LOCATION: United States
Car Max
We all know how deceptive Car Companies can be, but it surprised me that Car Max, which is a self-described "no bullshit" car company would be running this scam. When you buy a car, in my case, a 2001 Lincoln Navigator, the salesman pressures you to buy the extended warranty. This is not cheap, in my case I purchased the warranty for $1800, figuring that a "no bullshit" company would have a "no bullshit" warranty.
Surprisingly, such was not the case. During my extended warranty, the transmission went out on my... read full review »
This company is working through another company www.ildteleservices.com to charge people for services not ordered through them. I have not even heard of this company until I saw their charge of $12.95 on my phone bill. They are roaming through the phone bokks and selecting phone #'s to charge services to without contacting the customer...I want to sue them and will stand with any one else who does. piss on their graves for this! read full review »
My Dynasty Sales.com
This young man / boy just came by to sell books. Said he lives in the neighborhood, is home-schooled and selling products to raise money for his soccer team to travel. I fell for it, and then was a fool and let him in my home while I wrote the check. Once he was in I had a bad feeling about this, and just wrote the check as fast as I could. He was asking somewhat intrusive questions, but still going with the story he lives a few streets over.
After he left a neighbor called saying she didn't believe his story. I grabbed my camera and... read full review »
Citi Morgage
attached is the copy you sent me. but there was damage done to the inside of my home and i insist that you please SEND AN ADJUSTOR to my home as soon as possible. We are in ill health and our doctor is very upset over the damage to our kitchen, dinning room and living room cellings and walls causes from the damage and which we have waited for you so long over this that there is BLACK MOLD in the celling and walls now causing us medical problems... Our Doctors want the damage taken care of amit. as soon as can be for our health or we are going... read full review »
MyLife/ Search
I Was Charged $23.88 For something I did NOT sign up for read full review »
Blue Sky Classic Cars Alan Fox
Please be warned- Do not buy a car or take your precious car to Alan Fox's Blue Sky Classic Cars. You will get ripped off and jerked around more than you can imagine possible. And it will take months. This guy is a fox. He lies, lies, lies and is completely incompetent.
I wish I read all the complaints about him and his car business before taking my car there. Wish the complaints would all be posted in one place. This guy is a total crook and should be shut down. His website shows beautiful cars and he has a great showroom. But... read full review »
Today Friday, December, 4 at around 9 in the morning I went to hafe breakfast .
the lady with the name leah. give me the food wiht poor education I feel bad
the truth I will never go back to that place if they could talk to her not to lose people like me. it was my first time going in to that place for breakfast . thank you very much for your atecion for reading my mail read full review »
iheater / top ten imports
complete rip off of a company
first you process the order online all the time giving you the same price.
then you enetr the credit card info and process the payment
suddenly the sytem charges you an extra 100 dollars
you call to cancel, they say no problem yet 2 weeks later the heater shows up at your door
you return it but they still charge your credit card the extra 100 dollars as a processing and shipping fee .
by the way the shipping is supposed to be free.
this company is a complete fraud
stay away as they will rip you off read full review »
Java Beanery Direct
I checked my Visa & there it was. $79 charge from these idiots? WHO are they & WHERE did they get my credit card number?
I cancelled my credit card & will not be charged for anything...
UNREAL read full review »
Sears Service and repair
I also have had a horrible experience with Sears. I too tried to call the above number with no luck. Today was the 3rd attempt (no actually 4th attempt) to get my range fixed. A technician came out about a year ago, said I needed new hinges on my range and he of course didn't have them and wasn't even sure he could get them. Told me I should get a new range. Over a year later I purchase a warranty for about $250 and am told this will cover all service calls and repairs up to 500. I tell them the range needs new hinges, please don
t... read full review »
Weight Watchers International Inc.
