kahuku Police who "investigated" the case. It was very obvious to us nothing will be done about it. And nothing was. Few hours after our burglary there was a woman attacked and violated at the... read full review »
Transnational Bancard Inc.
If someone contacts you from this company to process your credit cards-Beware. . . Beware. . . Beware for the bait and switch.
They come in talking about how much they are going to "save" you, not about how much it is going to cost.
I wanted to take credit cards in my business. I was contacted by someone from Transnational, a cold caller, and agreed to meet with him. Soon his "manager" who represents how great the company is and how they are a "big player" in the world of credit card processing shows up and... read full review »
Kemper Insurance
My son had a Home fire on 7/1/09. Cause of fire was deemed electrical. Kemper Insurance has done little to settle this claim.(As of 10/17/09) A deposition was scheduled. It was a gruely horrible defiling experience. The attorney call the insured ( my son) a liar during the deposition. When asked if a previous insurance claim had been made the answer was no. My son had been in a MVA at age 18 and was a passenger. Because he was taken to a hospital with injured they called him a liar. Never did my son feel he needed an attorney. But he did to... read full review »
Tooth Whitening Product
was charged for trial cost 1.95 then charged for 79.95 and never received product claims they have postoffice conformation of tracking number but no actual proof to show me, i never got anything and complained before & after not getting it after 1.95 charge now i raised hell and they got away with 82.00 how illegal is that they only care to offer free products after employee being rude and inconciderate to me when i was concerned about this issue they care nothing about there customers i wonder how many more people they made that money on... read full review »
I received my furniture curbside deliver, no other option available. The pallet was stacked approximately 7' high & was full. Even the delivery driver remarked on the packing b/c he had a difficult time getting it out of the truck. I sent an email to A & Y just after the delivey b/c the delivery guy noticed the box that held my posts to my bed were severely scarred; he said it had obviously been dragged. I requested www.AandYFurniture.com A & Y furniture send new finials that top the bed posts. They reponded... read full review »
Nutri Blvd/ Rezv
I ordered the free trial offer of Rezv for $3.95 before leaving for an extended foreign visit. Upon my return I found that the product had been sent on a regular basis. To my dismay, my credit card was billed $89 each month. I have not even had time to try the product and have not decided whether I wish to continue its use.
I plan to return all the accumulated bottles and am requesting credit for each order. Please send me an invoice for each month's order to submit to my bank, or reimburse me for the amount I have been... read full review »
Tomali Scotters / 50cc 4 Stroke Dirt Bike
On October 9th I order the above product name from Tomali Scooters. The $575.00 was immediately taken out of my acct. via Pay Pal. After ordering the item my husband and I had a couple of questions so we called and left a voice message. After a couple of days of not hearing from them we tried again with no response, and then again and again. I then remembered that on the Agreement page that there was the owner's name and phone number so I decided to try that. That phone number is INCORRECT!! The person that answered the phone, from a... read full review »
Team Modify
This company sent me all the information for what I thought was re-structuring my mortgage loan. I even questioned the gentleman who initially took the call and wondered if this was a good company and a good thing to do. He reassured me and I believed him. He even said go look at the BB website and check into their company. I did a BB search and they look okay. Now I am out of the money and still need to re-structure my loan.
