LOCATION: United States
Avatar Holdings
On Friday, February 15th my wife and I closed on our new home in Solivita, a retirement community. The next day we were told that the builder, Avatar, had lowered the base price of our home by 20% to weeks prior to our closing. I feel that my wife and I were cheated and deceived by their action. We did a walk-thru 2 days prior to our closing and the sales people purposely did not inform us of the price reduction. Rick Woodley, VP, General Manager at Solivita, called me in response to my e-mail to Mr.Fels. CEO/President of Avatar Holdings. He... read full review »
Flex Realty
My mother died in October. I flew back to Toledo and went to Flex Realty after my accountant said I needed to get appraisals on the 6 properties she owned there and they managed. I was told, "No problem".
Two months passed and I called and spoke to the owner. He assured me they could do the job and would get to it immediately. I have called them at least a dozen times and the owner seems to always be "unavailable" and there has not been a single response to my calls.
We need these appraisals to do our taxes. The owner... read full review »
Fremont Investment & Loan
Hello, A while back I was in the midst of refinancing my condo with a cash out option The lender, Fremont Investment & Loan in Brea, CA requested that I have some final papers notarized. Because I was out of the country, I had to do it before the notary public at the American Embassy. I did so. They rejected the signatures as not being mine. I asked them to pick up the phone and call the notary public in Argentina. They refused. I filed several complaints, the last with the NY Banking Dept. Fremont first said that the signatures were... read full review »
Liberty One Realty
May 18 2008 My wife and I went through this realtor at liberty one. I found him through a co worker. We made contact over the phone and seemed like a nice guy but that was just a front. We are first time home buyers and don't know very much at all about the realty business. So we find a home that we thought was a ok starter home for us.The realtor says we offer financing. I say ok lets do it! We set a date with the seller on this foreclosed home the sellers offer was 4000 for closing and 6000 to put back into the home at a price of 149... read full review »
Cavtel slammed my phone service. After being switched from Talk America to Cavtel, I assumed things would run as smooth as Talk America ran them..I have been being charged for calls that I don't make. They have this per call use charge of $1.25 for every call I made and even #800 calls that are incoming to my phone, such as credit card companies, etc, , , I had $125 in per use call charges in November alone!! I was never informed of this and after checking back on my bill since 3-07, I noticed this was a feature I didn't add!! Tried... read full review »
north america trust co.inc
do you a company call north america trust co. inc that your company donor money to please e-mail me back .because they said they will be senting my check that i won.please e-mail me at [email protected] amer read full review »
Freemont Financial
Took months of loan up front Never rec'd loan Stll insists it is coming read full review »
I once bought some medication over the internet and received it in 2 days. Ever since I have been bombarded by telemarketers trying to sell me everything from over the counter meds to illegal prescription drugs. I made the mistake of ordering from a pharmacy using the name RXnetwork with a phone number of 305-396-3553. They told me they don't take credit cards which I thought was a good thing so nobody could use it to make illegal charges or steal my identity etc. They told me to send it Western Union and I did. I feel like an idiot. It... read full review »
The Mityvac 7201 fluid evacuator requires no power to create a vacuum and pressure to evacuate and disperse most automotive liquids and chemicals. The Mityvac contains a piece of plastic tube that you insert into the dipstick of your car to operate. However the plastic tube can break and a good size of the tube can be stuck in the bottom of the dipstick where the oilpan sits.
This is exactly what happened to me. While using the device to extract motor oil, a 5" inch piece of tubing broke off and sat at the bottom of the oil pan in my... read full review »
Wells Court Development
I bought a condo from the notorious F. Blake Longacre (he's been in the papers before for being a swindler, which I didn't know until it was too late) and he didn't finish it until after our contract date, over TWO YEARS! for one condo unit. He tried to blame everyone else, got caught lying to the BBB, has been through 3 lawyers in my case, etc...
The thing is, he changed the layout of the complex: it was supposed to include a commercial area in front, but decided to cancel that part of the project after contracts were... read full review »
Jackson Development Group
It all started with a dream...On August 2007, my boyfriend and I wanted to buy a condo at Sedgwick Ave in the Bronx. We gave 30, 000.00 contract downpayment. Due to an increase of 10% from the Bank of America I had to apply for an FHA loan. After months of waiting for a closing date, I was told that the condominium building was not FHA approval.
