LOCATION: United States

323 Motors Rims, Tires CK TIRE, INC
I WAS SCAMMED111 February 8, 2011
TOLL-FREE. 888.240.5080 SHOP. 323.234.4800 FAX. 323.234.8426 E-mail. [email protected] This is the Biggest Scam ever DO NOT EVER USE THIS COMPANY THEY ARE A MAJOR SCAM... I paid thousands of dollars for rims and Tires... They never sent them. They also charged my credit card an extra 10, 000 dollars. The guys name is Brian that is his alias his real name is Kim Yun. He is an asian scam artist. Beware they have ripped tousands of people off read the lawsuites against them... BAD BAD Business help bring these people down I tried to get nice tires for my son and the company was a big giant scam DO NOT USE THEM!!! read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
John D February 9, 2011
I order a Motorola V8 Razr2 cellphone from this so called company, and they were paid by Paypal and I have never received my product. My credit card was charged and I have emailed them numerous times with no response, I have called them numerous times with no response. I have left messages numerous times with no response. I called the phone number on the website and the phone number that paypal has on file for them and the phone number is fake. Just some housewife answered and said her number is being used illegally. Stay away from Pashacell. They are rippoffs. I will not give up on this. They will be shutdown. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Vektor February 9, 2011
On December 22, 2010, I travelled by train in France from Charles de Gaulle 2 TGV station to Marseille St Charles station in France, with SNCF, the unique state-owned French railroad service. At that time, train traffic was disrupted in nearly the whole territory because of a snow storm. My train left Charles de Gaulle station late with more than two hours and a half delay and arrived at Marseille station with the same delay. I am aware that these exceptional weather conditions mainly explain this delay. However I hardly understand and accept... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Romans Pizza
Iglist February 9, 2011
I Ordered a Supreme pizza with extra pineapple. When I went to pick it up they frogot to put the pineapple on the pizza (wich is fine). They sent it back to correct it and I saw that the guy without gloves is lifting up the cheese with his fingers and pushing the pineapple underneath. I freaked out and asked them how they could work like that. All the other workers were sitting on the ktchen counter eating and licking their hands. This is disgusting!!! I took the gross looking pizza to work to show all the people I work with how disgusting and... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Sparkart Group Inc.
Hobbs February 9, 2011
On 1/13/11 I went to JanetJackson.com to purchase my pre-sale tickets which open up to the fans at 12 noon eastern time. I was shut out several times before finally being able to select a row and purchase my tickets. I clicked on row L which did not state sold out then I clicked purchase and put in my personal and credit card info. After I purchased my tickets I was sent an email stating seat u-101 section orchestra which is not what I clicked on. I have called this company several times asking why was I charged for something I never clicked... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
James L February 9, 2011
I bought a can of baby corn pieces. i opened the can and it was not baby corn inside. instead it looked like grey-ish stringy brain matter. i have no idea as to what was in the jar but it was definately not corn, not even rotten corn. but a completely different substance ive never seen before. very dissapointed and mr goudas website has no number, or complaint department. i have nowhere to go to get ahold of them. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Topline Nails
Stiffler February 9, 2011
I went in a week ago to get my eyebrows waxed and a pedicure. The wax took a little longer than a usual one so I assumed it was being done to perfection. When shown the ending results it didn't look too different from what I started with. It didn't look as if I'd gotten a full wax (as if the wax wasn't hot enough so didn't grab all the hairs). I didn't think much of it at the moment because I could discuss it with management afterward. I then go to get my pedicure that not only lasted almost 3 hours which is very... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Keran B February 9, 2011
VigRx plus male enhancement pills are an amazing pill! do not listen to the reviews that say vigrx is a scam. Vigrx plus did wonders for me in the bedroom. i took it right before having sex and i was able to get an erection almost instantly and it lasted soo much longer then it usually did. i didnt have to worry about losing it half way through. i definitely recommend it for any other men. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
gmccorison February 9, 2011
While doing my bi-weekly bank account overview, I noticed an unauthorized charge for $36.10. Neither my wife nor I had authorized the charge. My bank was notified and a fraud/scam investigation was started. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Cell Tek-Spy
cnix February 9, 2011
This company is bogus. I purchased cell phone spyware that didn't work at all. The website initally claimed 10 day money back guarantee, I called and sent an e-mail within the first two days of purchase. I called several times before I was able to get in contact with someone. When I finally reached someone they told me they were working on getting the refunds out, they sent me a confirmation E-mail that stated I would receive my refund within 3 days. It has beeen well over a back. Warning don't purchase anything from this company. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Vereeniging Jewelers