How is this website going to help me with this situation? It's always the people that can't afford thi... read full review »
Defendmyname.com Serm International Scam these companies are all working together. When you call them they make more negative links on Defendmyname.com and charge to remove them. The fraud company known as Defendmyname.com and Serm International (they are the same company are doing this). I own a small printing company and we brought them on solely for reputation work and link building - we have paid thousands of dollars and seen not one link or other services of value. They DO NOT know about SEO and are a wholly sales-driven SCAM that cannot... read full review »
McNicholas Realtors
McNicolas Realtor is a 1 woman (Peggy Langen) operation. She is spread way too thin and wont have much to do with protecting your property besides collecting your monthly payment. She managed my property for 18 months and didn't even give it a drive by. She couldnt pick your property out of a line if her life depended on it, but she is so quick to tell everyone how experienced she is and such a professional...I was not impressed. Most days if you call, you will get her voice mail because she is out in canyon lake playing with her horse... read full review »
Ryder Truck
In August 2008 my mother in law and husband and brother in law decided to get a truck and trailer and put our guys to work for them selves so we went to Ryder to rent truck to try it out we spoke with the rental manager mike here at our local Ryder in phoenix we told him that we wanted to rent a truck and trailer and run under there authority to pick up loads and transport them to there delivery location he said that that would not be a problem but that depending on our credit we may have to put a $25000.00 deposit this not being a problem had... read full review »
Furniture Land South
This business should be closed down. They have the worst customer service of any furniture store I've experienced. We ordered dining room furniture in June and it still hasn't arrived. The customer service (Cathy Grindstaff) called me 12 weeks after the order to tell me the fabric for the dining room chairs is no longer availabe...it took them 12 weeks to figure that out and I would have to re-select. Meanwhile, the table was delivered damaged and had to be returned. It's been 16 weeks, still no furniture and I have to wait... read full review »
DAZZLE WHITE teeth whitener
Late September ordered Dazzle White Teeth Whitener for $4.95 trial sample. Nowhere did the solicitation indicate that after 14 days there would be a bill for $80+ dollars; I called their number when the charges appeared on my bank statement and was assured there would be no further charges and received an email to that effect; a week later, additional charges appeared from Ultifreshwell with an 866 number that is disconnected and another charge of $87.62 plus 88 cents foreign currency charge; yet a third week later, these same charges appeared... read full review »
Do do agree to a listing with googelypages.com. This company does not send contracts listing the terms. You will receive a phone informing you that you account is overdue and you cannot cancel your subscription until the balance is paid because it "automatically" renews. If you do agree on a settlement payment the company continues to harass you and ask for more money because your account renewed and you are receiving a service for free. Small businesses BEWARE of this telemarketing scam. read full review »
ADT Alarms
ADT here in Douglas County, GA is HORRIBLE. Avoid them!. Our instaler was so bad that the system appeared to work fine but we had no signal going to the ADT monitoring station for months. We received no credit. Now, we have the system not working correctly again. The service tech was supposed to be here yesterday but no-showed. A day of pay is lost when one takes the day off to await ADT. They rescheduled for today and it isn't looking so good. ADT refused to give us any real credit. They offered to credit the last few days of down time... read full review »
Carson Rose And Associates
What is largely missing from much business interactions are good communications. Here's what I've learned from this situation. As vitriolic as my original report is, once Doug Bradshaw and I were able to "talk" (which was very difficult to get to), we spoke for perhaps a half-hour.
I saw Doug's perspective on things, and I believe he was able to appreciate mine. After the conversation, Doug, as agreed in our phone/con, e-mailed me an assurance that Carson Rose & Associates has vacated my invoice as well (see... read full review »
Good Sam Continued Service Plan
I purchased a continued service plan from Beaudry RV when I purched a motorhome. I have now had the motor home about 2 years. On a trip out this summer, I had three items fail that should have been covered under the plan. I called after the repairs were completed because the dealer had failed t include the exclusions page on the booklet that describe what is covered. The repair facility therefore had no proof that I was cover and therefore did not call for authorization. Whe I called in to get the situation straightened out, I was told I would... read full review »
I ordered a cd from cdwow, when ordering I edited the delivery address details with a new delivery address, when I received confirmation of my order the confirmation had an old delivery address where I no longer live, within a minute I emailed the cdwow customer service dept and advised them of the correct delivery address, I recieved an email back confirming they have taken the necessary actions to amend the delivery address, 24 hours later I receive an email from cdwow advising my cd had been dispatched but was sent to the wrong delivery... read full review »