We waited four months and at the end the bank gave us a DISAPPROVAL loan letter.My lawyer has sent numerous letters to Jackson Develpoment demanding our money. Two months later, and they have not... read full review »
National Sports Services
On June 18th, National Sports Services was guaranteeing a winner in a baseball game. If this team did not win, we would receive their picks for the remainder of June for free. I purchased the game for $25. Well, their guaranteed game LOST. According to their ad, I was supposed to receive free picks for the rest of June. Did National Sports Services call me, or e-mail me, my free pick on June 19th? NO! I waited until 3 o'clock Pacific coast time. Then, I was the one who had to initiate the contact. By me calling them, they were able to use... read full review »
Aaims Property Mgmt
I came to American when I was 9 years old. My parents wanted more for me and my family. I joined the Army @ age 18. I love this country and fighting for my country. I have gone to war, and was blessed to come back home to be with my love one's. But the battle wounds I have gotten from Aaims property has left me numb. How can a company continue to excessive with the matter of how they conduct business? I had rental property listed with them. They lease my property out to tenant the tenant was in my home for 8 months and they damage my... read full review »
SHEILA read full review »
Diversified Management Consultants
On November 7, 2005 my oldest son died from the serious congenital heart disease he was born with. Shortly after, an ex-coworker approached me about a company that she was working for. And according to her, they'd changed her and her husbands lives. By all outward appearances it seemed to be so. ie:they both were driving expensive new cars, they lived in a new upscale home, etc. Between this couple and the Vice President of the company, I was pursued unrelentlessly. And although I turned them down many, many times, there came a point when... read full review »
Societe Generale & Quantum Servicing
I am writing to you to help us save our California home! I am hoping you could investigate why a Tampa Loan Servicing Company retained by Societe Generale a French Banking Giant is raising our monthly payment from $4, 528 per month to $7, 449, despite our Hardship documentation showing our struggle to make the current payment! We believe this is a clear case of these guys trying to appease Congress that they are offering Loan Modifications to their borrower. I would love to find out if this French Bank have received any bail out dollars and... read full review »
I paid non-plagerized term papers to write a paper on world religion for me. I have used this service once before and had a great experience. This site claims that all papers are 100% non-plagerized and if you do receive a paper that has been plagerized and you can prove it they will refund your money. My paper was 95% plagerized and I had the proof. I emailed several times. No response. I called and left a message and no response.
At first I just wanted another paper, now I just want my $79.60 returned. I think other students should be... read full review »
Danni's comments last night was disgraceful! She should be sacked or quit the show immediately! read full review »
We needed our website redone as soon as possible. I interviewed several companies, and chose Yerasoft because they said they would get it done in 4-6 weeks. They said since they would rush it, they needed to be paid in full. I paid them $2400, and sent material for them to get started. I called at 4 weeks to find out why no one had contacted me. I was told, "these things take time." I called at 6 weeks to remind them it was deadline, but no one contacted me yet. They said they were taking 6-8 weeks, and someone would call me. No one... read full review »
Frontier Communication
I recently keep getting disconnect from internet several times, and my computer shows I got limit connectivity which mean the signal is bad. How can I get bad signal when the internet modem is upstairs, my room is downstairs, and I have a good wireless network? The limit connectivity causes my wireless network and the rest of wireless networks to disconnect. At the time, I knew the problem is the internet modem because it keeps giving the wireless networks disconnect several time. This keep happen to me almost every single day. In some case... read full review »
Unifund/como law
I had a providian credit card that was sold to emerge and paid off and closed. Now on my credit report it says that I still owe providian from 2002 (Maybe it has beeen there for a while)
Como Law filed a judgement against me and now has put a levy on my bank account. I am trying to find out what to do.
I am not sure where to turn. Every where I go they will give me no information on it and dealing with Como Law firm is impossible. Don't return phone calls and when they do you can't get anywhere with them and they are extremely rude when you ask a question or just plain hang up. read full review »
Sergeant's Gold Flea and Tick Carpet powder
I used Sergeant's Flea and Tick Carpet powder. Sprinkled, broomed, then vacuumed per instructions. Actually, instructions say for best results leave on carpet for 24 hours. Wait til dust settles after brooming before allowing pets into room. But we vacuumed right away. 4 hours later my daughter and 4 month old collie/lab mix came over for 4 hour visit. After getting home the puppy had a "seizure". I'm not a vet but she was shaking uncontrollably, disorientated, foaming at the mouth, etc. I believe it was a seizure. Called 800... read full review »
Big Break , Oakley ,Ca - East Bay Regional Parks
Well East Bay Regional Parks " According to Contra Costa Times Like we said You own Big Break
Clean Up your back yard, Your Staff has already admitted you have removed some of the hazards
In fact your Chief Mrs . Althoff told reporters just that, However a victim received a letter from
East bay Regional Parks telling won of the victims they do not own big break !! Bold Face Lie !!
Guess we will have to let a jury decide guess East Bay Regional Parks forgot about Pat O Brien
whom was the purchase Agent and... read full review »
Money Tree Debit Card
So I go to Money Tree and put on 10 bucks for the book I want to order online. I get a text message saying that I have just credited my account with 10 bucks. I go home and order a book and then get an email saying that my card was declined. Huh? The book cost 7 something and even your text message said I had 10 bucks on my account.