Bitshop February 9, 2011
I would like to inform all South Africans that Belagio Jewellers in Alberton City Mall sell inferior quality diamonds. The diamonds crack for no reason and when you take the diamond jewelery back to Belagio they refuse to repair or replace the jewelery. This store will rip you off and take your money with a smile with no after sales service what so ever. Please everyone who is looking to buy jewelery for any reason should look somewhere else, it will be worth your while to do so from a more honest jeweler. read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
bushpilot February 9, 2011
I am a woman and took my car to be repaired to that shop after speaking to my insurance company who reccommeded this Body Shop. The owner stated that the repairs would be done just as if the car went to Jaguar dealership. Needless to say, when the car was done it had dents and scratches that were not there prior to the accident, parts didn't fit right, parts that were missing and the paint work was substandard. The parts appeared to be used, when in fact they had charged the insurance company for new parts. The parts were in fact... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Shawn Rinzee
Concerned_4_U February 9, 2011
Do a search on this site for Shawn Rinzee and you will see that he has responded to around 50 individuals, all negatively to the individual. No suggestive help to anybody. It sounds like he is either a very young kid acting big or an older man that is trying to be young and tough. He apparently has gay / transvestite tendencies and this is one of the ways he can get his attention without anybody really knowing who he is. read full review »
Filled under: Other Location: United States
Leapster Explorer Wolverine Game
LeapsterFan February 9, 2011
Leapfrog Wolverine Game - Too Violent ...the Leapfrog game Wolverine and XMen is way too violent for young minds...this game is unlike every other game Leapfrog offers...Leapfrog has marketed this product as a "spelling and word building" game...but is a straight 'up "fighting game"...that encourages violent acts, such as stabbing and kicking...Leapfrog has not responded to any of my feedback...that is another disappointment in it's self...I would imagine such a company would appreciate response from parents who... read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Southern Dolls, LLC
hope4kittens February 9, 2011
I bought 2 Ragdoll kittens from Cheryl and Luke Bromagen of Southern Dolls, LLC in October 2009. Southern Dolls misrepresented the health of the kittens per their health guarantee and both had to be euthanized--one within one week and the other six months later due to necropsy-confirmed FIP--a disease that is 100% fatal. It was a devastating experience for the kittens and for my family. We received a court judgment in our favor. read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Cooper Institute for Infertility
Bridgett1 February 9, 2011
My husband and I started going to Cooper Institute in August 2009 to try to have a baby. We had a consult with a doctor prior to going to Cooper and after various tests the doctor determined we had very little chance of getting pregnant with my own eggs so we decided we would find an egg donor. In our first consult with Dr. Brazile, she told us "you have a very good chance of getting pregnant with your own eggs". We were ecstatic. We went through two failed cycles. After spending $9, 000 we decided to go to the donor office and do what... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Mango Air
REutov February 9, 2011
After traveling from Dubai to Johannesburg, my final destination being Durban, I booked the earliest available flight from Johannesburg to Durban. This was via Mango Airlines. After the 1 hour flight, I arrived at my final destination. It didnt occur to me that the bag was opened and items where taken, I realised this once I reached my hotel room. I was disgusted and the siight when my bag was opened, the airport staff had enough time to go open the double locked bag and take the perfumes, expensive clothing, toiletries bag, my kids gift... read full review »
Filled under: Travel Location: United States
Macys West
srecal February 9, 2011
Was Rob-May employee. After merger, Macy's treated former RobMay employees horribly. What is shocking is they couldn't care less about hourly employees and made it very obvious. Their schedule was rigid - couldn't change it. Everytime you had a question about benefits, schedule, etc. you were told to go online. HR Manager was at the store 2 times a week and left before evening employees were scheduled to work. A large majority of former RobMay employees were "retired" or laid off for various reasons. I have informed... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
Weight Loss Dojo
Piter P February 9, 2011
Weight Loss Dojo out of the blue sent me 2 DVD's that I did not order as I've never heard of that company, which I intended to return. There was an 888# included on their weight loss sales card and their website at the bottom.I called the 888-201-7926# but after 2 rings it disconnected.I tried this 3 times. I then looked at their website and noticed the complaints.I am going ahead and sending them back to them, checking my account and alerting my cc company. This scam must be stopped sooner than later!! read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
diplomaxpress SCAM WARNING!!!!