Zecore Plus
I listened to an ad for this product which offered a "free sample". I have listened to the ad multiple times and it seemed pretty clear as to the offer. I then called with the intent of getting the sample and trying it to see how effective it was. What I got instead was a 'hard sell' sales pitch offering me a 2-month supply which would 'include' an additional 1-month supply. Totally misleading and offensive. I tried to complain that this was misleading relative to what was offered and got nowhere fast. I hung up on the salesperson. read full review »
E For Hats
The e4Hats Company which offer differnt hats in Internet absolutely insist that a packet with 2 requested hats were shipped by USPS to consignee in Germany, but the result of performed investigation shows that the items no one time were transfered from the e4Hats company to USPS. The consignee in Germany although received tracking number but the number is just elektonically notification by the shipper that he wiil next time something mail, this does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. The e4Hats Company received money... read full review »
acai berry supplement/innovative health fulfillment 888-572-6944
i went online on their website.there was advertisement on their website that get your first free trial order only pay $0.99.i order that product.there was nothing mention about other charges and membership.later on without my permission they charge me $61.oo. i didn't aurthorize that charge.its a scam read full review »
Travelodge Hotel
A friend of mine was booking four rooms at a travelodge in Bath so that we could go to bath for the weeknd to have a spa weekend to celebrate our mothers birthdays. She selected what she wanted on their website and it came up with the total price for the four rooms and it was showing them all avalible so she clicked on the pay button. then next screen she had come up said it had taken the money for one room so she pressed cancel as this was wrong it was ment to be four rooms. It then told her the other three rooms weren't available so it... read full review »
For information on HSAs and high deductible health plans, or to get advice on whether this type of health insurance plan is right for you, visit www.enetinsurance.com and talk to one of our licensed health insurance agents. read full review »
I ordered boots from Uggbootshop.com.au on Jan 13th they took my payment on Jan 15th - i have never received the goods, when i chase them by email they keep telling me that the goods have been lost in transit and they are despatching another pair. I have now found out i am not the only person they are spinning this story to - i have now given up with them and have contacted my credit card company who are logging a claim against them to get my money back. What ever you do DO NOT ORDER from this company! read full review »
Play N Trade
I'm glad to see I got some feedback. Everyone seems to think highly about this store. One customer said the store was always packed when he goes there and the employees were all helpful. Have any of you went in the store when they wasn’t busy and 2 hrs before closing. A consumer called in about a game he wants to pick up and one employee told the other “I’m not waiting for that guy to come”. Trust me I love the store the problem is the people they hire to work in the store. You said the employees were alway... read full review »
Home And Beyond
I ordered some fixture parts from this "company" and what they sent was wrong. Not only did it not look anything like the item on-line it in fact was a completely different electrical good - unusable to me. I called and asked them to pay for the return shipping. They refused and told me quote "on-line photos are for illustration purposes only. Most of our customers don't use photos when ordering". False. This was an on-line order. Everyone uses photos! How else do you order?! Also, 2 sockets of a different type which were... read full review »
Cash At Call
Cash at call promise cash within 24 hours to people with a default against their credit history. Instead, they took a week to finally reject my application for a $5000 loan.
I am 31 yrs old, hardworking, pay my rent and bills on time each month and manage to put $1200 aside each month for a home loan deposit.
I have a bad debt that I am repaying and intend to in full. It was from when I was young, naive and fell into the GE Money trap. I have never skipped a beat with the repayments on the default. My reason for the loan was to pay... read full review »
Dreamy Nights
Ordered bedding for my daughters room, said it would take about 10 days for dispatch on the website, after 10 days still no order and still just said on order tracking "pending shipment" phoned them, emailed them and i have not heard a thing back from them. its been more than a month now and i've never heard anything from them, haven't received my goods and haven't got my money back. read full review »
My wife and I visted the Hatfield near Doncaster for a meal. We had to ask three times for my wife's red wine to be topped up to the line on the glass. There was dried on food on the cutlery. It took thirty minutes for the food to arrive and when it did, the chips were hot but everything else was stone cold. I wrote to complain, adding that there was never "Pedigree Beer" on tap despite it being their own brew. I received a £5 voucher but no explanations. I sent the voucher back asking for an explanation, sending the letter... read full review »
Spectrum Code Seminars
I recently attended Spectrum Code Seminars "Solar Energy Workshop" (Oct. 2009).