I purchased the Monthly Pass options (prepay for month ahead) to save money; out of numerous meeting days/times I can only attend Thursdays. Thanksgiving '09 fell on Thursday and Corporate says no credit given as I could attend other days. Same thing will happen Christmas Eve '09 so I will end up "eating" 2 weeks of my hard-earned money while cash paying members don't lose a penney by not attending when a meeting is not going to be held read full review »
Google Profits / TQG online bizkit
I did sign up for Google Profits biz kit, but then cancelled 2 hours later, when signing up there was no up front anything in their pitch about a one time charge of $99, but was apparently hidden in small print. First customer service told me that the $99 charge was for the kit which included a CD, none of which I recieved, when I told customer Service I didn't get it, she said I was supposed to call the sending company (crazy)
She then mentioned the one time charge for just signing up, which they never mention when you sign-up.
I cancelling my credit closing out my Visa card and getting a new one, before other charges from the show up! read full review »
you took money out off my acct ant dont know why i canclled a long time ago, why am i being charged read full review »
HP Plasma Lawsuit
Two days ago our TV died. We've only had it for about 3 years (really a little less than that).
I contacted HP tech support, thinking they would help. They went through a few things with me. Then they said it must be a board. They said they could come out to the house for $629 and try three attempts at fixing it (they didn't really say what would happen if it wasn't fixed after three attempts). They said it could cost more for a board, between $200 to $400. By then, it would be the amount of a new tv.
First, its awful to... read full review »
i can't get a hold of them on the phone to cancel. due to my doctor said this is bad for me. read full review »
Cleverbridge Net Koeln DF
I recently was checking my Credit Union Online Account, and found this company had taken $29.95 plus a separate charge of .30 fee off of my account, and I contacted my Credit Union about it, because I inew I had not charged anything or written any checks to this company, nor have I heard of it. That is why I am not able to give you their address, city, or anything else. The Credit Union told me to contact the company, but I can't find them, and am turning to you for help. I believe I have been scammed, and I need to find out what to do to... read full review »
Market Infusion
My company, OneArmedSEO.com was hired by Dan League of Market Infusion to do the SEO work for several of their clients because they have no SEO people or SEO experience, in fact everything is done by contractors.
I finished a job early for Dan League of Market Infusion and instructed him that final payment was now due, but he started giving one excuse after the other...he even said the person that writes the checks was killed in that plane crash that happened in February '09 and that all bank accounts were frozen...the fact is, i... read full review »
Yahoo Domain
They increase their domain price to $34 without giving any advance notice. SUCKKKKKK!!! Don't be a victim of their low price for the first year. They will kill you the next year with the increase price without notice in advance. They don't want to refund the money also when I call within 1 month period that they renew without my knowledge. read full review »
They increase their domain price to $34 without giving any advance notice. SUCKKKKKK!!! Don't be a victim of their low price for the first year. They will kill you the next year with the increase price without notice in advance. They don't want to refund the money also when I call within 1 month period that they renew without my knowledge. read full review »
Adzact Limited LLC
I "purchased" 11 microsites for $4, 995 with the guarantee of at least 110% return within one year. It has now been almost 18 months and I cannot even contact them on the phone number they provided. read full review »
ive been scamed by these people, and something should be done to stop people getting caught up there scam. They offered me free 30 day trial, plus shipping of 5.95. when i came to check my bank statement they took 65.00 without my say so and still kept taking money out every 30 days the product is a totally different packaging nothing like what was advidtised. I now have fruad team investergating them, and ive made sure the bank pays me what they have taken out... BEWARE DONT GET SUCKED IN LIKE I DID. THESE PEOPLE NEED STRINGING UP FOR WHAT LITTLE MONEY I HAVE. read full review »
Karate America
Stay far away from Karate America. They are a McDojo more interested in putting the ninja moves on your wallet than anything else.