Inverstigator Johnson February 9, 2011
The Fake Diploma Review Forum - SuperiorFakeDegrees.com - www.creativediplomas.com SCAM-SCAM-SCAM-SCAM Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise Nolan OWNS AN OPERATES FAKEDIPLOMA-REVIEW.COM FAKEDIPLOMAREVIEW.COM www.askthetrainer.org Close Due to Scamming superiorfakedegrees.com & fakediploma-reviews.com fakediplomareview.com www.creativediplomas.com AKA’s or Others Sites DIPLOMASERVICES.COM Legally... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Diplomaxpress Scam Site
Inverstigator Johnson February 9, 2011
The Fake Diploma Review Forum - SuperiorFakeDegrees.com - www.creativediplomas.com SCAM-SCAM-SCAM-SCAM Superiorfakedegrees Phony Site, Scam Web Site, Phony, Phony Owner/Operator or who's reall taking your money Jared Nolan & Denise Nolan OWNS AN OPERATES FAKEDIPLOMA-REVIEW.COM FAKEDIPLOMAREVIEW.COM www.askthetrainer.org Close Due to Scamming superiorfakedegrees.com & fakediploma-reviews.com fakediplomareview.com www.creativediplomas.com AKA’s or Others Sites DIPLOMASERVICES.COM Legally... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
Transworld Systems Complaint
Michael E Walter MD February 9, 2011
A year ago I was having a major issue with patients not paying their bills. No matter how nice we were and how hard we tried to work with our patients at the end of the day they were just not paying us. It was so bad that I was having a hard time paying my employees and was at the point of laying off some of my staff. A gentlemen from Transworld Systems came in and talked to me about they would be able to help me. I was very reluctant to use their service. When I went to the different websites complaining about Transworld I had decided... read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
POG SavingPays
frantzou99 February 9, 2011
This company have been taking money into my checking account for the past two weeks and its killing because I don't even know what I'm actually paying for. the worse thing is that they don't can't be reached at all. I'm kindly asking the board of complaint to take this into consideration. read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Litton Financial services
NinaAV February 9, 2011
I was contacted by Miss Rashia Sihna. As we spoke I told her I was looking for a job that required a BA since I wanted a career that would pay for that category and I was bilingual. I did not want to waste her or my time. When I got there it was in a bad neighborhood, the people were dressed in jeans while I was dressed professionally. The receptionist was rude and made me feel like she was doing me a favor. There was some testing which they never told me about but it was easy. Most of the people I saw did not have BAs..you can tell when they... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
reroute February 9, 2011
I tried to return an item today at the HEB in Beeville, Tx. This is what happened: I did not have my receipt because the item was purchased several weeks ago. The girl at the desk took the item to another room and closed the door. She came out a few minutes later and said that the item I was returning had not been purchased at that Beeville HEB in the last 2 months. I told her I may have purchase it longer ago or I may have purchased it at another HEB in a town near by. She said I could not return it without a receipt. I said I did not want... read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
leisureplus / savings to go
lena greene February 9, 2011
I've already added my complaint to many others about this company, then went to the federal trade commission and my local news station channel 7 whom actually was the ones that I got the number from in the first place ! I called to get unclaimed cash and was patched thru to this company ! so you should join me in these complaints the more the merrier !! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Stop repair bills dot com
PissedoffAgain February 9, 2011
I've too three sales people today to stop calling, but they just get someone else to call. I emailed about a quote for a truck I wanted to buy (I don't even have it yet). They kept trying to muscle me into buying a policy and I kept refusing to buy a policy on a vehicle I don't even own! Its not even in my possession! Another guy called I said I wasn't interested. He kept telling me every minute is another dollar that you have to pending fixing your truck. I kept having to tell them I don't have the truck! Then another... read full review »
Filled under: Automotive Location: United States
Pedagree/ Dentastix
Joseph Cacciotti February 8, 2011
On February 8, 2011 I traveled to Walmart to get my dog some treats, and I had a $2.00 coupon for Dentastyx from the manufactorer. When I went to check out the coupon would not scan, the expire date was 3/18/11, the cashier tried two more times and then called over the manager. She came over (her name I didn't see on her badge) and she read the coupon. Then she told me the picture on the coupon says 7 stix, and since I had an 18 stix bag they wouldn't take it. I even showed her where it stated Available in Mini, Small/Medium and... read full review »
Filled under: Family & Pets Location: United States
Seacoast Pediatric
Mel06 February 8, 2011