Anyways, I call up the number on the card to check my balance. I had $6.88 left on the card! I checked to see if maybe there was a charge to my account and there has been nothing in the past 2 days and it seem... read full review »
u.s. games
the system is inaccurate read full review »
21 st Mortgage
We are harrassed every month. We have never been over 30 days late. We never have the same account representative to speak with. When we ask to speak to a supervisor we are given a man who tells us how uneducated we are and how much smarter he is than us. He demands to know just what we are doing with our money. My husband had a accident and is unable to work I am the only one working. He crushed both his legs and has multiple surg. So we have alot of medical bills. He yells at us and and makes threats that he will be here to take our home on... read full review »
wilson neal
rip off report
wilson neal
house audit alert read full review »
Laurel Langmeier
Same story as others. What can we do? When I said I wasn't interested they still tried to collect. . . read full review »
Davison Design & Development
As a former Davison salesperson, I truly feel it is my duty to tell people just how heartless this company is and feels about the general consumer out there. It amazes me to see their web site and all the smiling and palm pressing & the 'wonderful' stories on the site about how great they are, all the companies they work with, all the happy customers, blah, blah, blah. The only thing is, I was on the inside for a long time and saw as well as heard first hand what really matters. We didn't make any money from royalties. What... read full review »
My boyfriend bought me fendi sunglasses from this site, I want to return the shades since the
are to big for my face. Well. I went to their return site and fil out form twices and submitted because I need a rma code in order to send it back said within 24 hrs someone will contact me and have not heard anything from these people! Its been 3 days now. And also my boyfriend had noticed a transaction made with his card. These site is bogus and it's a scam ! read full review »
never had my authorization to charge credit card $69.97 amonth on bill every month. read full review »
Texas Coastal Vacations
This place was an absolute nightmare and Rick Bennett is a complete joke!!! I have found more than 121 negative reviews not only on this mans properties but him as well! I know for a fact that as of right now he has two complaints to the Better Business Bureau of Texas and has been turned into the Health Department as well as numerous other agencies. His properties are unsafe and unsanitary!!! DO NOT RENT FROM TEXAS COASTAL VACATIONS AND DO NOT STAY AT VILLA DE SOL IN CORPUS CHRISTI, TX. read full review »
Green Tea Purity/ Acai Pure/ Guarana Pure
Basically this is a warning to everyone who comes across ANY of these companies for a free trial of their products. They were on some Facebook games to get bonus points, just sign up for the "FREE TRIAL" of these items, pay the small shipping charge, cancel the product and you will not be charged. This is 100% SCAM and BS LIE. The 3 products were "Green Tea Purity", "Acai Pure" and "Guarana Pure." Now I know how these things work and I called to cancel very shortly after ordering. Problem was, I never got any... read full review »
bottonlinebooks-Treasury of Health Secrets
I sent the book back unopened- and they keep sending me a bill for it. I wrote them twice about it, but they keep sending me a bill. read full review »
Consumer Health Benefit Association
I am widowed and thus lost my health insurance when my husband died. I am on several expensive medications and have been looking for a plan that would give me good RX coverage. Somehow I wandered onto the Consumer Health Benefit Association. I understood this wasn't "insurance" but there are plans available that do get you a substantially lower price than if you go it alone. Well CHBA, or Three Rivers as I was told to tell providers if they didn't recognize my benefit card info, costs $129 joining fee along with paying the... read full review »
I have had the same experience as many of you, But I started out prepared because I have always been weary of online transactions. I saw the e-cig at a fair, I decided to research e-cigs before I purchased it to see what others had to say about it. I then placed my order with smokingeverwhere.com Each step of the order I copied the page including terms & conditons and pasted on an email page sent to myself. Order placed 09/18, 5 days later no product, knowing it was a 14 day trial begging order date, I called & was told the order... read full review »
The last 3 times I have been in CiCi the place has not been clean. The Napkin holders were very stickey. The some of tables were not very clean. The manger Kris Daniels didn't care if I would eat there. He gave my money back. I asked if the tables and napkin holders to be clean. He took one swip and said it was clean. There were still sticky. He is not a good manger. He acted like it was a hard job keeping it clean. When I told him it was not clean. He said it was. He doesn't know how to keep the resturant clean. I have call the... read full review »
LACIE d2 Quadra drive
Drive does not show icon on desktop to communicate with. Drive has stopped receiving backups from Time Machine (Mac). The unit makes noise while turned off so I have to disconnect it from the elect receptacle. I have contacted the tech support of LaCie but I can't seem to get it through their heads that without an icon I can't perform various tasks like reformatting the drive. They have stopped communicating with me and are in-denial and silence hoping that I will go away. read full review »
Whole order
My husband, roomate and daughters went to a KFC/ Taco Bell on my lunch break. We ordered a big meal consisting of a stuffed burrito, 2 chicken quesidillas, 2 cheese wraps, 2 cinnamon twist, an order of nachos, and at least 4 soft tacos. The stuffed burrito was burnt and torn all over the place when I opened it up. The two chicken quesidillas should have just been called quesadillas because there was barely any chicken on them. The cheese wraps were hard. The soft tacos were not soft and the only thing that came out right out of this over 20.00... read full review »
Walmart s' prepaid visa card
I am unable to use my walmart visa card that I purchased at Walmarts' online to purchase software although the money is on the card or so it says.I wan't my money back if I can't use the card. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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