It is impossible to cancel their membership and it is a complete rip-off. Go to http://ripoffreport.com and search for Karate America. Or just google "Karate America Complaints" and you'll see 100's more... read full review »
MDU is the worst company there is out there.I'm a single soldier living on FT IRWIN, CA .For the single soldier's that live in the barracks we only have two options for internet and cable.One is AWN which service sucks, the other is MDU which is even worst.I switch to MDU for internet and cable, it took a week before my cable started working.As for the internet it's the worst internet service ever!I subscribe for internet a week ago.They told me i have to be in my room between 9 and 1pm and if i'm not there i'll be... read full review »
On Line Identity Vault
I ordered a product (which had a 1 year guarntee or refund your money)and during the ordering process a popup window appeared, I immediatly closed the Popup, they happen all the time I always handle them in the same manner. Needless to say I never accepted anything from this pop up window yet 2 days after i ordered the product I had wanted, more new charges of $44.67 appeared on my Mastercard, I called about the charges as soon as i noticed them which was 6 days later and they said they would cancel the order but it was non refundable. I never... read full review »
Krystal's Hamburgers
the krystal's on canton highway in marietta/kennesaw, GA has very rude service, it is always bad but this is the first time I wanted to complain. I was there 5:56 am yesterday morning and the manager saw me pull up slowly past the doors and onto the drivethru, he was letting in other employees. I don't know if they didn't open until 6:00 ma or what but he still should have motioned to me that they weren't open yet or if they were going to be open at all that day. He already had his earphone on - as I spoke into the... read full review »
Glenn Home
I received an unauthorized charge of $55.00 on my bank statement in November from TWK Magazine. I immediatley contacted my bank who gave me a 800 number to call. I spoke with this automated system that acknowledged the charges and gave me a cancellation confirmation number but i have yet to see the charges reversed. This was on 11/11/09. How do I talk to a real person?? read full review »
Safe Trials Offer
I made a comment on "sickofscams"
Do not order anything from them. I do have a phone number that you can try. 1-800-589-5791. I set an alert on lins so that I get an email alert from my bank when something is charged to my account (over a certain amount) online, by phone or mail. That way I can check the charges and make sure I know of them. I called customer service at my bank and he gave me the number.
Restitution is still pending for the 9.95 shipping charge and 99.10 for the electronic cigarette to my account. read full review »
jts and associates/birth certificates
I went searching on the website for birth certificates for my mom and dad. The site asked for mailing address, then paypal infor for payment. After payment was received I was sent back to another website. There was no way for me to get the information to them for the certificates I was needing. Payment was taken and still no product. They had the audacity to send me an e-mail telling me that I have sent them no instructions, but the website did not allow me to do so AND the e-mail said "Please do not respond to this e-mail. This mailbox i... read full review »
BlueFakes.com Rolex fakes
Public service announcement:
Blue Fakes has now apparently been closed as a result of federal court judgment against them in November. They were sued by various name brand watch makers for selling fakes. If you go to http://www.bluefakes.com/ you now see the court order.
When I tried to contact them regarding a warranty question, their phone is not answered, and probably disconnected. Email is returned as undeliverable. I bought and received a fake Rolex on 'special sale discount'. Apparently, they were trying to burn out... read full review »
Arizona State University Parking and Transit Services
Two weeks ago I was taken off a waiting list for a parking structure next to my residence hall. There are four floors to this parking structure, and I park on the first floor as it is the most convenient and there is a lot of foot traffic (which I believe discourages theft and vandalism). I received a notice yesterday that I was only to park on the third level or higher, and if I didn't I would be ticketed. This was not explained to me at the time of purchase and I did not sign anything agreeing to these terms. My parking permit simply... read full review »
I have had very few delays or errors in my mail service other than the abrupt change in the time of day that I get my mail. Please be advised that on 12/3/09, I experienced not getting my Social Security check delivered. I have not heard of this type of delay in that the Social Security administration requires that these checks be delivered timely. Can any one shrare some light! read full review »