Today I brought my 3 1/2 yr old son to Dr. Ergas' office for a checkup. I am familiar with their prefrences for children to go back by themselves, but with my son being so young and being nervous, I was more than happy to accompany him. The assistant that we first saw was very nice, trying to make him comfortable, as he was covering his mouth because he didn't want to show his teeth. (very normal for a 3 yr old, obviously) After a few minutes, she told him she was going to go get Dr. Ergas so he could look at his teeth. When the Dr... read full review »
Filled under: Lifestyle Location: United States
BBV hotbook sale
iriskas February 9, 2011
purchased a book for $11.00 6/2010. Was being charged $9.95 per month for some membership. When I called the company and said that I have not signed anything nor have I received any memebership info from them, they said that as of 1/2011 they changed their policy and now "you are able to see better when you are signed up for a membership during the purchase transaction". Spoke to bernard 2/08/11. read full review »
Filled under: Entertainment Location: United States
Nokia Express Music 5800
Parag Bapat February 9, 2011
Hi I have lost my mobile Nokia Express Music 5800 whose IME No. is 357988030030774 . If suppose person is using any airtel SIM in this let me know that SIM which no. which is in use now in this mobile 357988030030774 IME. Mightbe the person who has stolen this is using an AIRTEL SIM in this. So just want to know that SIM no. which is in use with this mobile right now... Regards Parag read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States
Blackswan Capital/ Street Car
danbv February 9, 2011
BEWARE!!! These drug using, prostitute hiring, cheating, non educated former mortgage brokers are selling the pie in the sky to VanCap guys that they have a 90day open and close program to register and bring companies to the open pink sheet market. Bruce Cosgrove, Aaron Lamkin and Joe Santora are the pilots and coordinators and they come cheap. But when you want to get your funds released because they claim FINRA can't complete registration, GOOD LUCK! You'll have to chase them in their leased cars and hookers and surrounded by their drug dealers. Like i Said, BEWARE and GOOD LUCK! read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Esprit De Corps Learning center (private school)
Hargie Hokins February 9, 2011
Beginning in September of 2010, two week after school already, my girls started at this school. I was not giving any new instructions concerning, rules changes nor any code of conduct stating that their been some changes concerning cell phone. Last year in 2009 the cell phone were giving to the front office and left until the end of the day. How ever, it was changed with out my knowledge. In 2010 they took my daughter Jameca's cell phone and did not return it until the end of this school year. What should have happen was, they should have... read full review »
Filled under: Education Location: United States
La Familia Sales, Inc.
Nalini Narayan February 11, 2011
Young lady (Chari Logan) knocked on my door and had very good story regarding La Familia program and how they have been helping her get out of the streets. Sold me 2 year subscription magazine for $65.00. They cashed the check and NO magazine. Their phone number is disconnected and I read blogs on the internet to “not buy” from La Familia solicitors. It’s a fraud company. How do I get my money back? read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
peugeot February 9, 2011
GovSSNRecords took my payment and then changed the way the website works asking for more money for premium search services which is what the originally sold. Complete rip off. Cannot get in touch with anyone. Post on this site if anyone is thinking class action. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
ANADI CHARAN NAYAK February 9, 2011
GET ME MONEY SOON. read full review »
Filled under: Websites Location: United States
Binary Semantics
ShashankJain February 9, 2011
This is the most stupid company with top most idiotic managers. Top executives will take life of juniors by imposing unnecessary work pressure. This company has very bad working environment. The TLs provides no encouragement and unnecessary exploitation is done. No employee retention plan is in place and few top panel people can suck your blood whichever they want because there is no one to stop them. For junior level employees this place is a living hell. read full review »
Filled under: Services Location: United States
Steve Green February 9, 2011
This damn company is just a bull shit. Nothing works well with this. Full of issues with the website. Interface is not good and easy to understand as an end user. Full of bugs. Fax service always has problems. Waste of money. I switched to mapass and my business has increased. Definitely mapass is a time saver. The phrase itself implies about mapass. "ONE CALL DOES IT ALL". read full review »
Filled under: Business & Finances Location: United States
Tuan Pham
NewID February 9, 2011
Did not pay for the novelty ID he ordered. His address is Tuan Pham 225 Bramblewood Lane Morehead, KY 40351 Email address: [email protected] Posted by [email protected] read full review »
Filled under: Miscellaneous Location: United States
Sont TV KDL 46VL 150
Buckpa February 9, 2011
Bought this tv at Costco in Feb 2010 and had it repaired two times in May and August for the same thing D1N/D2N board. I called Sony and argued that it's a defective part and want the tv replaced. No success. Sony's solution was to give me a phone number to call if I have any more problems. Big deal. read full review »
Filled under: Electronics Location: United States


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