I'm an electrical contractor who has been interested in getting into the Solar PV field for the past few years. I've attended some trade shows and have talked to many people involved in alternative energy, but I have never had the opportunity to attend any "real" class in the subject.
Spectrum Code Seminars has been sending me fliers for years advertising their code seminars, but I had yet to attend any of their classes, based... read full review »
Bell Broadcasting Channel
To all UK broadcast journalists, Bell Broadcasting Channel, part of Premier Bell Holdings Ltd of Dartford, Kent, are in my experience extremely unreliable payers who have often broken the payment terms I agreed with them. They claim to be in financial problems. I am owed thousands of pounds for shifts I have undertaken, money which is seriously overdue. Last week I was forced to threaten them with a debt recovery agency. The boss, Mr Grahame Rowlands is aware of the severe financial difficulties I am in but does nothing to fully honour hi... read full review »
3 - Mobile Broadband
Nowhere in the terms and conditions for 3 mobile broadband does it state that customers have to wait for the start of the next billing cycle to change their monthly price plan. I wanted to upgrade my monthly capacity after I ran out of usage but was told I could not receive any more megabytes at the price I was paying until my next bill came out, some 12 days away. During those 12 days, I had to pay the ''pay as you go'' rate for usage, which I needed for my internet job, but the price had risen by THREE THOUSAND FIVE... read full review »
In August 2008, i bought a sofa from eshopuk via ebay.co.uk. After 3 months, the sofa started fallen apart. I emailed eshop and they asked to send photo of the damage. After sending the photo, they promised to get back to me but they never did. I called them and was told they are waiting for the outcome. I had sent lots of emails but no replies.I tried calling them after some weeks their phone was'nt working. till date i, m still waiting for the 1 year manufacturer warranty they promised. read full review »
I joined Kleeneze approximately two weeks ago and was signed up by Steve Roper ( HIS ACCOUNT NUMBER IS 272787). On signing up, Mr Roper suggested I buy a stsrt up pack which he had put together for new distributors joining his team for the sum of ten pounds, which he asked me to pay for by cheque. As I am new to the business I verbally agreed as I thought he new what he was doing. I then read some horror stories on the internet about this business and decided against it. When I informed Mr Roper, he asked if I would still send him the ten... read full review »
Gallagher basset services
Well, I have read other complaints here, and am greatful that we have not had as much trouble out of GB as some, but our problem would be such a simple one to resolve and in 4 months they have done nothing.
My husband was injured on the job in early June of 2009. When he finally received his first WC check, it seemed low. I knew that he was supposed to receive 2/3 of his average weekly wage. So, I went to his employers website and printed out all of his pay records and turned them over to our attorney. It turns out that his checks are... read full review »
The lack of customer service is worse here than anywhere I have ever shopped. I will NEVER shop here again. I emailed on 3 different days, asking for the status of my order and all they say is "its on its way".
By the end of 2 weeks and 3 days of this I was giving up and sent another email stating I was canceling my order. Their reply was that I was too annoying with my emails "everyday", 3 days of emails in 2 weeks and 3 days (Monday, a week and 1 day after placing the order, the following Monday, 2 weeks and 1 day after... read full review »
We ordered the above-referenced range hood from this company. When we received it, we realized it had already been installed (and removed) and then repackaged. The hood had several rivets missing, the electrical panel missing (there was a hole where the LCD panel should have been!), several screws missing, caulk on the electrical cord, and a dented exhaust vent. There was absolutely no question that the hood had been dismantled, installed, uninstalled, and repackaged (poorly and without all the necessary parts).
We wrote the company an... read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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