I placed an order with 101cells.com and it has been a month and my order hasnt been received. I looked but there is no phone number and every time I email them, I get no response. I was charged 37.00 and I didnt get my order. I am very upset. My order number is 56287! read full review »
Women's Levi 550 Relaxed Fit
I used to be able to buy Women's 550 Relaxed fit jeans that were 100% cotton...now the only jeans that I can find ANYWHERE have lycra/spandex in them. If I wanted to wear lycra spandex I would buy myself a nice pair of jogging pants, but then again that does not look very good with high heels or cowboy boots. Can you please tell me where I can find a pair of just regular ol' Levis jeans without all of the strechy material in them. I would buy mens, but the back pockets are too big and make my butt look huge. read full review »
Certegy Checks Services
We would like to complain about this company, Certegy. Today we had a fellow David from the Geek Squad come out to fix our computer. When he was finished we asked him if he took checks and his answer was YES also major credit cards. We wrote out a check as he said, making the payment to BEST BUY with my license number and DOB. Later while I was out David came back and spoke with my husband saying that our check was denied and that we would have to pay by credit card which he did and David returned our check. I would like to know why our check... read full review »
Wow, I ordered posters from Especially posters in August 2008 and found out quickly what a scam this was...Totally. now I have been sent two boxes of posters and charged $79.00 for each on my Visa. Checked the better business Bureau and found out the mother company is Peel, Inc...well known for their rip off ways and means. I called Peel, instead of calling Especially Posters (they never answer their c/s phones anyway) and was told a glitch in their system had inadvertently sent out posters and charged for them by mistake. I still don't... read full review »
The company offers UNLIMITED hosting for a low price. I uploaded 100GB of old video footage of my daughter when she was young, for the simple purpose of having a way for her Grandparents to watch them. Fat cow deleted them WITHOUT ANY NOTICE. They first said it was because the 100GB worth of files was causing problems with their servers. Then retracted when questioned and came back with: "They were video files...not 'normal' web files." Joshua (the supervisor I spoke with) was unable to identify what a "normal" web... read full review »
Coffee Outlet Store (Coffee Direct)
On 12/1/2009 a fraudulent charge of $79.00 from Coffee Direct showed up as a debit on my checking account. I DID NOT authorize this debit, so I had to go to my bank, cancel that debit card, and not I wait for the next 7-10 business days for that $79 charge to be reversed. I live in Springfield, MA. I had put most of that amount aside to shop for my grandchildren as I am on workers compensation income only and a struggling widow. Watch out for this company, the phone number that will show up is 1 866 794 2030, and is listed as coffee outlet store (Coffee Direct). read full review »
Walk Fit Orthotics/as seen on TV
Ordered a pair of Orthotics over the phone. Their Automated system wouldn't confirm what the total amount was billed. When I received the charges on line I was charged twice . I contacted their Customer Service Dept, you're connected to someplace in India and their rep gave me a confirmation # to return their product and write refused return to sender. I sent the product back with their number and cannot get my money back. This company is a very shady outfit and rips the consumer off. I want others to learn from my experience and please do not deal with WALK FIT.
Please post my complaint on the Internet.
Thank you...Reta Cardinal read full review »
BlueHippo, Funding, LLC.
Entered into contract to purchased a new desktop computer in July 2009. Paid $99 Activation Fee and then payments were debited to my account every Friday for $47.99. After 13 payments were made and all paperwork was signed and sent back as instructed. The computer was not sent. Called many times inquireing as to the whereabouts of the computer and was put off by BlueHippo stating they needed more time and that they were just waiting on a Tracking number from Dell. The contract stated that after 13 consecutive payments and paperwork filled out... read full review »
HWD Finacial
I applied for a loan thru HWD Finacial and they said i was approved i just needed to pay $900.00 to get the loan for insurance purposes. If i was to pay them $475.00 they would approve me for $10, 000 dollars. So i wired $515.00 to them and never received my loan money. I have called repeatly called to get my money back. The have told me numerous of times the money will be mailed to me thru money order and still have not received my money. DO NOT EVER USE THIS COMPANY THERE ARE FULL OF SHIT AND WILL STILL YOUR MONEY AND HAVE NO HEART TOO RETURN IT TO YOU. read full review »
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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